美商ID TECH台灣分公司_璟昇科技股份有限公司

Company Introduction

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Founded in 1985, ID TECH has established a solid reputation in the industry as a leading payment peripheral provider with magnetic stripe, EMV contact, and EMV contactless expertise. We are also an OEM payment solution provider with the capability and willingness to customize solutions to fit our customers’ needs. With a strong foundation and continued success rooted in card readers, ID TECH is currently expanding its reach in the ever-evolving payments industry. While ID TECH’s footprint has spanned multiple continents with customers throughout the world, the growth of the company and vision for the future has resulted in a concerted effort to become a Globally Recognized payment leader. Based in California since its inception in 1985, ID TECH has also opened its Asia headquarters in Taiwan in 2013 with a landmark facility and state-of-the-art equipment. This facility supports sales and engineering resources with easy access to our APAC partners while having two R&D centers located in Taiwan and Shanghai Also, located in Taiwan is ID TECH’s own manufacturing facility, where millions of products are assembled and shipped globally to our customers. Maintaining ISO 19001 and ISO 14001 certifications and adhering to the highest quality standards, there is a certain trust and confidence our customers have when working with ID TECH. ID TECH has also launched development efforts to grow our capabilities and resources in Latin America and Europe. The addition of growing sales and sales engineering teams in both regions provides for faster and more streamlined customer support to both of these focus regions. The APAC, Europe, and Latin America expansion together with our California, US based Corporate Headquarters gives us the true meaning of global coverage. ID TECH成立於1985年,作為領先的支付周邊設備提供商,憑藉磁條,EMV接觸和非接觸式專業知識,在業界已建立了良好的聲譽。 我們同時也是OEM付款解決方案提供者,具專業技術能力並為客戶量身訂做符合需求之解決方案。 憑藉紮實的基礎和持續的成功紮根於支付相關產品,ID TECH目前正不斷積極拓展於全球支付產業的經營範圍,期許在所有的員工的共同努力下能成就IDTECH為全球支付領域的領導者。 總部設立於加利福尼亞州,我們於2013年在台灣設立了亞洲總部,並購置相關先進技術開發設備,為協助我們的亞太地區的工程師及業務得到良好的銷售及工程支持。 目前全球於南、北加州、上海及台灣各設立研發中心,且ID TECH 於楊梅幼獅工業區擁有自己的的製造工廠,在這裡我們有數百萬種產品生產組裝並支應全球的客戶。 憑藉著ISO及支付相關的認證並堅持最高質量標準,堅定我們的客戶對ID TECH的信任和信心。 ◎ 台灣區業務/研發中心: 地址:桃園市桃園區中正路1080號32樓(中正藝文特區/中悅世界中心) **於大樓門口即有9023, 9005, 1662等多班客運往返台北交通便利 ◎ 台灣製造中心: 地址:桃園市楊梅區高青路22巷16號 (幼獅工業區)

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The beauty of payments is that it’s dynamic and ever changing. Payment security requirements are getting tougher, new payment technologies are emerging, EMV payments is the worldwide standard. With the complications of payment growing, merchants are looking for simpler and easier solutions. ID TECH is solving these payment complications by delivering complete payment solutions. This is reflected in both ID TECH’s current product set and roadmap, which includes a strategic direction for payment devices that can host payment applications developed around core platforms that span across all product families. With simplicity and flexibility in mind, ID TECH’s Platform Design Architecture enables single integration from multiple angles, including EMV and application development, as well as pre and post deployment services including key injection, configuration and estate management. All of these integration and services solutions are available for ID TECH’s latest line of payment solutions that covers our 4 major product groups: 1.traditional retail countertop payment 2.mobile payment 3.unattended payment 4.OEM payment solutions 支付的美妙之處在於它是動態且不斷變化。EMV 支付已成為全球標準,隨著支付安全要求越來越嚴格且越來越複雜,新的支付技術不斷湧現,而我們的客戶也正在尋找更簡單、更容易的解決方案。ID TECH 通過提供完整的支付解決方案來解決這些支付難題。這反映在 ID TECH 當前的產品集和路線圖中,其中包括支付設備的戰略方向,這些設備可以託管圍繞跨所有產品系列的核心平台開發的支付應用程序。 考慮到簡單性和靈活性,ID TECH 的平台設計架構支持從多個角度進行單一集成,包括 EMV 和應用程序開發,以及包括密鑰注入、配置和資產管理在內的部署前後服務。 所有這些集成和服務解決方案均適用於 ID TECH 最新的支付解決方案系列,涵蓋我們的 4 個主要產品組: 1.傳統零售檯面支付 2.移動支付 3.無人值守支付 4.OEM支付解決方案


充滿關懷的福利措施 針對每位同仁及其家庭的身心健康是我們的財富,因此我們以員工需求出發,規劃了一系列的福利措施: 【多元獎金制度 】 ■ 具競爭力的薪資水準 ■ 年終獎金 ■ 績效獎金 ■ 三節獎金 ■ 生日禮金 ■ 婚喪喜慶禮金 ■ 久任獎金 【差勤制度】 ■ 彈性上下班 【保險與醫療保健】 ■優於勞基法的保險制度,提供完善的團體保險計劃,部份險種涵蓋至配偶、子 女及父母 ■提供優於一般勞工健康檢查 【休閒活動】 ■ 部門聚餐 ■ 慶生會 ■ 聖誕節活動 ■ 員工旅遊 ■ 家庭日 ■ 尾牙活動 【環境與飲食】 ■ 舒適明亮的辦公環境 ■ 眺望桃園景色的會議室 ■ 擁有個人空間的電話亭 ■ 免費點心飲料咖啡自助區 【學習與發展】 ■ 專業技能訓練補助 ■ 英文培訓課程補助 ■ 提供海外輪調或轉職機會 ID TECH 沒有官僚文化,只有並肩作戰的主管及休戚與共的同事。 我們需要優秀專業的夥伴,成為彼此的好導師,幫助所有ID TECH 的夥伴們在職涯發展上更上一層樓。 若你也跟我們一樣,對工作充滿熱忱,樂於接受挑戰!竭誠歡迎你加入ID TECH 這個幸福的大家庭。

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Database Analyst (資料庫分析師) (全職或兼職皆可) 美商ID TECH台灣分公司_璟昇科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
• Build database systems of high reliability, availability, and quality. • Design and implement databases in accordance to information needs and views of the organization. • Defining users and enabling data distribution to the right user, in appropriate format and in a timely manner. • Determine, enforce, and document database policies, procedures, and standards. Keep current the database architecture documentations. • Collaborate with engineers to optimize database queries and performance. • Conduct tests and evaluations regularly to ensure data security, privacy, and integrity. Implement backup and recovery strategies accordingly. • Monitor database performance and implement changes as necessary to resolve bottlenecks and improve efficiency. • Troubleshoot database issues and provide timely resolutions • Stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies related to database security and management.
English Required
10/16 Updated