Oversea Director
10/17 Updated
Executive Level
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Job Summary:
The Oversea Director is responsible for developing and executing the distributor strategy to drive revenue growth and enhance market presence. This role will lead the team, establish strong relationships with key partners, and ensure alignment with overall business objectives.
Key Responsibilities:
• Strategic Leadership: Develop and implement a comprehensive distributor strategy that aligns with the company’s overall goals.
• Team Management: Lead, mentor, and develop the team to achieve sales targets and enhance performance.
• Market Analysis: Conduct market research to identify trends, opportunities, and competitive landscape in the distributor sector.
• Relationship Management: Build and maintain strong relationships with key partners and distributors, negotiating terms and agreements to maximize profitability.
• Sales Performance: Monitor sales performance, analyzing data to identify opportunities for growth and improvement.
• Budget Management: Develop and manage the budget, ensuring efficient allocation of resources to meet objectives.
• Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaborate with marketing, product development, and logistics teams to align distributor initiatives with overall business strategies.
• Reporting: Prepare regular reports on sales performance, market trends, and strategic initiatives for senior management.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Import and Export Regulations
Job task/performance item allocation
Cultivating personnel career development
Supervising personnel performance
Crisis and issue management
Department performance goal management
Export Customs Clearance
Export Price Calculation
Import and Export Process Control
Import and Export Customs Clearance Management
Familiarity with Import and Export Business
Basic Concepts of International Trade
進出口相關法令 工作任務╱業績項目分配 培育人員職涯發展 督導人員工作績效 危機與議題管理 部門績效目標管理 出口貨物報關 出口價格核算 進出口作業流程控管 進出口報關管理 熟悉進出口業務 國際貿易基本概念
Job Category
Business Management Supervisor
International Sales
International Sales Supervisor
◎倫華集團關係企業(Emers Group) ◆倫華科技:紡織、塑膠、石化原物料、電子零件貿易 ◆意象媒體:時尚潮流精品雜誌(Milk)(MilkX)發行、全方位媒體廣告行銷 ◆艾盟仕:NIKE GOLF台灣區總代理、Nike eyewear台灣區代理 ◆沛雅:PUMA Golf 台灣區總代理 ◆愷威:Callaway Golf台灣區總代理 【倫華科技股份有限公司】(United Raw Material Solutions Inc./URMS) 係亞洲最大之塑膠與石化原物料供應商,總部設立於台灣,每月出口至海外數量超過數十萬噸。URMS除了經營FORMOSA GROUP產品外,也經營台灣當地其他各大品牌廠商之原物料,並在亞洲、歐洲、中東及印巴…等地有很好的銷售管道及營業實績。 URMS期望藉此機會能與各大品牌廠商建立良好連繫及溝通的管道,並進而提供所需的所有紡織/塑膠/石化等相關原物料,及優良的銷售服務、產品訊息及品質。期許由URMS交易平台嶄新的商業交易模式,成為全球原物料供應商與買家最有效率的橋樑。 【意象媒體整合行銷】(IMI GROUP) 為一全方位媒體廣告行銷公司,除負責台灣Milk及MilkX雜誌的發行,擁有國內為數不少知名國際品牌的客戶群,同時具有360度多角化媒體廣告行銷服務能力; 本公司擁有優秀、活力、創新的經營團隊,全方位的專業創意整合諮詢, 結合7種元素共享:公關、行銷、通路、設計、娛樂、出版、網路人性化.透明化經營管理,追求企業永續經營及成長;整體營運穩定 。我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入我們的工作行列。 【艾盟仕】【沛雅】【愷威】分別取得Nike Golf、Nike eyewear、PUMA Golf、Callaway Golf的台灣區總代理,專營台灣所有高爾夫經銷事業,含運動用品、百貨零售通路、電子商務以及B2B企業對企業之銷售。秉持及傳承品牌精神,展現出熱情、專注、激勵、創新、強化與關懷的企業文化。相信未來掌握在自己手中,夢想更需憑藉自己來創造]的正向力量。
0 ~ 5 applicants