美商浪橋科技股份有限公司_Splashtop Inc.

Company Introduction

100 Employees
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美商浪橋科技股份有限公司_Splashtop Inc. 於2006年成立於美國矽谷,在台灣、中國、新加坡、日本及荷蘭設有分公司與研發團隊。核心團隊來自麻省理工學院(MIT)為全球用戶提供新一代遠端存取與遠端支援軟體及服務。 公司現有客戶橫跨娛樂、物流、汽車、飯店、金融、保險及科技產業,其中不乏全球五百大企業,如迪士尼 (Disney)、聯邦快遞 (FedEx)、奇異 (GE)、萬豪國際 (Marriott) 和豐田 (Toyota) 等;亦為政府及教育研究機構,如美國疾病預防控制中心 (CDC)、哈佛大學(Harvard University)提供技術支援。 2021 年初,由 Sapphire Ventures 領頭與其他 3 位長期投資者挹注五千萬美元與追加一千五百萬美元資金,Splashtop 亦成為市值估計超過 15 億美元的「獨角獸」企業,持續打造未來工作和教育的解決方案。

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產品為使用先進影音串流技術進行:遠端桌面搖控,一對多視訊會議及行動裝置畫面鏡射等應用。我們的產品線橫跨多平台(Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android),在科技界及教育界均有高知名度(請參考: www.splashtop.com及www.mirroring360.com. 在App Store/Google Play上請搜尋”Splashtop”)。 《商業周刊》第 1738 期報導:遠距工具新創Splashtop,客戶85%來自財星五百企業 https://reurl.cc/44MxLX


▍工作和生活平衡的制度 彈性工作時間|8:00-10:00彈性上班制度,避開上下班人車潮,上班不必趕打卡。 自由午休時間|午餐時段自行安排一小時吃飯休息。 優於法定休假|每年10天特休起跳 (首年依入職比例發放,通過考核即可申請當年度特別休假)。 混合辦公模式| 依公司規定靈活自主地安排工作地點。 不扣薪病假|每年10天有薪病假,以員工健康為首,生病好好休養,不擔心影響薪資。 輪班津貼|除輪值津貼外,體恤11點過後下班員工,補助每趟計程車資最高$350。 體恤女性員工|除每月一天給薪生理假,懷孕員工孕期最後一個月可在家工作。 平等的公司架構|每週一次全員會議,重視團隊中的每個聲音。 暢通的溝通管道|提供線上匿名問卷及實體員工信箱,採納員工的回饋意見,形成正向循環。 ▍優質的薪資待遇 競爭力的薪資|除了保障年薪14個月外,一年還有兩次績效獎金。 工作績效調薪|每年度根據表現調整薪資,你的努力反應在薪資上。 股票選擇權|擁有股票選擇權,共享公司經營成果。 內部推薦獎金|介紹優秀人才入職,團隊成長,你也有獎金。 外訓共同成長|鼓勵員工自主學習,補助參加職務相關外部教育訓練。 ▍友善的工作環境 國際化的職場|多元及跨國文化組成的世界級技術團隊,拓展國際視野及競爭力。 辦公設備|舒適的人體工學椅、電動升降桌為每個人辦公標準配備。 自在歡樂|好相處的同事、輕鬆活潑的工作氣氛。 交通便利|明亮舒適辦公室位於捷運小巨蛋4號出口,一出捷運站即到辦公室。 安心呼吸|每間會議室擺放高效型空氣清淨機,保障員工呼吸乾淨空氣。 醫護臨場服務|每月有臺安醫院護理師到場,避免工作中的危害、落實個人健康保護。 ▍貼心福利 年度健檢|每年度提供特約健檢中心健康檢查一次。 團體保險|除了法定的勞保、健保外,也投保團體綜合保險,保障員工健康。 生日快樂|每年一天有薪生日假外另有生日禮金,公司希望員工好好慶祝這個屬於你的日子。 英文課程|一週一次的專業師資養成英語溝通力,學習無止盡。 自助零食|提供零食、飲料、咖啡讓你工作時間補足精神、活力。 員工團建|每半年一次Teambuilding,體驗嘗試不同活動、凝聚團隊感情、激發創造力。 舒壓按摩|除每周有按摩師傅到場還有電動按摩椅,紓解員工壓力,身體不痠痛。 社團補助|多元社團選擇,跑步社、瑜珈社、桌遊社、電影社...等,除工作外也兼顧休閒娛樂。 公司團服|定期提供夏季T恤或冬季外套,提升團隊向心力。 公司聚餐|定期舉辦聚餐活動,聯繫同仁情感。 費用補助|福委會提供結婚、喪葬、生育、住院補助,無論開心難過都與你一起分擔。 旅遊補助|每年定額旅遊補助並提供一天有薪旅遊假,一起和同事們國內/外旅遊。 年終餐會|歡樂十足尾牙派對,人人有獎的抽獎和大紅包。 下午茶會|各式下午茶點心飲料,調劑上班心情。


日本語対応テクニカルサポート Customer Support Specialist (Japanese Speaking) 美商浪橋科技股份有限公司_Splashtop Inc.
Salary negotiable
【Splashtopについて】 弊社はアメリカ・シリコンバレーのベンチャー企業によって開発され、世界中で急速にユーザーを獲得したリモートデスクトップアプリ「Splashtop」を提供するSaaS企業です。 当社の製品は複数のプラットフォーム(Windows、macOS、iOS、Android)に対応しており、ITおよび教育コミュニティで高く評価されています。 詳細はwww.splashtop.comおよびwww.mirroring360.comをご覧ください。App Store / Google PlayでSplashtopを検索することもできます。 全世界で3,000万人以上のユーザーがおり、日本でも5,000社以上が導入し、問い合わせも増えてまいりましたため、ユーザーの相談窓口となり、日本チームと台北にある開発チームとの間をつなぐテクニカルサポート担当を募集しています。 【職務内容】 この役割では、主に日本語を話すカスタマーサービス代表として、お客様の使い方に関する簡単な質問に対応するだけでなく、専門性の高い疑問や不具合の相談など、より複雑なケースにも対応し、お客様の満足度向上に貢献していただきます。当社では研修プログラムを提供し、常に上司や先輩がサポートする体制を整えていますので、未経験の方でもご安心ください! また、開発チームとのコミュニケーションは英語や中国語で行われるため、日常会話レベルの英語スキルまたは中国語スキルが必要です。開発チームと円滑なコミュニケーションを図りながら、業務を遂行していただきます。 ご応募の際は、言語スキルについてもご記入ください。 以下の業務を担当していただきます: 1. お客様や代理店とのコミュニケーションを通じて、適切なSplashtopサービスを推奨する 2. お客様のフィードバックを収集し、追跡し、迅速な解決策を提供する 3. 技術的な問題を分析し、社内の開発チームと連携して問題を解決する 4. 内部のチケットシステムを使用してメールの質問に回答する 5. テキストチャットシステムや電話を通じてユーザーの質問に回答する 6. 製品の改善に関する提案を行う 7. 週末や祝日を含む柔軟な勤務スケジュールに適応できること 外国籍の方も歓迎します! ご応募をお待ちしております。 【 About Splashtop】 Splashtop is a SaaS company offering industry-leading remote access/support services, one-to-many video conferencing, and mobile mirroring apps. Our product range covers multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) and is highly regarded in the IT and education community (see: www.splashtop.com and www.mirroring360.com, or look for Splashtop in App Store / Google Play). We have over 30 million users worldwide, and in Japan alone, more than 5,000 companies have adopted our product. Due to the increasing number of inquiries, we are looking for a technical support representative who will serve as the user's point of contact and bridge the gap between our Japan team and the development team in Taipei. 【What will you do in this role?】 In this role, you will primarily serve as a Japanese-speaking customer service representative, providing assistance not only for simple usage questions but also for complex inquiries and troubleshooting to enhance customer satisfaction. We provide training programs and have a support system in place with supervisors and senior colleagues, so even inexperienced individuals can feel at ease. Additionally, since communication with the development team is conducted in English or Chinese, English or Chinese communication skills are required. You will be responsible for working with Splashtop Japan office to cover below job contents to Japanese customers: 1. Communicate with customers and Japan resellers and recommend them for the right Splashtop service. 2. Collect/track customer feedback and provide timely solutions. 3. Analyze reported technical issues, and co-work with internal developers to remedy problems. 4. Use internal ticket systems to answer email questions. 5. Use text chat system and phone calls to answer users' questions. 6. Provide suggestions for product improvement. 7. Be able to adapt to flexible work schedules, including weekends and national holidays. - Foreign residents are welcomed!
9/19 Updated
Customer Support Specialist (Night Shift) 美商浪橋科技股份有限公司_Splashtop Inc.
Salary negotiable
▲ About Splashtop: Splashtop is a SaaS company offering industry-leading remote access / support services, and mobile mirroring apps. Our product range covers multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) and is highly regarded in the IT and education community (see: www.splashtop.com and www.mirroring360.com, or look for Splashtop in App Store / Google Play). Currently, we would like to find a bi-lingual (English and others) customer service representative whose main task is to assist customers in solving a broad range of technical and market-related topics, and to improve customer satisfaction for their success. ▲ What will you do in this role? 1. Communicate with customers and recommend them for the right Splashtop service. 2. Collect/track customer feedback and provide timely solutions. 3. Analyze reported technical issues, and co-work with internal developers to remedy problems. 4. Use internal ticket systems to answer email questions. 5. Use text chat system and phone calls to answer users' questions. 6. Provide suggestions for product improvement. 7. Be able to adapt to flexible work schedules, including weekends and national holidays. ▲ Preferred experience: 1. Language proficiency for Japanese/German/French/Italian/Spanish/Russian is a strong plus. - Foreign residents are welcomed!
English Required
9/19 Updated
Customer Support Specialist (EU region) 美商浪橋科技股份有限公司_Splashtop Inc.
Salary negotiable
▲ About Splashtop: Splashtop is a SaaS company offering industry-leading remote access / support services, and mobile mirroring apps. Our product range covers multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) and is highly regarded in the IT and education community (see: www.splashtop.com and www.mirroring360.com, or look for Splashtop in App Store / Google Play). Currently, we would like to find an English-speaking customer service representative whose main task is to assist customers in solving a broad range of technical and market-related topics, and to improve customer satisfaction for their success. ▲ What will you do in this role? 1. Communicate with customers and recommend them for the right Splashtop service. 2. Collect/track customer feedback and provide timely solutions. 3. Analyze reported technical issues, and co-work with internal developers to remedy problems. 4. Use internal ticket systems to answer email questions. 5. Use text chat system and phone calls to answer users' questions. 6. Provide suggestions for product improvement. 7. Be able to adapt to flexible work schedules, including weekends, national holidays. ▲ Preferred experience: 1. Language proficiency for Japanese/German/French/Italian/Spanish/Russian is a strong plus. - Foreign residents are welcomed!
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/19 Updated
Customer Support Specialist (German Speaking) 美商浪橋科技股份有限公司_Splashtop Inc.
Salary negotiable
▲ About Splashtop: Splashtop is a SaaS company offering industry-leading remote access / support services, one-to-many video conferencing, and mobile mirroring apps. Our product range covers multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) and is highly regarded in the IT and education community (see: www.splashtop.com and www.mirroring360.com, or look for Splashtop in App Store / Google Play). Currently, we would like to find a German-speaking customer service representative whose main task is to assist customers in solving a broad range of technical and market-related topics, and to improve customer satisfaction for their success. ▲ What will you do in this role? 1. Communicate with customers and recommend them for the right Splashtop service. 2. Collect/track customer feedback and provide timely solutions. 3. Analyze reported technical issues, and co-work with internal developers to remedy problems. 4. Use internal ticket systems to answer email questions. 5. Use text chat system and phone calls to answer users' questions. 6. Provide suggestions for product improvement. 7. Be able to adapt to flexible work schedules, including weekends and national holidays. - Foreign residents are welcomed!
9/19 Updated