

770 社員
亞東工業氣體(Air Liquide Far Eastern;ALFE)係由全球工業氣體製造及服務的領導者,營運超過百年的法國液空集團(Air Liquide)與遠東新世紀集團(Far Eastern)於1987年合資設立於台灣,為法商在台投資規模最大的製造商。 液空集團業務遍及全球75個國家,擁有約66,400名員工,服務超過380萬的客戶及患者。亞東在台灣的主要營業活動為傳承母公司研發的創新科技,供應電子業、大型工業、一般工業和醫療產業客戶所需之高純度氣體。服務涵蓋氣體供應、化學品、專業設備、技術支援及客戶端氣體廠安裝等全方位解決方案。在台灣員工超過770人,服務據點遍及台北、新竹、台中、台南、高雄,以及各大科學園區。 Founded in 1987, Air Liquide Far Eastern (ALFE) is a joint-venture between worldwide gas leader Air Liquide Group and Far Eastern New Century Group. ALFE has been the number 1 industrial investor among French companies in Taiwan in recent years. Air Liquide Group is present in 75 countries with approximately 66,400 employees and serves daily more than 3.8 million customers and patients. Leveraging on the advanced technology developed by Air Liquide, ALFE supplies high quality gases and total solution for the needs of electronics & large industries markets, industrial merchant customers and healthcare patients. Today, it employs more than 770 employees and has 15 offices/plants presence in Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung and the major Industrial Science Parks islandwide. Its diversified customer profiles can be categorized as: 1. Electronics: Foundry, DRAM, TFT-LCD, etc. 2. Industrial Customers: Glass Manufacturing, Fine Chemical, Metal fabrication, Food preservation, Welding, Laboratories and Transportation, etc. 3. Large Industries: Petrochemical, Co-generation, Steel makers and Oil-refinery, etc. 4. Healthcare: large-scale Hospitals and homecare, etc.



1. 各項高純度氣體、電子級特殊氣體及化學品供應 2. 氣體及化學品供應系統之設計規劃及設備安裝 3. 氣體廠運轉及維修相關服務


Air Liquide 不僅為法商在台投資最大的製造商,也是唯一連續4年榮獲HR Asia Awards -「亞洲最佳企業雇主獎」的氣體製造商。 Air Liquide 傾聽員工聲音、鼓勵員工發展、提升員工體驗。如果你具備好奇心,喜歡接觸不同領域與挑戰、擁有高度彈性來面對解決問題、追求長遠多元發展與自我成長,那你絕不能錯過Air Liquide。你將加入一個安全為核心、重視多元與包容、實踐創新及永續行動的環境,讓你打造專屬的Air Liquide Career。 在Air Liquide,我們有: ■ 開放、擁抱多元的企業文化 ■ 重視安全及員工體驗的工作環境 ■ 鼓勵與支持人才多元發展及成長 ■ 拓展國際視野,與不同國籍與背景的同仁一同合作 加入Air Liquide,跟我們一起成長!#IChooseAirLiquide 你的努力與實力備受矚目:   ■ 具競爭力的薪資   ■ 績效導向年度調薪制度,薪資再成長   ■ 通過內部專業認證,技術津貼上看5,000元 (依職務需求而不同)   ■ 員工即股東:以員工優惠價認購法國集團股票,增加被動收入   ■ 員工推薦計畫,推薦優秀人才扮演獎金獵人 優於法令的假期,不只休息,更是培養感情、充實自我的好時機   ■ 10天特休、8天Air Lquide彈性假,到職即享有 (第一年到職按比例發放)   ■ 5天全薪病假,放心看病與休養   ■ 14週產假 + 10天陪產假,讓媽媽及伴侶能充分兼顧家庭   ■ 子女及兄弟姊妹婚假,不怕錯過家族喜事 讓健康與安全,作為你堅強的後援:   ■ 員工團保,涵蓋人壽、意外、醫療及癌症保險。   ■ 眷屬團保優惠價,提供父母、子女共同保障。   ■ 免費年度健康檢查 + 加購項目優惠價客製個人需求。   ■ 防護具及量身訂製耳塞,降低危害風險,保障工作安全。(依職務需求提供) 友善與舒適工作環境,提高工作效力:   ■ 信任制的彈性工時及遠距辦公,靈活運用私人時間 (依職務需求調整)   ■ 全自動研磨咖啡機、氣泡水機及茶包,讓你無限暢飲   ■ 亞東水果日,提供新鮮水果或果汁補充維生素   ■ 免費零食小點心,享受下午茶時光   ■ 健身房、哺乳室、不定期視障按摩服務及瑜珈等課程   ■ EAP員工協助方案,提供法律、財務、身心等諮詢服務,職場私生活不再兩頭燒   ■ myVoice 調查,讓集團聽見你的心聲,提升你的員工體驗 運用人才發展資源,提升職能專業、打造職涯舞台:   ■ 液空大學:多元主題與多國語系線上課程,隨時充電學習不中斷   ■ 輪調文化:鼓勵跨職務、跨國 / 子公司輪調,培養及拓展多元職能   ■ 透明、公正、績效導向升遷制度   ■ 內部競賽獎勵與績優員工表揚,為你的液空職涯增添亮點 福委會與多元福利,職場生活更有趣:   ■ 優渥的國內外旅遊津貼   ■ 生日禮金及禮券,慶生續攤沒負擔   ■ 三節禮金、禮品及應景活動,找回傳統節慶的回憶   ■ 婚喪病生育補助,讓你窩心不傷心   ■ 社團活動補助,結交志同道合的朋友   ■ 樂活講座,輕鬆吸收生活及旅遊新知   ■ 家庭日及志工日,培養親友感情還能為環境永續及弱勢關懷貢獻心力



Quality Management Specialist (台北內湖 或 新竹竹北) 液空台灣_亞東工業氣體股份有限公司
