575 Results
人資經理 福星雲網路有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 50,000+
(著重在有招聘資源) 崗位職責 1. 制定公司招聘計畫和招聘流程,確保公司人才儲備充足,並且招聘符合公司戰略發展目標。 2. 設計和完善公司的員工福利體系,為員工提供具有競爭力的薪資和福利待遇,並根據市場需求不斷更新和優化。 3. 管理員工關係,協調員工與企業之間的合作、溝通和衝突處理,維護公司穩定和諧的環境。 4. 管理公司的培訓開發計畫,協助各部門開展技能培訓、管理培訓等,提高員工綜合素質和企業管理水準。 5. 擬定公司各項人事政策,發揮人事制度和流程的效能,減少人力資源成本。 6. 對公司組織架構、人員定編、人力資源規劃等方面進行規劃和管理,承擔組織設計和調整、人力資源需求預測等工作。 7. 監督和控制人事核算工作,協助財務部門實現成本控制和費用優化。
Partially Remote
9/21 Updated
Zocha客服專員(部分遠端) 摩拓旅程股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~37,000
我們是台灣最大的租車平台之一,Zocha,期待您和我們一起發揮影響力,用數位科技翻轉台灣租車產業,實現用戶透明、便捷、安全、保障的租車體驗。 工作職責: 1. 顧客服務: 透過文字(如LineOA、社群、Email等)與電話提供專業且及時的服務,處理客戶在租賃過程的問題如:預約、付款、租車條件、取車及還車等相關事宜。 2. 問題解決: 依照SOP有效處理並解決客戶投訴及突發問題,確保顧客滿意度。 3. 資料管理: 運用客服系統,精確紀錄並更新顧客互動紀錄,持續優化服務質量。 4. 跨部門協作: 與租車行、技術團隊及其他內部部門合作,確保服務流程的順暢運行。 5. 市場反饋: 收集並分析客戶反饋,提供建議以改善平台服務及使用者體驗。 工作要求: 1. 經驗需求: 無經驗可,具1年以上顧客服務或相關領域工作經驗佳。 2. 溝通技巧: 良好的溝通能力,能夠清晰明確地傳達資訊。 3. 問題解決能力: 能迅速理解客戶需求並提供具體的解決方案。 4. 語言能力: 精通中文(普通話),具備良好的英語能力者加分。 5. 科技素養: 熟悉電腦操作,能夠熟練運用客服系統及其他相關工具。 加分條件: 1. 了解機車租賃業務的相關知識。 2. 具備強烈的責任心及良好的團隊合作精神。 薪資結構:底薪32K+KPI獎金5K(第二個月開始計算)
Partially Remote
9/21 Updated
業務助理 特隼有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~35,000
【關於我們】 營造「小幸福生活學」,讓我們把美好的小日子帶給你。 【工作內容】 1. 協助庶務性工作 (如:行政文書資料紀錄及歸檔) 2. 收發處理信件與包裹 3. 協助整理貨品 4. 簡單核銷、零用金、庫存管理和總務事宜 5. 回覆電話和email 6. 顧客之接待與需求服務 (如:預約、諮詢、調貨、修改、包裝及退換貨處理) 7. 共同維持良好的專櫃創作環境 8. 拍攝櫃上相關短影音、網路社群維護 9. 其他交辦事項 【你和我們一起共同努力的事情】 本公司主力為電商,主要銷售水晶寶石飾品擺件與電商資訊性質服務,你會需要協助店內文書類型工作、回應顧客需求和幫忙收發信件/包裹...等等。 【我們尋找的你有這樣的能力】 ◆ 積極、耐心、謹慎細心以及良好的溝通能力 ◆ 具備 Excel、Word 等基礎文書處理能力 ◆ 需具備責任感及抗壓性,重視溝通與團隊合作 ◆ 由於剛成立,需要耐心協助處理各項事務 【福利制度】 1. 不定期聚餐 2. 零食飲料好好吃吃喝喝 3. 開發獎金 4. 員工優惠 【工作待遇】 正職:月薪 30,000~ 35,000(視能力及經驗調整) 兼職:時薪183起 (視能力及經驗調整) 休假:彈性排休輪班制(月休8-10天),休假依勞基法規定 上班時間:10:00-19:00(中間休息1小時) ✦如有興趣可參與公司其他部門營運,累積跨領域經驗並向高階主管職涯發展✦ 預計2024/9/18開幕
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商業戰略執行企劃 ( 新創公司/每月享遠端日 ) 安可日子股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 45,000+
此職位主要負責協助業務專案執行工作,根據客戶品牌行銷策略及產品特性,為客戶量身定制行銷創意和內容的策劃,其中包含行銷活動企劃與執行、與KOL/KOC洽談合作、擬定全域內容新商模以及為企業產品進行課程企劃及內容策略、分析與優化。 主要職責: 1. 專案管理及執行:依據統籌、管理的專案階段,掌握並控管各項專案(包括線上/線下活動、短影音/口碑內容專案)執行內容,其包含專案時程、經費、品質、成效及客戶滿意度 2. 協助課程企劃與製作,包含執行專案研究,與研擬主題與行銷切入點,並能持續迭代優化教學產品。 3. KOL/KOC策略合作規劃與執行:以協助業績營收增長為前提,建立及維護KOL/KOC的合作關係,評估合作效益,並制定長期合作策略。 4. 市場研究與競品分析:持續監控市場動態,分析競品策略,並根據分析結果優化商業提案及執行方式。 5. 外部合作管理:以專案成效為導向,與外部單位進行結盟、合作,並規劃與控管與外部廠商合作進度與成效 6. 新商業案型展開:盤整公司資源,擬定新商業案型,並實際與客戶完成測試。 *歡迎對於社群媒體、私域行銷、創作者經濟領域有興趣的您一起加入安可日子團隊,為零售產業與各大品牌共創市場聲量與業績。 *我們透過 飛書APP 打卡上下班,沒有實體辦公室,只有和信義區的 Tropo Coffee 合作使用會議室空間。除配合公司會議、課程、客戶拜訪等實體需求外,其餘時間可享遠端。
Mid to Senior Level
Partially Remote
9/21 Updated
網路行銷業務 谷瑞特行銷有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~65,000
職務薪資 30000/35000~45000/65000 如果你擅長溝通具有高情商,喜歡挑戰創意發想,歡迎你加入我們~ 【工作內容】 ● 市場開發與客戶尋找 需要積極尋找潛在客戶,通過多元化方式(如網路、軟體、社交媒體等)接觸潛在客戶。 ● 產品介紹與推廣 向潛在客戶介紹產品或服務的優點,回答客戶問題,解釋產品的價值。 ● 客戶關係管理 維護客戶的關係,解決在使用產品或服務中的問題。 ● 完善的培訓計畫 共同討論目標及規劃,定期回顧工作發展,傾聽並溝通調整。 沒有相關經驗也沒有關係,我們更看重的是學習新事物積極成長的心態,到職後也會有完整的教育訓練及職務升遷培訓,如果你渴望自己在一個充滿機會的環境中發展,我們期待與您共創更好的未來。
9/21 Updated
業務行政助理(搶進AI產業) 雲書苑教育科技有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000~40,000
雲書苑是一個AI教育科技的領航者,我們這在尋找對教育產業有興趣,態度積極的您,一起加入我們的團隊,公司就在捷運站旁,交通便利。 【工作內容】 1. 建立試用帳號 2. 建立報價單 3. 協助業務進行電話行銷工作與業務支援 4. 客製化交付給顧客的使用手冊 5. 客戶資料建檔 6.寄發電子廣告信 7. 開發票 8. PPT編輯排版 9. 協助業務進行相關文件執行任務 10.公司交辦行政業務 11. 完成主管交辦事項 12. 有行銷背景為加分 【薪資結構】 入職後試用考核期(3個月) 薪資計算:35000元整 試用期滿考核過後(若未通過視情況延長或終止聘雇)。 薪資計算:40000元整 【福利制度】 1.享有完整勞/健保補助。 2.部門定期聚餐活動。 3.辦公室免費茶水零食提供。 4.年終獎金/禮品。 5.三節獎金/禮品。 6.生日禮金/禮品。 7.緊急難協助關懷。 8.其他員工福利活動。 【雲書苑,專注於人工智慧與教育】 ✩2018年國家品牌玉山獎-首獎企業 ✩2014年資訊月百大創新產品 自主研發產品「快刀中文相似度比對平台」於2014年榮獲資訊月百大創新產品。 http://innovation.itmonth.org.tw/product_detail.php?pid=1500&uid=401&year=2014 【商業周刊報導】 連文風都能比對!本土AI論文比對系統,查6萬字僅需799元 https://www.businessweekly.com.tw/business/blog/3010429 【數位時代報導】 https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/60824/ai-nlp-ppvs-paper-january
