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你是AI基礎架構的高手嗎?Skymizer 是頂尖的編譯與虛擬化技術團隊,幫助客戶建立各式的虛擬機與編譯器,增加軟體效能、縮短 time-to-market 時間;目前專注開發GenAI所需的加速晶片IP和軟體工具。除了內部產品,也積極開發及參與 Open Source 的專案。我們熱愛技術、想透過我們的雙手讓軟體界變得更好,為此,需要你的加入!

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Main Products

● EdgeThought - Language Processing Unit (LPU) IP running on-device state-of-the-art LLMs. ● Skymizer Intelligent Compiler. ● Compiler Solution for Deep Learning Accelerators.


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Company & Workplace


Site Reliability Engineer 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,100,000~2,000,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a Site Reliability Engineer, you will be responsible for maintaining and managing the company's hardware, computer equipment, and system services while focusing on automation and continuous improvement. You will assist in ensuring high availability, performance, and security of infrastructure and applications. 【Responsibilities】 - Maintain services once they are live by measuring and monitoring availability, latency, and overall system health. - Collaborate with software engineers to understand needs for infrastructure, develop and maintain CI/CD pipelines, test automation frameworks, and other developmental tools. - Configure and adjust network architecture, including VLAN, Routing, and Firewall configuration. - Automate repetitive tasks and processes to enhance operational efficiency and minimize manual intervention. - Monitor system performance and proactively identify potential issues, ensuring high availability of services. 【Minimum qualifications】 - Integrity (High ethical standards) - Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related technical field. - Proficiency with Linux/Unix environments and system administration tasks. - Experience with Docker, Docker Compose, and LXC container operations - Knowledge of VLAN and LACP - Understanding of network hardware architecture - Understanding of Routing and Firewall (IPtable) - Experience with scripting or programming languages (e.g., Python, Bash, Go). 【Preferred qualifications】 - Experience with performance optimization, load testing, and capacity planning. - Familiarity with LDAP - Familiarity with 802.1x network authentication protocol 【Interview Criteria (Ranked by Importance)】 - Ability to solve unknown problems - Familiarity with internet-related hardware and software (Switch, AP, DNS, DHCP) - Experience with cloud services (AWS, GCP, Linode) - Proficiency in Unix systems - Knowledge of Linux Container technologies - Understanding of computer hardware architecture
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Software Engineer, Simulation, Hsinchu 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,100,000~1,300,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a software engineer of Virtual Platform, you will help develop a so-called “Virtual Platform” tool for hardware & software co-design/co-verification of AI models under the target machine’s constraints. Your contribution is important for enabling those exciting deep neural network models really working in the daily life. Without Virtual Platform (VP), the compiler and runtime cannot run on an architectually identical hardware with Transaction-level modeling for time-to-market, which benefits cost and efficiency. We are heavily using C++/SystemC. You should be familiar with modern C++/SystemC techniques, and be able to program in a logical, reusable, and timely fashion. 【Responsibilities】 Develop System-on-Chip simulators 【Minimum qualifications】 Bachelor in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent experience Experience with C/C++ 【Preferred qualifications】 Master in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent experience Desire to acquire the understanding of SystemC and AI accelerators Willingness to enhance the knowledge of system software and computer architecture Passionate about learning the latest AI technologies from software and hardware perspectives Knowledge of modern operating systems Elected courses on modern computer architecture or computer organization (Plus) Experience with system virtualization technologies, such as SystemC simulators, QEMU, or other virtual platforms (Plus) Experience with System C (Plus) Experience with developing Linux kernel driver or BSP (Plus) Experience with Neural Network frameworks, such as PyTorch or TensorFlow (Plus) Experience with Neural Network compilers, such as ONNC or TVM
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Software Engineer, Simulation, Taipei 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,100,000~1,300,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a software engineer of Virtual Platform, you will help develop a so-called “Virtual Platform” tool for hardware & software co-design/co-verification of AI models under the target machine’s constraints. Your contribution is important for enabling those exciting deep neural network models really working in the daily life. Without Virtual Platform (VP), the compiler and runtime cannot run on an architectually identical hardware with Transaction-level modeling for time-to-market, which benefits cost and efficiency. We are heavily using C++/SystemC. You should be familiar with modern C++/SystemC techniques, and be able to program in a logical, reusable, and timely fashion. 【Responsibilities】 Develop System-on-Chip simulators 【Minimum qualifications】 Bachelor in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent experience Experience with C/C++ 【Preferred qualifications】 Master in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent experience Desire to acquire the understanding of SystemC and AI accelerators Willingness to enhance the knowledge of system software and computer architecture Passionate about learning the latest AI technologies from software and hardware perspectives Knowledge of modern operating systems Elected courses on modern computer architecture or computer organization (Plus) Experience with system virtualization technologies, such as SystemC simulators, QEMU, or other virtual platforms (Plus) Experience with System C (Plus) Experience with developing Linux kernel driver or BSP (Plus) Experience with Neural Network frameworks, such as PyTorch or TensorFlow (Plus) Experience with Neural Network compilers, such as ONNC or TVM
