
Company Introduction

13000 Employees
Contact Person
親愛的朋友,您好!歡迎來到 Wonderland 明門集團的徵才專頁,因應集團穩定成長需求,持續擴大招募中! 在下方的簡介中,我們將為您說明 Wonderland 明門集團的「全球營運」、「經營理念」、「核心價值」、「員工福利及福祉」、「與環境社會治理 (ESG) 及聯合國永續發展目標 (SDGs) 的緊密連結」。 請開始您的 Wonderland 明門集團探索之旅! 【全球營運 Global Operations】 自 1983 年創立至今,明門集團專注於嬰幼兒相關產品的設計、製造、銷售。身為業界的全球領導製造商,我們卓越的創新技術與研發能力,屢獲國際設計獎項的肯定。 不斷追求且強化專業的領先地位,並透過差異化的技術優勢與細心聆聽客戶需求,讓我們與客戶長期保持穩健合作。「誠信、負責、執行力」是明門集團企業文化裡重要的核心能力,從上到下推行高標準的道德文化,恪守各項法令與規範,持續以實際作為推動企業永續的力量。 明門集團全球員工人數逾 13,000 人,全球據點包括: - 亞太 (APAC):台灣、中國大陸、日本、澳洲 - 歐洲中東 (EMEA):瑞士、德國、荷蘭、英國、杜拜 (UAE) - 美洲 (AMER):美國 品牌合作夥伴:Joie、nuna、Graco、Aprica、baby jogger、century等

Industry Sector

Main Products



【員工福利及福祉 Employee Benefits and Wellbeing】 1. 彈性上下班時間 2. 提供免費健康營養的三餐,並提供免費咖啡/牛奶/豆漿/優酪乳、水果,補充工作能量 3. 關心員工的健康 (全員皆享高階全身健檢 (優於業界)、免費注射流感疫苗、特約醫護健康諮詢及健康講座、舉辦戶外運動) 4. 提供溫馨的員工福利 (免費的員工優質團體保險、眷屬自費團險、三節/生日/五一勞動節禮券、婚喪賀奠禮金、公司產品生育贈禮、部門聯誼活動補助) 5. 多元豐富的學習型福利 (外訓、明門學習網、與外部訓練機構合作之線上學習平台、明門圖書室等) 6. 陶冶心靈的藝文活動 (舉辦藝文活動,讓同仁調劑身心) 7. 鼓勵員工參與公益活動 (參與公益活動,並發起「明門有愛」等系列社會關懷活動)