9/21 Updated
CNC學徒 (新人無經驗可) 緊固電子束科技有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~50,000
銑床人員 1. 學習=>閱覽加工成品之圖面,編排加工製程順序,編寫加工程式,並進行程式模擬。 2. 學習=>負責輸入及設定加工機械的程式。 3. 學習=>檢查工件藍圖及其規格是否正確。 4. 學習=>使用螺栓、夾板等夾具,將工件固定加工或降層分析。 5. 學習=>產品相關夾治具設計及製作。 6. 學習=>選定及裝配刀具並優化切削速度等條件並起動試銑。 7. 學習=>操縱手輪或以自動進刀機構進行加工。 8. 學習=>機台相關耗材如過濾器&切削劑&刀具&刀把&治具管理。 9. 學習=>零點定位器設計製作。 10. 學習=>使用機上量測度量儀器檢查工件。 11. 學習=>維持及提升每日機台的稼動率。 12. 學習=>負責產品品質的管控及檢驗&IPQC管理。 13. 學習=>負責設備故障排除與設定。 14. 學習=>負責機台設備的日常保養與維護工作。 15. 學習=>個人技能傳承&技能控管,提升團隊戰力 16. 學習=>績效管理&主管交辦待辦事項管理 17. 學習=>堆高機上下夾治具或材料操作. 18. 學習=>樣品打樣放程式及追蹤管理 19. 學習=>工單及程式單識別及操作
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CNC半技師 緊固電子束科技有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000~60,000
銑床人員 1. 閱覽加工成品之圖面,編排加工製程順序,編寫加工程式,並進行程式模擬。 2. 負責輸入及設定加工機械的程式。 3. 檢查工件藍圖及其規格是否正確。 4. 使用螺栓、夾板等夾具,將工件固定加工或降層分析。 5. 產品相關夾治具設計及製作。 6. 選定及裝配刀具並優化切削速度等條件並起動試銑。 7. 操縱手輪或以自動進刀機構進行加工。 8. 機台相關耗材如過濾器&切削劑&刀具&刀把&治具管理。 9. 零點定位器設計製作。 10. 使用機上量測度量儀器檢查工件。 11. 維持及提升每日機台的稼動率。 12. 負責產品品質的管控及檢驗&IPQC管理。 13. 負責設備故障排除與設定。 14. 負責機台設備的日常保養與維護工作。 15. 個人技能傳承&技能控管,提升團隊戰力 16. 績效管理&主管交辦待辦事項管理 17. 堆高機上下夾治具或材料操作.
9/21 Updated
網站文字客服人員-中/晚班 福星雲網路有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000~45,000
1.IT服務線上文字客服,使用線上對接軟件、E-mail等回覆客戶問題,並將問題回饋給技術單位。 2.熟悉手機.電腦等基本操作,無相關經驗可培訓。 須俱備禮貌.細心.耐心,擅溝通協調及反應能力佳的處理客戶訴求與安排。 3.完成主管交辦事項。 4.班別如下:(固定班) 中班時間:15:00-23:00 晚班時間:23:00-07:00 按照班別給予津貼
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CNC車床及銑床技師 (組長/技師/半技師/廠長) 緊固電子束科技有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000~100,000
CNC車床及銑床人員 (組長/技師) 協助樣品開發/產品量產/現場管理/保養維修/輪班等 1. 閱覽加工成品之圖面,編排加工製程順序,編寫加工程式,並進行程式模擬。 2. 負責加工機械的程式執行以利打樣及量產。 3. 檢查產出的產品是否符合工件圖面及其規格。 4. 產品相關夾治具設計及製作。 5. 選定及裝配刀具並優化切削速度等條件並起動試銑。 6. 機台相關耗材如過濾器&切削劑&刀具&刀把&治具管理。 7. 維持及提升每日機台的稼動率。 8. 負責產品品質的管控及檢驗&IPQC管理。 9. 負責設備故障排除與設定。 10. 負責機台設備的日常保養與維護工作。 11. 個人技能傳承&技能控管,提升團隊戰力 12. 績效管理&主管交辦待辦事項管理 13. 製程及良率改善 14. 加工時間及成本改善 15. 協助教育訓練及e-Learning錄影教學,以利培訓新人
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Site Reliability Engineer 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,100,000~2,000,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a Site Reliability Engineer, you will be responsible for maintaining and managing the company's hardware, computer equipment, and system services while focusing on automation and continuous improvement. You will assist in ensuring high availability, performance, and security of infrastructure and applications. 【Responsibilities】 - Maintain services once they are live by measuring and monitoring availability, latency, and overall system health. - Collaborate with software engineers to understand needs for infrastructure, develop and maintain CI/CD pipelines, test automation frameworks, and other developmental tools. - Configure and adjust network architecture, including VLAN, Routing, and Firewall configuration. - Automate repetitive tasks and processes to enhance operational efficiency and minimize manual intervention. - Monitor system performance and proactively identify potential issues, ensuring high availability of services. 【Minimum qualifications】 - Integrity (High ethical standards) - Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related technical field. - Proficiency with Linux/Unix environments and system administration tasks. - Experience with Docker, Docker Compose, and LXC container operations - Knowledge of VLAN and LACP - Understanding of network hardware architecture - Understanding of Routing and Firewall (IPtable) - Experience with scripting or programming languages (e.g., Python, Bash, Go). 【Preferred qualifications】 - Experience with performance optimization, load testing, and capacity planning. - Familiarity with LDAP - Familiarity with 802.1x network authentication protocol 【Interview Criteria (Ranked by Importance)】 - Ability to solve unknown problems - Familiarity with internet-related hardware and software (Switch, AP, DNS, DHCP) - Experience with cloud services (AWS, GCP, Linode) - Proficiency in Unix systems - Knowledge of Linux Container technologies - Understanding of computer hardware architecture
