

30 社員
Seneca ESG 是一家可持續發展軟件解決方案公司,主要服務於投資公司和公司 發行人的 ESG 需求。SenecaESG 的軟件平臺簡化了 ESG 報告的數據收集過程, 並允許客戶創建自定義記分卡,以提供 ESG 指標的實時可見性,並促進 ESG 基 線評估和目標設置。SenecaESG 在新加坡、臺北和上海設有辦事處,並將繼續 在亞太地區和海外拓展團隊。更多信息請訪問我們的網站


Back-end Developer, Java Focus. Taipei Office 新加坡商塞內卡有限公司台灣分公司
Seneca ESG is a sustainability software solutions firm that primarily services the ESG needs of investment firms and corporate issuers. SenecaESG’s software platform streamlines the data collection process for ESG reporting and enables clients to create custom scorecards to provide real-time visibility on ESG metrics and facilitate ESG baseline assessment and target settings. With offices in Singapore, Taipei, and Shanghai, SenecaESG is continuing to expand the team in Asia-Pac and abroad. Seneca ESG offers a stable working environment, a robust product, and a rapidly growing clientele worldwide. Find out more on our website: Responsibilities  Writing reusable, testable, and efficient code  Design and implementation of low-latency, high-availability, and performant applications  Integration of user-facing elements developed by front-end developers with server side logic  Implementation of security and data protection  Integration of data storage solutions which may include databases, key-value stores, blob stores, etc. Skills And Qualifications  Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English  At least 6+ years of software development experience with expertise in Java  A bachelor's degree or equivalent in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related degree  Good knowledge of Java Core, OOP, Design Pattern  Good/Basic understanding about multi-threading  Strong experience with the Spring Framework (Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data)  Experience with building and maintaining RESTful APIs and ORM (Hibernate or Eclipse Link)  Experience with Maven build and testing frameworks like Junit 5 and Mockito  Experience with relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, as well as optimizing SQL queries.  Knowledge of microservices architecture and cloud deployment technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Redis, Grafana, Prometheus, ELK or Loki, and Keycloak(OAuth2, OpenID Connect)  Experience with code quality tools such as SonarQube  Adaptability to Startup Environment: Ideal candidates will possess a keen interest in working within a dynamic, fast-paced, and occasionally unstructured startup setting. This position is not suited for those primarily seeking a conventional corporate role.
9/18 更新
ESG研究分析师 新加坡商塞內卡有限公司台灣分公司
月給 NT$ 43,000~63,000
Seneca ESG是一家商業智能公司,為企業的可持續性評估、報告和與金融服務的整合提供解決方案。在Seneca,我們提供軟件解決方案,使企業和資產管理公司能夠管理和監測ESG業績,並將ESG整合到您的工作流程和決策中。 工作職責 - 支持可持續性項目的交付,為企業提供ESG報告 - 執行項目並能確定優先次序 - 研究和監測可持續發展的趨勢,並評估其對客戶業務戰略的影響 - 了解我們的系統和客戶的需求,為客戶提供專業和有價值的建議和服務 資歷 - 經濟學、金融、環境或其他相關學科的學士學位持有者 - 有咨詢環境工作經驗者優先考慮 - 1-3年的可持續發展和ESG咨詢經驗 -從事過環境信息披露、可持續發展報告/CSR報告/ESG報告;或 - 優秀的中英文書面和口語溝通能力 - 對可持續發展相關主題有熱情
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新