
Company Introduction

250 Employees
Contact Person
Vast International: VFL Outdoor Inc. Sportline Limited. Leadtact Limited. VAST APPAREL VIET NAM COMPANY LIMITED Vastco. Garments Ltd. Vast Apparel (Cambodia) Ltd. Sportline Apparel (Vietnam) Ltd. Sportline Apparel (Cambodia )Co.,Ltd. Vast International is a full service vertical supplier since 1988 manufacturing premium Outdoor Clothing and Sporting Hard Goods Products for Outdoor Adventure, Fishing, Skiing, Snowboarding, Hunting, Water Sports, Golfing, Surfing and Active Sportswear markets. Through The Corporate office, Showroom, Product development and Design staffs, Sample making facility and Technicians, Vertical fabric Sourcing and Converting Division in Taiwan, The Sales & Merchandising Teams in the U.S.A. and Europe, 5 Garment manufacturing Facilities in Vietnam and Cambodia, The Sourcing and QA offices in China; our fully integrated subsidiaries will deliver a comprehensive solution to the Outdoor Industry for U.S.A., Canadian and European Brands and Retail Chains: The Company stands on a firm financial base. Enabling us to live up to our goals and obligations and to maintain our reputation over the years of supplying dependable, on time, quality, innovative products at competitive prices. The Merchandising staffs working in Taiwan provide a single clearinghouse for individual client communication in a clear, timely and professional way. We have grown along with the Outdoor market in general and have been able to maintain a loyal customer base. Given the opportunity to demonstrate our credibility; we are confident that we can supply the products and services to satisfy the demands of quality and attention to detail as required by the Outdoor Industry supply chain of today.

Industry Sector

Main Products

Manufacturing and Exporting of: Soft Line: Technical Tape-sealed Outerwear, Down filled Garment, Technical Sportswear, Golf Wear, Ski Wear. Hard Line: Bag & Pack, Waders, Footwear, Outdoor and Hunting Accessories, Gloves. Textile: Outdoor technical fabrics, Waterproof Breathable laminated fabrics, Printed Camo Hunting fabrics.


◆◆ 薪酬福利 ◆◆ - 待遇優 - 年資獎金、工作獎金 - 生日禮、久任禮 - 端午節禮金、中秋節禮金及禮盒 - 結婚祝賀金、生育禮金、子女托兒補助金 - 春酒晚會、聖誕Party - 職福會各項福利 - 樣衣員購 ◆◆ 安心保障 ◆◆ - 勞保、健保、勞退 - 員工團體保險、出差旅行平安險 - 員工健康檢查 - 住院慰問金 - 喪葬慰問金 - 醫生及護理師臨場健康諮詢 ◆◆ 工作環境 ◆◆ - 周休二日 - 彈性上下班制度 - 免費機車停車位 - 免費咖啡及點心 - 交通便利(緊鄰西湖捷運站2號出口,步行約5分鐘) 本公司保有上述福利項目調整之權利

Company & Workplace


成衣生管人員 城揚有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 曾任成衣出口廠相關生管工作5年以上實務經驗。 2. 須追蹤生產所需之各種物料供應狀況及用料控管。 3. 生產狀況之掌握。 4. 生產績效報表核對與分析、檢討。 5. 紡織相關科系畢業佳。 6. 精電腦操作。 7. 細心,認真負責,應變及協調能力強,配合度高。
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9/20 Updated