Sales Controlling 資深財會控制管理師 (EL Group) 香港商陸遜梯卡有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
職務說明 ■ Overall O2C risk management & process control. ■ To create a new credit policy for BU. ■ Evaluating new credit requests and setting up the terms of credit for new clients. ■ Sales contract review. ■ Price change review. ■ Monitoring the collection of all payments to ensure a reduction in debtor's DSO. ■ Initiate legal action against debtors who refuse repayment according to the terms and conditions . ■ Process irreconcilable debts, as in the case of bankruptcy, to be written off. ■ Sales return and rebate provision calculation / DSO calculation. ■ Preparing reports and analyses such as customer product sales & margin analysis; KA report. ■ Regularly reconcile outstanding balance with customers. ■ Daily sales report . ■ To support and be a good coordinator between the local sales team and GBS . ■ Other tasks assigned by the manager.
English Required
10/16 Updated
產品經理/產品副經理 香港商陸遜梯卡有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
**關於依視路:** 我們是一個充滿活力和創新的鏡片公司、致力於提供高品質、時尚且功能出眾的鏡片產品。現在,我們正在尋找一位充滿熱情且具有卓越產品管理經驗的專業人才,擔任『產品經理』一職。 **職務概要:** 作為『產品經理』,您將負責領導及協調整個鏡片產品上市的生命周期及行銷規劃,確保能滿足市場需求,並達到公司的業績目標。 **職責和職能:** 1. Go-to-Market策略和品類管理:制定和執行產品的上市策略,包括目標市場、渠道策略、市場推廣和銷售策略等,以實現產品的成功推廣和銷售。 2. 制定並執行鏡片產品的行銷計劃,確保與公司目標一致。 3. 負責制定媒體行銷策略,提升鏡片品牌知名度。 4. 與跨功能團隊密切合作,包括製造、行銷和銷售,確保協同作業。 5. 監測市場上的競爭產品,分析其優勢和劣勢,並制定相應的競爭策略,以保持產品的競爭優勢。 6. 持續追蹤眼鏡市場的發展趨勢,包括消費者需求變化、科技創新等,並及時調整產品策略以應對市場變化。 7. 管理產品上市計劃,確保按時交付並達到預期效果。 8. 負責建立和維護供應商關係,確保供應鏈的順暢運作。 9. 與國外總公司進行溝通及聯繫,具備英文email書寫及口說能力。 10. 設計並執行廣告內容,參與行銷活動的規劃與執行。 11. 進行媒體規劃與執行,並分析活動成效,進行業績追蹤分析。 12. 編列年度行銷預算,並控管預算執行。 **資格和要求:** 1. 相關領域的學士學位,碩士學位優先。 2. 有3年以上的產品管理經驗。 3. 卓越的專案管理和團隊合作能力。 4. 對眼鏡產業和市場有深入了解。 5. 優秀的溝通和領導能力。 6. 具備媒體行銷相關經驗者優先。 如果您具備以上資格,並且渴望加入一個充滿挑戰和機會的團隊,我們期待收到您的申請。 期待您的加入,共同打造卓越的鏡片產品和推動品牌的成功! **About Essilor:** We are a dynamic and innovative lens company committed to providing high-quality, fashionable, and outstandingly functional lens products. Currently, we are seeking a passionate and experienced professional in product management to take on the role of Product Manager. **Job Summary:** As a Product Manager, you will be responsible for leading and coordinating the entire lifecycle and marketing launch planning of our optical lens products to ensure they meet market demands and achieve the company's performance goals. **Responsibilities and Functions:** 1. Go-to-Market Strategy and Category Management: Develop and execute product launch strategies, including target markets, channel strategies, marketing promotions, and sales strategies to successfully promote and sell products. 2. Develop and execute marketing plans for lens products, ensuring alignment with company objectives. 3. Responsible for formulating media marketing strategies to enhance lens brand awareness. 4. Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including manufacturing, marketing and sales to ensure seamless coordination. 5. Monitor competitive products in the market, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and develop corresponding competitive strategies to maintain product competitiveness. 6. Continuously track trends in the optical lens market, including changes in consumer demand and technological innovations, and adjust product strategies in a timely manner to respond to market changes. 7. Manage product launch plans, ensuring timely delivery and meeting expected outcomes. 8. Establish and maintain vendor relationships, ensuring smooth operation of the supply chain. 9. Communicate and liaise with the international headquarters, possessing proficiency in written and spoken English for emails and communication. 10. Design and execute advertising content, participate in the planning and execution of marketing activities. 11. Carry out media planning and execution, analyze activity effectiveness, and contribute to performance tracking analysis. 12. Compile annual marketing budgets and control budget execution. **Qualifications and Requirements:** 1. Bachelor's degree in a relevant field, master's degree preferred. 2. Over 3 years of product management experience. 3. Excellent project management and teamwork skills. 4. In-depth understanding of the eyewear industry and market. 5. Outstanding communication and leadership skills. 6. Prior experience in media marketing is a plus. If you possess the above qualifications and are eager to join a challenging and opportunity-filled team, we look forward to receiving your resume. We anticipate your contribution in building outstanding lens products and driving the success of our brand!
