568 Results
動態及特效設計師 珷琚科技有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000~60,000
▶ 主要工作內容 : 1) 能確實的將遊戲設計的內容轉換成動態展演。 2) 規劃專案動態流程,並且能製作參考腳本或示意影片與團隊表達和溝通。 3) 掌握遊戲特效及畫面的節奏並配合需求。 4) 與美術、企劃、工程師與音效師互相配合與溝通。 ▶ 我們需要 : 1) 2年以上遊戲特效製作。 2) 熟悉AfterEffect、Spine軟體。 3) 熟悉Cocos遊戲開發引擎。。 4) 需有附上作品集或鏈接。 ▶ 加分條件 : 1) 具主管經驗。 2) 具基礎手繪能力者佳。 3) 具備3dsMax、Maya、Blender、Zbrush等軟體使用能力(擇一即可) ※3D 為加分項,除非專案上有必須 3D 才能呈現之效果,不然可直接使用 2D 工具完成。
Mid to Senior Level
9/20 Updated
【Ocard顧客經營管家】日本事業開発担当 Japan Business Development Ocard_奧理科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~45,000
我們是由一群平均年齡 30 歲的年輕人組成,快速發展中的新創公司,希望透過我們的創意與技術,讓這個世界變得更美好。 Ocard 成立於 2016 年,以數據為核心,幫助商家輕鬆實現 OMO 顧客經營。 我們打造完整且輕量化的 CRM 平台、會員忠誠計畫、線上點外帶外送、電子票券商城以及數據分析工具,並提供集點、問卷等數位工具,讓各種規模和產業的品牌店家可以用最簡單輕鬆的方式打造一套屬於自己的顧客經營方案,輕鬆管理客戶關係、應用大數據分析、AI 自動化行銷以及精準再行銷。 Ocard 已陪伴超過 6,600 間店家打造專屬顧客經營與數位轉型計畫,拓展產業包含餐飲、零售、旅宿、休閒娛樂與美業等。店家遍佈全台灣、香港、馬來西亞,持續拓展台灣、海外地區中。品牌包含添好運台灣、胡同燒肉、開丼、薄多義、Sarabeth's、義式屋古拉爵、米塔集團等...。 # 仕事内容 報告對象: CEO & CEO Office ー 初期業務内容(台湾でCEOと構築) ■ 日本向けビジネス関連の企画~事業/販売計画策定 ■ 市場調査/分析等のマーケット調査 ■ 翻訳業務(台湾華語→日本語 ) ■ アライアンス構築 ■ 潜在的なパートナーや投資家の調査、提案、交渉(日本出張あり) ー 後期業務内容(日本駐在) ■ 大型新規顧客開拓(直販) ■ チャネル開発 ■ アライアンス先の企業との管理、リレーション強化 ■ 既存のマーケティング関連部門と連携した市場開発 など幅広く従事頂く予定です # 応募条件: ■ BtoB領域におけるの無形商材の提案、導入経験(SaaSサービス、ITコンサルティング) ■ 外食、リテール産業向けソリューション販売経験および業界知識のある方 ■ デジタル・マーケティングの基本的な知識 ■ 日本語ネイティブ ■ ビジネス中国語、もしくは英語力 # 勤務条件 ■ 台北市中山区,松江南京駅出口より 徒歩2分 ■ フレックスタイム制(コアタイム10:00-18:00、1日8時間、休憩1時間) ■ リモートワーク毎週一日可能(試用期間以後) # 給与待遇 ■ アルバイト契約、週3日(20時間)〜5日勤務、時給200元   ※アルバイトはフレックスタイム制適用外 ■ 正社員契約月給35000~45000元 ■ 賞与が年4回あり(業績による)、堅実に収入UP!頑張りはキャリアUPにも反映、1~2年後にリーダー・管理職への昇格することも可能 ■ また新拠点の立ち上げに携わることも可能です ■ 早期にリーダーや責任者として活躍できるチャンスも! ■ 完全週休2日制、祝日休み 、有給休暇(入社から半年後に10日付与)
