J's Language Workshop_臺北市私立華龍文理短期補習班

Company Introduction

17 Employees
Contact Person
Ally Chang
EDUCATION ISN'T ABOUT TESTS AND EXAMS. 來自紐西蘭的華僑 Ms. J 所創立的語言學坊, 率領多位優秀的專業外籍教師,來自美國、英國、紐西蘭、澳洲、法國、日本、俄羅斯、新馬, 在全外語的環境提供孩子們生動有趣、自然的學習方式。 J's Language Workshop was created out of a strong passion, a shared vision and a ceaseless commitment to making learning easy and accessible. We’ve had the opportunity to help countless students acquire foundational skills, develop new techniques and confidently move forward in their learning journey. We provide a wide range of courses to support students from all backgrounds and levels. Contact us with questions or to learn more!

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Main Products

1.ENGLISH Premium Lessons Premium 1v1 Customize Group Regular Long-Term Classes (on going) Early Starters Beginner Intermediate Higher Advanced Skill Booster Program Online Hybrid Program Business English + Pronunciation 2. FRENCH Premium Lessons Premium 1v1 Customize Group 3.JAPANESE Premium Lesson Premium 1v1 Customize Group Level Group Lesson -JLPT N5-N4​ -JLPT N3-N2 -JLPT N1 ​ 4.CHINESE Ongoing Premium 1v1 / Customized Tutorial​​ Mini Group Lesson Corporate Training​ Corporate Training for Foreign Companies / Expats



