香港商臺灣馬士基物流有限公司台灣分公司_Maersk Contract Logistics(Taiwan)Limited, Taiwan Branch
Assistant Manager - Operations(副理-物流中心) - JJMD倉
9/19 Updated
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

1. 依據公司的發展布局與營業策略,制定倉儲規劃、人才培育、發展策略、工作計劃與執行。
2. 公司內、外部倉庫之倉儲物流管理、儲位配置及倉儲動線規劃。
3. 督導執行倉儲作業,包括貨品驗收、進貨、庫存管理、盤點等。
4. 擔任倉儲對內及對外合作物流商主要聯絡窗口,溝通協調及緊急事件處理。
5. 熟悉醫療法規、QMS及GDP作業規範與執行。 確保遵守相關法規和政策。
6. 定期於管理階層會議報告倉儲相關費用分析、問題分析及針對現有狀況提出改善計畫。
7. 管理15人以上團隊,發揮領導力凝聚團隊向心力,並適時提供團隊成員職涯發展及教育訓練
8. 風險管理和確定潛在風險並制定應急計畫以減輕風險。
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Project time/schedule management
Project communication/integration management
Job task/performance item allocation
Cultivating personnel career development
Supervising personnel performance
Department performance goal management
Order/Management Report Creation
Warehouse Process Design and Management
Warehouse System Maintenance and Management
Inventory Management Planning Operations
專案時間╱進度控管 專案溝通╱整合管理 工作任務╱業績項目分配 培育人員職涯發展 督導人員工作績效 部門績效目標管理 訂單╱管理報表製作 倉管流程訂定與管理 倉儲系統維護與管理 庫存管理規劃作業
Job Category
Materials Manager
Warehouse and Logistics Staff
Transportation and Logistics Manager
Maersk Contract Logistics is part of A.P. Moller – Maersk, an integrated container logistics company working to connect and simplify its customers’ supply chains. As the logistics partner of choice for major local and multinational companies, Maersk Contract Logistics offers a suite of integrated logistics and supply chain management services in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Food & Beverage, Footwear & Apparel and Retail sectors. Through its comprehensive distribution network in Asia, Maersk Contract Logistics collaborates closely with over 400 brand owners and retailers to provide tailor-made warehousing and transport management solutions. Maersk Contract Logistics connects origins and destinations with flexibility, timeliness and responsiveness. Today, with the increasing importance of e-commerce and cross border trades, Maersk Contract Logistics provides a total omnichannel-fulfilment solution and operates major regional hubs and consolidation centres to optimise inventory flow and ensure quick response. We are committed to put our customers’ needs first. Global Markets are evolving fast, and we aim to connect, protect, and simplify our customers’ supply chain in response to these changes. We are on an exciting journey to transform the flow of goods, data and materials that sustain people, businesses and economies the world over – driving our vision as a true global integrator. Want to be part of our exciting growth journey? Join us in our Omnichannel-Fulfilment team as a ROLE TITLE! You’ll play a vital part in our success, developing, designing, and implementing innovative warehouse solutions, which bring standardisation, visibility, and actionability to our customer’s supply chains. ★★ 擴大營運強力徵才中!! 歡迎加入優質物流團隊!! ★★ 公司簡介 馬士基物流專長於全方位三方物流解決方案,於2013年4月併購詮瑞福物流運輸車隊,提供專業且完整的倉儲物流及運輸服務,於2022年9月正式納入馬士基集團,藉此整合擴大服務範圍並提供更多元化的物流服務解決方案。 歷史沿革 馬士基物流(前身為利豐物流)是在1995年透過收購一家具有百年歷史的英資傳統進口經銷商後正式成立,並於2004年於香港掛牌上市。在甫成立的短短十年間,「利豐物流」便從一家以亞洲為據點,專營快速消費品與保健產品的傳統經銷商,轉型成為全球價值鏈物流(Value-Chain Logistics)的先驅,提供全面的綜合分銷服務。更於2013年4月透過併購詮瑞福/詮瑞詮,擴大營運範圍到運輸團隊。2022年9月利豐物流正式納入馬士基集團並更名為香港商臺灣馬士基物流有限公司台灣分公司,藉此整合擴大我們的服務範圍並提供更多元化且全方位的服務。 地域範圍 業務範圍遍及大中華地區(中國、香港與台灣)、東盟國家(泰國、馬來西亞、新加坡、汶萊、印尼、菲律賓)、美國、英國與澳洲。擁有廣闊的亞洲分銷網絡與全球物流據點。另外,透過在泰國、馬來西亞、印尼設立的高效率、高品質生產設施,我們得以為顧客提供全方位的服務,從合約生產到國內分銷,從國內物流到全球端對端物流企劃之管理。 我們的業務模式 物流價值鏈是我們的業務模式,以物流作為基礎, 從原料至消費者,聯繫各項綜合分銷服務成為一「端至端」的價值鏈。 我們以人才創造非凡成就 多元化的人才、技術及專長能造就成功的企業。我們完全明白「以人才創造非凡成就」的重要性。因此,我們長期致力於啟發內部員工的潛能。
0 ~ 5 applicants