
Company Introduction

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關於Centific Centific (舊稱:Pactera EDGE)是一家全球數據和技術服務公司,專注於數據、人工智慧、體驗和全球化核心領域。砥礪前行27載,足跡遍布全球多個地區,在北美、中國、印度 、新加坡、馬來西亞、歐洲等均設有分公司,員工總數超過3200人,服務超過100家全球五百強企業,同時我們擁有超過50萬全球眾包資源,服務領域涵蓋高科技、網際網路、旅遊交通、製造醫療、零售等產業類型,為社會的數位化與科技發展做出貢獻。 2023新年伊始之際Pactera EDGE 正式宣布更名為 Centific,中文名為「昇迪凡科」,“Centific”一詞將公司以人為本的解決方案理念與業務實踐的嚴謹態度合二為一。品牌更名後,公司的法人結構或股東構成保持不變。 臺灣分公司立足於亞洲市場的重要交付中心,我們充分利用在地的優勢,串聯中國大陸、美國、印度、歐洲等全球資源,在大數據、人工智慧等領域與全球軟體大廠持續合作,為世界500強企業提供從設計、研發到測試運維的end-to-end解決方案與服務。 進入Centific 意味著進入了國際化合作團隊,在此您可以結交世界各地的同事或合作夥伴,體驗多元的工作文化和氛圍。全球化的視野使得我們更加珍視不同行業背景的專業人才,歡迎加入我們並一同打造高技術整合、令人信賴的專業團隊!創造相互尊重信任、和諧共融的企業文化! 在過去,在將來,Centific 不斷拓寬全球業務布局的深度與廣度,始終致力於為財富 500 強客戶提供一系列用戶體驗、數據、智能化和 IT 服務,為企業打造譽滿全球的解決方案。在此刻,在萬里新程的起點之上,我們也將保持初心,全力以赴,與業務夥伴共同擘畫高質量發展新篇章!

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Centific主要服務項目為下: 1. 戰略服務—轉型戰略製定/路線圖製定/數字位化準備/人工智能慧準備/組織內部培訓 2. 設計服務—行業+受眾調研群眾調查/概念構思/視覺設計系統/用戶體驗設計/最小可用產品(MLP) 3. 工程開發—軟體產品開發/認知數據產品開發/數字位化質量控製 4. 數據服務—數據治理/定客製化數據集/雲數據現代化/數據科學與工程/數據運維 5. 全球化—語言服務/在地化服務/數位化產品本地在地化/全球用戶體驗評估 6. 自動化—數據工作場景自動/RPA/OCR 7. 人工智能—AI 戰略/高級分析/機器學習方案/深度學習方案/MLOps 8. 運維—DevOps/AI Ops/網站穩定性工程(SRE)


公司福利制度 1. 完善的保障制度,保障員工的工作與生活(享勞保、健保、勞退金、團保) 2. 完善的獎勵制度,根據績效發放獎金 3. 彈性工作,員工可以根據自身情況彈性調整上下班時間,週休二日 4. 帶薪假期符合標準,陪產假、女性同仁生理假、女性同仁育嬰假、年假、病假 5. 各類員工補貼,如加班補貼、結婚禮金、喪葬補助、符合規定的車資報銷等 6. 定期體檢,組織員工進行健康檢查。 7. Team Building,定期組織員工進行團建活動,如旅遊、聚餐等。 8. 愉悅的工作氛圍,為員工提供零食、飲料、水果作為下午茶。 9. 多元化、國際化的工作環境