Part-time, long-term Native, Bilingual English + Chinese tutors J's Language Workshop_臺北市私立華龍文理短期補習班
Hourly Wage NT$ 500~1,000
J's Language Workshop is currently seeking Native, Bilingual English + Chinese tutors to join our dynamic team. We are a collective of passionate and professional private tutors who work collaboratively to provide top-notch training and coaching for dedicated language learners. Our primary focus is on teaching English, Japanese, French, and Chinese as a second language. Our students range from 3-year-old toddlers to mid-age professionals and managers from various fields and prestigious companies. Many of our team members have prior experience in buxibans (cram schools) and unanimously agree that private tutorials or smaller groups, ranging from 1vs1 to up to 8 students, result in better learning outcomes. We attract learners eager to delve deeper into language acquisition, setting us apart from traditional buxibans. Moreover, J's Language Workshop maintains a fully English (or other foreign languages) immersive environment, extending to all parent communications. As a result, our clientele is English-literate, leading to higher standards for language learning for both themselves and their children. For this position, we are particularly interested in hiring a professional and committed long-term bilingual tutor (English + Chinese) specializing in children aged 3 years old (Early Starters level) to elementary school age (mainly Beginners Level to Intermediate Level). However, flexibility in teaching different age groups and levels is a definite plus. Licensing and Certification: We prefer candidates with a valid teaching license and relevant certification, demonstrating commitment and expertise in language instruction. We operate at two teaching sites, Da-An and Da-Zhi. Da-An is located near DaAn Forest Park, while the Da-Zhi HQ office is situated in the vicinity of the Miramar department store area in Taipei. Occasional travel between the two sites may be necessary. Training and observation sessions specific to the level you will be teaching will be provided before your classes commence. If you are a serious and enthusiastic tutor, like us, we welcome you to join our team and grow together. The hourly rate ranges from $500 to $1000, English: $600~$950, Chinese: $500~$600. Hours of bilingual teachers are combination of 2 sets of hourly rates., reflective of your teaching experience and credentials in delivering engaging lessons. Please note that a demo teaching session will be required during the interview process. Working hours will gradually increase over time, with a stable, long-term teacher typically teaching 14 to 32 hours per week. Previous working experience preferred. Provide the ARC, which is probation for four months. To express your interest in scheduling an interview, please reply to this message. For your reference, our Facebook page is accessible at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/jslanguage/
Mid to Senior Level
10/11 Updated
Part-time, long-term Native English tutors J's Language Workshop_臺北市私立華龍文理短期補習班
Hourly Wage NT$ 600~1,000
J's Language Workshop is currently seeking professional, long-term Native English tutors to join our team. For this position, we are looking for a committed long-term tutor for children aged 3 years old (Early Starters level) to elementary school age (mainly for Beginners Level to Intermediate Level). We are a group of passionate, professional private tutors working collaboratively to provide training and coaching for "serious language learners." We mainly teach English, Japanese, French and Chinese (for second language learners). The age range of our students varies from 3-year-old toddlers to mid-age professionals from different fields and managers of prestigious companies. Most of our team members have prior experience working in buxiban (cram schools), and we unanimously agree that private tutorials or smaller groups, in settings of 1vs1 to up to 8 students, yield better learning outcomes. For this reason, compared to traditional buxibans, we attract learners who are eager to delve deeper into language learning. Additionally, J's Language Workshop maintains a full English (or other foreign languages) environment, including communications with all parents. Therefore, most of our customers are English-literate, which generally results in higher standards for language learning for their children. We have two teaching sites, Da-An and Da-Zhi. Da-An is located near DaAn Forest Park, and the Da-Zhi office site is situated in the vicinity of the Miramar department store area in Taipei. Occasional travel between the two sites may be necessary. Training and observation sessions specific to the level you will be teaching will be provided before your classes commence. If you happen to be one of those serious and enthusiastic tutors, like us, we welcome you to join our team and grow together. The hourly rate ranges from $600 to $1000, depending on your teaching experience and demo teaching performance. Working hours will gradually increase over time, with a stable, long-term teacher typically teaching 16 to 28 hours per week. Please reply to express your interest in scheduling an interview. Previous working experience preferred. Provide the ARC, which is probation for four months. For your reference, our Facebook page is accessible at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/jslanguage/
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/11 Updated
Part-time, long-term Native French tutors J's Language Workshop_臺北市私立華龍文理短期補習班