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
遊戲機率工程師 珷琚科技有限公司
Salary negotiable
▶ 主要工作內容 : 1) 遊戲設計:了解產品目標、設計遊戲規則及玩法。 2) 計算數值:熟悉排列組合、機率論與馬可夫鏈,使用Excel製作遊戲的數學模型。 3) 撰寫程式:撰寫遊戲算分邏輯與流程控制;驗證程式邏輯與數學模型的正確性。 4) 調性調整:通過試玩和數據分析了解用戶體驗,從而最佳化遊戲設計。 ▶ 我們需要 : 1) 2年以上遊戲開發經驗。
English Required
9/20 Updated
系統維護工程師(南區) 詠裕科技國際有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 27,470~35,000
工作內容: 【1】電腦軟、硬體與週邊設備的組裝 【2】組裝後對電腦作測試,確認安裝與正常使用無誤 【3】協助客戶進行電腦設備軟硬體安裝 【4】透過電話或網路排除客戶端問題、代理產品的售後服務 【5】處理電腦相關產品維修、故障排除、電腦系統運作的維護及緊急狀況的解除 【6】協助資訊專業人員進行電腦、標準軟體以及週邊設備之安裝 【7】現存程式之調整,更新、維護及作少量之修正 ※需至台北出差,提供公司宿舍
9/20 Updated
【玩構&元生】北區業務開發、產品銷售專員(Business & Sales Representative) 玩構網路科技有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~100,000
關於玩構 https://www.iwangoweb.com/about/ GenApe生成猿 https://app.genape.ai/ **亞灣雲平台微軟新創加速器 113年入選團隊** 新聞稿 https://news.microsoft.com/zh-tw/ms-startups/ DevDays Asia參展廠商 https://www.digitimes.com.tw/seminar/DevDaysAsia2024/exhibitors.html **非內勤業務,需跑客戶端** 底薪+高額抽成!不同於一般產品一次性銷售,此職務銷售長期行銷服務和訂閱制產品, 業績獎金可" 持 續 累 績 "! 歡迎有業務、電銷、行銷、房仲、保險、信用卡經驗的你一起加入! 讓我們一起成長,挑戰高薪! 【工作內容】 1. 網頁設計/網站SEO/關鍵字廣告/Google商家優化…銷售 2. GenApe 生成猿訂閱制(類似YouTube Premium)推廣 3. 維護客戶關係,定期拜訪、追蹤客戶滿意度 4. 其他主管交辦事項 【加分條件】 具有數位行銷相關經驗 具業務或電銷經驗者佳 【職務需求】 1. 自備交通工具/小型車 2. 對行銷/科技有興趣、有想法、有熱忱 3. 喜歡與人接觸、反應快、表達能力/理解力強 4. 具強烈企圖心、追求高收入,不畏挑戰 【公司福利】 1、符合勞健保,假勤優於勞基法 2、見紅就休,服務滿一年有彈休 3、外縣市租屋補貼最高6個月 4、不定期聚餐、下午茶 5、辦公室備有零食櫃、茶包、冰箱、電鍋 6、優於同業調薪幅度、子公司配股認股 來玩構可接觸各領域、學習最新技術 若您對網路趨勢、人工智慧有興趣及熱情 歡迎您的加入,我們一起成長!
