
Company Introduction

150 Employees
Contact Person
立亨網絡是一家專業的數位平台服務商,提供人性化的客戶服務、技術支持與顧問諮詢。 我們與跨國業務夥伴合作,為不同領域的客戶打造線上服務專案與全方位的整合規劃;同時也提供技術開發、維護、及伺服器系統運維等專業委外服務。 辦公室位於捷運板南線國父紀念館站一號出口旁,交通便利,工作空間明亮舒適,咖啡茶水無限量供應。 立亨不僅致力於滿足客戶的客製化需求,也重視員工的職涯發展,提供有競爭力的薪資福利待遇,和廣闊的發展前景。 如果您想要加入一個充滿活力和創意的團隊,就快來投遞履歷吧! LH Network is a professional digital platform service provider that offers personalized customer service, technical support, and customer inquiries. We collaborate with global business partners to create comprehensive and integrated online customer service projects for clients from various fields. We also provide specialized outsourcing services, including technical development, maintenance, and server system operation and maintenance. Our office is conveniently located at No. 1, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station, Daan District, offering a comfortable workspace with bright lighting and unlimited coffee and tea supply. LH Network not only strives to meet customer satisfaction but also values employees' career development, offering competitive salaries, benefits, and broad prospects for advancement. If you wish to join a dynamic and innovative team, feel free to apply with your resume!

Main Products

◆ 全方位整合顧問諮詢 Comprehensive integration of consulting services ◆ 數位平台技術開發 Digital platform technology development ◆ 客戶服務營運 Customer service operations


▲ 薪資福利:享受優渥待遇,共創美好生活 1. 試用期順利通過後,立即為你調整薪資3%-6% 2. 每年定期實施績效考核,提供調薪與晉升機會 3. 每月激勵個人與團隊,提供績效獎金 (客服業務團隊) ▲ 上班時間:工作與生活的平衡 1. 常日班-周休二日 2. 輪班職-職務休假天數比照當月假日天數排休 3. 管理職-提供彈性工時 ▲ 福利假期:適當的休息才有前進的動力 1. 生日假-每年1天生日假,盡情慶祝 2, 充電假-每年3天充電假,放鬆心情、補充體力 3. 育兒假-每年3天育兒假,讓你無後顧之憂 ▲ 保險福利:基本保障不能少 1. 全民健康保險 2. 勞工保險 3. 勞工退休金提撥 ▲ 健康關懷:一起守護你的健康 1. 每年安排優質的員工體檢 2. 每月安排專業醫護進行臨場健康服務 ▲ 各項禮金:不容錯過重要的每一刻 1. 重大節日提供的禮金或禮品 2. 恭喜成家-結婚禮金6,000元 3. 增產報國-生育津貼10,000元 4. 無後顧之憂-托育補助2,000元/月 5. 早日康復-住院慰問金2,000元 6. 默默關懷-喪葬慰問金5,000元 ▲ 娛樂與生活:愉快的辦公室環境氛圍 1. 提神醒腦現磨咖啡 2. 跟夥伴們團建吧康樂基金 3. 不定期舉辦的有趣活動 ▲ 人才發展:活到老學到老職涯發展規劃好 1. 手把手帶著你走完入職培訓期 2. 精彩多元的內部訓練課程 3. 提升核心競爭力的主管培訓 4. 來當老師吧經驗傳承分享會 5. 大家一起挖掘好人才內推獎金 ▲ 其他福利:等著你加入後來發掘 1. 披星戴月的夜班津貼 800元/日 2. 注重晚間下班安全之交通補助

