Customer Engineer-Infra CSA (Cloud Solution Architech) - Infrastructure/Windows/Azure (Thai 泰國) [美商軟體龍頭]
10/9 Updated
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

駐點泰國, 歡迎泰藉專業人士, 或熟泰語IT專家
Microsoft Senior Windows Infrastructure/Azure Expert (familiar with Thai and English)
We are looking for a highly motivated and passionate engineer (CSA:Cloud Solution Architect - Infrastructure) to drive customer transformation. You will own the customer engagements, including architecture, implementation, and production. The candidate must have experience in customer-facing roles and success in leading in-depth technical architecture discussions with senior customer executives, Architects, IT Management, and Developers to drive value to customers
Microsoft Senior Infra/Windows Engineering
The Infrastructure WinServer, Networking, WSUS, HyperV, Clustering, SCOM role is responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining Windows Server infrastructure and related systems. The role requires expertise in Windows Server administration, networking, virtualization, clustering, and system monitoring to ensure the reliability and availability of critical systems.
In-depth technical guidance, construction, and solving problem. Proficient in AD/System Center areas, and experienced in Hyper-V, Failover Cluster and Network areas of Microsoft systems:
1. AD
2. System Center(SCCM, SCOM, SCVMM)
3. Hyper-V
4. Failover Cluster
5. Network
Bachelor degree or above, senior engineer experience in large enterprises, foreign enterprises preferred. At least 3 years of work experience in a certain field. Basic English skills, able to view English documents, send and receive e-mails. Ability to explain complex topics in ways that can be understood by technical and business decision makers.
Technical requirements:
Solution area – Qualifications:
• Deep understanding in Windows server architecture
• Good Experience within in Active Directory
• Deep understanding in Networking architecture
• Experience within System Center\Hyper-V
• Deep troubleshooting skills with Windows server
• Experience within skills with Failover Clustering
• Proven track record in successfully planning, deploying, operating, and optimizing on-premises environments
• Exceptional verbal and written communication skills
• Ability to explain complex topics in ways that can be understood by technical and business decision makers
• Willingness to travel
Technical Skills - Solution area: Windows Server & System Center
• Broad knowledge of on-premises Microsoft products with deep understanding of (at least) three of the following: Active Directory, Windows Server, SCOM, SCCM, Virtualization, System Center, Networking.
• Technical experience with hybrid infrastructures, architecture designs, and technology management.
Proven subject matter expertise in the following:
• 5+ years’ experience in systems development, network operations, software support, IT consulting
• Self-reliant and strong team player, working in a fast-paced environment where technology and customers' requirements can change regularly
• Understanding of Microsoft’s Modern IT Architecture and Strategy
• PowerShell\Scripting experience
Identity related requirements:
• Experience in designing and implementing Active Directory
• Experience in backup and restore Active Directory
• Experience in troubleshooting Active Directory
Windows Server related requirements:
• Experience with virtualization (Hyper-V) platforms
• Experience with System Center platforms
• Networking (virtualization)
• Failover Clustering
• S2D
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Server Website Management
Basic Operating System Operations
Data Backup and Recovery
IT Equipment Environmental Settings
伺服器網站管理維護 作業系統基本操作 資料備份與復原 資訊設備環境設定
Job Category
Full-Stack Engineer
Other IT Professionals
Cloud Engineer
博彥科技(深交所上市公司:002649)是亞洲領先的全方位IT諮詢服務及行業解決方案提供商,在全球三大洲的六個國家設有超過30個分支機構和交付中心,具備全球範圍的交付能力和靈活多樣的交付方式。博彥專注於領先的全方位IT服務及行業解決方案,業務範圍涵蓋諮詢、產品研發、信息技術服務、系統集成、業務流程外包等服務,專注於高科技、互聯網、金融、電信、消費電子、製造、製藥、醫療、汽車、媒體、能源、科研教育和政府等領域,與眾多全球500強企業和行業新銳公司成功合作,積累了豐富的經驗。博彥的行業領軍地位得到了業內權威研究機構的認可,先後被評為IDC中國IT外包十強、IAOP全球外包100強、Global Service全球100強、加拿大CDN“解決方案供應商100強”、中國十大外包領軍企業及中國最佳雇主企業。 博彥的總部位於中國北京,從北京到西雅圖、矽谷、多倫多,再到東京、新加坡、新德里,台灣已形成橫跨亞洲、非洲和北美的惠及全球客戶的即時、高效、無縫式交付網絡。博彥擁有靈活多樣的服務模式,長期與全球不同訴求的客戶合作,在多年實踐中形成了軟件外包合作成熟度模型,根據需求態勢與合作價值預期​​為客戶提供團隊派駐服務、項目外包服務、離岸交付中心、全球服務中心四個級別的服務模式,為客戶提供即時、貼身、高效、優質的服務。 博彥聚焦客戶高效運營及商業價值最大化,致力於客戶核心價值的提升及戰略藍圖的構建,與全球客戶展開深度合作,形成了360度全方位戰略合作共贏模式,與客戶在戰略上緊密契合,以實現卓越運營、市場領航、持續創新為目標,為客戶帶來獨特的價值體驗。 博彥遵循全球最高的質量和安全標準,實施嚴密的安全措施,擁有完善、成熟的管理和開發流程,獲得了CMMI 5、ISO 20000、ISO 9001、ISO 27001一系列資質認證,並憑藉深厚的行業專長和成熟的行業實踐、國際化的精英團隊和完善的人才管理、完備的全球化交付和無縫的客戶服務網絡以及無處不在的創新精神和非凡的創新實踐,助力全球企業盡享安全智能的科技革新所帶來的卓越運營,為客戶持續創造關鍵價值,實現差異化服務戰略。
0 ~ 5 applicants