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Data Scientist 曙客股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 65,000~70,000
Do you have a passion for extracting meaning from data, solving complex problems, and driving results through insights? Are you a curious and collaborative individual with a knack for cutting-edge analytical techniques? If so, unleash your data science expertise and join our team! WHAT YOU’LL DO: Analyze large datasets, identify patterns, and develop predictive models to solve critical business challenges Build end-to-end machine learning pipelines from data collection to model deployment. Develop and evaluate machine learning models using appropriate evaluation metrics. Translate complex data findings into clear and actionable insights for stakeholders across different departments Continuously learn and keep pace with emerging data science trends and methodologies Partner closely with cross-functional teams (engineers, product managers, marketers) to drive data-driven decision-making WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Bachelor's degree in a relevant field, Computer Science/Engineering major is a plus 3+ years of experience as a Data Scientist or related role In-depth knowledge of statistical analysis, machine learning, and deep learning techniques Proficiency in programming languages like Python, R, or equivalent Experience with data wrangling, cleaning, and visualization tools Solid understanding of big data concepts and cloud computing platforms (bonus points!) Exceptional communication and presentation skills Collaborative spirit and ability to work effectively within a team Strong problem-solving and analytical skills Curiosity and a passion for continuous learning Good English communication skills Has this role caught your Interest? APPLY NOW: https://funnow.bamboohr.com/careers/122
9/20 Updated
Content Design Manager PicCollage拼貼趣_美商凱德諾藍股份有限公司台灣分公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,600,000~2,000,000
【About PicCollage 公司介紹】 We use friendly design and serious tech to build meaningful products that make the world more fun and creative! 嗨!我們是來自矽谷的新創團隊 PicCollage Company,我們團隊鼓勵自由創造,擁抱差異與多元文化,打造『開放、學習、分享』的工作環境。產品開發近期以『Creative AI』為主軸,打造使用者能輕鬆發揮創意的各項影像編輯產品。 歡迎參考以下連結更多的認識我們! Our New Products: https://picc.co/products Life at PicCollage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIVyWO-qWIBQQebwef-s7Cg Tech Blog: https://tech.pic-collage.com/ ------------- As the Content Design Manager at PicCollage, you will spearhead the innovation initiative, crafting content that merges creativity with technology. Your role will involve producing high-quality materials such as stickers, backgrounds, templates, fonts, and more for the PicCollage app. You will both oversee and actively engage in the creation, management, and strategic planning of content. This position demands a mix of creative vision, leadership skills, and technical expertise. [Responsibilities] - Collaborate with Marketing to generate decorative content (stickers, background, templates..etc) based on user feedback and consumer research. - Ideate and advocate for product changes that enhance app content usability and discoverability. - Act as a representative of the Content team, liaising and communicating with other teams including PMs and developers. - Lead and represent content initiatives and structure