
Company Introduction

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Hi~We are HIERO7。我們主要提供台灣新創企業量身訂製專業代管服務,打造專屬後勤支援部門。使企業客戶能夠專注核心業務,降低營運風險,提高運營效率。 加入HIERO7的七個理由! 《與老闆接觸零距離》老闆樂於與員工喝咖啡聊心事~ 《明亮寬敞辦公環境》開放舒適的工作環境,讓你與同事之間討論更方便,激發更多無限的創意! 《公司地點交通便利》鄰近港墘捷運站,自行開(騎)車者可申請停車位,公司還有停車費補助喔! 《源源不絕飲料零食》吃不完喝不完的零食及咖啡、飲料,照顧你的嘴巴和胃,記得下班要去運動喔~ 《超級優質福利制度》試用期通過後即享有優於勞基法的14天特休&3天全薪病假,有假可休樂開懷~ 《超彈性上下班時間》 讓你能夠自由運用上下班的時間,避開人潮尖峰期,工作與生活平衡,在這裡就跟喝水一樣容易~ 《家人朋友間的情感》像家人朋友一樣的同事、主管,welcome to join HIERO7 family =) 如果HIERO7符合你對工作的一切嚮往,想走一條與眾不同的路,還猶豫什麼呢? 現在就趕快加入我們吧,一起開創未來的可行性! HIERO7,Making impossible to be POSSIBLE!

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◎ 專業HR薪資代管 :多元HCM系統整合,新創企業的後盾 ◎ 企業資安防護體系:全方位資安健檢服務+端點安全解決方案 ◎ MIS一站式委外管理:資安等級IT,中小企業首選


HIERO7擁有外商的福利制度,新創的彈性與活力。 【薪資獎金】 1. 年終獎金:過年紅包免煩惱,HIERO7年終保障2個月(依當年度在職天數比例發放)~ 2. 三節禮金/禮品:歡慶佳節,當月薪水變多囉! 3. 績效考核,每年依照個人表現及市場水準調薪:努力定會有收穫! 4. 順暢的升遷管道:HIERO7擁有完整的升遷制度辦法,升遷沒有你想的那麼難! 5. 員工介紹獎金:HIERO7給你獎金揪你朋友一起來打拼! 【健康保險】 1. 員工團保:HIERO7比你還要重視你的健康,全體同仁加保健康險~ 2. 年度健康檢查:HIERO7關心你的健康,公司每年提供免費的高級健康檢查! 【休閒活動】 1. 不定期聚會活動:三不五時開Party!好同事不只是同事,公司聚會讓員工之間感情up up up 2. 辦公室休憩角落:工作累了嗎? HIERO7辦公室提供免費零食、咖啡,讓你吃飽喝足再出發! 【請 / 休假制度】 1. 特別休假:優於勞基法,到職年度即按比例享14天特休!HIERO7假期好多讓你放不完~~ 2. 全薪病假:休息是為了走更長遠的路!!HIERO7提供3天有薪病假讓你安心在家休息~ 【福利補助】 1. 員工進修補助:外面課程貴鬆鬆不敢進修?HIERO7鼓勵同仁終身學習,資助你滿足求知慾! 2. 結婚禮金、生育補助金、喪葬慰問金:HIERO7關心你的每一刻

Company & Workplace


IT Security Engineer 禾新數位有限公司
Salary negotiable
• To perform Endpoint and Network Security which includes OS Hardening, Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) process, NG Firewalls, Email Security, Port Scanners, Remote Access Protocol Security, Password Guessing & Bruteforce, SIEM. • To liaise with various teams such Devops, SA and NOC for IT Security projects. • To design security solutions that compliance according to internal policies and guidelines. • To assist SOC on response and remediation of IT Security Incidents. • Oversee vulnerability management, Dataloss prevention program and follow up on remediation. • To perform IT Security risk assessment and key control testing. • To conduct IT Security Awareness program such as Phishing Campaign and presentation. • Hands on experience working with either AWS, GCP, Azure, and native security tools. • Conduct simple Network pentest of internal OS, Network, Remote Access Protocol and Infra using Kali Linux. #資安 #WAF #Kali #IT Security
Senior Level
English Required
9/20 Updated
資深資安工程師 禾新數位有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 70,000+
1.威脅防禦和事件應變: •規劃與管理防火牆、網路入侵檢測系統(NIDS)及入侵防護系統(IPS)。 •管理事件升級流程、事件回應、審查事件報告並進行根本原因分析(RAC)。 •檢核並確認資安問題並採取措施修復安全威脅和事件。 •回應SOC (例如 EDR/DLP/SIEM 檢測)以及IT Security相關事件之取證和彌補差距。 2.風險評估和弱點管理: •系統安全性分析:評估資訊環境和網路系統的安全性,識別潛在的風險和弱點。 •漏洞分析和修復:進行漏洞分析,發現並修復軟體和硬體中的安全漏洞。 • 安全風險評估和關鍵控制測試,such as BrokenAUTH and Session, Insecure Cryptography, hash, 2FA access, account hygiene issue, AAA issue.
English Required
9/20 Updated
Senior Security Engineer 禾新數位有限公司
Salary negotiable
• Risks and vulnerabilities assessments with commercial tools and techniques and regular follow up with stakeholders for remediation. • Reviewing client issues and taking steps to remediate security threats and incidents. • Management of escalation process, incident response, review of incident reports, and conduct Root Cause Analysis (RAC). • Familiar with PortScan, Firewall Feature & Rules Assessment, Webservices assessment, WAF, Exploits Scanning. • Familiar with PCIDSS, PDPA or OWASP. • Assist SOC response (such as EDR/DLP/SIEM detection) and of any IT Security Incidents, Forensic and remediating gaps. • Oversee the company vulnerability management program and follow up on remediation (patching or hardening) • IT Security Audits - Security risk assessment and key control testing such as BrokenAUTH and Session, Insecure Cryptography, hash, 2FA access, account hygiene issue, AAA issue. • To conduct Awareness program and presentation on rotational basis. • Hands on experience working with cloud technology AWS, Azure, GCP, GitHub, Kubernetes and native security tools.
Senior Level
English Required
9/04 Updated