週休三日!數位廣告專員 (廣告投手)
10/15 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 36,000~42,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Key Responsibilities:
- Meta, Google & Line 廣告投放經驗: 具備基礎的廣告投放經驗
- 廣告內容製作支持: 協助製作簡單的廣告素材,並根據反饋進行調整
- 效果分析: 協助收集和整理廣告數據、分析效果
- 競品監測: 監控競爭對手的基本動態
- 跨部門協作與主管交辦事項: 在團隊合作中提供支持,完成主管分配的日常任務
- Meta, Google & Line advertising experience: Have basic advertising experience
- Advertising content production support: Assist in the production of simple advertising creatives and make adjustments based on feedback
- Effect analysis: Assist in collecting and organizing advertising data and analyzing effects
- Competitive product monitoring: Monitor the basic dynamics of competitors
- Cross-departmental collaboration and tasks assigned by supervisors: Provide support in teamwork and complete daily tasks assigned by supervisors
- 需要有實際廣告投放經驗
- 熟悉 Google Analytics、SEO 和社交媒體平台。
- 具備強大的創意、分析和溝通能力。
- 有圖形設計工具經驗(如 Adobe Suite、Canva)者優先。
- Must have hands-on experience with ad placements.
- Familiar with Google Analytics, SEO, and social media platforms.
- Strong creative, analytical, and communication skills.
- Experience with graphic design tools (e.g., Adobe Suite, Canva) is a plus.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Social Media Operation Management
Website Traffic Tracking
Advertising Effectiveness Evaluation
Advertisement Management
社群媒體經營管理 網站流量成效追蹤 廣告效益評估 廣告投放
Job Category
Marketing Planning
Advertising Copywriting/Planning
Digital Marketing
歡迎加入我們的頂尖團隊!我們是一個來自美國常春藤名校的專業顧問和老師組成的團隊,涵蓋了商業、文學、科技、生物醫學和藝術等多個領域。在 PANO Education,我們深知因材施教的重要性,確保每位學生都能找到最適合他們的導師。 我們相信,教育不應該是千篇一律的。因此,PANO 教學系統會深入了解每位學生的個性特質和每位老師的專業優勢,從而進行完美的配對,讓每個學生都能充分發揮潛能。我們不希望任何學生因為沒有找到合適的導師而被埋沒。 在這個充滿可能性的世界裡,一定有一位最適合您的啟發導師。 您的啟發導師,就在 PANO Education! Join an elite team of professionals from Ivy League universities across the United States, encompassing experts in business, literature, technology, biomedical sciences, and the arts. At PANO Education, we understand the importance of personalized education, ensuring that every student finds their perfect mentor. We believe that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work in education. That's why the PANO teaching system takes the time to understand the unique qualities of each student and the strengths of every teacher, creating an ideal match that brings out the best in both. No student should be held back because they couldn't find the right mentor. In a world full of possibilities, there's always the perfect guide to inspire you. Find your inspiration, with PANO Education
0 ~ 5 applicants