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▌無國界醫生是一個獨立的國際醫療人道救援組織 Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF),即英文「Doctors without Borders」,中文譯為「無國界醫生」,致力為受武裝衝突、流行病、傳染病和天災影響,以及遭排拒於醫療體系以外的人群提供緊急醫療援助。無國界醫生只會基於人們的需要提供援助,不受種族、宗教、性別或政治因素左右。 我們的行動建基於醫療道德,以及中立和不偏不倚的原則。我們不會偏袒任何一方,力求為最有迫切需要的人們提供援助。在衝突地區開展的專案,我們並不接受直接牽涉到衝突的政府或其他派別的資助。 1971年,一群記者及醫生在巴黎成立無國界醫生組織。至今,我們有將近68,000的工作夥伴在世界各地參與行動。 ▌ 無國界醫生在台灣 2016年4月,無國界醫生組織於台北設立辦事處。2019 年正式成立財團法人無國界醫生基金會。 無國界醫生台灣辦公室專注於三個任務: 1) 積極與台灣公眾和公民社會接觸,就全球人道危機和衛生緊急情況進行宣傳、支持和倡導; 2) 招募台灣的醫療和非醫療人員,派遣至現場項目工作; 3) 從台灣捐助者籌款,直接支持無國界醫生的社會使命和醫療人道活動。 ▌ An international, independent medical humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) translates to Doctors without Borders. We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - bound together by our charter. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of impartiality, independence and neutrality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation. MSF was founded in 1971 in Paris by a group of journalists and doctors. Today, we are a worldwide movement of nearly 68,000 people. ▌ MSF in Taiwan MSF opened a representative office in Taipei in 2016 and became a Foundation in 2019. MSF Taiwan office focuses on 3 key pillars: 1) Active engagement with Taiwanese public and civil society on global humanitarian crises and health emergency for awareness, support and advocacy purposes; 2) Recruitment of skilled Taiwanese medical and non-medical staff to dispatch to field project; 3) Fundraising from Taiwanese donors to directly supports MSF Social mission and medical humanitarian activities.

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▌ 我們的工作 無國界醫生為病人提供基本醫療照護、進行外科治療、對抗流行病和傳染病、修復和運作醫院及診所、發起疫苗注射運動、設立營養中心和提供精神健康照護,並訓練本地醫療人員。 我們的團隊由醫療和非醫療背景的專業人員組成,為人們提供迅速的援助。我們也提供精神健康支援,有需要時還會建設水利衛生設施、提供安全飲用水,及分發帳篷和其他救援物資。此外,我們也致力於促進救命藥物的普及和研究。您可以分別進入各個主題頁面,以更全面地瞭解我們的工作內容。 更多資訊:https://www.msf.org.tw/our-work/how-we-work ▌ How we work Our teams conduct independent evaluations to determine medical needs and assess what assistance to provide. Different criteria determine what we do, such as the magnitude of a given crisis, the levels of illness and mortality in the population, the severity of exclusion from healthcare, and the added value we can bring to the affected people. We regularly question the form, relevance and impact of our presence, taking into account what other organisations do. More Information:https://www.msf.org/how-we-work


▌ 福利制度 .我們提供夥伴21天年假及彈性工作時間,工作/生活平衡的工作模式更能激發創意;在不影響工作的前提下,夥伴可依照自己的習慣安排工作時間。 .我們重視夥伴的身心健康,提供每年12天全薪病假、健康檢查、團體保險、流感疫苗補助、心理諮詢補助。 .我們有舒適的多功能空間,供應咖啡及零食,激盪大家的創造力、同時也放鬆大家的心情。 .我們鼓勵不同價值觀之間的交流,期待夥伴能在無國界醫生持續成長。夥伴將透過與其他國家辦公室的同事交流、參與相關社群及工作坊討論,培養國際化視野。 .夥伴可以自由使用內部教育訓練平台、以及外部教育訓練補助,在專業上持續精進。 ▌ Benefits .We are committed to creating a work-life balanced environment and providing our team members with 21 days of annual leave and flexible working hours. .We prioritize the physical and mental well-being of our team members and offer 12 days of full paid sick leave, health check-ups, group insurance, influenza vaccine allowance, and counseling support. .We have a comfortable workspace and offer coffee and snacks, creating a relaxed atmosphere and inspiring creativity. .We encourage our team members to grow and develop an international perspective within Médecins Sans Frontières. Team members will have the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from other MSF offices, and participate in relevant communities and workshops. .Our team members can freely access our internal learning platform and apply for external training subsidies to enhance their professional skills.