This role is under the Quality Division and reporting to Sr. Quality Director. Your primary responsibility is to drive the implementation, operation, maintenance, streamlining and improvements of the Quality Management System (QMS) related to the product(s) and operations. - To manage customer, product and supplier quality issue resolutions, responsible for implementation, monitoring and reporting on measurable objectives and milestones for meeting Customer satisfaction and operations quality target. - To lead and manage the RCA (root causes analysis) of quality problems and driving improvements in product and process quality (8D methodology); follow up and drive defined corrective actions and preventive actions (CA/PA). - To drive Quality Continuous Improvement programs through TQM (total quality management), QC tools, digital tools, cost of poor quality..etc. - To report to manager(s) with responsibility and authority for corrective action, if any operation or activity that does not comply with approved quality management rules or procedures. - To collaborate with internal and external suppliers for upstream supplier quality management system to harden the line of quality defense. - To drive Quality culture program across all business units to keep up with customer and industry roadmap and trends.
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
ALAM_Project Manager 液空台灣_亞東工業氣體股份有限公司
About ALAM: Today’s electronics industry demands materials that enable technologies that improve connectivity, computing power, and energy consumption. Air Liquide offers a complete range of electronics advanced materials including Voltaix™ and ALOHA™ deposition precursors and enScribe™ etchants. Air Liquide activities help the industry to fabricate increasingly complex, compact, and powerful semiconductor chips (or integrated circuits). The primary focus of the Engineering department is to lead and execute large, mid size capital projects and smaller continuous improvement projects related to commercial chemical manufacturing processes. The Senior Project manager will act as the central subject matter expert in Project management and perform/manage all aspects of project management activity for the projects executed in support of major product lines and manufacturing areas, providing technical insights, leadership, and disciplined project management for implementation of chemical process intensive projects. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: -Develop, track, and manage projects to ensure that projects are executed according to the Project Plan and are completed on time (schedule implies resources) and on budget. Keeps management and all the stakeholders informed on all issues affecting project timeline and budget. Proactively develops plans to mitigate potential issues. -Responsible for procurement of equipment and materials, and services; and selection and hiring of subcontractors. -Negotiates project cost with suppliers to achieve optimal cost of ownership. -Manages material identification, application, receipt, staging, and tracking. -Responsible for Project execution following various applicable design specifications and standards. -Responsible for leading cross-functional design reviews, championing “Management of Change” process for project changes, and leading construction pre-startup reviews. -Responsible for overall field coordination during the project. Coordinate project deliverables and timing with the construction manager(s), project engineers(s) and contractors. -Ensures that work scope, project documentation, drawings, etc. are developed to meet internal standards/good engineering practice, and regulatory requirements are maintained current throughout the project. -Ensures appropriate and timely reporting of project progress; including project closeout reports. -Delivers timely, accurate, and high quality services and products to increase value and achieve customer satisfaction. -Directly responsible for safe project execution.