Senior Level
English Required
10/16 Updated
驗光生 沙鹿眼鏡族_旺昇眼鏡行
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000~42,000
1. 執行非醫療、手術、或藥物之視力檢查及眼鏡處方或矯治。 2. 配製眼鏡或隱形眼鏡。 3. 執行球屈光狀態之非侵入性測量及相關驗光。 4. 教導使用屈光異常光學矯正鏡片。 5. 教導使用低視力者輔助器具。 6. 提供眼鏡及視力保健常識之衛生教育。
Senior Level
10/14 Updated
倉管專員 日中光學有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 28,000~30,000
1. 蒐集、計算貨物清單,並記錄回報。 2. 負責倉儲作業執行,包括進貨收貨、點收入帳、出庫理貨、盤點、補貨、寄貨、成品入庫、銷貨等。 3. 定期追蹤庫存是否相符、標籤是否正確、有無包裝損壞。維護倉儲空間,確保作業安全。 4. 執行作業區環境整理、清潔維護作業。 5. 執行商品配送給固定客戶,包括裝卸貨物、驗收物流貨物、清點盤存作業、貨品的輸送與成品包裝。 6. 具備ERP操作經驗者佳。 倉管在銷售公司中扮演著重要的角色,管理企業的倉儲、收發貨物及庫存,確保產品的安全、有效地運作。在未來,隨著電子商務的發展,倉儲與物流系統將會變得更加複雜和繁忙,倉管的職位前景非常廣闊。 如果您符合上述要求且對此職位感興趣,請立即申請並表達您的興趣。我們期待與您合作!
10/14 Updated
驗光師 沙鹿眼鏡族_旺昇眼鏡行
Monthly Salary NT$ 42,000~45,000
1. 執行非醫療、手術、或藥物之視力檢查及眼鏡處方或矯治。 2. 配製眼鏡或隱形眼鏡。 3. 執行球屈光狀態之非侵入性測量及相關驗光。 4. 教導使用屈光異常光學矯正鏡片。 5. 教導使用低視力者輔助器具。 6. 提供眼鏡及視力保健常識之衛生教育。
Senior Level
10/14 Updated
業務助理 史帝勒國際貿易有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 29,000~32,000
該職位主要負責物資管理相關工作,包括貨物進出庫管理、庫存盤點、商品包裝等日常工作,以及配合代工、採購、ISO品管等相關工作。同時,還需要協助處理主管交辦的其他事項。 倉管是公司物資管理的核心職位,負責保管、管理、調度及盤點庫存,對公司的運作順暢度有著直接影響。該職位有著穩定的發展前景,在現今物流儲運行業逐漸成熟的時代背景下,相信倉管職位將越來越受到重視。 歡迎符合上述要求的人才應徵本職位,期待能與您攜手共創美好前程。
9/04 Updated