Mid to Senior Level
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
【玩構&元生】中區業務開發、產品銷售專員(Business & Sales Representative) 玩構網路科技有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~100,000
關於玩構 https://www.iwangoweb.com/about/ GenApe生成猿 https://app.genape.ai/ **亞灣雲平台微軟新創加速器 113年入選團隊** 新聞稿 https://news.microsoft.com/zh-tw/ms-startups/ DevDays Asia參展廠商 https://www.digitimes.com.tw/seminar/DevDaysAsia2024/exhibitors.html **非內勤業務,需跑品牌端** 底薪+高額抽成!不同於一般產品一次性銷售,此職務銷售長期行銷服務和訂閱制產品, 業績獎金可" 持 續 累 績 "! 歡迎有業務、電銷、行銷、房仲、保險、信用卡經驗的你一起加入! 讓我們一起成長,挑戰高薪! 【工作內容】 1. 網頁設計/網站SEO/關鍵字廣告/Google商家優化…銷售 2. GenApe 生成猿訂閱制(類似YouTube Premium)推廣 3. 維護客戶關係,定期拜訪、追蹤客戶滿意度 4. 其他主管交辦事項 【加分條件】 具有數位行銷相關經驗 具業務或電銷經驗者佳 【職務需求】 1. 自備交通工具/小型車 2. 對行銷/科技有興趣、有想法、有熱忱 3. 喜歡與人接觸、反應快、表達能力/理解力強 4. 具強烈企圖心、追求高收入,不畏挑戰 【公司福利】 1、符合勞健保,假勤優於勞基法 2、見紅就休,服務滿一年有彈休 3、外縣市租屋補貼最高6個月 4、不定期聚餐、下午茶 5、辦公室備有零食櫃、茶包、冰箱、電鍋 6、優於同業調薪幅度、子公司配股認股 來玩構可接觸各領域、學習最新技術 若您對網路趨勢、人工智慧有興趣及熱情 歡迎您的加入,我們一起成長!
Mid to Senior Level
Fully Remote
9/20 Updated
海外銷售經理 Sales Account Manager 里昂科技顧問有限公司
Salary negotiable
#Responsibilities 1.獨立開發新客戶: 市場分析、客戶溝通、整合資源、策略擬定。 2.熟B2B經驗,開發當地新通路或經銷夥伴及導入新產品業績目標達成 3.對內團隊協調,對外客戶溝通,公司與客戶間的技術解決,替代方案評估。 4.維護客戶關係,針對客戶提出的合約(交易條件、生產流程、產品要求、售後服務)作初步評估,並在必要時尋求其他部門協助,以即時回應客戶需求。 5. 國外客戶新產品提案開發需求的各項執行業務工作。 #Requirements 1.3年以上客戶服務經驗,具備良好的跨部分溝通能力; 2.熟悉汽車產業知識、情況、行情與市場供需。 3.具備參展經驗,能夠組織參展事宜、溝通協調和推廣產品或服務。 #A Plus 1.有汽車電子軟硬體設備等相關國外銷售經驗佳 2.精通第二外語,如:韓、日、印、越、德、俄等語言優先錄取 3.多元性強。能靈活思考、自主作業,自發地運用各種不同管道、方法(包括但不限於電話、email、社群媒體、看展等)接觸潛在客戶。 4.優秀的邏輯能力,能夠判斷客戶的痛點及需求強度。
English Required
9/20 Updated
CSD-品牌電商營運實習生 順立智慧股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 183~183
CYBERBIZ為新零售領域專家,整合並提供線上開店平台,線上倉儲物流,及實體門市POS的一站式系統服務。電子商務成為市場必修,數位轉型也躍升企業營運重點,自2014年起,我們已經累計協助超過20000個來自不同產業的品牌進行數位轉型,串聯線上與線下,為客戶創造最高效益。 我們專注在電商產業營運相關,並且對象以品牌商為主。我們希望可以找到適合的夥伴一同加入,依同為市場做出改革,歡迎加入 CYBERBIZ團隊與我們一起努力,創造未來更多可能! 【實習工作內容】 你將在這份職位參與執行: 1.客戶官網創建 2.客戶官網維運 【我們想要找的人】 • 電商重度成癮者 • 個性積極、具企圖心、抗壓性高 • 想在電商領域持續發展 • 個性積極、具企圖心、抗壓性高 【Nice to have】 • 簡易AI工具使用邏輯、簡易作圖技能、簡易表格處理技能 • 簡易表格處理技能 • 簡易作圖技能 • 熟悉Canva、ChatGPT、PS、PPT、Excel、Notion 【關於此實習計畫】 1. 實習成果優良可優先取得面談正式錄取機會! 此為以半年為單位規劃的實習工作內容,可透過實習,進一步了解電商產業生態與知識。 2. 工作時間可依照您的修課狀況安排,每週須達實習時數 24小時,可安排時間 9:00-18:00 (中午休息時間12:30-13:30)。
English Required
9/20 Updated
【玩構&元生】南區業務開發、產品銷售專員(Business & Sales Representative) 玩構網路科技有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~100,000