Company & Workplace


國際用戶諮詢專員/平台顧問 (中英語精通) 立亨網絡服務有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000~42,000
【公司背景】 立亨網絡專注於提供專業的資訊客服外包服務,為聲譽卓著的Fintech平台量身打造最佳解決方案。該平台在海外已經穩健運營十餘年,以優良的商譽與豐富的產業經驗著稱,為全球客戶提供穩定且值得信賴的技術支持。 【你/妳的工作內容】 |解決用戶在認證平台上所遇到的問題(包含註冊、認證等級與後續操作) |確認用戶在認證過程中,符合系統規範,並適時回報技術單位。 |提供用戶專業工具應用指導與支援。 |以提高用戶滿意度為目標,建立良好的用戶關係和口碑。 |完成主管交辦工作及其他專案事項。 【培訓與產品籌備期】 |培訓期起薪40,000元起 |公司提供完整職前培訓:金融知識、應用平台產品知識、考核模擬操作 |培訓與籌備期固定為日班09:00 – 18:00,周休六、日 【正式上線後】 |試用期三個月,培訓通過調整薪資3%-6% |正式上線後另有獎金機制 |依服務地時區調整上班時間,每班時數為8小時,需排班輪休 |休假天數比照當月紅字天數 ★非電銷,歡迎無經驗/轉職人選★
English Required
9/20 Updated
Special Assistant to COO 立亨網絡服務有限公司
Salary negotiable
【Company overview】 We are handling operations for an established Hong Kong-based financial firm with over a decade of experience in traditional futures, options, and other derivatives. As we expand into the cryptocurrency market, we are seeking a highly capable Special Assistant to support our COO in managing internal and external operations. 【Role overview】 The Special Assistant will work closely with the COO, facilitating communication between internal teams and external partners. The role requires strong organizational skills, a deep understanding of the financial or cryptocurrency sectors, and the ability to manage multiple responsibilities effectively. This position demands flexibility and excellent communication skills in both Chinese and English, with additional proficiency in Japanese or Korean being a plus. 【Job description】 1. Assist the COO in coordinating and communicating with internal staff, including market-making teams. 2. Support in business visits, negotiations, and partnership discussions. 3. Conduct market research and provide insights to support strategic decision-making. 4 . Monitor and supervise the execution of tasks by internal teams, ensuring alignment with company objectives. 5. Address and resolve unexpected issues with flexibility and attention to detail. 6. Prepare reports, presentations, and correspondence in both Chinese and English. ※ The position requires business travel, during which the company will cover hotel accommodations, airfare, and airport transfers. Additionally, a daily travel allowance will be provided.
9/18 Updated
Senior Backend Engineer 立亨網絡服務有限公司
Salary negotiable
【Company overview】 We are handling operations for an established Hong Kong-based financial firm with over a decade of experience in traditional futures, options, and other derivatives. Our client is building a new team to lead market-making efforts in this dynamic space. 【Role overview】 We seek a highly skilled and motivated Backend Engineer to join our dynamic team. As a Backend Engineer, you will be crucial in enhancing our system capabilities and optimizing our infrastructure to ensure seamless performance and scalability. 【Job description】 1. Collaborate with the trading team to design, enhance, and support trading strategies. 2. Assist in monitoring and troubleshooting existing strategies. 3. Conduct regular testing and debugging to identify and resolve software issues or system inefficiencies. 4. Play a key role in managing and optimizing strategy research pipelines. 5. Work closely with trading and engineering teams to enhance and support trading systems, including high-performance execution systems. ※ The position requires business trips to Hong Kong for team collaboration. Initially, these trips will be longer in duration, lasting approximately two to three weeks per trip. The company will cover hotel accommodation, airfare, and airport transfers during business trips, and will also provide a daily travel allowance.
9/18 Updated
Quantitative Developer - Futures,Options / Crypto 立亨網絡服務有限公司
Salary negotiable