Search Engine Evaluator 美商昇迪凡科技術有限公司台灣分公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 220~240
This is a long-term freelance project. Requirement: You are Native or Fluent Speaker of Chinese Traditional (Taiwan). You are fluent in English, as all Guidelines and certifications will be in English. You are currently based in Taiwan. Here are some project briefs: Role Overview: During this Search Engine Evaluation project, participants will evaluate the quality of queries made by internet users while navigating through different MAP applications. The entries to evaluate will be of varied nature, from user intent to authentication of data accuracy. Thanks to this project, we will help develop and optimize current and future map and geo-localization applications, to produce more accurate and intuitive maps in terms of location, search functions and more. As an evaluator you will work in a very international environment with members from all around the globe! You will have a steady and long-term income while working from the comfort of your homes!
English Required
Fully Remote
10/17 Updated
Cloud IT/Engineer 美商昇迪凡科技術有限公司台灣分公司
論件計酬 NT$ 3,500~3,900
【Participant profile】 •Familiar with Cloud, can be AWS, MS Azure, Google, IBM, etc. •No job title restrictions if they are familiar with Cloud. •Participants can reside anywhere as long as they are native speakers of the Chinese Taiwan and understand Cloud content . 【Requirement】 •Familiar with Cloud, can be AWS, MS Azure, Google, IBM, etc. Better if you are certified in AWS, MS Azure or Google Cloud Platform. •You can reside anywhere as long as you are native speakers of Chinese Traditional (TW) and understand Cloud content 【Role Overview】 You will need to fill in a survey study. The study involves reviewing 15 pages of cloud content website, including marketing and technical documentation pages. You will evaluate each asset through an online survey, providing valuable feedback on linguistic accuracy, cultural appropriateness, and overall content quality. 【Survey Details】 •Estimated Time Commitment: Approximately 2.5 hours (including the page review time) •Survey Format: Online •Languages: Participants will review the pages and participate in the survey in Chinese Traditional (TW). 熟悉任意雲產品, 如AWS/MS Azure/Google/IBM等,目前工作中正在使用相關產品,有相應雲服務證書尤佳 PS.This is a one off part time project.
English Required
Fully Remote
10/17 Updated
Freelance/Agency for MTPE and Review 美商昇迪凡科技術有限公司台灣分公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 600~750
This is a freelance project. We currently have an online Help/documentation project in Chinese traditional (Taiwan) with full MTPE, and we need translators and reviewers for a regular collaboration. We hope to find translators who have experience in e-commerce online help/documentation field. Requirements: 1. Native language: Chinese traditional (Taiwan) 2. At least 3 years’ experience in e-commerce online help/documentation field. 3. Could complete tasks as required with good quality. Some project briefs: • Content: Online help/ documentation • TAT: Every workday or every other workday. • MT Discount: will be applied. • Target: Chinese-Taiwan • Scope: MTPE task (Translation, Revision) • Tool: Memsource (or other online tool, trainings will be provided) • Project End Date: Long-term
Senior Level
English Required
Fully Remote
10/17 Updated
UHRS Judgers 美商昇迪凡科技術有限公司台灣分公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 400~650
This is a freelance project. What is UHRS? UHRS is the platform of a Global Leading AI developer where you can take part in a wide variety of projects and tasks (local search relevance, image labeling, video annotation, speech transcription etc.). Purpose: This project will help expand and improve our client’s AI technologies. Main requirements: ✅ You are fluent in Chinese ✅ You have access to a laptop and a good internet connection. ✅ You have some time on your hands to complete tasks. New ones are added every day!
English Required
Fully Remote
10/17 Updated
運維開發工程師(開發技能+英語讀寫) 美商昇迪凡科技術有限公司台灣分公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000~60,000
負責服務器運維開發的工作。 任務包括但不限於: 將服務部署到AKS並設置內置監控系統(Managed Grafana/Geneva)。 使用Helm管理部署,編寫腳本改進部署工作。 要求: ·大學,資訊工程專業更佳 ·3年以上軟件行業工作經驗,有運維經驗者優先 ·具備英語讀寫能力,口語加分項 ·軟件應用/服務技術和基礎設施方面的知識 ·熟悉Azure和Azure DevOps經驗的加分項(plus) ·有腳本自動化經驗者優先,如PowerShell(plus) ·瞭解k8s加分
Senior Level
English Required
10/17 Updated
Front-End Developer 美商昇迪凡科技術有限公司台灣分公司
Annual Salary NT$ 400,000~1,050,000
Responsibility & Qualification 1. Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Have a deep understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and be able to write clean, maintainable code. 2. Experience with front-end frameworks: Have experience working with popular front-end frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue.js, and be able to use them to build applications. 3. Proficiency with web development tools: Proficient with tools such as Git, Webpack and other task runners that can help streamline the development process. 4. Knowledge of cross-browser compatibility issues: Have an understanding of cross-browser compatibility issues and be able to write code that works across a variety of browsers. 5. Strong debugging and problem-solving: Be able to quickly identify and resolve issues in their code and be able to troubleshoot problems in a production environment. 6. Optimization: Strong problem-solving skills, the ability to troubleshoot issues, and to optimize performance for the web. 7. Excellent communication and teamwork: Be able to communicate effectively with team member, and be able to work collaboratively to achieve project goals. 8. Continuous learning: Committed to continuous learning and keeping up-to-date with the latest web development technologies and best practices
English Required
10/16 Updated
數據標註暨資料審查員 美商昇迪凡科技術有限公司台灣分公司
Daily Wage NT$ 1,500~2,000
為高科技公司的AI項目做數據標註的工作为 1、日語聽說讀寫精通 2、專案週期2024年11月到2025年5月24年11月到25年5月,每月須連續工作兩周,每天至少連續工作4個小時 3、英文讀寫良好,可以看懂規則和培訓資料
10/14 Updated
數據標註暨資料審查contractor(服務美商軟體龍頭 AI 研發中心) 美商昇迪凡科技術有限公司台灣分公司
Daily Wage NT$ 1,500~1,600
【資格條件】 1. 大學學歷以上,歡迎在學學生 2. 上班周一至周五 09:00~18:00 3. 簽約至少2 個月 4. 英文讀寫精通(具備第二外語為plus) ; 5. 細心、注重細節,思考邏輯清晰; 6. 多益 600 以上 或者 全民英檢高級 或者 IELTS 6.0 或者 TOFEL 90 大學以上畢,英文讀寫精通(具備第二外語為plus) ; 細心、注重細節,思考邏輯清晰; 必須達到:多益 600 以上 或者 全民英檢高級 或者 IELTS 6.0 或者 TOFEL 90 【工作內容】 依照作業手冊規定,使用公司系統工具對各類英文表單/相關數據進行判讀及標註作業 確認所標註資料的準確度及一致性。 【職涯發展 】國際知名美商軟體大廠合作經驗 , 學習AI 與機器學習的基礎觀念,專案管理技巧與英文技術文件撰寫。 ----> 1. 可以學到專案管理技巧; 2. 與國際軟體大廠合作的經驗; 3. 學習到 AI 與機器學習的基礎觀念; 工作地點:台北市南港軟體園區 筆試及面試地點:台北市衡陽路51號10樓5之12
English Required
10/14 Updated