teams to achieve goals. - Participate in strategic planning meetings and facilitate the implementation of strategies. - Stay ahead of industry and design trends in both content strategy and technology to continually enhance content impact and delivery. [Requirements] - Fluent in English (written & verbal). - 5+ years experience in content design and strategy. - Skilled in Adobe CC (Illustrator and Photoshop) and Figma. - Strong project management skills and ability to manage multiple projects in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment. - Exceptional communication skills and ability to advocate content innovation. [Plus] - Familiar with US culture and trends. - Understand AI and interested in the potential of using AI to create better content. - Fluent in Mandarin. 【Interview process 面試流程】 After you submit your application, the next steps are one or two video interview calls (with short written questions), followed by an onsite interview. Our interview process includes interesting exercises with our team members (e.g. pair programming, design brainstorming). Through this process, we hope you can get to know what it's like to work with us, and get to know our team and culture! If you believe you fit the bill above, and are eager to start a new journey of being part of a fun and creative startup team, hesitate no more and join us! 【Benefits & Culture 公司福利 & 工程師文化】 Invent the future - 一年兩次定期舉辦 Hackday,翻玩最新技術! Always be learning - 各種內部工作坊(ML/Frontend/Backend/Mobile)、每週五固定新技術分享、Design Demo分享、定期協辦技術社群活動(Cocoaheads Taipei, Android Taipei) Fun, Creative and International team - 雙語工作環境,團隊成員來自世界各國,辦公室就是小矽谷! 還有還有 ... Awesome Office 舒服的辦公室 Flexible Work Time & WFH 彈性上下班時間 & 遠端工作 Flexible PTO 彈性休假制度 Free Lunch and Dinner 每日團隊午餐晚餐 PicCafe 各樣零食飲料不怕餓 Sports Classes in Office 辦公室內建 TRX & Yoga 教室 Team Activities and Workshops 各式活動與學習機會
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Senior Machine Learning Engineer (Visual Creativity) PicCollage拼貼趣_美商凱德諾藍股份有限公司台灣分公司
Annual Salary NT$ 2,100,000~3,500,000
【About PicCollage 公司介紹】 We use friendly design and serious tech to build meaningful products that make the world more fun and creative! 嗨!我們是來自矽谷的新創團隊 PicCollage 拼貼趣,主要產品『PicCollage』是一個追求自由創造及分享的照片拼貼app,主要使用者來自美國、英國及日本等國家。目前全球下載量已突破 2 億,每個月 1500 萬穩定用戶量,並且持續增長中! 在PicCollage 拼貼趣團隊我們鼓勵自由創造,擁抱差異與多元文化,致力於打造『開放、學習、分享』的工作環境。另外,新產品團隊正式成軍!積極開發新產品運用新科技如 3D、AR/VR、Machine Learning、Data Analytics等,以快速開發進行多種圖像、影片實驗,讓人們用創意拼貼生活中值得分享的時刻。歡迎各方高手與我們一起創造下個破億下載量的產品,為世界帶來趣味! 歡迎參考以下連結更多的認識我們! Our New Products: https://picc.co/products Life at PicCollage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIVyWO-qWIBQQebwef-s7Cg Tech Blog: https://tech.pic-collage.com/ ------------- Are you enthusiastic about transforming innovative ideas into actual products which will provide fun, creative experiences for millions of people around the world? Then come and join our team! As a senior machine learning engineer, you will build the machine learning models which power PicCollage’s creative and visual applications, using the latest in computer vision and generative AI technology. You will work with company leadership and designers to understand the challenges facing our team and users, help us set technical directions, and promote promising new technologies. You will work together with a team of machine learning engineers to research and implement models and algorithms, and help your team members grow in their career. 【Responsibilities】 - Design and implement machine learning models for visually creative applications, including computer vision and generative AI. - Keep up to date with the latest advancements in machine learning, and apply new technologies to improve our products. - Work with company leadership to set technical directions and promote promising new technologies. - Lead other machine learning engineers to deliver high quality results and improve their knowledge and skills. 