關於玩構 https://www.iwangoweb.com/about/ GenApe生成猿 https://app.genape.ai/ **亞灣雲平台微軟新創加速器 113年入選團隊** 新聞稿 https://news.microsoft.com/zh-tw/ms-startups/ DevDays Asia參展廠商 https://www.digitimes.com.tw/seminar/DevDaysAsia2024/exhibitors.html **非內勤業務,需跑客戶端** 底薪+高額抽成!不同於一般產品一次性銷售,此職務銷售長期行銷服務和訂閱制產品, 業績獎金可" 持 續 累 績 "! 歡迎有業務、電銷、行銷、房仲、保險、信用卡經驗的你一起加入! 讓我們一起成長,挑戰高薪! 【工作內容】 1. 網頁設計/網站SEO/關鍵字廣告/Google商家優化…銷售 2. GenApe 生成猿訂閱制(類似YouTube Premium)推廣 3. 維護客戶關係,定期拜訪、追蹤客戶滿意度 4. 其他主管交辦事項 【加分條件】 具有數位行銷相關經驗 具業務或電銷經驗者佳 【職務需求】 1. 自備交通工具/小型車 2. 對行銷/科技有興趣、有想法、有熱忱 3. 喜歡與人接觸、反應快、表達能力/理解力強 4. 具強烈企圖心、追求高收入,不畏挑戰 【公司福利】 1、符合勞健保,假勤優於勞基法 2、見紅就休,服務滿一年有彈休 3、外縣市租屋補貼最高6個月 4、不定期聚餐、下午茶 5、辦公室備有零食櫃、茶包、冰箱、電鍋 6、優於同業調薪幅度、子公司配股認股 來玩構可接觸各領域、學習最新技術 若您對網路趨勢、人工智慧有興趣及熱情 歡迎您的加入,我們一起成長!
Mid to Senior Level
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
WWAN Module FW Engineer 矽果科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Job Description: -4G/5G WWAN Module software development including application/RlL/protocol/modem configurations and system integration. -Analyze customer requirement and perform design, development, integration and system performance optimization. -Co-work with chipset vendor engineers to fix bugs of the platform. -Facilitate test engineer to understand the SW design and implementation to develop test case. -Collaborate with cross-functional teams to deliver the SW on schedule with good quality. -Work with senior engineers to finish the SW feature design and coding Requirement: -Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. -Have passion for technology, self-motivation and initiative. -1~3 years of experience on one or more technical areas of below: -Familiar with C programming, data structure, and embedded system. -Experience with embedded system development and debugging -Familiar with WWAN communication. Experience in 3GPP 4G/5G or Linux Kernel, or RTOS development -Experience on HTTP/TLS/TCP/IP/MQTT/eSIM LPA/I2C is preferred
9/19 Updated
C++ Engineer 瞬聯科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
We are seeking an experienced software engineer to work with our development team & US clients. You will be directly working with cross-country elite engineers in the world. Also, you will be joining the software team that is responsible for the development, design, diagnose and troubleshooting, and bug fixing software modules to improve product performance and stability. Key Qualifications: • Proficiency in C++ is required. • Experience with VSCode IDE is preferred. • Knowledge of application architecture and design patterns is a plus. • Experience integrating generative AI products into daily workflows is a plus.
Mid to Senior Level
9/19 Updated
Engineering Lead 曙客股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 100,000~120,000
FUNNOW Group – The leading lifestyle booking platform group in Greater Southeast Asia, operating in seven countries: Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Japan, and Taiwan, with its four brands: FunNow, Eatigo, Niceday, and TABLEAPP. By adhering to digital transformation (DX) and yield management with AI, we are revolutionizing the retail industry and remain committed to our vision of making people happy! THE POSITION: Engineering Lead Do you dream of building high-performing engineering teams within your area of expertise (back-end, front-end, QA, App or SRE), driving innovation, and shaping the future of technology? Are you a leader with a passion for excellence, collaboration, and strategic thinking? If so, join us as our Technology Team to lead one of our engineering teams and become the heart and soul of our engineering powerhouse! WHAT YOU’LL DO: Oversee either front-end, back-end, QA, App or SRE development teams and their projects Monitor reliability and performance of the systems within the purview of your team to ensure high service standards Ensure compliance with security regulations Manage software development projects by setting requirements, goals, and timelines. Coordinate with representatives from the Product Management team and Product Design team to design strategies for future features or product development projects based on the company’s overall objectives and resources Recruit and develop engineering talent Implement innovative technologies within your area of expertise and coordinate with external providers WHAT YOU’LL NEED: BS/MS in Computer Science or other related Degrees. 2+ years of experience in a leadership role within software engineering Strong hands-on and proficient in at least one backend programming language such as PHP, Go, Python, Node.js, Java, etc. Experience with Go is a plus Solid understanding of software architecture principles and design patterns Code Review: Ability to review code, identify bugs, and provide feedback to ensure code quality standards are met. Deep understanding of development methodologies within your area of expertise with working knowledge of the other software engineering fields. Strong project management expertise, adept at setting goals, managing budgets, and driving delivery Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, able to inspire, motivate, and build trust across diverse teams Experience in mentoring and training engineers, fostering a culture of continuous learning Good English communication and presentation skills, able to clearly articulate technical concepts to diverse audiences
9/19 Updated
Software Engineer - Fleet Management System (FMS) 麥迪創科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 45,000~70,000
Job Summary: We are seeking a skilled engineer to develop and maintain a web-based Fleet Management System (FMS) with advanced features including real-time data processing, video surveillance, and mobile application integration. The ideal candidate will have strong expertise in web development, data processing, and mobile application development. Proficiency in English speaking and writing is required to effectively communicate with international clients and stakeholders. Responsibilities: 1. Develop, implement, and maintain a robust web-based Fleet Management System (FMS) capable of receiving and processing real-time data from vehicle AIoT devices over LTE. 2. Utilize Java programming language to design and implement back-end functionality for data aggregation, storage, and analysis, including GPS data, sensor data, and video streams. 3. Implement TCP/IP communication protocols to ensure efficient and reliable data transmission between vehicle devices and the FMS back-end. 4. Develop and optimize algorithms for real-time video surveillance within the FMS, focusing on minimizing latency and ensuring high-quality video streaming. 5. Design and implement a user-friendly dashboard interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for visualizing fleet data statistics and analytics. 6. Integrate mobile application development skills to create iOS and Android apps that connect with the FMS back-end, allowing users to access real-time data and receive alerts on their mobile devices. 7. Collaborate with cross-functional teams including hardware engineers, software developers, and product managers to ensure seamless integration and functionality of the FMS across platforms. 8. Conduct comprehensive testing, debugging, and troubleshooting of the FMS to ensure reliability, performance, and security. 9. Stay updated on industry trends and advancements in fleet management technology, and incorporate innovative solutions into the FMS platform. 10. Communicate effectively with overseas customers to understand their requirements, provide technical support, and address any issues or concerns. Qualifications: 1. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field. 2. Proven experience in web development using technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern frameworks like React or Angular. 3. Proficiency in back-end development using languages such as Python, Node.js, or Java, and experience with database systems such as SQL or NoSQL. 4. Familiarity with real-time data processing and streaming technologies, as well as video streaming protocols and codecs. Knowledge of video streaming protocols (e.g., RTSP, HLS) and experience with video processing libraries (e.g., FFmpeg) is a plus. 5. Experience developing mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms using native or cross-platform frameworks such as React Native or Flutter. 6. Strong understanding of TCP/IP networking protocols and experience with socket programming. 7. Experience in the automotive or transportation industry, particularly in fleet management systems, is a plus. 8. Strong communication skills and ability to convey technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders. To Apply: Please submit your resume and cover letter outlining your relevant experience and qualifications for this position. Include any links to relevant projects or portfolios demonstrating your expertise in web development, mobile application development, and fleet management systems.
English Required
9/19 Updated
(Firmware) Driver Programming Engineer 麥迪創科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Position Overview: We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Embedded Systems Driver Programming Engineer to join our team. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and maintaining drivers for embedded systems, focusing on platforms such as Linux, Yocto, RTOS, QNX, etc. The engineer will play a crucial role in ensuring the seamless integration of various hardware components by writing and optimizing device drivers. Key drivers needed include MIPI drivers for cameras, image processing drivers, LCD drivers, WIFI drivers, Bluetooth drivers, etc. Role & Responsibility 1. Porting camera and display drivers to target OS and SOC. 2. Bring up BSP and setup bootloader, kernel, timer, dts, watch dog, etc. 3. Optimize boot time, memory, system stability and performance. 4. Product integration, validation, and test. 5. Write test program for final test and in-line production 6. Setup debugging, burn-in, and factory tooling. Qualification: 1. BS or above graduated in EE and Computer Science related fields. 2. Hands-on experiences in ARM-based BSP and troubleshooting for embedded platforms with linux, Yocto, rtos, QNX, and android. 3. Familiar with embedded system driver programming at least in LCD & camera. 4. Strong knowledge in Linux kernels.
Senior Level
English Required
9/19 Updated
C/C++ Software Engineer 麥迪創科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
About the company: Mindtronic AI is proud being dedicated, willing to take risk, and committed to make happen with our vision in future A.I. technologies. We had formed a core team that fills in the scarce of commodity for transforming the world into a society made of human and robot collaborations. All the founders of Mindtronic AI are well disciplined in R&D manners, by leveraging 20-yrs research experiences from tsmc. This leads to a dozen of accomplishments including that Mindtronic AI is the only one in the world that developed the edge self-learning machine, the only startups in the world that continuously winning 5 times (2018-2022) of CES innovation awards, the champion of startups 2021 in Taiwan selected by German Trade Office, the CES Technology Association rated 10 best startups in the world, and the only company in Taiwan that winning global car OEM businesses in the hottest area of A.I. for automotive. The vision, opportunity, and our capability are clear for making bright success, and we are in a move of IPO in NASDAQ. We are looking for talented, ambitious, and who shared same vision to join us, for a fruitful journey hereafter. Role & Responsibility 1. Develop SDK and API for software integration. 2. Product software and hardware integration, validation, and test. 3. Develop quality infrastructure to meet vehicle functional safety and ISO standard 4. Optimize threads, multi-core, parallel processing, and A.I. processing unit in various of ARM-based car embedded systems. 5. Develop real-time system and inter-process communications between complicated domains. 6. Develop high automation training and testing infrastructure. 7. Build test suite and automation for product and model validation. Qualification 1. BS or above graduated in EE and Computer Science related fields. 2. Professional programming in C++ and scripting on Linux systems is a must. 3. Experience of programming in real-time embedded systems, particularly the automotive sub-systems, is a plus. 4. Fluent English speaking and reporting. Preferred Qualification 1. Experience in image processing or computer vision. 2. Experience in ISO26262 or ASPICE.
Senior Level
English Required
9/19 Updated
Graphics Software Engineer 麥迪創科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Graphics Software Engineer About the company: Mindtronic AI is proud being dedicated, willing to take risk, and committed to make happen with our vision in future A.I. technologies. We had formed a core team that fills in the scarce of commodity for transforming the world into a society made of human and robot collaborations. All the founders of Mindtronic AI are well disciplined in R&D manners, by leveraging 20-yrs research experiences from tsmc. This leads to a dozen of accomplishments including that Mindtronic AI is the only one in the world that developed the edge self-learning machine, the only startups in the world that continuously winning 5 times (2018-2022) of CES innovation awards, the champion of startups 2021 in Taiwan selected by German Trade Office, the CES Technology Association rated 10 best startups in the world, and the only company in Taiwan that winning global car OEM businesses in the hottest area of A.I. for automotive. The vision, opportunity, and our capability are clear for making bright success, and we are in a move of IPO in NASDAQ. We are looking for talented, ambitious, and who shared same vision to join us, for a fruitful journey hereafter. Role & Responsibility 1. Develop graphical tool and gaming engine for 3D immersive display. 2. Optimize threads, multi-core, parallel processing, and A.I. processing unit in various of ARM-based car embedded systems. 3. Develop real-time system and inter-process communications between complicated domains. 4. Build test suite and automation for product validation. 5. Create exemplary user experience and documentation of the developed tool and support customers for their applications. Qualification 1. BS or above graduated in EE and Computer Science related fields. 2. Professional programming in C++ and OpenGL is a must. 3. Fluent English speaking and reporting. Preferred Qualification 1. Experience of programming in real-time embedded systems or mobile app is a plus. 2. Experience in ISO26262 or ASPICE.