Hourly Wage NT$ 600~1,000
J's Language Workshop is currently seeking Part-time, long-term Native French tutors to join our dynamic team. We are a collective of passionate and professional private tutors who work collaboratively to provide top-notch training and coaching for dedicated language learners. Our primary focus is on teaching English, Japanese, French, and Chinese as a second language. Our students range from 3-year-old toddlers to mid-age professionals and managers from various fields and prestigious companies. Many of our team members have prior experience in buxibans (cram schools) and unanimously agree that private tutorials or smaller groups, ranging from 1vs1 to up to 8 students, result in better learning outcomes. We attract learners eager to delve deeper into language acquisition, setting us apart from traditional buxibans. Moreover, J's Language Workshop maintains a fully English (or other foreign languages) immersive environment, extending to all parent communications. As a result, our clientele is English-literate, leading to higher standards for language learning for both themselves and their children. For this position, we are particularly interested in hiring a professional and committed long-term bilingual tutor (English + French) specializing in children aged 3 years old (Early Starters level) to elementary school age (mainly Beginners Level to Intermediate Level). However, flexibility in teaching different age groups and levels is a definite plus. Licensing and Certification: We prefer candidates with a valid teaching license and relevant certification, demonstrating commitment and expertise in language instruction. We operate at two teaching sites, Da-An and Da-Zhi. Da-An is located near DaAn Forest Park, while the Da-Zhi HQ office is situated in the vicinity of the Miramar department store area in Taipei. Occasional travel between the two sites may be necessary. Training and observation sessions specific to the level you will be teaching will be provided before your classes commence. If you are a serious and enthusiastic tutor, like us, we welcome you to join our team and grow together. The hourly rate ranges from $600 to $1000, reflective of your teaching experience and credentials in delivering engaging lessons. Please note that a demo teaching session will be required during the interview process. Working hours will gradually increase over time, with a stable, long-term teacher typically teaching 14 to 32 hours per week. Previous working experience preferred. Provide the ARC, which is probation for four months. To express your interest in scheduling an interview, please reply to this message. For your reference, our Facebook page is accessible at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/jslanguage/
Mid to Senior Level
10/11 Updated
Part-time, long-term こども 日本語教師募集 Japanese tutors J's Language Workshop_臺北市私立華龍文理短期補習班
Hourly Wage NT$ 600+
J's Language Workshopでは現在、 私たちのチームに加わってくれるネイティブスピーカー(英、仏、日、中)、日中または日英のバイリンガル講師を募集しています。 私たちは、熱心な言語学習者に向けて最高のサービスをご提供している情熱的でプロの言語教師集団です。 私たちの主な焦点は、第二言語としての英語、日本語、フランス語、中国語を教えることです。 私たちの生徒は、3 歳(未就学児)から中年の専門家や、さまざまな分野や有名企業のマネージャーまで多岐にわたります。 私たちのチームメンバーの多くは以前に補習班(学習塾)での経験があり、プライベートチュートリアルまたは1対1から最大8人までの小規模なグループがより良い学習成果をもたらすことに満場一致で同意しています。 私たちは、従来の補習班とは一線を画し、言語習得をより深く掘り下げたいと願う学習者を惹きつけています。 さらに、J's Language Workshop は、 3ヶ月に1度、PTAを設けておりますので、明瞭な環境もご提供しています。 その結果、当社の顧客は英語の読み書きができるようになり、顧客自身とその子供たちの両方の言語学習の基準が向上しました。 このポジションでは、3歳(初期レベル)から小学生(主に初級レベルから中級レベル)までのお子様を専門とする、プロの熱心な長期バイリンガル講師(日本語+中国語または英語)の採用に特に興味を持っています。 。 ただし、さまざまな年齢層やレベルに柔軟に対応できることは、間違いなくプラスです。 ライセンスと認定: 有効な教員免許と関連認定を有し、言語指導における取り組みと専門知識を証明している候補者を優先します。 私たちは、大安と 大直の 2 カ所で活動しています。 大安は大安森林公園の近くにあり、大直本社オフィスは台北の美麗華百貨地区の近くにあります。 勤務には、移動が時折必要になる場合があります。 授業が始まる前に あなたが無理なく授業ができるよう、各レベルに特化したトレーニングと観察セッションが提供されます。 教えることが大好きなそこのあなた! 是非、私たちのチームに参加して、一緒に成長しませんか? 時給は 600 ドルから 1000 ドルの範囲で 講師の経験やクラスの品質によりスライド致します。 面接の際にデモ指導が必要となりますのでご了承ください。勤務時間は時間の経過とともに徐々に増加し、安定した長期教師は通常、週に 14 ~ 32 時間指導します。 面接のスケジュールに興味があることを表明するには、このメッセージにご返信ください。 ご参考までに、当社の Facebook ページには次のリンクからアクセスできます: https://www.facebook.com/jslang/
Mid to Senior Level
9/23 Updated
Part-time, long-term Administrator J's Language Workshop_臺北市私立華龍文理短期補習班
Hourly Wage NT$ 183~200
J's Language Workshop is currently looking for suitable, long-term Administrator to join our team. We are a group of professional and passionate private tutors working together to provide "serious language learners" training and coaching. We teach English, Japanese, Chinese (for second language learners), and French. The age of our students varies from 3-year-old toddlers up to mid-age professionals from different fields and managers of prestigious companies. J's Language Workshop is a full English (or other foreign languages) environment including communications with students and parents. There are two sites, Da-An and Da-Zhi. Da-An is nearby DaAn Forest Park, and the Da-Zhi office site is located around the Miramar department store area in Taipei. We do need to travel between two sites if necessary. Training sessions would be provided before you are kicked off. If you happen to be one of us, welcome to join the team and grow together. The hourly rate ranges from $170~ $200. Working Hours will increase gradually over time- on average; a stable, long-term administrator works 25 hours ~ 32 hours a week. Please reply to let us know if you are interested in meeting up for an interview. Our Facebook page is below for your reference - https://www.facebook.com/jslanguage/
English Required
7/20 Updated