Internship - Quality Excellence team- Taichung _ J-00303970
10/9 Updated
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Hourly WageNT$ 183~200


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

“Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.” --- Steve Jobs
“When you do quality right, it creates trust with customers.” – Peter Wennink
ASML is committed to providing a high level of customer satisfaction and trust by delivering high-quality, sustainable products and services that consistently meet or exceed our customer’s expectations.
The ASML quality culture aims to shorten Time to Mature Yield and ensure end-to-end quality of our products and services through:
- First time right: Apply risk management on products and execution, to minimize the impact for our customers.
- Zero defect: Embed controls to guarantee adherence to our policies, processes, and procedures.
- Zero repeat: Learn from failures and prevent reoccurrence, driving structural improvement in our products, services, and processes.
Are you the one to exhibit interest and passion for continuous improvement, breakthrough comfort zone to deal with challenges and problem, like to conquer objectives and collaborate with people? Welcome to join CS QE Service Quality Excellence.
Job Description:
During internship period, you will take a pivotal role to assist meeting and quality activities arrangement and promotion, administrative work for quality daily operation, data collections and consolidations from quality databases by excel.
Personal Skills:
1. Good communication skill in English/Mandarin
2. Microsoft office skill: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint...etc.
3. Advance skills like Macro and familiar Microsoft office Apps are plus
4. Artist skills like photoshop/illustrator, video editing, photograph are plus
5. Working Time: at least 3 days per week
6. Contract Period: one year
Diversity and inclusion
ASML is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values and respects the importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce. It is the policy of the company to recruit, hire, train and promote persons in all job titles without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a driving force in the success of our company.
Need to know more about applying for a job at ASML? Read our frequently asked questions.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
總部位於荷蘭的ASML (台灣艾司摩爾) 是全球最大晶片微影設備市場的翹楚,為半導體製造商提供微影設備及相關服務,英特爾、三星和台積電等全球頂尖的半導體廠皆為ASML的客戶。ASML是一個國際化的企業,2023年的全球銷售額逾276億歐元,研發投資金額達40億歐元,佔當年度總營收的14.5%,ASML的業務快速成長,躍升為全球市值最大的半導體設備公司。40年來,ASML透過和客戶及供應商的緊密合作,搭配上高效能的營運流程,以及來自全球的優秀員工,逐步開創了我們在晶片微影領域的技術領先地位,協助其設計研發及整合高階系統,開發可用於各類資訊科技產品、行動通訊及物聯網相關產品的晶片,簡單來說,您每天都在使用的電子產品都仰賴我們的設備與技術服務。 ASML聚集全球頂尖人才來服務客戶 面對摩爾定律所帶來的技術挑戰,ASML 彙集了來自全球物理、電子、機電、軟體與精密技術領域最具有創造力的人才,不斷挑戰技術極限,讓終端消費者能夠用合理的價格買到更強大、更小巧、更便宜和更節能的電子設備,進而提升人類的生活品質。 Great Place To Work ASML致力於為員工打造最佳工作環境,讓全球優秀的工程師樂於在此工作、交流、學習和分享。ASML開放、尊重與創新導向的企業文化,不僅促進員工與同儕及主管間的率直討論、相互學習,更讓ASML能夠持續維持技術領先優勢。 總部位於荷蘭的ASML (台灣艾司摩爾) 是全球最大晶片微影設備市場的翹楚,為半導體製造商提供微影設備及相關服務。在全球16個國家設有超過60個辦公室,員工逾42,000人,來自143個國家。ASML在台灣員工為4,500人,於新竹、台中、台南設有辦公室,並在林口設有智慧製造中心,負責機台翻修與量測設備生產,於台南則設有電子束檢測設備製造中心。 ASML Linkou Office - 桃園縣龜山區華亞科技園區科技六路59號 (No.59, Ke Ji 6th Rd., Hwa Ya Technology Park, Gueishan Dist, Taoyuan City) ASML Hsinchu Office - 新竹市公道五路三段1號11樓 (11F, No. 1, Sec. 3, Gongdao 5th Rd., Hsinchu City) ASML Taichung Office - 台中市西屯區市政路480號10F(10F., No. 480, Shizheng Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City ) ASML Tainan Office - 台南市新市區國際路13號C棟1樓 (1F, building C, No.13, Guoji Rd., Xinshi Dist., Tainan City) ASML Tainan Factory - 台南市新市區大利一路9號 (No.9, Dali 1st Rd., Xinshi Dist., Tainan City) ASML在阿姆斯特丹泛歐交易所及納斯達克上市,股票代碼"ASML"。更多關於ASML及其產品、職缺,請參閱 : www.asml.com
0 ~ 5 applicants