9/18 更新
E&C_Project Director 液空台灣_亞東工業氣體股份有限公司
Air Liquide E&C (Engineering & Construction) builds the Group’s production units - mainly air gas separation and renewable and low carbon hydrogen production units - and provides external customers with efficient, sustainable, customized technology and process solutions. Overall Purpose: The E&C Project Director is in charge of supporting the Lead Business Developer and the project development team by striving for a competitive solution and planning an appropriate project strategy in all aspects: risks register, capex., technical integrity of the overall plant (ISBL+OSBL) on EPC basis . He/She is supporting the E&C Proposal manager in this phase. Once the project is awarded and handed over to the Project Execution phase, the E&C Project Director / E&C Project Manager is responsible for overall EPC Project Execution,optimizing continuously to deliver the EPC project in line with the safety, cost, schedule and reliability as approved by AL RIC. He/she is also actively supporting the OPD (AP) to ensure excellence in successful investment delivery. Responsibilities: During the development phase up to the Handover to Execution: 1. Support the E&C proposal manager to coordinate/develop the most competitive execution and sourcing strategy (notably packages/involvement from affiliates), adapted to the final customer requirements, support under Proposal manager's coordination with the following 2. Validating proposal information, project execution related procedures / interface & site management, requirements necessary for installation (land, utilities, storage & prefabrication area...) to be fully integrated into the project definition, scope and execution 3. Review & evaluate the overall performances of the proposal (budget, planning, scope, final technical solution, ...) before the B meeting. Coordinate with related departments to evaluate the availability of the resources and competences. Initiate actions if any gaps. 4. Inputs & review of overall project risks evaluation and be force of proposition to mitigate risks 5. Double check the consistency / identifications of gaps between the E&C technical & commercial offers and final Gas contract and E&C-Affiliate contract 6. Participate in cost estimation / vendor costs clarification notably site activities and challenge all the stakeholders to ensure the best AL competitiveness 7. Review the solution and execution strategy is set up in line with compliance to AL rules and systems and any relevant external rules and guidelines During the Execution phase up to Handover to Operations: 1. Manage the Project Execution with Excellence in order to ensure overall performances, as defined during the Handover (Technical Performances, safety, Capex, budget, schedule, reliability, Scope, Risks,...) 2. Contract, manage, optimize and challenge external/internal suppliers, including internal E&C to optimize and meet the performance (budget, schedule, ..) within the approval received from RIC 3. Ensure the submission schedule and content of documents necessary for permits application is known in time and met, to ensure overall FIP met in line with the gas contract, or at least to ensure overall FIP met in line with the contract between E&C and Affiliate 4. Manage Changes and support the OPD(or AP) for final customers negotiation, if needed 5. Ensure the capitalization/ lesson learnt collection and consolidation for the project and hand-over to the designated company resources in line with company development objectives. (eg. strategy / schedule / vendors selection .. for future projects). Safety / Quality Assurance / Risk Management/ IMS and general activities 1. Ensure that developed execution strategy and people assignment will address all necessary aspects related to Safety, Quality and Risk Management & IMS 2. Ensure Safety/Quality/Risks management processes are applied during the entire execution phase
9/18 更新
Quality Engineer (新竹竹北) 液空台灣_亞東工業氣體股份有限公司
This role is under the Quality Division and reporting to Sr. Quality Director. Your primary responsibility is to be the key point of contact with customer and Production sites in resolution of quality events. - Interfaces with customers for quality-related tasks, customer audits and quality incidents. - Work with production quality control to drive identification of the root cause analysis for quality issues and execution of product quality improvements. - Provides and drive quality control method deployment on site regarding quality tools (such as FMEA, RCA, SPC, Control Chart) to help manufactured products in quality control. - Ensure that customer's product change notification(PCN) specifications are followed, prepared, and obtained customer's approval. - Notify the manager(s) with responsibility and authority for corrective action, if any operation or activity that does not comply with approved quality management rules or procedures should be stopped. - Support compliance of customer quality requirements and procurement specification. - Lead, manage and/or facilitate internal cross functional teams from multiple Air Liquide locations for customer quality related issues.
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
Business Developer (新竹竹北) 液空台灣_亞東工業氣體股份有限公司
Air Liquide Far Eastern is now looking for a Business Developer focusing on the Bulk Gas business within Industrial Merchant team. 1. New business development for industrial gas products such as liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen, liquid argon, liquid carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. 2. To promote industrial gas products and corresponding applications in the northern Taiwan market. 3. To understand territory dynamics to manage and prioritize leads and prospects. 4. To propose technical and commercial solutions based on customer demand and internal resources. 5. To negotiate terms and conditions and get the contracts signed. 6. To coordinate internal counterparts to achieve personal, departmental, and corporate objectives.
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
預算管理專員 Budget Controller (高雄路竹) - 無經驗可 液空台灣_亞東工業氣體股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 35,000+
1. Training Coordinator - Assist Facility Manager in JD establishment, competency identification - Maintain training record and update in system - Assist qualification activities and maintain records 2. Budget Control and management : - Budget control, maintain and monthly update report - Assist to plan and track the maintenance budget, normal investment, utilities expense, etc. in the internal system. 3. Spare parts management and procurement related activities : - Spare parts management - Registration for all spare parts on google drive - Apply PR, track and release PO to supplier and PO acknowledgement - Apply normal investment on internal systems. - Establish new suppliers
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
2024 Graduate Trainee - Maintenance Planning Engineer (Mechanical) 液空台灣_亞東工業氣體股份有限公司
新鮮人計劃在你職業生涯的初期提供絕佳機會,透過18個月於廠區的密集培訓與輪調,深入了解氣體產業並加速您的職涯發展,成為技術領域的明日之星。 ◆ 職缺資訊 ⊙ Maintenance Planning Engineer - 地點:高雄楠梓 (需輪調至台中梧棲受訓1年) - 職務:負責全台廠區歲修、預防性保養等整合、協調、供應商協作及監工、轉動 / 靜態等機械類設備維修、持續性改善專案規劃執行。 ◆ 招募對象 ⊙ 機械相關科系碩士畢業、工作資歷≤3年 ⊙ 中等以上英文能力,優秀學科成績 ⊙ 對氣體產業有興趣,具快速學習、團隊合作能力 ⊙ 需配合台灣地區輪調 ◆ 液空集團職涯網站投遞履歷: https://airliquidehr.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/zh-TW/AirLiquideExternalCareer/job/XMLNAME-2024-Engineer-Graduate-Trainee_R10048563
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新