【Qualifications】 - A MS degree or higher in a related field (machine learning, computer science, etc.) - Has experience in visual creativity-related machine learning engineering for 3+ years or above, including computer vision and/or generative AI. - Has experience with computer vision and machine learning projects(preferably at the MS/PhD level), using ML libraries like Tensorflow, Pytorch, Caffe, etc. - Has familiarity with one or more of these: OpenCV, C/C++, Python, Java. - Has great math and analytical abilities, but also an artistic side! - Is self-motivated and focused, but also creative and energetic. - Has good communication skills in English. 【Interview process 面試流程】 After you submit your application, the next steps are one or two video interview calls (with short written questions), followed by an onsite interview. Our interview process includes interesting exercises with our team members (e.g. pair programming, design brainstorming). Through this process, we hope you can get to know what it's like to work with us, and get to know our team and culture! If you believe you fit the bill above, and are eager to start a new journey of being part of a fun and creative startup team, hesitate no more and join us! 【Benefits & Culture 公司福利 & 工程師文化】 Invent the future - 一年兩次定期舉辦 Hackday,翻玩最新技術! Always be learning - 各種內部工作坊(ML/Frontend/Backend/Mobile)、每週五固定新技術分享、Design Demo分享、定期協辦技術社群活動(Cocoaheads Taipei, Android Taipei) Fun, Creative and International team - 雙語工作環境,團隊成員來自世界各國,辦公室就是小矽谷! 還有還有 ... Awesome Office 舒服的辦公室 Flexible Work Time & WFH 彈性上下班時間 & 遠端工作 Flexible PTO 彈性休假制度 Free Lunch and Dinner 每日團隊午餐晚餐 PicCafe 各樣零食飲料不怕餓 Sports Classes in Office 辦公室內建 TRX & Yoga 教室 Team Activities and Workshops 各式活動與學習機會
Senior Level
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Staff Engineer, Cloud Data Backend Kloudless, A Netskope Company_科迪股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,800,000+
About the role Please note, this team is hiring across all levels and candidates are individually assessed and appropriately leveled based upon their skills and experience. As a Staff Engineer on the Data Engineering Team you’ll be working on some of the hardest problems in the field of Data, Cloud and Security with a mission to achieve the highest standards of customer success. You will be building blocks of technology that will define Netskope’s future. You will leverage open source Technologies around OLAP, OLTP, Streaming, Big Data and ML models. You will help design, and build an end-to-end system to manage the data and infrastructure used to improve security insights for our global customer base. What's in it for you - You will be part of a growing team of renowned industry experts in the exciting space of Data and Cloud Analytics - Your contributions will have a major impact on our global customer-base and across the industry through our market-leading products - You will solve complex, interesting challenges, and improve the depth and breadth of your technical and business skills. What you will be doing - Conceive and Build services used by Netskope products to validate, transform, load and perform analytics of large amounts of data using distributed systems with cloud scale and reliability. - Help other teams architect their applications using the services from the Data team, using best practices and sound designs. - Evaluate many open source technologies to find the best fit for our needs, and contribute to some of them. - Work with the Application Development and Product Management teams to scale their underlying services - Provide easy-to-use analytics of