
Company Introduction

30 Employees
Contact Person
Meteor Lighting, a leading architectural lighting manufacturer based in Los Angeles, California. We are dedicated to creating elegantly designed products that combine performance and innovation. We are driven by a passion for lighting, architecture, and technology, and we strive to inspire designers and architects around the world to find new ways to illuminate beautiful spaces. As a California-based company, we are surrounded by technology and love to integrate the latest innovations into our products. Our affiliate company in Taiwan allows us to serve some of the world's top companies, including Netflix, Google, and Facebook. We believe that our team is our greatest asset. We are always looking for unique individuals who share our passion for lighting and design to join our team. If you have an incurable passion for creativity and are looking for an adventure, we encourage you to apply. We offer a dynamic and collaborative work environment where you can grow and develop your skills. Together, we can reach new heights in the world of architectural lighting. Follow us Website:https://www.meteor-lighting.com Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/company/meteor-lighting Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/meteor_lighting Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MeteorLightingLED Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@METEORLIGHTING You can also send your resume to: admintern@makilighting.com

Industry Sector
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Main Products

Architectural/Commercial High Output LED Fixtures


我們相信「人」才是公司的根本,人對了,公司才有了持續成長的動能。 我們重視每一位夥伴,並持續創造優良的環境與制度,讓每一位夥伴皆能無後顧之憂。 我們秉持共享經營成果的理念並提供一條長遠的職涯規劃,讓公司同仁都能在一個重視永續學習、積極激勵與留任人才和優渥的福利環境中工作成長。 在Meteor我們有— ■ 開放的企業文化 ■ 新穎的硬體設施 ■ 鼓勵學習的環境 ■ 不拘形式的工作場域 ■ 簡單的企業組織結構 ■ 提升語言能力、拓展國際視野,與來自不同國家背景的同仁共事 ■ 薪酬 -基本年薪15~20個月(含分紅) -每年第二季依個人績效考核發放前一年度分紅 -每年第四季依前半年度個人績效考核調整薪資 ■ 獎金 -每月績效獎金 -特殊專案獎金 ■ 補助津貼 -停車補助 -績優員工進修補助 -加班/出差餐費補助 -特約運動中心健身房補助 ■ 健康/保險 -團保意外險 -國外出差旅平險 -勞保、健保及退休金提撥 -提供專業醫療院所員工健檢計畫 ■ 職工福利 -補班日不上班 -會議午餐 -部門聚餐 -特約運動健身房 -不定期下午茶或聚餐 -全天候供應義式研磨咖啡機,免費提供咖啡、茶包、零食點心 -每年員工含家人之旅遊一次 -家庭日活動邀請員工家屬一同參與