Media Officer 媒體公關專員 財團法人無國界醫生基金會
Salary negotiable
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. We offer assistance to people based on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. We have the following vacancy and are looking for a talented individual with a strong desire to contribute to humanitarian work and commit to the aims and values of MSF to join our team in Taipei. Media Officer The Media Officer plays a pivotal role in enhancing MSF Taiwan's media presence, spreading MSF’s leverage messages through media, and supporting broader communication objectives. This position focuses on managing relationships with media outlets, journalists, and influencers, and implementing media engagement strategies. The Media Officer must mobilize quickly to provide information to the media that is accurate, up-to-date, and informative during emergencies. The Media Officer reports to the Communications Manager. Major Responsibilities - Manage media relations for MSF Taiwan, handling inquiries, pitching stories, and coordinating events to enhance media presence and convey key messages. - Develop compelling media materials aligned with MSF Taiwan’s goals and ensure timely distribution to targeted outlets. - Contribute to multimedia, research for media initiatives, and maintain consistent MSF brand representation in all activities. - Ensure prompt response to media inquiries and crises, implement crisis communication plans, and monitor coverage. - Analyse global media coverage on humanitarian and MSF-related issues, providing insights to identify trends and opportunities for effective strategic media engagement. - Identify and train spokespersons, creating briefing materials to ensure MSF representatives communicate consistently and effectively in interviews and public appearances. - Collaborate with the Communications Manager to align media activities, coordinate initiatives with other teams, and represent MSF at external events to promote its mission and values. 無國界醫生是一個獨立的國際醫療人道救援組織,致力為受武裝衝突、流行病與傳染病和天災影響,以及遭排拒於醫療體系以外的人群提供緊急醫療援助。無國界醫生只會基於人們的需要提供援助,不受種族、宗教、性別或政治因素左右。無國界醫生台北辦公室目前正在招募 1 位對無國界醫生的宗旨及國際人道事務有興趣的媒體公關專員加入我們的團隊。 媒體公關專員 媒體公關專員的任務是強化無國界醫生(台灣)對於媒體之影響力、透過媒體傳遞無國界醫生任務之相關資訊、並且執行更廣泛的媒體推廣目標。此職位主要負責管理和媒體及記者間之關係,並執行媒體經營策略;負責在緊急情況下快速應對,並提供媒體準確、即時、且有效的資訊。此職位之直屬主管為媒體推廣經理。 主要工作內容: - 負責管理無國界醫生在台灣的媒體關係,包含媒體查詢、媒體推廣內容、和協調媒體活動,以強化媒體影響力並且傳播重要資訊。 - 負責製作符合無國界醫生目標且吸引觀眾之媒體素材,確保有效且即時地將資訊傳遞給目標媒體。 - 負責執行及研究媒體策略,確保無國界醫生在所有媒體活動中保持一致的品牌形象。 - 負責應變緊急狀況及媒體詢問,監控媒體報導。 - 分析全球人道工作及無國界醫生之相關報導,了解媒體趨勢,以確保有效的媒體推廣策略。 - 提供發言人相關訓練及簡報製作,確保無國界醫生(台灣)發言人對外保持一致且有效的資訊。 - 與媒體推廣經理及團隊成員合作,協調媒體活動;並且代表無國界醫生參加外部媒體活動,以推廣無國界醫生之使命及宗旨。
Senior Level
English Required
10/04 Updated
Content Officer 內容行銷專員 (文案寫手, 文字編輯, 文案創意) 財團法人無國界醫生基金會
Salary negotiable
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. We offer assistance to people based on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. We have the following vacancy and are looking for a talented individual with a strong desire to contribute to humanitarian work and commit to the aims and values of MSF to join our team in Taipei. Content Officer Content Officer is responsible for writing and producing communication materials related to fundraising and donor engagement. This includes Fundraising Department’s online (digital ads, fundraising web pages, EDM) and offline (fundraising brochures, TV ad scripts, project reports) activities. The goal is to enhance public interest and understanding of MSF, attract donors and strengthen donor participation. Major Responsibilities 1) Copywriting and Content Editing: Write and edit compelling fundraising materials and humanitarian content to raise awareness, recruit supporters, and communicate with donors. Ensure that the tone and style of the copy align with MSF brand positioning and are suitable for the target audience and distribution platforms. 2) Collaboration with Fundraising Team and Communications Department: Work closely with the Fundraising team and the Communications department to assist in defining key messages, frameworks, and content production for fundraising activities. 3) External Vendor Management: Oversee external vendors’ translations and content creation, ensuring appropriateness and alignment with project goals. This includes native content for MSF Taiwan or adaptations from materials provided by MSF movement. 4) Content Improvement Recommendations: Propose and implement improvements to content copy. 5) Material Collection and Planning: Collect, plan and prepare thematic materials for writing. 6) Administrative Responsibilities: Handle necessary administrative tasks related to content production. 無國界醫生是一個獨立的國際醫療人道救援組織,致力為受武裝衝突、流行病與傳染病和天災影響,以及遭排拒於醫療體系以外的人群提供緊急醫療援助。無國界醫生只會基於人們的需要提供援助,不受種族、宗教、性別或政治因素左右。無國界醫生台北辦公室目前徵1位對無國界醫生的宗旨及國際人道事務有興趣的內容行銷專員 加入我們的團隊。 內容行銷專員 內容行銷專員將執行募款及捐款者溝通的文案撰寫及內容產出,涵蓋募款部門線上(數位廣告、募款網頁、EDM)和線下(募款文宣、電視廣告腳本、專案報告)活動,以提升大眾對無國界醫生的興趣與理解,吸引捐款者並加強捐款者的參與。 主要工作內容: 1) 撰寫並編輯觸動人心的募款文宣及人道救援議題內容,進行宣導、招募與捐款人溝通,確保文案及內容語調風格,符合無國界醫生品牌定位並適合目標受眾與發布平台。 2) 與募款團隊及媒體推廣部門密切合作,協助招募、維護及數位行銷專員定義募款活動主要訊息,架構與文案內容產出。 3) 監督外部廠商之翻譯及內容創作,確保內容適切性並符合專案目標,包含無國界醫生(台灣)原生內容或改寫自國際無國界醫生提供之素材。 4) 提出並執行對內容文案的改進建議。 5) 負責收集、規劃及準備主題素材撰寫。 6) 負責與內容製作相關的必要行政工作。
English Required
9/30 Updated