usage patterns, anticipate capacity issues, help with long term planning - Learn about and design large-scale, reliable enterprise services. - Work with great people in a fun, collaborative environment. - Create scalable data mining and data analytics framework using cutting edge tools and techniques Required skills and experience - 8+ years of industry experience building highly scalable distributed Data systems - Programming experience in Python, Java or Golang - Excellent data structure and algorithm skills - Proven good development practices like automated testing, measuring code coverage. - Proven experience developing complex Data Platforms and Solutions using - Technologies like Kafka, Kubernetes, MySql, Hadoop, Big Query and other open source databases - Experience designing and implementing large, fault-tolerant and distributed systems around columnar data stores. - Excellent written and verbal communication skills - Bonus points for contributions to the open source community - BSCS or equivalent required, MSCS or equivalent strongly preferred
English Required
Fully Remote
9/20 Updated
Senior Visual Designer PicCollage拼貼趣_美商凱德諾藍股份有限公司台灣分公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,800,000~2,500,000
【About PicCollage 公司介紹】 We use friendly design and serious tech to build meaningful products that make the world more fun and creative! 嗨!我們是來自矽谷的新創團隊 PicCollage Company,我們團隊鼓勵自由創造,擁抱差異與多元文化,打造『開放、學習、分享』的工作環境。產品開發近期以『Creative AI』為主軸,打造使用者能輕鬆發揮創意的各項影像編輯產品。 歡迎參考以下連結更多的認識我們! Our New Products: https://picc.co/products Life at PicCollage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIVyWO-qWIBQQebwef-s7Cg Tech Blog: https://tech.pic-collage.com/ ------------- We are looking for a Senior Visual Designer to help lead visual design and vision on PicCollage app. This role demands a blend of creative skills, time management capabilities and the ability to elevate designs as a whole. As a Senior Visual Designer, you will play a pivotal role in defining and enhancing the visual experience of our app to keep us at the forefront of the industry. [Responsibilities] - Lead visual design initiatives, overseeing all stages of the design process from concept to execution. Enhance and maintain our visual and brand identity, ensuring that all visuals are compelling and aligned with our strategic goals. - Collaborate with marketing team visually and strategically to deliver high quality design assets including video ads, app store graphics and a/b testing visuals, to achieve key metrics. - Collaborate with cross-functional product teams including product design, management, and engineering to establish targeted visual output. - Provide art direction and visual guidance to in-app content curation with trend research and constructive feedback. - Communicate effectively with stakeholders, ensuring their understanding and buy-in for design strategies and solutions. [Requirements] - Fluent in English (written & verbal). - 5+ years professional visual design, marketing and content. - Proficient in Adobe CC (Illustrator and Photoshop), Figma, After Effects, Premiere Pro. - Strong portfolio that demonstrates expertise in detail oriented design and visual strategy. - Strong communication and presentation skills, able to clearly articulate ideas, design decisions, and provide constructive feedback. [Plus] - Understanding of US market. - Understand AI and interested in the potential of using AI to create better content. 【Interview process 面試流程】 After you submit your application, the next steps are one or two video interview calls (with short written questions), followed by an onsite interview. Our interview process includes interesting exercises with our team members (e.g. pair programming, design brainstorming). Through this process, we hope you can get to know what it's like to work with us, and get to know our team and culture! If you believe you fit the bill above, and are eager to start a new journey of being part of a fun and creative startup team, hesitate no more and join us! 