
Company Introduction

45 Employees
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新世紀公司成立於民國92年,我們是專業從事產品設計, 委託生產製造、及銷售嬰兒用品的公司。總部位於台灣,在上海、廣東均設有辦事處。毗鄰相關產品生產製造商,為客戶對產品的相關需求提供便利條件。產品包括嬰兒手推車、 嬰幼兒用品及周邊配件、IoT智能照護類產品等,適合各個年齡階段的嬰幼兒,可適用於一般家庭、幼兒園所、托嬰機構。公司擁有著研發、設計、國貿、銷售、質量控管等菁英團隊,可滿足國內外客戶對於產品設計開發、生產及質量安規監管需求。強大的設計團隊,使得公司擁有獨立設計能力及配合客戶、相關供應商開發實力。同時,公司擁有多項專利技術,產品符合全球多國安規認證。嬰兒用品均通過ASTM F963, ASTM F833及EN1888等認證。力求為客戶提供優質、高效的服務是我司的經營、發展理念。

Industry Sector
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Main Products

*嬰兒手推車 *嬰幼兒用品及周邊配件 * IoT智能照護產品


休假:週休二日、到職滿三個月優先享有特休三天、其他比照勞基法 獎金類:年終獎金、三節獎金、工作獎金、生日禮金(到職滿三個月) 保險類:勞保、健保、勞退提撥金、員工團保(到職滿三個月) 娛樂類:部門聚餐、慶生會、尾牙、社團活動(如:有氧運動、語言課程…) 補助類:婚喪禮金、子女教育金、急難救助金、傷病撫恤金等 其他:教育訓練費補助、良好升遷制度、久任員工獎勵

Company & Workplace


International Sales Specialist(醫療輔具用品) 新世紀產品股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 評估產品發展趨勢與潛在商機 2. 具備開發新客戶能力 3. 負責向廠商訪價 4. 負責向客戶報價並確認訂單 5. 追蹤交期及出貨狀況 6. 負責客戶與廠商之間的往來溝通 7. 負責客戶資料、廠商資料及相關檔案文件的整理、建檔與維護 8. 處理客戶客訴及售後服務 9. 具備市場分析能力 10. 願意在需要時加班/出差工作 11. 熟悉醫療、健康促進及輔具用品尤佳 Sales Specialist Responsibilities: *Providing product demonstrations to staff and clients, and taking the lead in resolving complaints. *Conducting market research and sharing findings with the team. *Working alongside the team to draw up strategies to increase customer base. *Setting sales targets and implementing incentives. *Providing accurate sales forecasts and allocating resources so targets are met. *Managing a network of vendors and suppliers. *Maintaining excellent relationships with customers that are built on trust, and encouraging the rest of the sales team to follow this example. *Keeping up-to-date with advancements in marketing. Sales Specialist Requirements: *Bachelor's degree in marketing, business or similar. *Strong analytical and critical thinking skills. *Ability to think on your feet. *Excellent customer service and leadership skills. *Strong networking abilities. *Ability to diagnose problems and find solutions. *Strong degree of diplomacy and the ability to work with a range of different people. *Ability to remain professional. *Willingness to work overtime/ overseas when required.
Senior Level
9/18 Updated
International Sales Specialist 新世紀產品股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 評估產品發展趨勢與潛在商機 2. 具備開發新客戶能力 3. 負責向廠商訪價 4. 負責向客戶報價並確認訂單 5. 追蹤交期及出貨狀況 6. 負責客戶與廠商之間的往來溝通 7. 負責客戶資料、廠商資料及相關檔案文件的整理、建檔與維護 8. 處理客戶客訴及售後服務 9. 具備市場分析能力 10. 願意在需要時加班/出差工作 11. 中、英文能力須為中等以上 12. 具國外留學經驗尤佳 Sales Specialist Responsibilities: *Providing product demonstrations to staff and clients, and taking the lead in resolving complaints. *Conducting market research and sharing findings with the team. *Working alongside the team to draw up strategies to increase customer base. *Setting sales targets and implementing incentives. *Providing accurate sales forecasts and allocating resources so targets are met. *Managing a network of vendors and suppliers. *Maintaining excellent relationships with customers that are built on trust, and encouraging the rest of the sales team to follow this example. *Keeping up-to-date with advancements in marketing. Sales Specialist Requirements: *Bachelor's degree in marketing, business or similar. *Strong analytical and critical thinking skills. *Ability to think on your feet. *Excellent customer service and leadership skills. *Strong networking abilities. *Ability to diagnose problems and find solutions. *Strong degree of diplomacy and the ability to work with a range of different people. *Ability to remain professional. *Willingness to work overtime/ overseas when required.
Senior Level
9/18 Updated