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Software Engineer, Virtual Platform, Hsinchu 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,100,000~1,300,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a software engineer of Virtual Platform, you will help develop a so-called “Virtual Platform” tool for hardware & software co-design/co-verification of AI models under the target machine’s constraints. Your contribution is important for enabling those exciting deep neural network models really working in the daily life. Without Virtual Platform (VP), the compiler and runtime cannot run on an architectually identical hardware with Transaction-level modeling for time-to-market, which benefits cost and efficiency. We are heavily using C++/SystemC. You should be familiar with modern C++/SystemC techniques, and be able to program in a logical, reusable, and timely fashion. 【Minimum qualifications】 Experience with C++ programming. Experience with SystemC programming. Master’s or above degree in Computer Science or related technical discipline. 3+ years of software development experience. 【Preferred qualifications】 Knowledge of computer architecture. Knowledge of linux kernel design Knowledge of SystemVerilog design 【Responsibilities】 Develop virtual platform. Deliver high-quality implementation on schedule. Present the techniques in public.
Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Software Engineer, Virtual Platform, Taipei 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,100,000~1,300,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a software engineer of Virtual Platform, you will help develop a so-called “Virtual Platform” tool for hardware & software co-design/co-verification of AI models under the target machine’s constraints. Your contribution is important for enabling those exciting deep neural network models really working in the daily life. Without Virtual Platform (VP), the compiler and runtime cannot run on an architectually identical hardware with Transaction-level modeling for time-to-market, which benefits cost and efficiency. We are heavily using C++/SystemC. You should be familiar with modern C++/SystemC techniques, and be able to program in a logical, reusable, and timely fashion. 【Minimum qualifications】 Experience with C++ programming. Experience with SystemC programming. Master’s or above degree in Computer Science or related technical discipline. 3+ years of software development experience. 【Preferred qualifications】 Knowledge of computer architecture. Knowledge of linux kernel design Knowledge of SystemVerilog design 【Responsibilities】 Develop virtual platform. Deliver high-quality implementation on schedule. Present the techniques in public.
Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Software Engineer, AI QA/QC 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,100,000~1,300,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a software engineer of AI QA/QC, you will help verify compiler, runtime, and related tools that can work as expected. Your contribution is important for enabling those exciting deep neural network models really working in the daily life. Without QA/QC, the system is not reliable and thus, useless in industry. This job is also challenging, though. You need to understand both the compilation and runtime flow, and then create neural network models to uncover bugs along the flow. 【Minimum qualifications】 Experience with C++ programming. Bachelor’s or above degree in Computer Science or related technical discipline. 【Preferred qualifications】 Knowledge of computer architecture. Knowledge of deep neural network model. 【Responsibilities】 Deliver test plan, test framework, and test cases.
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Software Engineer, AI Calibration 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,100,000~1,300,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a software engineer of AI calibration, you will help develop a so-called “calibrator” tool for quantizing the data precision of AI models under the target machine’s constraints. Your contribution is important for enabling those exciting deep neural network models really working in the daily life. Without calibrator, a deep neural network model trained under floating-point precision cannot run on a hardware with only small bit-width (such as int8 precision), which benefits cost and efficiency. This job is also challenging, though. You will develop algorithms to minimize the quantization error. We are heavily using C++. You should be familar with modern C++ techniques, and be able to program in a logical, reusable, and timely fashion. 【Minimum qualifications】 Experience with C++ programming. Experience with neumerical analysis. Bachelor’s or above degree in Computer Science, Mathematic Science or related technical discipline. 【Preferred qualifications】 Knowledge of computer architecture. Knowledge of deep neural network model. Knowledge of model compression and quantization. Knowledge of compiler framework such as MLIR, LLVM, or GCC. 【Responsibilities】 Propose quantization strategies that can minimize the precision loss. Deliver high-quality implementation on schedule.
