Zyxel Networks_兆勤科技股份有限公司(合勤集團)

Company Introduction

400 Employees
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兆勤科技,隸屬於合勤控集團,專注於創新與滿足客戶所需,透過網路將人與人連結在一起。兆勤科技能因應日新月異的網路技術並持續創新,站在第一線去了解企業以及家庭用戶的需求。兆勤科技建構中的未來網路,能幫助世界激發無限可能,並滿足現代工作的需求,提供人們在工作、生活及娛樂各方面游刃有餘的新動力。我們與客戶及事業伙伴並肩作戰,透過分享新的網路技術,將大家的潛在能力發揮得淋漓盡致。兆勤科技是你網路通訊事業的好夥伴。 - 1億台設備連結全球家庭用戶 - 100萬間企業採用兆勤商用解決方案 - 服務遍及全球150個國家/地區

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Main Products

兆勤科技,提供智慧安防、雲網路管理以及家庭網路解決方案的領導者。 Comprehensive Solution Offerings - Security Solutions - Cloud Solutions - Mobility Solutions


【薪酬與保險】 三節獎金(端午/中秋/年終) 績效導向的分紅制度 勞保、健保、團保(團體保險包含員工本人及其配偶與子女) 【人才發展與成長】 完整新人訓練 內部讀書會分享 專業技術講座 外部訓練補助 【公司環境與設備】 開放式辦公環境 員工餐廳、咖啡吧 免費汽機車停車位 健身房、韻律教室 點心.飲料販賣機 【其他福利】 新人假 彈性上下班 用餐補助 免費視障按摩 年度免費健康檢查 部門聚餐補助 豐富社團活動

Company & Workplace


MKT_ Multimedia Designer / 多媒體設計師 (Graphic Designer + Video Editor) Zyxel Networks_兆勤科技股份有限公司(合勤集團)
Salary negotiable
We are seeking a talented Multimedia Designer with exceptional illustration abilities to elevate our online presence with visually stunning and professional designs. As a Multimedia Designer, you will be responsible for creating short-form video content for internal and external branding and marketing projects, including social media and e-commerce platforms, in a fast-paced and collaborative environment. Your main responsibilities will be to execute graphic design to shape the visual aspects of our networking product, including web graphics, digital collateral, EDM, and promotional materials. You will work closely with the marketing team to ensure consistency across all creative assets and alignment with our brand guidelines. You bring a fresh perspective to the team and have the skills to create engaging visual designs. If you want a career where design, creativity, adventure, challenging problem solving and fun fills your day, then this is the role for you!
Senior Level
English Required
9/19 Updated