8 Results
【長x航空-清機課】地勤人員_無經驗可_供餐_穩定 602OD 萬寶華企業管理顧問股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 38,780~43,820
➢長期、穩定、可短期、可長期 ➢工作單純、準時上下班,不加班! ➢無經驗可 ➢面試不會渺無音訊 ➢機會轉正 ▬▬▬【職缺介紹】▬▬▬ 【產業類別】航勤業 【休假時間】排休制 【工作地點】桃園市大園區航站北路(桃園機場) 【工作內容】 1. 飛機清潔 2. 深度的機艙清潔、置換椅套、倚枕 3. 窗戶清潔、地板清潔 4. 行李櫃、組員休息室、空中廚房、廁所等清潔 5. 偶爾會觸碰有機溶劑(公司都會提供手套) 6. 夜班以清洗飛機外部、零件、結構為主 7. 需穿著公司提供之工作服裝 8. 無經驗可 固定上班時間: 日班:07:00-16:00(休1小時/供餐) 大夜班:20:00-04:00(有休息時間/供點心) 薪資待遇: 日班:210元/小時 大夜班:240元/小時 出勤獎金: 排班達168小時(21天),獎金3500元 ▬▬▬【薪資試算】▬▬▬ 日班排168小時,約-$38,780 夜班排168小時,約-$43,820 【福利】 - 開車,可申請員工停車場(不需費用) - 體檢補助、全勤津貼、責任加給、夜班津貼 - 公司提供工作服裝、安全鞋 - 完整教育訓練 - 勞保、健保、勞退新制提撥 - 三節禮品 ⚠️入職需進行體檢(可報銷) ⚠️入職時間約面試後3周 ————————————————————————— 如果您對該職缺有興趣,【請先投遞履歷】 為加快應徵速度及聯繫,請協助加入我的生活圈 https://lin.ee/ND04Rmc 或@044dezok 請留言:姓名+電話+職缺截圖,24小時內替您解答及安排,感謝。 聯絡窗口:黃先生_Odis Huang
9/18 Updated
財務專員 勁捷航空股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 42,000~48,000
1. 審核各種費用、款項和帳務處理,預算編製及每月預算管控。 2. 結帳及完成編製個別公司、合併財務報表及現金流量表等。 3. 執行應收應付帳款作業,開立發票等相關工作。 4. 協助稅務申報作業,包括營業稅、營所稅等各項稅務。 5. 處理各類所得扣繳申報作業,並配合會計師查帳相關事宜。 6. 核對銀行交易及對帳單。 7. 處理與公司行政事務和主管交辦事項。 8. 熟悉總帳編制、具獨立會計帳務作業能力。 9.營業稅、營所稅等各項稅務作業。 11.專案損益及預估,公司經營管理分析檢討及其他財務分析資料。 12.收入/成本/費用對帳審核及會計帳務、電子發票開立及核對、月結財務報表、編制科目 13.餘額表/各類所得扣繳及申報/二代健保計算申報/暫繳申報/營業稅申報/ 會計師溝通窗口 14.協助完成召聘、加退保勞保/健保/退休金、加/退保員工團體保險、計算薪資/獎金等
Senior Level
9/18 Updated
長*航空 #地勤人員 ▲機艙內部清潔作業【日班、大夜班】#固定班別 #供餐 萬寶華企業管理顧問股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 210~240
❤️無經驗可~~只要肯努力, ❤️不要求工作經歷、學歷 ❤️審核最快當天知道結果,面試不會渺無音訊~ ▬▬▬【職缺介紹】▬▬▬ ✅工作內容 1. 飛機清潔 2. 深度機艙清潔,置換椅套、倚枕 3. 窗戶清潔、地板清潔 4. 行李櫃、組員休息室、空中廚房、廁所等清潔 5. 偶爾會觸碰有機溶劑(公司會提供護具) 6. 夜班清洗飛機外部、零件、結構為主⚠️ 7. 需穿著公司提供之工作服裝 8. 無經驗可 ✅上班時間: 日班:07:00-16:00(休1小時/供餐) 大夜班:20:00-04:00(有休息時間/供點心) ✅ 薪資待遇:(可不投保健保) 日班:210元/小時 大夜班:240元/小時 ❀每月可排10-22天❀ ✅ 出勤獎金: 當月排班達168小時(21天)另給予3500元獎金 ▬▬▬【薪資試算】▬▬▬ 日班排168小時,約-$38,780 夜班排168小時,約-$43,820 ✅ 地  點: 桃園機場,可在大園搭乘公司接駁車 開車,可申請員工停車場(不需費用) ⚠️入職需進行體檢(可全額補助) ⚠️入職時間較長需耐心等候 ❀❀❀ 【獨享福利】❀❀❀ ✅ 勞保、健保、勞退新制提撥 ✅ 全勤津貼、生日禮金、體檢補助、三節禮品、尾牙活動 ✅ 完整教育訓練制度 --------------------------------- ☏快速聯絡 ⚠️請直接投遞履歷 再加入好友詢問→@900ojltx ---------------------------------
9/17 Updated
地服專員 華捷商務航空股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000+
工作內容 1. 商務專機/醫療專機地面代理作業 2. 國內外地勤相關單位聯絡 3. 專機機組員/貴賓禮賓接待與入出境作業 4. 專機機組員/貴賓需求安排 5. 主管交辦事項 6. 配合排班調班 7. 配合國內出差
English Required
9/16 Updated
海運出口文件 永富航空貨運承攬有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000+
1. .訂艙, 提單, 報關.
Mid to Senior Level
9/11 Updated
空運出口OP 永富航空貨運承攬有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000+
1. .協助客戶製作報關文件、產証等文件, 執行通關及提單完成 2.本類人員負責貨物運輸安排、通關及保稅等相關工作。
Mid to Senior Level
9/11 Updated
Air Planning Associate 空運運務專員 飛協博有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 50,000~70,000
RESPONSIBILITIES: To move forward as an Air Planning Associate, besides the skills and mindsets to be obtained as an Associate, you will also be expected to be equipped with: Export Side: Manage the capacity and fulfillment of Flexport’s charter flights (if applicable), and Blocked Space with Carriers/ Partners in regions served by Flexport, ensuring we fulfill the requirements Optimize Flexport’s margin by consolidating shipments to generate free weight and meet the service level requested by the customers Coordinate closely with partners on the shipment movement Maintain Consol Plan to link the correct flight schedule and buy rate with each shipment Manage day-to-day operations Work closely with Partners, Air Pricing, and Operations in different destinations to ensure that shipments meet committed service levels Work with external parties such as carriers, and terminals for capacity and shipment coordination Except for working with the mentioned internal and external parties, you also need to work closely with the local terminal stakeholders to understand the local operations process and regulations; Manage the excessive volume of the blocked space and procure extra capacity with reasonable ad-hoc buying rates; Well-managed exceptional cases during daily operations Strong analytical background and full mastery of analytical tools, such as Excel, Looker…etc.; Strategic vision and ground floor execution. Continuous Improvement: Closely work with the tech team for the enhancement of Air Planning Tool Involved in projects aimed at work processes improvement EXPERIENCE & SKILLS: BA/ BS degree and 2+ years of experience in air freight forwarding or logistics; An internal track record of success in an operational or planning role; Next-level attention to detail; Courage to challenge the status quo when logic and reason require it.
English Required
7/31 Updated
Senior Air Planning Associate 資深空運運務專員 飛協博有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 75,000~90,000
Senior Air Planning Associate RESPONSIBILITIES: To move forward as a Senior Air Planning Associate, besides the skills and mindsets to be obtained as an Associate, you will also be expected to be equipped with: Export Side: Manage the capacity and fulfillment of Flexport’s charter flights (if applicable), and Blocked Space with Carriers/ Partners in regions served by Flexport, ensuring we fulfill the requirements Optimize Flexport’s margin by consolidating shipments to generate free weight and meet the service level requested by the customers Coordinate closely with partners on the shipment movement Maintain Consol Plan to link the correct flight schedule and buy rate with each shipment Manage day-to-day operations Work closely with Partners, Air Pricing, and Operations in different destinations to ensure that shipments meet committed service levels Work with external parties such as carriers, and terminals for capacity and shipment coordination Except for working with the mentioned internal and external parties, you also need to work closely with the local terminal stakeholders to understand the local operations process and regulations; Manage the excessive volume of the blocked space and procure extra capacity with reasonable ad-hoc buying rates; Well-managed exceptional cases during daily operations Strong analytical background and full mastery of analytical tools, such as Excel, Looker…etc.; Strategic vision and ground floor execution. Continuous Improvement: Closely work with the tech team for the enhancement of Air Planning Tool Involved in projects aimed at work processes improvement EXPERIENCE & SKILLS: BA/ BS degree and 5+ years of experience in air freight forwarding or logistics; An internal track record of success in an operational or planning role; Next-level attention to detail; Courage to challenge the status quo when logic and reason require it.
7/31 Updated