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Software Engineer, AI Software 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,100,000~1,300,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As an AI software engineer, you will help develop compiler, runtime, and related tools to transform any AI models into what can really work on a target machine. Your contribution is important for enabling those exciting deep neural network models really working in the daily life. Without software stack, hardware alone cannot do anything. This job is also challenging, though. Compiling a deep neural network model is, in many aspects, different from compiling a programming language. You will deal with many classic compiler problems such as legalization, resource allocation, scheduling, and code emission, but re-implement them for the need of deep neural network models. We are heavily using C++. You should be familar with modern C++ techniques, and be able to program in a logical, reusable, and timely fashion. 【Minimum qualifications】 Experience with C++ programming. Experience with algorithm development. Bachelor’s or above degree in Computer Science or related technical discipline. 【Preferred qualifications】 Knowledge of computer architecture. Knowledge of deep neural network model. 【Responsibilities】 Deliver high-quality implementation on schedule.
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Senior Software Engineer, AI Runtime 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,500,000~3,500,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a senior software engineer of AI runtime, you will help develop a “runtime” software that runs on the target device. Runtime reads the compiled result from the compiler, optimize the instructions given the dynamic information, and then drives the underlying AI hardware to work. Your contribution is important for enabling those exciting deep neural network models really working in the daily life. Without runtime to bridge the compiler and the hardware, the hardware is useless. This job is also challenging, though. Actually, you can consider the runtime by analogy with operating system. It manages resource and helps synchronization and communication among components. The problem becomes complex since we often deal with a heterogeneous system. Just like Linux kernel, we heavily use C/C++, and you are expected to program in a logical, reusable, and timely fashion. 【Minimum qualifications】 Experience with embedded system and RTOS. Knowledge of Linux kernel design. Bachelor’s or above in Computer Science or related technical discipline. 8+ years of professional software development experience. 【Preferred qualifications】 Knowledge of distributed system. Knowledge of deep neural network model. Communication in English. 【Responsibilities】 Develop software architecture of AI runtime. Deliver high-quality implementation on schedule. Present the techniques in public.
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Senior Software Engineer, Algorithm 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,500,000~3,500,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a senior software engineer of algorithm, you will help develop efficient algorithms used by compiler, runtime, and any related tools. Your contribution is important for enabling those exciting deep neural network models really working in the daily life. Without good optimization algorithms, the user experience could be bad due to late response, low throughput, or large power consumption. This job is also challenging as you can imagine. Many compiler problems are NP-complete or even NP-hard, yet you still need to find a way to get good enough solution within a reasonable time. You should be able to program in C++. 【Minimum qualifications】 Experience with C++ programming. Experience with optimization algorithm development. Master’s or above degree in Computer Science or related technical discipline. 8+ years of professional software development experience. 【Preferred qualifications】 Knowledge of deep neural network model. Paper writing. 【Responsibilities】 Formulate the right problems to solve based on the discussion with compiler/runtime engineers. Propose algorithms that can efficiently and optimally solve the problems. Write papers and present the techniques in public.
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Senior Software Engineer, AI Compiler 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,500,000~3,500,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a senior software engineer of AI compiler, you will help develop a compiler and/or related tools to transform any AI models into hardware instructions that can efficiently run on a target machine. Your contribution is important for enabling those exciting deep neural network models really working in the daily life. Without compiler, handcrafting instructions is not scalable. This job is also challenging, though. Compiling a deep neural network model is, in many aspects, different from compiling a programming language. However, the state-of-the-art practice of conventional compilers is still worth a reference. So, you are expected to be familiar with LLVM or GCC. Based on the conventional wisdom, you should suggest a best practice for the neural network case. Just like LLVM/GCC, we heavily use C++. You should be familar with modern C++ techniques, and be able to program in a logical, reusable, and timely fashion. 【Minimum qualifications】 Experience with C++ programming. Experience with MLIR, LLVM or GCC. Bachelor’s or above in Computer Science or related technical discipline. 【Preferred qualifications】 Knowledge of deep neural network model. Communication in English. 8+ years of professional software development experience. 【Responsibilities】 Develop software architecture of AI compiler. Deliver high-quality implementation on schedule. Present the techniques in public.
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated