無線通訊 Embedded Firmware Engineer 網聯通訊股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.Design and develop wireless comunication embedded SoC firmware and participate in system development phases. 2.Develop engineering level documentation and resource requirements. 3.Customer engagement and product design-in support 4.Will involve in working with customer's developing team, AE/FAE team
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
1/23 Updated
EE【獨家高薪280/H+週週領薪+轉正機會高】桃園楊梅⸝幼獅工業區新廠⸝自動化機台操作員 艾肯國際開發有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 53,000~95,000
╔═══【-獨家福利】════╗ ✅【貼心服務】每月提供週領、借支服務(一週高達$5000) ✅【快速上工】無經驗、免學歷、免輪班、書審即可上工 ✅【基本福利】三節禮品、享勞保、健保、團保、勞退6% ✅【未來前景】穩定工作、有轉正機會、提供住宿+免費住宿交通車】 ╚════════╝ 【艾肯工作時間&薪資待遇】 【固定日班】08:30 ~ 20:35_ 【薪資給付】未加班➜【薪資$53,000】 【配合加班】加班費$347~$520➜依照加班量可達$84,000 【休假制度】做四休二 【固日夜班】20:30 ~ 08:35_ 【薪資給付】未加班➜【薪資$60,000】 【配合加班】加班費$375~$560➜依照加班量可達$95,000 【休假制度】做四休二 【享有福利】 ❶.依照勞基法相關福利 ❷.享勞保、健保、團保、勞退6% ❸.到職滿3個月享三節禮金或禮品 ▂▂▂▂▂▂職缺重點▂▂▂▂▂▂ 工作內容 |IC載板封裝、測試、檢驗 工作地點 |桃園市楊梅區(幼獅工業區)、 休假方式 |做四休二 休息時間 |依各單位輪流,用餐時間各1H 發薪制度 | 10號發薪 ; 提供週領服務 ▁▁▁▁▁▁【安心求職不收任何費用,快速上工 】▁▁▁▁▁▁ ⭐快速應徵請優先加LINE【@488wdcbu 】加入後務必傳【職缺截圖+姓名+電話】 ⭐電話預約面試➜06-2011936分機5005 張’s Emma ⭐電話預約面試➜0978121990如未接可傳簡訊告知:姓名+電話+職缺名稱
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EE 錄取率高+快速上工+近新庄子夜市【獨家高薪280/H+週週領薪8000元】自動化機台操作員 艾肯國際開發有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 53,000~82,000
⭐1/3面試,錄取1/6立即上工⭐ ╔═══【-獨家福利】════╗ ✅【貼心服務】每月提供週領、借支服務 ✅【快速上工】無經驗、免學歷、免輪班、書審即可上工 ✅【基本福利】三節禮品、享勞保、健保、團保、勞退6% ✅【未來前景】穩定工作、有轉正機會、提供住宿+免費住宿交通車】 ╚════════╝ 【艾肯工作時間&薪資待遇】 【固定日班】08:30 ~ 20:35_ 【薪資給付】時薪250/H未加班➜【薪資$53,000】 【配合加班】配合加班賺約【薪資可達$73,000】 【休假制度】做四休二 【固日夜班】20:30 ~ 08:35_ 【薪資給付】時薪280/H未加班➜【薪資$60,000】 【配合加班】配合加班賺約【薪資可達$82,000】 【休假制度】做四休二 【享有福利】 ❶.依照勞基法相關福利 ❷.享勞保、健保、團保、勞退6% ❸.到職滿3個月享三節禮金或禮品 ▂▂▂▂▂▂職缺重點▂▂▂▂▂▂ 工作內容 |IC載板封裝、測試、檢驗 工作地點 |新竹縣新豐鄉建興路x號 休假方式 |做四休二 休息時間 |依各單位輪流,用餐時間各1H 發薪制度 | 10號發薪 ; 提供週領服務 ▁▁▁▁▁▁【安心求職不收任何費用,快速上工 】▁▁▁▁▁▁ ⭐快速應徵請優先加【@488wdcbu 】加入後務必傳【職缺截圖+姓名+電話】 ⭐電話預約面試➜06-2011936分機5005 張’s Emma ⭐電話預約面試➜0978121990如未接可傳簡訊告知:姓名+電話+職缺名稱
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【航向AI】AI演算法工程師 (新竹) 華晶科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Responsibilities: 1. Develop and optimize image processing algorithms, including but not limited to image segmentation, enhancement, feature extraction, etc. 2. Apply generative AI techniques (e.g., GANs) to create and improve image/video. 3. Design and implement deep learning models, conducting experiments and fine-tuning to improve image processing and performance. 4. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to apply AI technologies to real-world business problems. 5. Stay updated with the latest AI research trends and explore how cutting-edge technologies can be applied to company products. 6. Write efficient, maintainable code and produce technical documentation and reports. Qualifications: 1. Master’s degree or higher in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, or a related field. 2. Proficiency in image processing techniques such as image enhancement, feature detection, segmentation, and filtering. 3. Strong understanding and practical experience with generative AI technologies. 4. Expertise in deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and practical experience with these tools. 5. Proficiency in Python programming, capable of efficiently developing and deploying AI models. 6. Strong data processing and analysis skills, with experience using tools like NumPy, OpenCV, etc. 7. Strong mathematical foundation, especially in machine learning and computer vision. 8. Good teamwork and communication skills.
English Required
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【約聘】行政總務助理 威盛電子股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000+
1. 資產管理作業(包含送修、領料繳庫、資產測試及報廢處理等) 2. 支援其他行政總務作業(例如:櫃台總機)
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生產類--高雄廠晶圓製造部-四班二輪工程助理 華邦電子股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~42,000
【邀請您將104履歷同步上傳至華邦官方網站,將使您的履歷優先被主管看見】 請至華邦官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.winbond.com/job-invite/10682/ 1. 機台操作、產品組裝、檢驗、包裝出貨等作業 1. 負責生產線機器、設備之操作,並維持機台正常運作。 2. 進行製造現場的產品組裝、檢驗、包裝出貨等作業。 3. 與其他作業員進行協調,以符合生產及程序標準。 4. 填寫生產報表,以檢視與生產目標的距離。 5. 完成主管交辦有關生產產品、程序事宜。
English Required
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【子公司代徵】Software Development Engineer(日本) 華邦電子股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
★重要通知 1. 本職缺為華邦代子公司招募日本當地職缺,薪資、福利以日本子公司規定為準。 2. 本職缺工作地可依照同仁意願自由選擇於京都總部、新橫濱辦公室 3. 子公司為 Miraxia Edge Technology Corporation,參考網站為https://www.miraxia.com/ ★重要なお知らせ 1. この求人は華邦代の子会社が日本国内で募集しているものであり、給与や福利厚生は日本子会社の規定に従います。 2. この求人は、同僚の意向に従って、勤務地を自由に選択できます。 京都本社または新横浜オフィスのいずれかを選択できます。 3.会社名はMiraxia Edge Technology Corporationです。 参考サイトは https://www.miraxia.com/ です。 ------------ 一、仕事内容 自動運転化でますます注目されているクルマの中で過ごす時間を快適にする車載マルチメディア機器のLinuxプラットフォームの開発をお任せします。 ソフトウェアの要件分析・設計・実装・評価が主な業務となります。 ①自動車メーカー様やTier1サプライヤ様が使いたいSoCの性能、機能に合わせてLinuxプラットフォームを導入し、試作から量産開発まで担当していただきます。 ②当社のLinuxプラットフォームの開発歴は長く、大手電機メーカーのデジタル家電から産業・車載機器まで幅広く展開しています
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MCU平台開發 (韌體資深工程師) 網聯通訊股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 負責指定 driver 之 chip 端驗證 2. 協助硬體部門做測試,驗證 3. 協同硬體部門,參與 driver spec 之訂定 4. 負責指定 driver 之 porting 5. 完成客戶端要求之新功能
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
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無線通訊 MAC軟/韌體設計Eng/Sr. Eng 網聯通訊股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. WLAN MAC 軟/韌體開發與架構設計 2. 軟硬體 MAC 協同開發設計 3. WLAN USB/SDIO driver 之開發 4. 有QoS / Data Flow Control 設計經驗者尤佳
Senior Level
English Required
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ADT Lab Technician, up to Staff. (Zhubei)(3069889) Qualcomm Semiconductor Corporation_高通半導體有限公司
Salary negotiable
【本職缺優先審核至高通官網投遞人選】請至高通官網上傳英文履歷表:https://qualcomm.wd12.myworkdayjobs.com/External/job/Hsinchu-City-TWN/ADT-Lab-Technician--up-to-Staff_3069889 【Talents who apply job through Qualcomm Career Website will be reviewed and considered as top priority】 https://qualcomm.wd12.myworkdayjobs.com/External/job/Hsinchu-City-TWN/ADT-Lab-Technician--up-to-Staff_3069889 【Job Description】 Product and Test Development Engineering (PDTE) is looking for Digital Test Engineers who will create test solutions in support of New Product Introduction (Silicon Validation and Characterization) and Manufacturing Enablement of Qualcomm Silicon on Chip (SOC) products. The position offers growth/specialization opportunities within Digital Test Engineering (Processors, DDR, Sensors, DC, Test program integration, Structural ATPG Testing). The individuals selected for the positions will need to be able to work in a fast paced and dynamic environment and be passionate about delivering quality work. As a Product Test Engineer, you will create Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) code/test methods and participate in data reviews which will require close collaboration with Design, Design for Test (DFT), Process, Product, and Manufacturing Engineers. 【Requirements】 •Minimum 1 year of industry experience with hands on experience on Advantest 93K or Teradyne UFlex/IFlex. •Understanding of VLSI technologies, familiarity with Digital Baseband products •Proficiency in programming language C/C++/VB/Java/Python is a plus. •Experience with data analytic tools such as O+, Data Power, Exensio and Machine Learning basics will be an added advantage. •Familiarity with Digital Communication concepts. Knowledge of Semiconductor Physics. •Ability to work with common test equipment (oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, time interval analyzer, logic analyzer, network analyzer, etc).
Mid to Senior Level
1/22 Updated
Windows on Arm Multimedia SW Application Engineer (Taipei) (3069876) Qualcomm Semiconductor Corporation_高通半導體有限公司
Salary negotiable
【本職缺優先審核至高通官網投遞人選】請至高通官網上傳英文履歷表:https://qualcomm.wd12.myworkdayjobs.com/External/job/Taipei-TWN/Windows-on-Arm-Multimedia-SW-Application-Engineer_3069876 【Talents who apply job through Qualcomm Career Website will be reviewed and considered as top priority】 https://qualcomm.wd12.myworkdayjobs.com/External/job/Taipei-TWN/Windows-on-Arm-Multimedia-SW-Application-Engineer_3069876 【Job Description】 To join Qualcomm Customer Engineering team and work with leading WoS (Windows on Snapdragon) IOT device makers from design & develop to commercially launching excitement or new Qualcomm IOT SoC products. Customer engineering in this role shall offer PCIe, USB and ethernet technical support under KMD, debugging on Qualcomm IOT products on Win11. The individual Customer Engineers is expected to: • Understand every aspect of customers' requirements and designs • To communicate with internal product & development teams on any HW/SW design related issues/features from customer designs • To work with customers in resolving any feature development and product commercialization issues. The Scope of Multimedia Driver Task Include: • Display driver support for eDP/DP/MIPI/HDMI interface and bridge IC integration. • Audio driver support for I2S/SoundWire/Slimbus interface and 3rd party codec integration. • Camera driver support for MIPI interface and camera sensor porting. The individual will work with global teams of dedicated experts to develop next generation IOT products. Responsibilities in this role shall include the following: • Integration, development, and system debugging on OEM designs. • Porting Multimedia (Display, Audio and Camera) driver according customer specific request/design and in charge of End to End support. • Customize Multimedia (Display, Audio and Camera) software drivers for OEM • Co-work with cross functional teams in Qualcomm to speed up the solutions to customer problems • Require the ability to understand and explain technical information in a concise manner with strong communication skills between customers and developers • Provide the multimedia performance measurement, analysis, and optimization • Create application notes, technical memo, and provide training to customers • Partner with external customers to understand the requirements and assist customers to define proper product spec and plans. • Handling customer Q&A, and work closely with internal developers. • Provide training to customer and communicate with internal for feature design details. 【Minimum Qualifications】 • 1+ years Software Applications Engineering, Software Development experience, or related work experience • 1+ years’ experience with Programming Language such as C, C++ • 1+ years’ experience with embedded system 【Preferred Qualifications】 • Experience in Windows driver development, boot optimizations and power management. • Experience with Qualcomm chipset software and firmware development on certain function area • Experience in WDM and ACPI is a plus
Mid to Senior Level
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Senior Analog Design Engineer 美商知微電子有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
Role and Responsibilities • Analog circuit specification definition, design, layout plan, and post-simulation • IC verification and debug • Co-work with the digital designer, layout, application, and system engineering. Qualifications and Education Requirements • EE master’s degree or above • Over 3+ years of experience in design, tape out and debugging. • Familiar with the Hspice / Spectre syntax, and related simulation tools. Preferred Skills • Experience in one of these fields is better : (1)Free-run oscillator, crystal oscillator, PLL design, and phase noise, jitter analysis skills. (2)SAR ADC, Sigma-Delta ADC/DAC design and testing skills. (3)Temperature sensor design and testing skills. (4)DC-DC converter design and testing skills. (5)Class-AB, Class-D audio amplifier, related specifications, and testing skills.
Senior Level
English Required
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System Engineer 美商知微電子有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
Role and Responsibilities • Design, implement, debug, and characterize acoustic systems for optimal sound performance, including to predict acoustic performance. • Develop acoustic structure design, ensuring proper integration with mechanical components. • Collaborate with 3rd party contract manufacturers to produce demonstration systems, considering acoustic requirements. • Design and manage the assembly, testing, debugging, and integration of acoustic systems into prototype and demonstration consumer audio systems. • Provide technical support for xMEMS customers and field personnel, focusing on acoustic aspects of the systems. • Guide customers through acoustic testing, debugging, and troubleshooting of audio systems. • Troubleshoot and resolve technical issues related to acoustics, working with cross-functional teams (Electrical, Mechanical, Software, Quality, Reliability). • Perform acoustic measurements to validate designs and identify potential issues. • Track test progress, analyze results, and generate reports on acoustic performance. • Conduct training for field personnel and customers on acoustic principles, troubleshooting, and optimal system use. • Contribute to the definition of next-generation audio products, focusing on acoustic performance improvements. Qualifications and Education Requirements • BS or MS in Mechanical Engineering, Acoustics, Physics, or a related field. • 5+ years of experience in acoustics, mechanical engineering, or related fields, with experience in audio applications or systems a plus. • Strong understanding of acoustic system design principle, and experience with earbuds, headset, wearable and desktop products is a plus. • Experience analyzing and evaluating audio products with hardware tools such as B&K, GRAS, Audio Precision, Listen Inc. (Soundcheck) or similar. • Ability to work effectively in a cross-functional team environment. • Excellent communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. • Fluency in English and Chinese (desired). • Ability to commute daily to the office in Zhubei. • Guide customers through acoustic testing, debugging, and troubleshooting of audio systems. • Understanding of the industries and markets in acoustic application fields and adapting to the needs of different applications. Preferred Skills • Familiar in acoustic simulation software (e.g., COMSOL Multiphysics, Ansys Sound).
English Required
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G240009-DFT Technical Manager/Sr. Engineer 創意電子股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
※ Job Contents: - Block/Chip level DFT feature and architecture definition. - DFT specification generation and review with customer co-work. - Implement block/chip level DC/AC SCAN, BSD, MBIST, Memory Repair, System BIST and IP macro test. - Deliver quality DFT timing constraints and support BE team timing closure. - Do all verifications on DFT structures, and deliver quality production ATE patterns. - Support ATE bring-up, and debug the ATE patterns for production flow, DFT diagnosis for yield improvement. - Lead DFT implementation team to support projects and review with customers and outsourcing vendor - DFT resource and schedule planning - DFT negotiation with Pre-Sales Customer ※ Requirements: - More than 5 years project experience in DFT design implementation. - Hand-on experience in Synopsys (DFT Compiler/TetraMax/VCS) and Mentor (Tessent MBIST/Scan). - English communication skill. - DFT Lead Capability: DFT Planning, resource/schedule planning, communicating with customers and outsourcing vendor
English Required
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SL[竹科] 美商IC大廠-TA Scheduler (月薪38-45K,科技業HR經驗/需英文面試) 新加坡商立可人事顧問有限公司台灣分公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 38,000~45,000
• Support Human Resources Team by coordinating and scheduling candidate interviews. This includes setting up in-person interviews and the coordination of travel arrangements when needed. • Communicate with Recruiters, Hiring Managers, and Candidates for alignment of schedules. • Provide a high level of customer service and professionalism to the Candidates, Recruiters, and Hiring Managers involved in the interview process. • Manage and track the scheduling process in our applicant tracking system. • Communicate important interview information leading up to and on the day of the interview. • Maintain consistent communication with candidates, interview teams, recruiters, hiring managers, and other necessary groups. • Work closely with other scheduling team members in coordinating onsite interviews during high volume periods. • Perform administrative duties as required to support the Human Resources team. Requirements: • 1+ years of relevant work experience within HR, HR interns or Talent Acquisition function • Effective communication (verbal & written) • Organizing work, prioritization, being on top of things • Problem solving • Attention to details • Sustain in a fast-paced environment with effective stakeholder management • Candidate should have a bachelor’s degree
English Required
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OS Kernel Engineer 晶心科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
- RTOS kernel development, porting, optimization to RISC-V architecture. - RISC-V embedded system software development, including device driver, middleware and application. - Develop reference solutions for Andes RISC-V CPU by providing evaluation board SDK, system use case, example code...etc. - RISC-V open source development.
English Required
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文管管理師 海馳科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000~50,000
1. 負責將歸檔文件逐案點收,整理裝訂。 2. 按照檔案分類、編號、登記、入檔、加封、保管。 3. 辦理檔案調出、收回、催還、整理及上架等工作。 4. 負責外部客戶文件更新、發行、審核與跟催等作業
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業務專員(印度) 鈺創科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.海外新市場/新客戶開發及維護管理。 2.新市場新應用新產品的資訊收集分析,並能找出方向及機會。 3.制定銷售策略,年度銷售目標預估及銷售實績達成。 4.訂單交期對應及應收帳款管理。 5.組織產品的開發量產出貨,對內與對外的整合。
Senior Level
English Required
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{知名美商半導體公司} Oracle EBS訂單管理系統分析師 _百萬外商歡迎你!_KK 新加坡商立福人事顧問有限公司台灣分公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 100,000~100,000
知名美商半導體公司尋找的訂單管理系統分析師! 如果您具備 Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) 的專業技能,特別是 Order Management 和 Advanced Pricing 模組。您將成為公司內部的技術專家,協助支持並提升 Oracle EBS 應用程序,以滿足業務需求。 此職位將與業務用戶、開發團隊及其他相關方密切合作,確保 Oracle 訂單管理模組的功能最大化並持續優化業務流程。 ◆主要職責 模組專業知識: 提供 Oracle EBS 訂單管理模組(Order Management, Advanced Pricing)的功能性和技術性專業支持。 解決方案設計與架構: 參與解決方案設計與跨功能需求整合,撰寫功能及技術設計規格,確保設計全面且精準。 支持與故障排除: 分析並解決 Oracle 訂單管理模組的技術問題,提出改進建議以優化系統效能。 系統整合: 設計並實施與內部系統及第三方應用程序的整合介面,與開發團隊緊密協作完成測試與部署。 測試與驗證: 負責升級、修補程序的測試計劃(單元測試、整合測試及使用者驗收測試),並記錄測試結果與改進建議。 文件編撰: 維護完整的技術文檔,包括流程圖、技術規範及最終用戶手冊,撰寫技術設計文件以支持新功能和系統優化。 持續改進: 積極探索提升系統效能及業務流程效率的機會,提出最佳實踐建議,協助推動流程優化專案。 ◆我們尋找的對象 計算機科學或相關領域的四年學士學位。 至少 5 年以上 Oracle EBS Order to Cash、Distribution 領域經驗優先考量。 熟悉 Oracle EBS R12 技術堆疊,並具有深厚的實務操作經驗。 精通 Oracle PLSQL 和 SQL Plus。 有 B2B 上線技術實施經驗者尤佳。 *此職缺為10個月產代,歡迎想重新與職場接軌的你加入!
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infra網管工程師 奕微科半導體科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.管理資訊資產之請購、驗收、請款作業 2.辦公室常用電腦軟硬安裝與設定、環境建置、基礎線路調整 3.公司網路結構設定與操作,如防火牆、Switch、Wi-Fi、VPN 4.各項資訊系統整合與維護,如機房、交換機、門禁管理 5.Windows Server AD、DC、DNS、Domain管理經驗 6.Storage NAS與 AD整合組織性控管與帳戶建立與權限設定 7. M365 Exchange 雲端管理及異常狀況處理 8.熟悉 VMware ESXi平台管理及Veeam資料備份與還原 9. 公司整體資安規劃,弱點偵測與追蹤問題 10. 主管交辦事宜處理及跨部門溝通協調 本職位負責公司資訊系統和網路的管理與維護,是公司運作穩定和信息安全的重要保障,具有良好的發展前景。 如果您符合以上要求,請即刻申請並表達您對這個職位的興趣。
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