
Company Introduction

40 Employees
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新析生技為2020年台灣成立的跨國高階生技儀器公司,以自有品牌SYNCELL行銷全球,目前國外已有美國、德國、比利時、以色列等國的使用客戶,亦於美國紐約成立第一個國際的應用卓越中心,供北美客戶試用光標靶儀 -- 世界第一個細胞內可抓式顯微鏡技術。公司主要產品包括光標靶儀高階儀器、光標靶實驗試劑耗材、及光標靶蛋白質體服務。公司已進駐台北生技園區,美國分公司設於波士頓地區,擴大延攬優秀人才加入。 公司由跨領域研發團隊組成,專業橫跨AI、機電整合、軟體、光學、光化學、生化、生命科學、與質譜。歡迎有志以尖端生物技術貢獻於人類健康的夥伴加入。 【媒體報導】 2023 Biotech Breakthrough Awards <Proteomics Innovation Winner> https://biotechbreakthroughawards.com/2023-winners/ 新析生技用AI捕捉蛋白質 超級顯微鏡助攻新藥 https://innoaward.taiwan-healthcare.org/faq_detail.php?REFDOCTYPID=0ln4xj1fff5sadsy&REFDOCID=0r66wt8pia9rvxs2 2023年台北生技獎得主 https://news.gbimonthly.com/tw/article/show.php?num=61818 強強聯手! 紐約結構生物學中心、新析生技以光標靶儀平台合作蛋白質體學研究 https://innoaward.taiwan-healthcare.org/faq_detail.php?REFDOCTYPID=&REFDOCID=0s0ab7dzw207f9jf 新析生技完整專利佈局 建立技術高牆 https://innoaward.taiwan-healthcare.org/faq_detail.php?REFDOCTYPID=0ln4xj1fff5sadsy&REFDOCID=0r6cjlwe7rx45lt2 Syncell is a life science tools company founded in 2020 in Taiwan. It pioneers in the world first in-cell "pickable" microscopy technology, Microscoop, and has attracted strong interests globally. Currently Syncell has customers from the USA, Germany, Belgium, Israel, and Taiwan. Syncell has been collaborating with New York Structural Biology Center to establish the first global Center of Excellence for demonstration of the Microscoop technology. The company recently expanded to Taipei Bioinnovation Park at the Nangang Station and the Greater Boston Area to accommodate more talents globally.

Industry Sector
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Main Products

1. 光標靶儀 高階顯微技術儀器,世界第一台細胞內可抓式顯微鏡系統 2. 光標靶儀軟體系統 全自動化AI結合光標靶控制軟體 3. 光標靶試劑 光化學試劑套組 蛋白質萃取試劑套組 4. 光標靶蛋白質體服務 客戶生物樣本找出未知蛋白質體一站式服務 1. Microscoop system The world first subcellular "pickable" microscopy system 2. Autoscoop AI-embedded motorized Microscoop control software 3. Microsccop-associated reagents Synlight kit: photochemical reagents Synpull kit: pull-down enrichment reagents after photolabeling 4. Global Rapid Access Service Program (GRASP) One-stop services from cell or tissue samples to novel proteomic discovery


《薪酬》 ❖具市場競爭力薪資,提供保障年薪13個月。 ❖鼓勵同仁認真工作,配合績效評估與公司營運狀況發放績效獎金、里程碑獎金。 ❖鼓勵同仁創新發明的專利獎金。 ❖優渥的人才推薦獎金。 《福利》 ❖除法定休假外,另外提供每年不扣薪病假7天、不扣薪事假3天。 ❖自由明亮與綠意環繞的工作環境。 ❖新辦公室位於交通便捷的台北生技園區(步行至南港車站只要5分鐘)。 ❖我們有不定期餐敘或下午茶,慶祝公司榮耀時刻,讓同仁在上班時間也享有小確幸與歡樂時光。 ❖感謝同仁一年的辛勞,尾牙是一定要的。 更多相關福利,包含員工保險、健檢、員旅等...規劃實施中,邀請您共同創造精彩。

Company & Workplace


Quality Control Engineer 品管工程師 新析生物科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~50,000
1.Perform incoming, in-process, final, and other required quality control inspections to support product development and manufacturing quality for reagent kit and software. 2.Perform verification, validation, final, and other required quality control inspections to support product development and manufacturing quality for the integrated system. 3. Establishing, optimizing, and maintaining inspection specifications, procedures, test plan, and other documents as required to make high quality reagent kit, software, and the integrated system in collaboration with other departments. 4.Record non conformances and support in conducting root cause investigations. 5.Manage nonconforming (or potentially nonconforming) material. 6.Perform lot and version validation testing while monitoring and adjusting testing frequencies. 7.Support updating of SOPs relating to Quality Control Procedures. 8.Support the risk management related to the quality control. 9.Analyze quality control results, write reports, and make suggestions for improvement. 10.Record quality problems and related measures for review by management. Why Syncell? Syncell pioneers in technologies that require knowledge from multiple disciplines, including chemistry, biology, optics, mechatronics, software development and artificial intelligence. In such a vibrant environment with talents from different specialties, a lot of creativity has been stimulated. You will be excited to work with our synergistic team together to broaden your technical scope and push the boundary of biotools technologies.
Senior Level
English Required
10/16 Updated