
Company Introduction

300 Employees
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GroupM is WPP's media investment group and the world's leading media investment company with a mission to shape the next era of media where advertising works better for people. The company is responsible for more than $60 billion in annual media investment, as measured by the independent research bureau COMvergence. Through its global agencies Mindshare, Wavemaker, EssenceMediacom, and T&Pm, and cross-channel performance (GroupM Nexus), data (Choreograph), entertainment (GroupM Motion Entertainment), and investment solutions, GroupM leverages a unique combination of global scale, expertise, and innovation to generate sustained value for clients wherever they do business. Discover more at Career Website:

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・Client Services - When clients win, we win. ・Activation Services - Enhanced by technology ・Media Investment - Investment integrity is everything. ・Data Science - Data future-proofed. ・Technology Development - Technology that scales.


1. Health and Security: - Employee Health Checkups: Provide comprehensive health checkups, focusing on employees' health and disease prevention. - High-coverage Group Insurance: Offer comprehensive insurance coverage to ensure employees receive appropriate medical protection in emergencies. - Dependent Medical Insurance: Extend coverage to take care of the health of employees' family members. 2. Compensation and Benefits: - Festival Bonuses: Provide special bonuses on significant holidays to recognize employees' hard work. - Performance Bonuses: Reward individuals and teams with extra bonuses based on their performance. - Annual Salary Adjustment: Regularly review and adjust employees' salaries to adapt to market changes and contributions. 3. Work-Life Care: - Work-from-home Fridays: Offer the opportunity for employees to work from home on Fridays, promoting work flexibility and life balance. - Annual Leave, Paid Sick Leave, Flexible Time Off: Ensure employees have sufficient rest and take care of their physical and mental well-being. - No Make-up Work Days: Avoid scheduling work on make-up days to provide employees with more personal time. Flexible Working Hours: Allow employees to choose their own working hours for better work-life integration. 4. Leisure and Entertainment: - Gym, Afternoon Tea, Private KTV Rooms, Switch Games, Gaming Area: Provide recreational facilities to foster team cooperation and a joyful atmosphere. - Employee Trips, Celebration Activities: Organize employee trips and celebrate festivals to strengthen team cohesion. - Massage Benefits: Offer massage services to alleviate work stress and promote employees' physical and mental health. - Department Dinners, Coffee Machines, and Vendor Discounts: Provide opportunities for social interactions and convenient dining options for employees. 5. Collective Growth: - International Job Opportunities: Offer opportunities for international positions to allow employees to develop their careers globally. - Global Educational Resources, e-learning Platform: Provide diverse educational resources to support continuous learning and skill enhancement. - Vendor Workshops: Organize workshops with vendors to enhance employees' understanding of industry trends and professional knowledge. 1. 健康與保障: 員工健康檢查:提供每年員工健康檢查,關注員工健康狀況,預防疾病。 高額團體保險:領先業界超高額團保,提供完善的保障,包含員工的直系親屬,確保員工及親屬在緊急情況下得到適當醫療保險。 2. 薪資福利: 三節獎金:提供特殊節日的額外獎金,表揚員工的辛勤工作。 績效獎金:根據個人和團隊的表現,給予額外的獎金獎勵。 年度調薪:定期審查並調整員工的薪資,以應對市場變化和貢獻。 年度禮物:除尾牙抽獎之外,年度還會有神秘禮物。 3. 生活關懷: 週五居家辦公:提供在家辦公的機會,增加工作靈活性和生活平衡。 年假、有薪病假、隨你排的彈性休假:確保員工有充足的休息時間,照顧身心健康,彈性休假等同年假可自行運用。 補班日不補班:不安排補班,給予員工更多個人時間。 彈性上下班:給予員工選擇自己上下班時間的彈性。 4. 休閒娛樂: 健身房、下午茶、包廂KTV、Switch遊戲、電競區:提供放鬆和娛樂的場所,增進團隊合作和歡樂氛圍。 員工旅遊、節慶活動:舉辦員工旅遊和慶祝節日,加強團隊凝聚力。 不限次數的按摩福利:提供按摩服務,紓解工作壓力,促進員工身心健康。 部門聚餐、咖啡機、特約販賣機折扣:提供員工社交交流的機會和便利的用餐選擇。 5. 共同成長: 透明公開的國內外調轉機會:每月提供國內外職位機會,透明公開的討論,讓員工有更多基在全球範圍內發展職業生涯。 WPP Group全球教育訓練資源、e-learning平台:提供多樣化的教育資源,支持員工持續學習和提升技能。 不定期Vendor workshop:舉辦廠商工作坊,增進員工對產業趨勢的了解和專業知識。

Company & Workplace


Agency Commercial (Sr.)Manager, Finance Dept. | 財務策略夥伴 香港商群邑有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
Agency Relationship Management: To build and maintain strong relationships with agencies (internal client-facing department) by understanding their needs, providing excellent customer service, and ensuring agencies' satisfaction. This includes regular communication, addressing agencies' concerns, and managing agencies' expectations. Financial Management: To monitor and managing the agency's financial performance. This includes budgeting, forecasting, tracking revenue and expenses, and maximizing profitability. The Commercial Manager identifies cost-saving opportunities and ensures financial goals are met. Pricing and Profitability Analysis: To analyze pricing models and conducting profitability assessments to determine the agency's pricing strategy. This involves evaluating costs, market trends, and competition to optimize pricing and maintain profitability. Contract Verification: To consistently ensure business scope aligns with ongoing businesses. This involves cross department communication and mitigation plans once required.
English Required
Partially Remote
10/11 Updated
Manager, Media Planning | 媒體企劃經理/資深經理 香港商群邑有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
1. 客戶品牌聲量分析、進行媒體評估及數據趨勢報告。 2. 受眾廣告行為及媒體平台定調。 3. 競品投資量分析。 4. 媒體溝通素材、kol分析及建議。 5. 控管媒體投放預算及資源分配。 6. 提案及年度媒體排程規劃與成效預估。 7. campaign成效追蹤及結案報告 8. 團隊管理及跨部門執行、數據團隊溝通。 • Develop and follow best practices and procedures/process for media planning & operations • Set viable objectives and KPIs, and recommend/develop measurement methodology against all briefs • Ensure projects/campaigns are tracked and measured based on agreed KPIs and media efficiencies • Provide guidance to the team on planning, operations, and optimization of digital campaigns. • Collaborate closely with internal stakeholders to ensure the campaign's smooth implementation • To update the team and clients on new trends and changes in the media landscape (e.g. new media vendors, new ad formats, etc.)
English Required
Partially Remote
10/11 Updated
Supervisor / Associate Manager, Media Planning | 媒體企劃主任/副理 香港商群邑有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
1. 確立消費目標群及廣告活動的媒體目標。 2. 選擇目標群所接觸的媒體,以求達到最大的媒體效果。 3. 提出媒體企畫案,配合預算的多寡做事前的媒體效果評估。 4. 進行媒體評估分析、趨勢報告及媒體研究。 • Develop strategy for brands including annual phasing and budgeting to achieve brand KPI's. • Troubleshooting and resolving any issues with media/account teams and media vendors. • Analyze data to provide client with recommendations for optimizations. • Maintain relationships with media suppliers, internal teams and brand teams. • Prepare Quarterly/Semi Annual & Annual media reviews and way forward.
Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
10/11 Updated