【Benefits & Culture 公司福利 & 工程師文化】 Invent the future - 一年兩次定期舉辦 Hackday,翻玩最新技術! Always be learning - 各種內部工作坊(ML/Frontend/Backend/Mobile)、每週五固定新技術分享、Design Demo分享、定期協辦技術社群活動(Cocoaheads Taipei, Android Taipei) Fun, Creative and International team - 雙語工作環境,團隊成員來自世界各國,辦公室就是小矽谷! 還有還有 ... Awesome Office 舒服的辦公室 Flexible Work Time & WFH 彈性上下班時間 & 遠端工作 Flexible PTO 彈性休假制度 Free Lunch and Dinner 每日團隊午餐晚餐 PicCafe 各樣零食飲料不怕餓 Sports Classes in Office 辦公室內建 TRX & Yoga 教室 Team Activities and Workshops 各式活動與學習機會
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
【HR】HR Business Partner 曙客股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
【About Our Team】 FunNow is a rapidly growing and exciting startup based in Taiwan, recognized as one of the top five emerging giants by KPMG in 2022. Over the past seven years, we have developed an on-demand lifestyle booking platform that empowers individuals to embrace spontaneity. With a strong network of over 5500 merchant partnerships across various categories, we provide exceptional experiences at the best prices, positively impacting the lives of over one million people throughout Asia. 【Position Description】 We are currently looking for a talented and enthusiastic HR Manager/Sr. Specialist to join our team. As part of this role, you will be responsible for assisting FunNow in establishing and maintaining an effective human resources management system to ensure smooth operations of recruitment, employee relations, and learning & development functions. Assisting in the execution of HR strategies to meet FunNow's talent needs and enhance employee satisfaction. 【Job duties】 ▶ As a HRBP .Act as an HR Business Partner (HRBP) for designated operational areas or business units, understanding their talent development needs. .Collaborate with leaders to identify talent development needs and strategies. .Provide guidance and support for talent management, employee engagement, and organizational development initiatives. .Analyze HR data and metrics to identify trends and recommend HR solutions aligned with business goals. .Develop and implement recruitment strategies to attract and select high-quality candidates. .Foster team building and collaboration to ensure a positive work environment. .Monitor and assess employee satisfaction, provide improvement suggestions, and participate in employee surveys. .Assist in developing and executing education and training programs to enhance employee skills and career development opportunities. 【Requirements】 .Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. .Familiarity with recruitment processes and interview techniques. .Fluent communication skills in English, both written and spoken. .Possess a startup mindset and be open to rapid and flexible changes. .Strong problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills. .Efficient in task management, skilled in multitasking, able to allocate time and set self-expectations. .Enjoy engaging with people, discovering interesting things related to human interactions, and being enthusiastic about sharing them. 【Nice to have】 .Proficiency in both English and Mandarin, Japanese is a plus .Familiar with Microsoft Office, and Power BI is a plus. .Previous experience working in publicly traded companies. .Experience in international HR management. Join our FunNow family, comprising more than 300 employees across Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and Japan, as we revolutionize how people find happiness and create unforgettable moments!