【Company overview】 We are handling operations for an established Hong Kong-based financial firm with over a decade of experience in traditional futures, options, and other derivatives. Our client is building a new team to lead market-making efforts in this dynamic space. 【Role overview】 We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Quantitative Developer to join our dynamic team. As a Quantitative Developer, you will be crucial in enhancing our trading capabilities and optimizing our infrastructure. 【Job description】 1 . Collaborate with the trading team to design, enhance, and support trading strategies. 2. Assist in monitoring and troubleshooting existing strategies. 3. Conduct regular testing and debugging to identify and resolve software issues or system inefficiencies. 4. Play a key role in managing and optimizing strategy research pipelines. 5. Work closely with trading and engineering teams to enhance and support trading systems, including high-performance execution systems. ※ The position requires business trips to Hong Kong for team collaboration. Initially, these trips will be longer in duration, lasting approximately two to three weeks per trip. The company will cover hotel accommodation, airfare, and airport transfers during business trips, and will also provide a daily travel allowance.
9/18 Updated
Senior Quantitative Trader 立亨網絡服務有限公司
Salary negotiable
【Company overview】 We are handling operations for an established Hong Kong-based financial firm with over a decade of experience in traditional futures, options, and other derivatives. Our client is building a new team to lead their market-making efforts in this dynamic space. 【Role overview】 We are seeking a passionate and highly experienced Quantitative Trader to join our team, focusing on the development and implementation of high-frequency trading algorithms. In this role, you will design, deploy, and optimize trading strategies in a live trading environment, identifying and evaluating new trading opportunities by monitoring trading systems and analyzing market data. 【Job description】 1. Develop, implement, and deploy high-frequency trading algorithms in a dynamic, live trading environment. 2. Identify and evaluate new trading opportunities by monitoring trading systems and analyzing market data, microstructure, and outcomes. 3. Perform in-depth research and statistical analysis to refine and enhance trading signals across various markets. 4. Collaborate closely with fellow researchers and software engineers to foster innovation within the company. 5. Encourage and support the development and implementation of your own trading strategies. ※The position requires business trips to Hong Kong for team collaboration. Initially, these trips will be longer in duration, lasting approximately two to three weeks per trip. The company will cover hotel accommodation, airfare, and airport transfers during business trips, and will also provide a daily travel allowance.
9/18 Updated
【泰文&英文】全球客戶服務專員 Global Customer Support Specialist 立亨網絡服務有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 42,000~45,000
【公司背景】 立亨網絡專注於提供專業的資訊客服外包服務,為聲譽卓著的Fintech平台量身打造最佳解決方案。該平台在海外已經穩健運營十餘年,以優良的商譽與豐富的產業經驗著稱,為全球客戶提供穩定且值得信賴的技術支持。 【工作內容】 1. 為全球客戶提供服務,包括專業諮詢和相關支援,確保客戶獲得優質的使用體驗。 2. 精通公司產品,包括但不限於交易所和熱錢包等,能夠提供專業的應用指導和支援。 3. 整理客戶提出的建議與反饋,主動提出改進方案。 4. 持續提升客服品質,以提高客戶滿意度為目標,建立良好的客戶關係和口碑。 5. 積極完成主管交辦的各項任務,並主動參與團隊合作,共同推動部門目標的實現。 ※ 此職缺服務英語系國家、東南亞用戶 【我們為您提供】 1. 具有競爭力的薪酬待遇。 2. 豐富的職業發展機會和晉升空間。 3. 舒適的工作環境和友好的團隊氛圍。 4. 定期的專業培訓和技能提升機會。 5. 完善的福利待遇和假期制度。 【培訓內容】 公司提供完整職前培訓:專業知識、應用平台產品知識、考核模擬操作。 ※ 培訓期正常班 09:00-18:00 周休六、日 ※ 培訓後須配合輪班:09:00~18:00、13:00-21:00、16:00-01:00(晚班津貼200/日) ★試用期過後再調整薪資,另享有獎金制度★ ★此職缺需精通泰文、中文,並熟悉英文★
9/18 Updated
分析師助理/財經編輯 立亨網絡服務有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 34,000~40,000
【公司背景】 立亨網絡專注於提供專業的資訊客服外包服務,為聲譽卓著的Fintech平台量身打造最佳解決方案。該平台在海外已經穩健運營十餘年,以優良的商譽與豐富的產業經驗著稱,為全球客戶提供穩定且值得信賴的技術支持。 【職務內容】 1. 協助分析師進行投資相關內容的資料整理。 2. 協助投資研究報告整理與編輯。 3. 協助影音直播或資料準備工作。 4. 追蹤全球政經熱點事件並進行整理。 【加分條件】 1. 經濟、金融相關科系畢業優先。 2 有在證券、期貨和銀行等相關實習或工作經驗加分。 3. 對黃金外匯市場有初步瞭解,有興趣進一步發展專業能力。 4. 生活或過往有影音剪輯或上鏡經驗者尤佳 【工作時間】: 通過培訓考核期後,需配合輪值早晚班 -周一至週五: 8:00-17:00 / 09:00-18:00 / 13:00-22:00,周休二日 -部分國定假期需輪值,出勤給予加班費 【上班地點】 公司位置鄰近南港線捷運國父紀念館站1號出口、步行約2 - 3分鐘即可抵達(華視光復科技辦公大樓),上班通勤便捷。
9/16 Updated
文字客服專員 (無經驗可|優於業界夜班津貼) 立亨網絡服務有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~48,000
【公司背景】 立亨網絡專注於提供專業的資訊客服外包服務,為聲譽卓著的Fintech平台量身打造最佳解決方案。該平台在海外已經穩健運營十餘年,以優良的商譽與豐富的產業經驗著稱,為全球客戶提供穩定且值得信賴的技術支持。 【工作內容】 |為中、港、澳等地區客戶提供操作支援,確保用戶在安全、專業的環境中交易 |透過線上平台以文字即時回覆,協助解決問題及處理客訴案件 (特殊狀況以電話聯繫) |精通平台產品交易細則,包括但不限於數字貨幣、貴金屬、外匯或原油等 |確保使用系統功能正常運作 |整理客戶提出的建議與反饋,主動提出改進方案 |推送重要活動訊息 |積極完成主管交辦的各項任務 【入職前2-3個月】 |培訓期起薪32,000元起 |公司提供完整職前培訓:金融知識、應用平台產品知識、考核模擬操作 |培訓期間固定為日班09:00 – 18:00,周休六、日 |完整培訓期預估三個月,提早通過考核亦可提前轉正調薪 【正式上線後】 |培訓通過調整薪資3%-6% |底薪 + 工作獎金 + 業績獎金 = 平均月薪 40K ~ 48K |輪值三班:早 07:00-15:00 / 中15:00-23:00 / 夜 23:00-07:00 |休假天數比照當月紅字天數 【夜班專屬福利】 |另外提供優渥值班津貼800元/天 (不含在平均月薪內) |下班計程車車資全額補助 ★非電銷,歡迎無經驗/轉職人選★
9/16 Updated