The Joy Factory_喜樂比有限公司

Company Introduction

30 Employees
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The Joy Factory, Inc., headquartered in Irvine, Calif., is a global manufacturer of leading tablet mounting, cases, enclosures, kiosks and mobility accessory products that have been enhancing the human interaction with digital devices for over half a decade. The Joy Factory has quickly become an essential rugged solution provider for a wide variety of industries such as manufacturing, hospitality, education, transportation, healthcare, government, exhibition and retail. The passion for innovation and quality gave birth to the P.S.P. (Protect, Secure & Position) philosophy, a differentiator and the proof is in the company’s product patented and patent-pending brands MagConnect™, aXtion™, Unite™, Pinpoint™, and Elevate™. With these criteria fundamentals, The Joy Factory was able to allow users to stay active, engaged and feel secure with their device on a daily basis. The company was founded by a team of gadget fanatics and designers with more than 50 years of expertise in the consumer electronics sector and was named an International CES Innovations ‘2016 Design and Engineering Awards Honoree’ and as one of the ‘Top 5 Mobile Case Brands’ in Reader’s Choice Awards. The Joy Factory( 總部位於加州爾灣市,專注提供創新平板電腦解決方案,包括多功能支架、防爆、防水、醫療級及軍規等級的強固型保護套和保護殼,以及Kiosk展示架等。以專業知識應對數位轉型挑戰,強調創新品質,透過MagConnect™、aXtion®等專利技術提供優質使用體驗。客製化設計團隊為各行業提供量身打造的解決方案,致力保護企業資產和員工安全,同時減少紙張使用、提升工作效率。與合作夥伴提供高性價比解決方案,助力企業順利數位轉型,成為各產業首選的平板電腦應用解決方案供應商。 我們的企業級平板電腦應用解決方包括: •國內唯一合規防爆保護殼品牌 •多功能平板電腦防水防摔保護套/保護殼 •保護殼+平板電腦支架組合 •平板電腦Kiosk •可固定和擴充平板電腦功能的配件產品 •客製化產品設計與服務

Industry Sector
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Main Products

主要產品:平板電腦多功能支架、軍規、防爆等級保護殼,以及Kiosk展示架等等平板電腦互動配件的製造商品牌、工業4.0 智慧工廠導入加速製造業數位轉型解決方案。


★福利制度: 【日常活動】 - 舒適的辦公空間、彈性工作時間 - 咖啡、茶水及零食供應、不定期下午茶 - 聚餐、每季慶生會、感恩、聖誕節活動 - 羽球、歌唱社團活動 - Team building 【各項津貼】 - 三節獎金、年終獎金、專利開發獎金、婚喪喜慶補助 【休假制度】 - 生日當月可享有一天生日假 【守護您的健康】 - 員工團險 - 年度健康檢查補助 【知識技能提升】 - 新進人員教育訓練 - 職能教育訓練 - 每週二小時外師英文課程 - 成長講座

Company & Workplace


Business Development Manager The Joy Factory_喜樂比有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. Develop and execute comprehensive business development plans for the entire market, including channel deployment and major account plans. 2. Establish, manage, and drive the distributor ecosystem. 3. Build and manage local sales teams (depending on regional responsibilities). 4. Achieve sales targets. 5. Conduct market intelligence/competitive research and organize effective promotional activities such as exhibitions, trade shows, seminars, webinars, etc. 6. Conduct market research and continuously identify customer pain points to propose solutions that meet customer expectations. 7. Explore innovative business models to sustain rapid growth.
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