Company & Workplace


Junior Graphic Designer 平面設計師 東育實業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
As a Junior Graphic Designer at Meteor Lighting, you will start by taking ownership of our product specifications and technical documents. You will follow existing design guidelines and apply them in future applications, while also being able to suggest improvements and make updates as needed. These documents are vital for our clients and partners and require meticulous attention to detail and a strong sense of organization. You will be responsible for ensuring that these materials are not only informative but also visually engaging. As you excel in this role and become more familiar with our products and brand identity, you'll have the opportunity to expand your horizons. You'll transition into working on a broader range of brand-related projects, including creating interesting marketing materials and collaborating on advertising campaigns. This transition will allow you to showcase your creativity and design expertise while still maintaining the precision and order required for technical documents. Examples: https://nutritious-meteor-940.notion.site/Meteor-Lighting-Website-Introduction-b71f99e33e2242fdb3fc1e6e2b5afbf9 Responsibilities: - Maintain and create new product specification sheets and installation guides - Manage and organize design files and assets - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure design work meets business needs and objectives - Assist the visual designer with a variety of design tasks - Collect ideas and inspiration from various sources to create mood boards for design drafts We expect you to be: - Multilingual, able to communicate and create designs in English - Attention to detail and layout design - Ideally likes our current brand visuals, and sees areas of improvement - Fearless, not constrained to only Graphic Design tasks, but sees the big picture - Willing to explore new possibilities, and test new ideas. - Take ownership of your area of expertise to elevate the project vision and carry it forward! ※ Must provide recent portfolio for evaluation Experience with English typography is preferred
English Required
9/20 Updated
平面設計實習生 東育實業股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 210+
【 平面設計實習生招募中!】 Meteor是一家專注於建築照明領域的公司,在美國建築燈具市場有深厚的渠道根基,產品已被廣泛應用於許多知名企業,如Amazon、Netflix、Google等著名建築項目中。 我們在台灣和美國洛杉磯擁有分部,設計內容皆以英文為主,提供多元的學習機會。 如果你對建築和照明設計有所興趣,並且希望從實務工作中學習成長,歡迎加入我們獨一無二的行銷團隊。 【品牌網站】 https://nutritious-meteor-940.notion.site/Meteor-Lighting-Website-Introduction-b71f99e33e2242fdb3fc1e6e2b5afbf9?pvs=74 【職務內容】 ▋ 設計內容皆為英文,優先採用對英文敏銳、有英文排版經驗的人才 ▋ ◎ 使用Illustrator/Indesign維護既有的產品規格書/技術文件 ◎ 使用Adobe PDF優化文件,設計並製作互動表單 ◎ 遵循品牌規範,協助團隊完成各類設計項目 (廣告素材、網頁設計、EDM) ◎ 參與創意設計討論,提出概念,執行視覺延伸 【條件需求】 ※ 務必附上近期設計作品 ◎ 尋找長期配合的夥伴,一周能有兩天以上工讀時間 ◎ 正在就讀相關設計科系 ◎ 熟悉平面設計軟體 ◎ 注重細節與表達能力 ◎ 擁有設計熱忱,願意持續學習精進自我 #您將獲得 ◎ 實務設計經驗,深度的軟體知識 ◎ 時薪制:210元/hr (含)以上 (依個人能力將進行調整) ◎ 定期部門聚餐、不定期公司聚餐和下午茶
9/20 Updated
Quality Assurance Engineer | 品保工程師 東育實業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Quality Assurance Engineer acts as the primary QA lead for partnership factories management with diverse products. He / She assures conformance of sourced products to specifications and responsible for customer complaint handling. In addition, the Quality Assurance Engineer takes lead in customer oriented audit activities happened in partnership factories. The Quality Assurance Engineer works independently and following initial training is expected to accept responsibility for learning, understanding, documenting and conveying all Quality Assurance policies, procedures and processes Work Content: • Interface with partnership factories for all quality, reliability and process issues. • Act as Quality representative in dealing with customer complaint handling. • Work with partnership factories to analyze customer complaints and returned materials to identify cause of failure. And then drive factory to initiate and implement corrective and preventive action. • Access SPC data and production record periodically to work with partnership factories to drive Continuous Improvement in process. • Conduct regular partnership factories on site audit with finding issues tracking. • Serve as Quality representative in material review board activities and coordinates Quality Control requirements as appropriate. • Involve in new product development process with Engineering team and partnership factory. * We will arrange training courses for 3 to 6 months in Taiwan. Then, the QA engineer will go on a long-term business trip to Thailand.
Partially Remote
9/18 Updated
Regional Sales Manager 東育實業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
About us Meteor Lighting is an architectural lighting manufacturer of premium luminaires. Our design philosophy is Pure Brilliance, creating elegantly designed products that marry the performance and aesthetics in order to fulfill our vision to Inspire the Spaces around us. As a California based company, we’re surrounded with tech and love to integrate the latest innovations into our products to help inspire designers and architects across North America to find new ways illuminate beautiful spaces. Our affiliate company in Taiwan is located in Taoyuan city, and together we are serving the world’s elite companies such as Apple, Facebook, Netflix, Google, and other Fortune 500 companies. We’re looking for unique people to help us reach new heights. Those that have an incurable passion for lighting, architecture, technology, creativity, and those that are looking for an adventure. In this role, you will • Closely work with Agency Sales Representatives, Lighting Designers, Distributors, and Specifiers. • Create and maintain strong relationships with all relevant parties, companies, institutions, and people, paying attention to market needs. • Fully understand and confidently navigate the complexity of North America’s sales network. • Grow profitable sales in your assigned region. • Achieve sales budgets and quotas. • Identify and generate new opportunities, maintain relationships, and build the brand. • Propose sales targets in the region based on market intelligence. • Confidently and knowledgeably present new products, highlighting their features and benefits. • Answer customer requests regarding products, pricing, and technical modifications. • Identify needs and opportunities, provide technical quotation support and create lighting packages. • Attend product shows, locally sponsored events, and larger national trade shows. • Organize your travel in the most economical way, within corporate guidelines. Preferred Skills and Experience • 5+ years of B2B or relevant sales experience • Ability to travel up to 60% of the time • Well-developed communication, interpersonal, motivational, and organizational skills • Proven track record of exceeding sales goals in prior positions • Excellent written, verbal and presentation skills related to technical products • Dynamic team player who can think outside the box • High level of energy, competitiveness, and willingness to succeed as a self-starter Must have criteria’s • Native English Speaker, only foreigners are welcome to apply • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree • Must hold a valid drivers’ license and a valid Passport • Computer skills: advanced level user of PowerPoint, Excel, and Word; familiarity with CRM software • Good public speaking skills with the ability to conduct product training toan audience • Familiarity with North America
English Required
9/18 Updated
管理部實習生 東育實業股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 210+
【 We Need You!徵管理部實習生】 Meteor是一個建築照明公司, 在台灣、美國洛杉磯均設有分部,如果您對建築, 照明設計有興趣、想要了解日常供應鏈如何運作達成業務目標,同時與國際接軌,這裡就是您能一展身手的舞台!通路深耕美國建築燈具市場,我們的產品應用在美國諸如Amazon、Netflix、Google等知名建案。 Meteor is an architectural lighting brand with branches in Taoyuan, Taiwan and Los Angeles, USA. If you are interested in the supply chain management, and want to get to know International Business operations, here is a stage to show off your skills. Our products are used in some of the most iconic offices in the world such as Amazon, Netflix and Google Headquarters. #您將會做什麼 • 成為全公司的後盾:照顧這個大家庭,讓每一個夥伴在衝剌自己的工作之餘,也能夠得到後勤單位全力的支援與協助。 • 訂單相關ERP系統作業 (請款作業、財務資料審核、整理) • 行政工作:辦公室環境維持、總機、客人接待、公出 • 人事工作:出勤記錄、員工請假管理 • 採購排程、報表相關工作協助 • 其它主管交辦事項 #What You’ll be Doing • Back-up of the whole team • ERP and Financial support • Administration job • HR assistant • Adhoc duties assigned by your direct supervisor #加分條件 • 若您精通excel、PowerPoint軟體則相當加分 • 良好的英文能力( Toeic 600分以上) • 優異的學業成績及學校活動 #Bonus Skills • Familiarity with excel、PowerPoint – Are a big plus • High English Proficiency • Great School Performance in studying and activities #我們期待您俱備 - 能熟悉office系統操作 - 會騎車或開車 - 具備中等以上英文能力 - 個性主動、積極、樂於服務、不怕困難及挑戰 - 依學校課業彈性安排工作時間,每週上班時間3~5天 #We Need you to have - Familiar with MS office. - able to ride scooter or drive. - Medium English Ability or above - with the personality to be very proactive, willing to help others, and not afraid of difficulties and challenges! - 2~3 working days per week. #您將會獲得什麼 - 在國際化的環境工作,提升口語能力 - 豐富的行政、人事、總務等實務經驗,了解企業內部流程 - 時薪制: 210元/hr (含)以上 (表現優異者, 將有機會調薪或轉為正職) - 彈性工作時間 - 定期部門聚餐 #What you’ll be getting - International Working Environment - Rich Practical Experience in Administration management - Hourly Wage of NT$ 210/hr. (But can be higher based on evaluation) - Flexible Working Hours - Bi-Monthly Department Dinners
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/18 Updated
供應鏈管理實習生 東育實業股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 210+
【 We Need You!徵實習生】 Meteor是一個建築照明公司, 在台灣、美國洛杉磯均設有分部,如果您對建築, 照明設計有興趣、想要了解日常供應鏈如何運作達成業務目標,同時與國際接軌,這裡就是您能一展身手的舞台!通路深耕美國建築燈具市場,我們的產品應用在美國諸如Amazon、Netflix、Google等知名建案。 Meteor is an architectural lighting brand with branches in Taoyuan, Taiwan and Los Angeles, USA. If you are interested in the supply chain management, and want to get to know International Business operations, here is a stage to show off your skills. Our products are used in some of the most iconic offices in the world such as Amazon, Netflix and Google Headquarters. #您將會做什麼 • 成為運籌團隊的後盾:訂單相關ERP系統作業(開立採購單、驗收、請款)、報表製作(樞紐分析)、請款作業 • 與業務團隊合作提供色板樣品:確認色板需求並聯繫供應商取得色樣 • 支援產品團隊進行新技術樣品採購:依照夥伴需求並進行物料採購 #What You’ll be Doing • Back-up of Operation team • Cooperation with Product team and Sales team for sample request #加分條件 若您精通excel、PowerPoint軟體則相當加分 良好的英文能力 優異的學業成績及學校活動 #Bonus Skills Familiarity with excel、PowerPoint – Are a big plus High English Proficiency Great School Performance in studying and activities #我們期待您俱備 - 國際貿易、商管相關科系或對此領域有高度熱忱 - 能熟悉office系統操作 - 具備中等以上英文能力 - 個性主動、積極、樂於服務、不怕困難及挑戰 - 每週工作16~40hrs,可依照課表彈性安排 #We Need you to have - Business Related Education or Experience - Familiar with MS office - Medium English Ability or above - with the personality to be very proactive, willing to help others, and not afraid of difficulties and challenges! - Available 16~40 hours a week with flexible choice of hours. #您將會獲得什麼 - 在國際化的環境工作,提升口語能力 - 豐富的供應鏈管理實務經驗,了解企業內部流程 - 時薪制:210元/hr (含)以上 - 彈性工作時間 - 定期部門聚餐 #What you’ll be getting - International Working Environment - Rich Practical Experience in supply chain management - Hourly Wage of NT$ 210/hr. (But can be higher based on evaluation) - Flexible Working Hours - Bi-Monthly Department Dinners
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/18 Updated