
Company Introduction

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鴻軒科技(SiliconAuto)係鴻海科技集團(台灣證券交易所代號:2317)與全球領導車廠Stellantis雙方共同成立合資之IC設計公司。 鴻軒科技將結合Stellantis對全球移動產業需求的深入掌握,並運用鴻海集團在資通訊產業的專業知識和開發能力,供應Stellantis、鴻海以及第三方客戶半導體需求,包含STLA Brain。 SiliconAuto is an IC design house created by Stellantis N.V. and Hon Hai Technology Group (“Foxconn”) (TWSE:2317). The joint venture combines Foxconn’s development capabilities and domain expertise in the ICT industry with Stellantis’ deep understanding of diverse mobility needs around the world. Products from SiliconAuto will support the future semiconductor needs of Stellantis, Foxconn and other customers. This includes STLA Brain, Stellantis’ new electrical/electronic and software architecture with full over-the-air updating capabilities.

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Main Products

SiliconAuto 將為客戶提供專業車用半導體產品,尤以電動車所需的大量電腦控制功能及相關模組產品為主。 SiliconAuto will provide customers an auto industry-centric source of semiconductors for the growing number of computer-controlled features and modules, particularly those needed for electric vehicles.


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◆薪酬待遇 年薪12個月 2個月年終獎金(第一年依到職比例計算) 年度績效 / 營運獎金 (視當年度營運及個人績效表現給予相應的鼓勵) 暢通之晉升管道 ◆保險 勞保/健保/勞退 優質員工團體保險計劃 (對象包含 : 配偶及子女) ◆優於法令之假別 給薪之家庭照顧假、年度體檢假、旅遊準備假 ◆多元關懷與員工照顧福利 開工/元宵/端午/中秋/生日禮金 結婚/生育禮金 高額度年度健康檢查補助 高額度員工旅遊補助 部門聚餐補助 員工子女獎學金 年終尾牙及尾牙抽獎 新春伴手禮金 餐費補助 停車費補助 不定期豐富多元之福利活動 ◆教育訓練 包含實體課程、線上e-Learning與工作中的OJT訓練資源 -內訓外訓:專業類/管理類/通識類/E-Learning


Sales (新竹) 鴻軒科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Job Overview: As a Sales Representative in our IC design company, you’ll be the bridge between our cutting-edge semiconductor solutions and our valued customers. Your mission? To promote our products, understand customer needs, and foster lasting partnerships. Responsibilities: 1. Product Evangelism: 1-1 Present, promote, and sell our IC products and services to existing and potential customers. 1-2 Use solid arguments and technical knowledge to showcase the value proposition of our designs. 2. Needs Analysis: 2-1 Conduct cost-benefit analyses and needs assessments for customers. 2-2 Understand their pain points, challenges, and requirements. 3. Relationship Building: 3-1 Establish, develop, and maintain positive business relationships. 3-2 Be the trusted advisor—listening, empathizing, and providing tailored solutions. 4. Market Insights: 4-1 Keep your finger on the industry pulse. Understand market trends, competitor offerings, and customer preferences. 4-2 Translate these insights into actionable strategies. 5. Sales Funnel Management: 5-1 Manage the sales pipeline—from lead generation to closing deals. 5-2 Collaborate with marketing and technical teams to ensure seamless customer experiences. 6. Customer Support: 6-1 Provide post-sales support. Address inquiries, resolve issues, and ensure customer satisfaction. 6-2 Be the troubleshooter when needed.
Senior Level
9/18 Updated
Sales (內湖) 鴻軒科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Job Overview: As a Sales Representative in our IC design company, you’ll be the bridge between our cutting-edge semiconductor solutions and our valued customers. Your mission? To promote our products, understand customer needs, and foster lasting partnerships. Responsibilities: 1. Product Evangelism: 1-1 Present, promote, and sell our IC products and services to existing and potential customers. 1-2 Use solid arguments and technical knowledge to showcase the value proposition of our designs. 2. Needs Analysis: 2-1 Conduct cost-benefit analyses and needs assessments for customers. 2-2 Understand their pain points, challenges, and requirements. 3. Relationship Building: 3-1 Establish, develop, and maintain positive business relationships. 3-2 Be the trusted advisor—listening, empathizing, and providing tailored solutions. 4. Market Insights: 4-1 Keep your finger on the industry pulse. Understand market trends, competitor offerings, and customer preferences. 4-2 Translate these insights into actionable strategies. 5. Sales Funnel Management: 5-1 Manage the sales pipeline—from lead generation to closing deals. 5-2 Collaborate with marketing and technical teams to ensure seamless customer experiences. 6. Customer Support: 6-1 Provide post-sales support. Address inquiries, resolve issues, and ensure customer satisfaction. 6-2 Be the troubleshooter when needed.
Senior Level
9/18 Updated
採購專員/資深採購專員 (新竹) 鴻軒科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 具備建立和優化採購流程的能力,完善及落實採購管理制度。 2. 具有開發供應商和維護供應商管理的經驗,了解及配合年度稽查。 3. 能有效分析和管理採購成本,制定年度CostDown計畫。 4. 具備在晶片開發相關領域的設備、原物料等採購談判和管理合約經驗。 5. 具備進出口報關經驗及文件製作,熟悉法規和程序。 6. 具有海關、貨運代理、物流公司等第三方進行溝通和協調經驗。 7. 工作地點:須能配合新竹及內湖出差
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/18 Updated
數位IC設計工程師-Design for Test(DFT) (新竹) 鴻軒科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. DFT相關功能的設計與實現 2. DFT設計方法和品質改進 3. DFT仿真與分析 4. 與產品品管團隊合作進行製造測試 5. 與產品團隊合作進行故障覆蓋率改進和PPM調整
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/18 Updated