English Required
9/19 Updated
AI Video Korean Business Development Intern/ AI 影音軟體韓國商務開發實習生 集雅科技股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 183+
工作內容: 1. Initiate business development in overseas market to promote GliaCloud's product and propose potential partnerships to overseas clients. 2. Understand GliaCloud's products and maintain client relationship by providing proactive guidance, consultations and insights. 3. Assist in maintaining and updating sales and marketing events materials. 4. Compile reports with proper market/industry research information and strategic analysis. 5. Other responsibilities as determined by supervisor
Korean Required
9/19 Updated
AI Video Filipino Business Development Intern/ AI 影音軟體菲律賓海外商務開發實習生 集雅科技股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 183+
工作內容: 1. Initiate business development in overseas market to promote GliaCloud's product and propose potential partnships to overseas clients. 2. Understand GliaCloud's products and maintain client relationship by providing proactive guidance, consultations and insights. 3. Assist in maintaining and updating sales and marketing events materials. 4. Compile reports with proper market/industry research information and strategic analysis. 5. Other responsibilities as determined by supervisor
9/19 Updated
Data Analyst [Internship] 美商法里亞有限公司臺灣分公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 200~200
INTERESTED APPLICANTS MUST APPLY HERE: https://apply.workable.com/faria/j/292843D7CB/apply/ DESCRIPTION: We are looking for a motivated and enthusiastic Data & CRM Systems Intern who is available to work 20 hours per week, Monday to Friday, ideally for 4 months minimum to join our team. This internship provides an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with CRM systems, data management, and analytics. You will assist with various projects, support data migrations, and help ensure data quality across our platforms KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: - Data Alignment: Help ensure data consistency across Faria businesses, including standardizing data management practices and aligning data across platforms. - Integration Support: Assist in proposing and implementing integrations to improve product synchronization with tools like PowerBI. - Data Analysis: Contribute to the creation of analysis, reports, and recommendations for stakeholders. - Data Collection and Processing: Assist with the development and maintenance of automated data collection pipelines, including tasks such as data collection, cleaning, and formatting. - Data Maintenance: Assist with routine data cleaning tasks, such as merging duplicate records and standardizing data formats. - Data Gathering: Collect data from online sources and other known resources to support project needs and analyses.
English Required
9/19 Updated
GL-跨境電商客戶管理經理 Customer Success Manager 順立智慧股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
【About CYBERBIZ】 CYBERBIZ was found on 2014. Our services include E-commerce, warehouse and POS system. All the services are built on SaaS platform so the data are synchronized among them. This enhances CYBERBIZ to provide the BEST OMO solutions to our customers. More than 20,000 companies use CYBERBIZ. Our rich industry-specific features help you to win customers and gain better revenue. We are looking for talents to join our company to help us to expand internationally. If you are interested in E-commerce industry, CYBERBIZ will be a wonderful stage for you to exercise your talent and grow together. 【JOB DESCRIPTION】 1. On-boarding (1) Assist customers to successfully employ EC platform to run their business. (2) Run contract process with customers. 2. Customer success (1) Receive requests from existing customers regarding EC platform (2) Evaluate importance of each request and communicate to the supervisor (3) Feedback to user evaluation results of requests / Receive feedback from user in case the request has been implement. (4) Promote new developed features to existing customers in order to help them to increase GMV (5) Give advices to existing customers in order to help them to increase GMV 3. Retention (1) Retain the existing customers to continually employ CYBERBIZ's EC platform. (2) Run contract process for subscription retention. 4. Other (1) Support other operations according to supervisor's request."
Senior Level
English Required
9/19 Updated