Company & Workplace


Accountant/Sr. Accountant (Swiss Companies) 明門實業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Responsibilities at the Corporate Operations Headquarters for Overseas Financial and Accounting Matters: 1.Leading accounting functions for Swiss subsidiaries 2.Conducting financial reporting reviews and tax declaration assessments for Swiss companies 3.Preparing consolidated financial statements of the Swiss holding company for external audit 4.Collaborating with accountants in Taiwan and Switzerland on audit-related matters 5.Coordinating the planning, monitoring, and achievement of transfer pricing targets for the Swiss company 6. Support and review the consolidation reporting. 7.Leading ad hoc projects as required
Senior Level
English Required
9/19 Updated
公共事務專員 明門實業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~55,000
1. 執行集團或品牌慈善公益專案 2. 執行集團內部志工/公益活動 3. 參訪接待以及企業禮贈品管理與規劃 4. 文書處理及其他行政庶務 Key Responsibilities: 1. Conduct corporate/brand charitable campaigns externally and internally. 2. Manage office visitors’ hospitality and corporate gifts. 3. Administration support.
Senior Level
English Required
9/18 Updated
Product Manager 明門實業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~55,000
- Accomplish the needs of US and Europe customers with strong working relationships across the organization. - Collaborate with cross-functional teams (design, marketing, engineering, purchasing, among others) located in US, Taiwan, and China to navigate through projects to ensure successful market launch. - Planning and overseeing projects for juvenile products including strollers, car seats, highchair…etc from the initial ideation through to completion. - Provide quotation and costing analysis for product marketing positioning. - Collaborate with compliance and quality teams to ensure product quality, stability, and compliance throughout its life cycle. - Perform competitive analysis to identify product/market opportunities.
English Required
9/17 Updated
E-Commerce Web Project Manager 明門實業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. Manage resources and ensure projects are delivered in a timely fashion with high quality 2. Generate periodic project status reports to be presented to company stakeholders with detail data, tasks, progress and results. 3. Discover any problems with Web/E-comm functions and work with RD team to identify and implement solutions 4. Collaborate with global and regional teams 5. Track and analyze web traffic metrics by using Google Analytics
English Required
9/17 Updated
資深成本管理師(經管) 明門實業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
[邀請具備製造業成本相關經驗,想更上一層樓成為的你加入!] About the Role 明門不斷進步,追求卓越品質使企業生命永續經營,透過垂直整合製程,降低生產過程中的各種成本,並回饋給每位員工以及社會。「資深成本管理師」將透過了解生產流程中的每一個環節,依照不同管理議題,分析與核算各項成本,找出可以幫助公司變得更好的環節,提供給經營管理層參考,創造更高的價值,以下是您可能將會接觸到的工作內容,實際職責會再根據您的能力、經驗與意願調整。 Responsibilities 1.以Key User 角度協助SAP CO模組導入 2.應用ABC成本法(Activity-Based Costing)收集及整理相關資料,完成例行成本結算與編製各項成本分析報表 3.應用各種方法與基礎進行差異分析(如:實際成本、標準成本、預估成本、二期差異) 4.核算及分析新產品成本或新製程作業成本 5.各項製程改善之成本差異分析 6.熟悉專案成本控制、分析與查核,並協助推動執行專案項目 7.提供經營管理之決策參考數據
English Required
9/17 Updated
Photo Editing Specialist 明門實業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~55,000
Principal Objective As the Photo Editing Specialist, you will be responsible for editing the images that will be displayed across the globe in print, digital, and out-of-home activations. You must have advanced skills in clipping paths, including background removal, border fixing, reflection adding, color correction, shadow creation, and product retouching. Area of responsibilities: • Complete color correction to match product samples, perform compositing, masking, sharpening, resizing, clipping paths, and add drop shadows and reflections for product images. • Understand and align photos with the brand aesthetic goals. • Work in a fast-paced, high-volume environment with tight deadlines, consistently delivering quality photos in a timely manner. • Organize and store completed image files in various sizes and formats in designated locations. • Ensure compliance with data integrity and company NDA policies. Skills and requirements: •Proficiency in Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. • Good written and oral communication skills in English. •A bachelor's degree in photography or a related field is desirable. •Familiarity with MediaValet is a bonus. •Experience in photo retouching, including color correction, compositing, masking, resizing, optimization, file output, and management. • Experience in digital post-production for both print and web. • Ability to collaborate effectively with local and global offices to achieve desired outcomes. • Experience working with globally based teams is a plus.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/16 Updated
Sales Coordinator 明門實業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~55,000
Principal Objective: The principal objective of the Sales Coordinator is to process orders, reply customer’s daily inquiry, manage RMA issues to enable the global Sales Team to successfully fulfill, track and execute orders. Major Duties and Responsibilities • Handle daily communication and requests from distributors or subsidiaries including: Order processing includes shipping window, loading plan, vessel schedule and spare parts quotation. Financial issues, like payment follow up, credit limit management and audit arrangement. RMA claims and product related enquiry. Marketing support for samples, giveaway and material arrangement. • Assist in maintaining the relationship between the company and distributors. • Maintain data integrity and consistency for cross-department communication and document filing. • Coordinate with Product Management team to ensure item meets official regulation and distributor request. • Work with PM team for order note instruction, such as manual translation, labels, and more • Monitor inventory level for subsidiaries to ensure the demand be fully fulfilled. • Coordinate with Supply Chain team to optimize inventory levels. • Draw up requested agreement or announcement for Sales purpose. • Handle assignment from supervisors. Requirements & Qualifications: Skills & Knowledge • Excellent interpersonal and business negotiation skills. • Confident IT user and a critical thinker who is capable of working within timeline and budgets, and as a creative and analytical team player. • Strong multi-tasker being able to manage multiple priorities and deadlines with accuracy. • Ability to work collaboratively with distributors and internal departments to achieve sales goals. Other • Language: Fluent Mandarin Chinese and English required • Ability to work overtime as business needs warrant.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/16 Updated
業務訂單管理師 Business Administrator 明門實業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~55,000
1. Acting as a key account liaison of assigned clients to process orders and monitor supply chain operations on a daily basis. 2. Communicating and co-working of cross-functional multi-tasks internally and externally. 3. Liaise with brokers and carriers to execute shipment delivery towards critical environment and provide assistance for maintaining logistics planning assignments. 4. Implement regular activities such as demand planning, inventory review, and related reporting and analysis 5. Manage and monitor the performance of entire procedure on demand and logistics
English Required
9/16 Updated
會計專員/主任 明門實業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.會計帳務處理(總帳、固資、應收、應付、關係人對帳…)及歸檔 2.會計月結作業及月結後對帳、各項報表統計 3.配合會計師查帳相關資料整理及提供 4.主管交辦事項
Senior Level
English Required
9/16 Updated