Senior Level
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Software Engineer, Simulation, Hsinchu 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,100,000~1,300,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a software engineer of Virtual Platform, you will help develop a so-called “Virtual Platform” tool for hardware & software co-design/co-verification of AI models under the target machine’s constraints. Your contribution is important for enabling those exciting deep neural network models really working in the daily life. Without Virtual Platform (VP), the compiler and runtime cannot run on an architectually identical hardware with Transaction-level modeling for time-to-market, which benefits cost and efficiency. We are heavily using C++/SystemC. You should be familiar with modern C++/SystemC techniques, and be able to program in a logical, reusable, and timely fashion. 【Responsibilities】 Develop System-on-Chip simulators 【Minimum qualifications】 Bachelor in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent experience Experience with C/C++ 【Preferred qualifications】 Master in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent experience Desire to acquire the understanding of SystemC and AI accelerators Willingness to enhance the knowledge of system software and computer architecture Passionate about learning the latest AI technologies from software and hardware perspectives Knowledge of modern operating systems Elected courses on modern computer architecture or computer organization (Plus) Experience with system virtualization technologies, such as SystemC simulators, QEMU, or other virtual platforms (Plus) Experience with System C (Plus) Experience with developing Linux kernel driver or BSP (Plus) Experience with Neural Network frameworks, such as PyTorch or TensorFlow (Plus) Experience with Neural Network compilers, such as ONNC or TVM
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Software Engineer, Simulation, Taipei 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,100,000~1,300,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a software engineer of Virtual Platform, you will help develop a so-called “Virtual Platform” tool for hardware & software co-design/co-verification of AI models under the target machine’s constraints. Your contribution is important for enabling those exciting deep neural network models really working in the daily life. Without Virtual Platform (VP), the compiler and runtime cannot run on an architectually identical hardware with Transaction-level modeling for time-to-market, which benefits cost and efficiency. We are heavily using C++/SystemC. You should be familiar with modern C++/SystemC techniques, and be able to program in a logical, reusable, and timely fashion. 【Responsibilities】 Develop System-on-Chip simulators 【Minimum qualifications】 Bachelor in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent experience Experience with C/C++ 【Preferred qualifications】 Master in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent experience Desire to acquire the understanding of SystemC and AI accelerators Willingness to enhance the knowledge of system software and computer architecture Passionate about learning the latest AI technologies from software and hardware perspectives Knowledge of modern operating systems Elected courses on modern computer architecture or computer organization (Plus) Experience with system virtualization technologies, such as SystemC simulators, QEMU, or other virtual platforms (Plus) Experience with System C (Plus) Experience with developing Linux kernel driver or BSP (Plus) Experience with Neural Network frameworks, such as PyTorch or TensorFlow (Plus) Experience with Neural Network compilers, such as ONNC or TVM
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Software Engineer, Virtual Platform, Hsinchu 臺灣發展軟體科技股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,100,000~1,300,000
【About the job】 Skymizer is developing a software stack for deploying AI models at various types of AI system-on-chips, from high-performance cloud to cost-effective edge devices. As a software engineer of Virtual Platform, you will help develop a so-called “Virtual Platform” tool for hardware & software co-design/co-verification of AI models under the target machine’s constraints. Your contribution is important for enabling those exciting deep neural network models really working in the daily life. Without Virtual Platform (VP), the compiler and runtime cannot run on an architectually identical hardware with Transaction-level modeling for time-to-market, which benefits cost and efficiency. We are heavily using C++/SystemC. You should be familiar with modern C++/SystemC techniques, and be able to program in a logical, reusable, and timely fashion. 【Minimum qualifications】 Experience with C++ programming. Experience with SystemC programming. Master’s or above degree in Computer Science or related technical discipline. 3+ years of software development experience. 【Preferred qualifications】 Knowledge of computer architecture. Knowledge of linux kernel design Knowledge of SystemVerilog design 【Responsibilities】 Develop virtual platform. Deliver high-quality implementation on schedule. Present the techniques in public.
Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated