

9000 社員
台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓/台灣美光記憶體/美光亞太)是美商美光科技(Micron Technology, Inc.)在台子公司,美光科技成立於1978年,是全球前三大記憶體製造商,總部設立於美國愛達荷州波伊西市(Boise),並分別於美國、台灣、日本、新加坡、中國、歐洲等地設有研發設計或製造據點;全球員工超過3萬人。 台灣美光跨足半導體後段封測領域,以領先之姿,帶領亞洲半導體產業持續向上,讓世界供應鏈持續向台灣匯聚能量。台灣美光升級為集合晶圓製造、封裝測試於一體,並有研發團隊進駐的DRAM卓越製造中心。 我們提供高度多樣化的產品陣容,並與客戶密切合作,幫助他們開發整個記憶體系統。事實上,您也許每天都在使用我們的記憶體-在電腦、網路和伺服器應用中,在移動、嵌入式、消費者、汽車和工業設計中。 作為世界上最豐富的專利持有者之一,我們不斷反思、重鑄和精進新思路,給更廣泛的市場帶來革新並找出方法,使我們的技術能夠激發新的應用或對現有設計做出根本改進。 記憶體是我們的根基,是我們商業的核心競爭力。當我們展望未來時,將同時持續透過我們的核心記憶體業務和推動產品多樣化及技術來驅動創新與擴展新市場,以鞏固過去取得的成就。 美光在台灣 ●台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司 (Micron Technology Taiwan, MTTW) 公司地址:桃園市龜山區復興三路667號 (華亞科技園區) ●台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司 (Micron Memory Taiwan, MMT) 公司地址:台中市后里區三豐路4段369號 (中科后里園區) ●美光亞太科技股份有限公司 (Micron Technology Asia Pacific, Inc., MTT) 公司地址:台北市南港區經貿一路170號23樓 (TFC南港經貿大樓) 公司地址:新竹縣竹北市環科一路1號7樓 (昌益科技產發園區) ☆人力資源政策☆ 美光提供最佳產品給顧客並為股東及員工創造最大價值。對於員工我們提供具競爭性的薪資水準及創造優質的工作環境,吸引、留任及培育每位優秀員工。



Micron 為全球半導體技術領導業者,提供業界最廣泛的記憶體和儲存裝置解決方案,從基本的 DRAM、NAND、NOR Flash 記憶體,到 SSDs、模組、多晶片封裝、Hybrid Memory Cube(混合記憶體立方體)與其他半導體系統。這項同級最佳的技術創造出走在時代尖端的運算、消費性、企業伺服器和儲存裝置、網路、嵌入式、汽車、工業及行動產品。


﹝以下薪資福利僅適用於台灣美光晶圓科技(股)公司與台灣美光記憶體科技(股)公司正式員工,其他廠區或辦公室及非正式員工薪資福利另議。﹞ ☆薪資及獎金制度 ☆ 1. 12個月基本薪資+2個月年終獎金(需當年度12月31日當日在職員工方能領取) 2. 工程師職位薪資: (1)工程師NT54000起 (2)輪班工程師NT48000起 (輪班津貼另計) (3)具半導體經驗者薪優另議 3. 績效獎金(IPP):按公司營運績效及組織目標成效給與。 4. 即時獎勵(Spot Bonus/Micron Point):發給工作表現卓越之員工。 5. 久任獎勵(Service Award):服務每滿五年之員工,可獲頒特別贈品。 6. 勞工退休金雇主提撥率:8%,優於勞基法規定。 7. 新進員工到職當月即享有特休假(依服務比例按月給予特休),優於勞基法規定。 8. 全薪病假80小時;政府紀念不放假之紀念日給予特別休假,讓同仁有更多的假期安排。 ☆教育訓練☆ Micron全球人力培訓主要目標是 - 確保每個成員都能夠獲得展現高績效成果所需要的學習資源。Micron提倡標準化的訓練架構,以便根據團隊成員的職位、工作職能、工作角色和執行的特定工作來識別必要和相關的訓練。Micron 的主要訓練架構: 1. 美光核心職能訓練:包含與法規遵循相關且適用於所有 Micron成員的訓練活動。 2. 地區性/廠區核心要求:包含與法規遵循相關、適用於特定地區或廠區之所有成員的訓練活動。 3. 部門核心職能訓練:包含適用於特定部門內所有成員,包含與安全有關以及單位內訓練活動。 4. 特定工作角色的特定訓練:如領導力訓練、接班人計畫。 5. 除了一般的訓練方法,美光也利用多元的學習方式來達到人力發展目標,如:自我學習方案、工作輪調、專案參與等。 ☆福利措施☆ 1. 健保、勞工保險及免費團體保險(含壽險、意外、健康醫療團體保險)。員工配偶及子女享有免費健康醫療團體保險。 2. 醫務室,具專業護士駐廠並定期提供專科醫師問診。 3. 生日禮券、生育、婚喪賀奠及急難補助。 4. 提供多條路線之交通車搭乘服務。 5. 設有各式公司社團及康樂活動。 6. 設施完善的停車場。 7. 員工餐廳及便利商店。 8. 社團經費補助。 9. 開放式圖書閱覽室以及健身房。 10. 設備完善的電腦教室與訓練教室。 11. 員工宿舍(台中廠)、租屋補助(桃園廠)。 『美光政策已經且將持續落實所有人力資源活動及福利待遇,不分種族、宗教、膚色、性別、國籍、年齡、殘疾、性向、婚姻狀態、軍籍地位或其他受法律保護之類別。每位經理人、主管及團隊成員均有責任貫徹此政策規定。 人事部門之雇用平權承辦人負責本政策之執行、解答任何相關問題及查核員工遵守政策之成效狀況。』 求職者在招募過程中或受僱於美光時,無須支付費用、押金或承擔債務 All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status. To request assistance with the application process and/or for reasonable accommodations, please contact at Micron Prohibits the use of child labor and complies with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other international and industry labor standards. Micron does not charge candidates any recruitment fees or unlawfully collect any other payment from candidates as consideration for their employment with Micron.



SMAI_DATA SCIENTIST (LLM) 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
We are currently seeking a creative individual to join our Data Science team in Smart Manufacturing and Artificial Intelligence (SMAI) group in Micron Technology. As a global company, we believe the power of our innovation, inclusive, and different cultures. The team works in Micron Taoyuan site, but collaborates with worldwide users and developers closely and frequently. Our dedication to people, innovation, tenacity, collaboration, and customer focus allow us to fulfill our mission to be a global leader in memory and storage solutions.  We apply data science, cloud ecosystem, software engineering and/or AI techniques to builds end-to-end applications to discover yield improvement opportunities quickly, mitigate manufacturing risks actively, improve the process optimization efficiently, and handle the quality deviation management easily. The delivered solutions are significantly stepped up Micron global operations from frontend/backend technology development, intelligent planning & manufacturing execution, equipment and process control to product quality/yield assurance. Labor productivity is of advantage from novel in-house development systems. Position Overview You will interact with experienced Data Scientists, Data Engineers, and Business Area Engineers to identify questions and issues for developing end-to-end smart products. In this position, you will help develop software programs, algorithms, and/or automated processes to cleanse, integrate, and evaluate large datasets from multiple disparate sources. There will be significant opportunities to perform exploratory and new solution development activities Responsibilities • Manage the end-to-end data science project lifecycle, including data collection and cleaning, model development, and UX/UI design. • Collaborate with multi-functional teams to integrate AI/ML solutions into production. • Communicate complex data insights in a clear and understandable manner to both technical and non-technical partners. Qualifications & Skills • Understanding of LLM models, with experience applying LLM in products being a plus. • Experience in UI/UX development: JavaScript/Angular is preferred. • Experience with backend development, including extracting data from different databases, as well as developing APIs, preferably using Python. • Adopt the standard process of software engineering such as DevOps, Git, Agile methodology, etc. • Strong troubleshooting, problem analytics and debugging capabilities. • Fluent in English communication, especially written and spoken Education and Experience • Bachelor's / Master's degree or equivalent experience in any data science related field. • Experience in developing data analytics projects and/or web applications (Angular preferred) • Experience with cloud native technologies including container lifecycle and orchestration (e.g. Docker, Helm, K8S) • Exposure to the semiconductor industry is a plus but not a requirement.
英語 条件要件
9/20 更新
ADT Thin Film ENGINEER/SR. ENGINEER 先進技術轉移處薄膜工程師/資深工程師 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
Responsibilities and Tasks: • Establish and improve process condition and technology. • Upgrade process capability and reduce production cost. • Establish and modify process management projects. • Set up process parameters for a variety of semiconductor equipment. • Evaluation, promotion and planning of new equipment / materials. • Abnormal analysis and improvement.
9/20 更新
【桃園廠區】Safety Manager 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
【Responsibilities and Tasks】 -Develop and implement EHS budget and plan in order to comply with Safety & Health requirements. -Develop, enhance and implement Safety & Health related policies and procedures and monitor execution. -Supervise Safety & Health related operational processes and activities and supervise security related activities. -Supervise Safety & Health training activities in order to promote Safety & Health policies and procedures and enhance employees’ Safety & Health awareness. -Responsible for Safety & Health management system implementation & improvement. -Ensure compliance with existing laws, regulations, licenses, permits and ordinances pertaining to Safety & Health performance and concerns. -Maintain current knowledge of specific requirements imposed by Government agencies through reading of the statues, regulations, licenses, and permits.
9/18 更新
Package Device Product Engineer 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
Apply Here: This role is within Package and Development Engineering (PDE) group of Micron. This is a global department with teams located in USA, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, and India. As a PDPE (Package Device Product Engineer) in PDE at Micron Technology, Inc., you will be responsible to prepare for new DRAM, NAND or MNAND & HBM products and coordinate resources, testing, and analysis over the lifecycle of the product. You will run data analysis and modelling, create, and maintain root cause analysis documentation, analyze parametric, probe level (FE) and electrical test (BE) data and respond to failures. In this role, you will work with various TD & NPI (new product introduction) Engineering (EFA, PFA, Assembly) and Manufacturing groups to find the root causes of the failed units. Responsibilities and Tasks Enable new test signals in BE which would capture assembly related failures. Ensure that Silicon & assembly process meets Product expectations by extracting and analyzing Probe and BE test data. Debug and identify root cause for failures & implement fixes for fails (Fab process or Design or Assembly Process) Work with Test Solution Engineering (TSE) & Product Engineering (PE) to ensure standardize test coverages & chars. Define Char limits, and approval of any test related changes. Participate in PG review meetings presenting the data analysis and deciding on PG exits Finding out the correlation of test failures to assembly process and updating the database with the signatures observed Development of new out-of-control-action-plan (OCAP) and its sustenance Provide Lot disposition based on parametric data observation in case of out-of-control (OOC) trigger. Support Global and Local material review board (MRB), in case of excursions and RMA, with electrical test data analysis for root cause analysis (RCA) and health of contained material. Requirements (Must Have) BE / MS/ MTech in Electronics, Device Physics, Applied Physics, Electrical Sound knowledge of device physics Knowledge in Engineering Statistics Experience in data (electrical) analysis and modelling (JMP, Spotfire is a plus) Experience in programming (Python or Perl) Excellent communication skills Requirements (Good to Have) Experience in NAND / DRAM memory or related field Knowledge in packaging assembly processes Experience in fabrication processes, electrical characterization techniques, metrology techniques
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
GQ SR A/T SUPPLIER QUALITY ENGINEER 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
Apply here: As a Supplier Quality Management & Incoming Quality Control (Snr) Engineer at Micron, you will support Incoming Quality Systems by providing key metrics, manage Quality Systems strategic direction, participate in Quality activities and interacting on continuous improvement projects. Additional responsibilities include serving as the Site Quality liaison for partner groups and manufacturing areas, providing support for Quality documentation, and developing relationships to collaboratively generate new ideas and procedures to keep pace with industry standards and methods. You will be relied upon to create strong morale and team spirit by sharing wins and successes, fostering open dialog, acknowledging team dynamics, and maintaining positive relationships. Responsibilities and Tasks • Maintain eSupplier (eCOA), SAP and IQCSPACE(SPC) system • SAP Quality Management Module Expertise will be an added advantage • Manage supplier quality, kick off incoming DM/IDM material quality activities and drive supplier on CIP • Lead project and work with PDE/SQE/key stakeholder to improve the IQC to prevent/eliminate the material related quality issue • Facilitate and lead issue resolution activities as the Quality liaison for partner groups and manufacturing areas • Generate and maintain Key Metrics, etc. • Manage Quality Systems strategy and roadmap activities • Manage the Alignment of Systems and Processes to Drive Efficiencies • Focus on Quality process alignment across sites and areas through close interaction with customers and suppliers • Manage multiple projects based on partner groups, department, and corporate objectives • Perform internal audit activities and supplier audit activities whenever necessary • Provide support for centralized Quality documentation • Provide consulting and hands-on assistance to area and manufacturing teams for creation and identification of best known practices Education • Bachelors Degree in Engineering field or equivalent experience Experience • Minimum 5 years of working experience • Experience in similar discipline, or IQC, or Process Engineering will be an added advantage. • Six Sigma Experience will be an added advantage Qualifications • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, must be team oriented • Good organizational skills, critical in coordinating resources and actions • Display good time management and judgment skills • Problem Solving mindset • Data extraction, analysis and reporting skills a plus • Strong process control systems knowledge a plus point • Background in Semiconductor related Materials Quality Management a plus point • Project Management and Business Process Improvement skills a plus point
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
GQ DRAM Quality and Reliability Engineer 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
Apply here: Micron Technology’s vision is to transform how the world uses the information to enrich life and our commitment to people, innovation, tenacity, collaboration, and customer focus allows us to fulfill our mission to be a global leader in memory and storage solutions. This means conducting business with integrity, accountability, and professionalism while supporting our global community. As a member of the Global Quality team, you will be a guardian of Micron’s brand. You will innovate creative solutions to prevent problems with product performance before they occur and minimize the impact when they do. You’ll also be on the frontlines of meaningful customer issues. In all you do, you’ll demonstrate your technical knowledge and creativity to deliver efficient and effective solutions. As DRAM Quality and Reliability Engineer in DRAM Design Development Quality Team at Micron Technology, Inc., your responsibilities will include the following: • Work with key development partners in Design, Product Engineering, Technology Development, Quality Assurance and Manufacturing to identify and mitigate potential quality and reliability issues during the Design and pre-qual phase of new product • Identify Design specific risks for new DRAM product and collaborate with the Design, PE, TD and QA teams to ensure correct verification, validation and detection specs are in place to ensure visibility to the status and success of mitigation efforts • Drive deep-dive problem solving and mitigation/resolution alignment across the portfolio for DRAM related quality and reliability issues • Act as the Subject Matter Expert on Design related quality and Live Die reliability issues and advise Global Quality leadership on risk and mitigation strategies • Partner with Design, PE, and QA to align and recommend changes to verification and/or validation flows to ensure they are optimized to meet Micron’s QR needs • Represent QA in the Customer Usage model and Design Review forums to drive accurate and most updated model feedback for Design success • Assess feedback from critical customer issues that need development solutions, monitor effectiveness of mitigation efforts to ensure that issues are sufficiently de-risked on the affected product and for future products • Drive validation of CMOS Reliability spec on live die and Identify gaps and initiatives to build margins around Structural, Electrical, Quality and Reliability performance • Partner with Quality and Product Engineering teams to define and perform failure analysis through wafer and component level circuit, device characterization for improved operation and testability and detailed DRAM analysis to improve end-user performance and reliability • Maintain and implement the best possible communication between Design, TD, PE, Manufacturing and Quality for key Quality issues Additional opportunities in this position include Outgoing Live Die Reliability failure resolution, High Volume Manufacturing DRAM problem solving and alignment, and quality focused technical outreach and mentoring within GQ and outside Minimum Qualifications • Knowledge of CMOS Logic/Digital Logic/VLSI Design • Knowledge of DRAM Architecture and Functioning • Familiarity with semiconductor device physics • Understanding of Reliability items for CMOS and Array • Strong facilitation skills with ability to clearly communicate complex topics • Real passion for improving product quality to increase customer satisfaction • Project Management, Multi-tasking and analytical skills • Confirmed ability to deliver and communicate data and findings • Independently motivated with strong drive to deliver results • Knowledge of Python and/or C++ is a plus • Experience in design/circuit simulation is a plus • Knowledge of Reliability Statistics is a plus
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
GQ SR ENGINEER, ASSEMBLY & TEST CENTRAL QA (台中) 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
Apply here: As a MEM Quality Engineer/Senior Engineer, you will be responsible for driving the quality engineering aspects of Micron external manufacturing subcontractors, mainly on Micron CPG product subcontractors. The subcontractors provide component assembly, memory module and SSD assembly and test services to Micron CPG customers. Responsibilities • Drive External Manufacturing alignment and deployment of Micron Quality Requirements, Programs, and Initiative • Drive External Manufacturing Quality issues resolution, identify root cause, containment, corrective and preventive actions, and lesson learn sharing and drive Quality Improvement Projects • Perform routine quality reviews with Subcontractors to drive the quality performance towards the target • Conduct Subcontractors Audits, line validations • Preparation and coordination on Customer Audits, Customer Requests to External Manufacturing Subcontractors • Change Control Management from subcontractors • Drive Sub-tier Supplier Quality Management • Provide support on other required quality activities • Reporting of Weekly / Monthly Quality Metrics / Subcontractor performance Requirements: • Bachelor of Science or equivalent experience in Materials Science, Statistics, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, related field of study • 5~7+ years working in semiconductor assembly and memory module, SSD manufacturing, preferably technical background like Product Engineering or Process Engineering experience • 3~5+ years’ experience with Quality Processes and Procedures • Strong in Data Analysis • Proficient in SPC, FMEA, 8D methodology • Frequent subcons communication / meetings / audits are required. • Good problem-solving, multi-tasking and communication skills • Fluent English Speaking and writing
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
GQ Spec Gas Global Supplier Quality Engineer 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
Apply here: As a Gas Global Supplier Quality Engineer, you will be responsible to define the strategy, implement plans and drive excursion prevention programs to develop Suppliers through Continuous Improvement Programs to ensure consistent supply of Quality procured materials/ services to Micron. You will work in close partnership with key stakeholders such as Global Quality, Global Procurement, Operational Central Team (OCT), Operations, Facility and Product Engineering to develop, implement and measure the effectiveness of Supplier Quality Management Program. In addition, you will support Supplier Performance Evaluations to ensure suppliers receive timely and accurate supplier performance feedback based on consistent metrics and that the supplier Quality issues are effectively mitigated, and the expectation of continuous improvement is understood and realized. Responsibilities: Development Phase - Sourcing, Selection and Qualification Phase • Drive Gas Quality risk assessment and ensure all risks are mitigated to support Fabs Gas qualification activities. • Participate, support, and recommend from quality perspective on global sourcing and segmentation strategies, including business continuity, benchmarking, new markets, request for quotation (RFQ)/ request for information (RFI), sourcing, selection, cost savings and other analytics. • Lead technical risk assessment audit for new supplier/ material engagement or qualification to assess their capability and readiness for High Volume Manufacturing (HVM). • Set up, communicate, and ensure suppliers understood and align with Micron Supplier Requirements Standards (SRS). • Support cross-fab technology transfer activities in terms of new technology Bill of Materials (BOM) and driving global specifications' alignment. HVM Phase - Supplier Development and Excursion Management • Lead Gas Global Material Specification definition and alignment activities with internal stakeholders and suppliers. • Devise Gas Category Quality Strategy for supplier/ material development programs including Quality Roadmap and Defense Line Program. • Deploy Quality programs, lessons learnt and benchmark to/ with suppliers to ensure controls and preventive measures are in place to support Shift-Left-Strategy. • Host regular Quality and Technical Review (QTR) meetings with strategic and developing suppliers. • Manage supplier and sub-supplier changes in Supplier Change Management (SCM). • Oversees globally affected Gas issues resolution and ensures they are prioritized appropriately. • Work collaboratively with Global OCT MTE, Operations and Facility globally for deep dive root cause investigations, corrective and preventive actions to ensure no recurrence of related Quality issues. • Fan out lesson learnt to R&D and HVM Fabs to ensure closure loop communication and prevent recurrence globally. • Define, manage, and monitor supplier monthly quality performance metrics and their compliance to Micron SRS. • Enhance the supplier quality business processes to improve productivity and efficiency. • Support Global Procurement on supplier performance rating on Quality related criteria. Qualifications & Skills: • Previous experience working with Gas in semiconductor field preferred. • Basic knowledge of Gas applications and wafer manufacturing process. • Basic knowledge in ISO9001/ IATF16949 requirements. • Strong analytical skills with experience in MAS and calibration, statistical methods, FMEA, problem solving methodology and quality management systems. • Ability to interact effectively with internal and external interested parties, across all levels. • Ability to collaborate effectively with multi-functional organizations to understand needs and translate them into actionable plans, deliverables, and resource requirements.
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
GQ DRAM Product Development Quality Engineer 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
Apply here: As an engineer in DRAM Product Development Quality at Micron Technology, Inc., you will work with key development partners in Product Engineering, Process Development Quality, Design/Live Die Development Quality, Product Quality Assurance, Test, Design, Technology Development, and Manufacturing to identify and mitigate potential product quality and reliability issues during the development and pre-qualification phase of a new product. You will define, lead and drive effective actions on key technology challenges that allow Micron to bring higher quality solutions to market sooner and to prevent quality and reliability related issues. Responsibilities • In response to the Process and Design risks, you will work with the several teams to ensure the correct monitors and test coverage are in place with the correct targets to ensure visibility to the status and success of mitigation efforts. • You will work on documenting product specific risks as they pertain to product test flow. • You will drive deep-dive problem solving and mitigation/resolution alignment across the portfolio for DRAM related quality and reliability issues. • You will act as the subject matter expert on product related quality and reliability issues and advise global quality leadership on risk and mitigation strategies. • You will monitor effectiveness of corrective actions on the affected products to ensure that issues are sufficiently de-risked. • You will partner with Test, Product Engineering, and Product Quality Assurance to align and recommend changes to test flows from probe through system testing to ensure they are optimized to meet Micron’s quality and reliability requirements. • You will represent the DRAM Product Development team in disposition forums to drive best in class DPM and Field FIT performance with customers. • Additional opportunities in this position include outgoing quality and reliability monitor failure resolution, high volume manufacturing problem solving and alignment, and quality focused technical outreach and mentoring within global quality. Qualification Requirements • BS or higher in Electrical, Electronics, or Computer Engineering. • Facilitation skills with ability to clearly communicate complex topics. • Passion for improving product quality to increase customer satisfaction • Multi-tasking and analytic skills • Ability to deliver and communicate data and findings • Independently motivated with strong drive to deliver results.
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
GQ Package Reliability Engineer 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
Apply here: As a GQ (Global Quality) Package Reliability Engineer in the Product Quality and Reliability Assurance team at Micron Technology Inc., the main responsibility is package quality and reliability for one of Micron’s product lines. This responsibility includes coordinating package qualification efforts for new products and when new designs, materials, or processes are introduced; and providing recommendations on product release based on package reliability test results. You will also be encouraged to devise reliability test plans to assess risk associated with excursions, conversions, and reliability and qualification issues. You will coordinate root cause and corrective action efforts within the GQ department for package related qualification failures and RMAs (failures from customers), and prepare reports for discussion with partners. Additional duties include providing support to internal and external customers for package-related quality and reliability issues, and customer requests. Responsibilities and Tasks: Lead Regulation for New Product Qualifications • Coordinating package qualification efforts for new products and when new designs, materials, or processes are introduced • Provide comprehensive qualification plans for new developments • Provide recommendations on product release based on package reliability test results Design and Implement Reliability Test Plans • Devise reliability test plans to assess risk associated with excursions, conversions, and reliability and qualification issues • Provide advice for accurate screen method for quality concerned lots • Sustain appropriate monitoring methodology for quality Regulate Root Cause and Corrective Action Plans • Lead 8D report processes • Coordinate root cause and corrective action efforts within the GQ department for package related qualification failures and RMAs (failures from customers) • Prepare reports for discussion with partners. Act as a liaison for both Internal and External Customers • Evaluate whether internal and external customer requests are reasonable and acceptable for Micron quality policy • Provide technical support for package-related quality and reliability issues • Supply technical expertise for customer requests Education: Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent experience • Engineering – Electronics • Engineering - Materials Science • Engineering – Mechanical • Related field of study
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
TEST SOLUTIONS ENGINEER (歡迎新鮮人/應屆畢業生) 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
JOB DESCRIPTION As a High Bandwidth Memory Test Engineer at Micron, you will develop, debug, and maintain code that enables the parallel testing of advanced memory devices. Micron Test Engineers support R&D, interacting closely with global teams, as well as taking part in the designing and debugging of test hardware. In this position, you will constantly learn new device specifications and operations in order to develop efficient and innovative solutions of production test flows thru test algo optimization. Additionally, you will take responsibility to gain a firm understanding of the functionality of advanced memory devices as defined in product data sheets. RESPONSIBILITIES AND TASKS: Independency of development of new tests and test algorithms for HBM, which covers test software and hardware requirements, defect coverage, characterization, trending, process flow, and test times. Experienced on test programs development for products using primarily Python and C coding on automated test equipment in the given area followed by test program release to manufacturing area. Be a lead to new product introduction (NPI) as well as pre/post silicon tasks management. Develop test Automation solutions as electrical validation and qualification of new test equipment and tools. Independently debug and identify root causes on test issues and provide solutions across internal/external groups. Provide meaningful statistical data analysis, analytics and justification on program validation and its release to ensure program quality. Evaluate and verify yields/quality with global teams to ensure we are shipping the highest quality product to our customers with enforce to all data sheet specification. Support both internal and external groups on experiments designed to improve yield or capacity by resolving test issues that impact site in a timely manner. Maintain tactical and project updates on daily and weekly basis, respectively. Updates should show progress against the timelines. Drive Innovation and Improvement with the end goal of reducing the Cost of Test for Micron in the Test Department. Support intra-departmental (and multi-site) teams in development of new processes and capabilities to support product roadmap; lead teams and drive development where necessary. SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES for THIS POSITION MUST DEMOSTRATE: Experienced with electrical engineering, as applicable to memory devices and test hardware. Well know of digital systems and digital logic for DRAM or HBM. Strong logical thinking, as applied to general programming and problem solving. Experienced with testing logic and leading products/projects. Familiar on cross groups communication. SKILLS: Familiar for problem solving with experienced programming logic. Familiar with C/C++, and python for APG programing and test hardware architecture. Influent communication with English speaking and ability to work in a multi-national multi-functional team. Familiar working on Unix/Linux terminal. Familiar semiconductor device knowledge and semiconductor process manufacturing. Familiar with HBM product architecture or DRAM operation logic.
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
IT Software Engineer - MES systems 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
【Job Description Summary】 As an IT Software Engineer at Micron you will configure, develop, maintain and support Micron and third-party applications. You will create and analyze software specifications, as well as research, design, document, modify, and support software throughout the development life cycle. You must demonstrate the functional and technical skills necessary to switch between development technologies and merge them to provide the best solution. You must have a demonstrated ability to create quality software and participate in quality improvement efforts. You will provide solutions that create business value while at the same time minimizing negative impact resulting from defects, downtime, or performance degradation. 【Key Responsibilities】 You will work closely with multiple teams that make up IT, Information security and Technology to drive impactful change. Design, engineering and implementation of application security solutions in a scalable way for a worldwide enterprise. Analyze and troubleshoot systems issues. Ensure that the potential impact of software development changes is well understood, using data to support understanding of upstream and downstream dependencies. Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams for end-to-end testing and performance analysis of real-time data applications, solve issues, proactively identify new opportunities, and drive initiatives through to completion 【Additional Job Description】 Designs, develops, modifies, debugs and evaluates programs for functional areas, including but not limited to finance, human resources, manufacturing and marketing. Analyzes existing programs or formulates logic for new systems, devises logic procedures, prepares flowcharting, performs coding and tests/debugs programs. Develops conversion and system implementation plans. Prepares and obtains approval of system and programming documentation. Recommends changes in development, maintenance and system standards. Trains users in conversion and implementation of system.
9/18 更新
PQA (Product Quality Assurance) Engineer_產品品質保證工程師 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
As a Quality Control Engineer in MTB, you will be responsible for innovating and building effective processes/systems that the Back End Network can utilize to align the focus on improving top product quality issues for our site to enable Micron to be Best In Class. You will also be responsible for the outgoing product quality, Customer returns management as well as overseeing Back End deviation management activities for the site. Responsibilities and Tasks Work with Assembly/Test Engineering/Manufacturing teams to drive product quality improvement and deviation reduction to meet customers’ quality requirement Work with Global Quality, Product Engineering and Central Teams to understand key customer quality issues and drive these issues to resolution within the site Develop strong relationships with Global Quality, Product Engineering and Central Teams to improve business process performance Develop, manage, and/or communicate quality line of site metrics and goals Manage quality deviated product and drive for continuous improvement Handle closure of corrective/preventive actions for customer issues Implement, promote, and utilize effective 8D problem solving tools and techniques to drive closure on deviations. Lead local MRB to perform identification, assessment and dispose suspected non-conforming products to prevent its unintended use or delivery to customers Perform Data Mining to identify quality improvement opportunities and lead quality improvement projects Support site focus on improving performance variation that impact product quality Support Product/Process Qualification Support Customer Audits
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
SR Manager, Photo DUV Scanner Equipment 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
Job Description As a photo scanner equipment senior manager at Micron Technology, Inc., you will lead an equipment team to manage DUV Scanners on machine availability (MA), improve detection capability, and productivity. You will coordinate with other photo teams, production team, ATE and central team to prioritize tasks and projects to support each team with most benefit. You are also responsible for new tool engagement or new process transfer for feature productions. To establish new system to monitor and ensure tool performance. The senior manager will also be responsible for quality improvement, cost reduction, and workload reduction. You are responsible to drive successful closure with specific objectives and deliverables on clear timelines. You are also responsible for supporting TPM projects and other short term and one-time project upon request. Regular communication and updates of the project progress are required. You will need to collaborate internally to ensure the goals are aligned across functional areas within manufacturing and across each supplier. Responsibilities and Tasks Drive accountability through clear communication, informal feedback, effective project management and appropriate use of metrics. Develop metrics for benchmarking supplier performance. Identify and share BKMs across departments and sites. Determine short-term and long-term goals for fab in line with company goals. Organize and align Micron priorities across sites. Track and ensure the alignment project is proper executed. Ensure operational goals drive year over year COO improvement. Collect and update information for account summaries as needed to supplement procurement scorecard process. Provide tactical support to the Fab for performance, utilization, escalations, and long-term downs. Communicate program and project status globally, internally to Micron and externally to supplier. Maintain a strong and open relationship with peers and supplier. Follow up with management team to ensure goals are being met and align to Micron Big Rocks. Provide regular updates to review the current status and future goals and objectives of the program. Demonstrate cultural sensitivity and be open to suggestions or questions. Be prepared for meetings and use conference call etiquette when appropriate. Requirements Bachelor’s Degree in engineering or related field of study M1 or higher with increasing responsibility and leadership or management experience. Qualifications A proven ability to collaborate globally and influence by indirect leadership to drive resourcing to critical projects. A proven capability in dealing with complexity and utilize resources effectively to bring clarity to required actions. Be viewed by peers as an excellent mentor, team builder and motivator. Ability to give effective presentations to both small and large groups. Proficiency in managing through systems, informing, organizational agility, dealing with ambiguity, and listening. They must show that they are a champion of Micron Values and core competencies.
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
PDE Technology development Engineer 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
Apply Here: Micron’s Assembly Package Technology Development team in Taiwan is looking for a motivated and experienced individual contributor for this position in Process Development team. A good candidate will be developing, configuring and optimizing Package Assembly processes (front end , bonding and back end) for Micron’s memory from pathfinding through to NPI start up and certification side by side with Manufacturing teams. Assessing processes by knowledge and skills, taking measurements and interpreting data are every day responsibilities and expectations for the successful candidate. Other deliverables in this job function are Assembly design rules development working side by side with Design teams (Globally) and you will be involved in the design approvals (Substrate and Silicon), running, testing and upgrading systems and processes, approving the materials, process and equipment changes in the CCB (change control board). An important topic is the path finding of innovative package technology : Deep fundamental understanding of the key risks in Bumping and Flip chip/ TCB technologies. Actual experience with HBM, FOP(Fan Out Package) and WLCSP is a plus. Finally the hands on integration experience in Pkg Assembly and WL package process are needed, may need to conduct the supplier interactions/meetings and drive new NDAs with new projects, which all together requires a significant understanding of the processes, first principles and process control systems. JOB REQUIREMENT Experience needed : < 3 years' experience in semiconductor industry. Family as development experience of Photo, Wafer bonding, wafer de-bonding, and die stacking TCB/ FC process are better. Education level : PhD/Masters Degree in Electrical & Electronic, Material, Mechanical, Chemical Engineering, Physics & Applied Physics, or Equivalent Work Experience Required
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
Field Applications Engineer 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
As Field Applications Engineer at Micron you will be part of high integrity outstanding customer engineering team responsible for strengthening technical partnerships, inspiring Micron and our customers to deliver the best possible products, and maximizing revenue If you want a career that offers personal happiness, global communities, and the opportunity for advancement, it's time to apply for this role. -Work closely with Sales to develop and execute a strategic plan & track progress to key objectives -Regularly visit customers to identify new business, discuss ongoing projects including areas of concern & future needs -Assist in solving problems and providing test support; be the central point of contact during critical issues between customer and factory teams, work with multi-functional groups until issue resolution has been delivered to the customer -Act as an advisor to our customers by providing memory architecture advice, memory product recommendations, delivering technical trainings and developing solutions. -Work with marketing and development teams to evaluate feasibility of specific new products or features and ensure customer specifications are met. -Coordinate lab-related activities that support the design-in/validation process, including schematic/board layout reviews, design validation and system level testing Provides technical expertise and value to customers who integrate firms' products with their own. Assignments include interpretations of designs, applications, and service information. Typically interacts with sales team, manufacturing, and marketing personnel. Gathers information concerning the capabilities of company products. Typically is required to make or assist in technical presentations, demonstrations, and customer training. May work through all phases of customer interaction including customer analysis, design implementation and product manufacturing. Represents customers' interests at technical meetings within the company.
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
PDE Senior SPC Engineer 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
Apply Here: Job Description Summary As a PDE Senior SPC/PCS Engineer, we will be responsible to develop smart manufacturing solutions towards the Industry 4.0 standard. We will gain exposure and knowledge in many cutting-edge areas including Machine Learning, Advanced Control Solutions and Deep Learning. As a PDE SPC Engineer, we will have the opportunity to develop a complete solution that starts from requirements gathering, data analysis and modeling with big data platform, followed by system development and integration; and then network wide implementation. The work we do directly affects the bottom line of the entire company by providing scrap/excursion control, Statistical Process Control (SPC), Advanced Process Control (APC or Run-to-Run), Fault Detection and Classification (FDC), and overall enhanced process capability. We will meet regularly and team with Process areas to understand their tools, processes, and challenges and work with them to create process control models, strategies, and other methods for ensuring quality output. Work with Process owners or internal team to develop SPC/PCS monitoring reports Frequent interaction with CEM and module PEEs to prioritize and process SPC/PCS requests by following SOP Document lessons learnts and Fab business rules for process control systems Maintain fundamental SPC/PCS reports, portals and tools In charge of automation tasks that could benefit SPC/PCS programs and productivities Learn and participate in program management to work with process owners or SPC/PCS reps for improvement action discussion and tracking. Qualification: Master in Statistics Diploma in Engineering or related disciplines Knowledge of sharepoint and tableau basics Strong passion for learning programming to work on automation tasks for productivity improvements Intermediate PC skills including a familiarity with MS Office Suite. Understanding of the process flow related to FDC/SPC program management Problem-solving skills and the ability to efficiently prioritize tasks Ability in multi-tasking complex projects and enjoy working in a fast pace environment Time management, organization, and prioritization skills Follows procedures and work with minimal supervision Flexible with job responsibilities and assignments Good communication and interpersonal skills Highly initiative and good problem solving skills
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
SAP Principal Analyst and Architect 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
【Job Description】 The Micron Technology IT EA SAP ERP solution team is looking for a Full Stack Principal Analyst and Solution Architect to support Sales & Distribution and FG Logistics processing. As a highly skilled SAP Principal Analyst and Solution Architect, you will work with our team of business analysts, developers, product owners, and users in an agile environment, delivering applications to support business requirements. The ideal candidate for this role will have a deep understanding of SAP Sales & Distribution, Logistics, warehouse management, and Global Trade modules with a focus on current ECC and S4 HANA and emerging technologies. In this role, you will be expected to come up with highly creative solutions and be passionate about the user experience. You will be working in a dynamic, iterative environment with the stability of working for a global, established, and competitive technology company. Key Responsibilities: -Analyze, design, and implement SAP solutions for SD/LE/EWM/GTS modules, ensuring seamless integration with other business functions such as production planning, finance, procurement, and manufacturing. -Develop a comprehensive understanding of business processes related to sales & distribution, FG logistics, warehousing, and global trade, improve performance, and ensure regulatory compliance in global trade. -Collaborate with business customers across the organization to find opportunities for process improvement and integration. Provide expert guidance and support for SAP configuration, customization, and optimization. -Manage SAP projects, including planning, resource allocation, and execution, to ensure timely delivery within budget. Conduct training sessions and workshops for users to enhance their understanding and efficient use of the SAP system. -Keep up with the latest SAP technologies and industry research to ensure we are appropriately demonstrating new techniques while aligning with internal standards. Qualifications: -Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business Administration, or related field. -Minimum of 8 years of experience working in an SAP-based production environment. -Proven track record of successful SAP implementations and optimizations on SD/LE, relevant experience of SAP S4 HANA, EWM, or GTS will be a plus. -Solid grasp of integration points with other SAP modules and third-party systems. -Excellent analytical, problem-solving, and project management skills. -Good interpersonal and communication skills. Willing to work in a dynamic team environment to achieve a common goal through effective collaboration and dedication. -SAP certification in SD/LE and/or GTS/EWM is highly preferred.
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
PDE PWF CEM Process Engineer 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
Apply Here: Responsibilities and Tasks: • Establish and improve process condition and technology. • Upgrade process capability and reduce production cost. • Establish and modify process management projects. • Set up process parameters for a variety of semiconductor equipment. • Evaluation, promotion and planning of new equipment / materials. • Abnormal analysis and improvement.
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新
SMAI_【2024校園徵才】Data Engineer, Smart MFG & AI 資料工程師 (桃園/台中) 台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司/台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司/美商美光亞太科技股份有限公司台灣分公司)
The Smart Manufacturing and AI team at Micron Technology is looking for a Big Data Engineer. Are you curious, high velocity and ready to solve complex problems? Do you dream in SQL, data governance and contract? If so, we want you to join us! Our mission is to enable to deliver industry winning Smart Manufacturing solutions to power Micron’s dominance in the highly competitive memory solutions market. Qualified applicants will have experience collaborating with teams in a variety of data and cloud technologies and have extensive practice modeling data, querying, and deploying scalable data pipelines . You will collaborate with Data Scientists, ML Engineers, Data engineers and expert users to build and deploy scalable AI solutions that drive value and insight from Micron’s manufacturing processes and systems. Responsibilities: • Build and maintain data/solution pipelines that ingested and match the new requirements. • Work in a technical team through development, deployment, and application of preparing, and optimizing the developing and growing Micron’s methods and systems for extracting new insight for expanding data streams. • Design and optimize data structures in data management systems (Snowflake, and Cloud platforms) to enable SMAI solutions. • Build custom software components and analytics applications • Create/Maintain CI/CD pipelines of data engineering solutions in the cloud. Qualifications & Skills: • Understanding of Big Data Engineering/processing, Business Intelligence and Advanced analytics • Developing ETL/ELT processes • Knowledge in databases and Data warehouse modeling • Knowledge in building APIs for application integration • Determine transformation requirements and develop processes to bring structured and unstructured data from the source to a new physical Data Model • Work with Data Scientists to implement strategies for cleaning and preparing data for analysis, to develop data imputation algorithms, and optimize performance of big data systems • Familiarity with software architecture (data structures, data schemas, etc.). • Outstanding analytical thinking, interpersonal, oral and written communication skills • Ability to prioritize and meet critical project timelines in a fast-paced environment • Self-motivated and team oriented • Preferred: o Software development skills and the desire to work on cutting edge development in a Cloud environment Education and Experience: • Big Data Engineering and Processing. • Develop ETL/ELT processing using Apache Ni-Fi • Strong background on SQL and databases • Programming Skills in Python or Scala • Data Analysis and Validation skills #Data Cleansing #Data Mart #Data Lake #Data Warehouse
英語 条件要件
9/18 更新