
Company Introduction

123 Employees
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【Introduction 公司簡介】 Tai&Chyun was established in 1996. We are an environmental engineering company specializing in the maintenance, efficiency enhancement, and electrical control system updates of Electrostatic Precipitators. Our customers located various from Southeast Asia, including Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Philippines, mostly in power plant, pulp&paper, cement, biomass, and steel industries. Besides our headquarter in Taipei, we have offices in Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia. Most people are unfamiliar with Electrostatic Precipitators (EP). EP is a large-scale air pollution control device, typically a sealed steel structure over 15-20 meters tall. The working principle involves the internal activation of high-voltage static electricity during operation, causing the suspended particles in the dusty airflow to be adsorbed and trapped inside the EP. This ensures that the emitted airflow meets environmental regulations. 台耘工業設立於1996 年,本公司從事靜電集塵器(Electrostatic Precipitator,EP)的維護、保養、效率提升與電控系統更新的環保工程公司,主要客戶分布於台灣、香港、泰國、馬來西亞、印尼、新加坡、越南、菲律賓等東南亞地區,多屬發電、造紙、水泥、石化、鋼鐵等大型工業。20多年來,我們在規模和專業能力上持續擴展與精進,期許成為亞太地區提供空汙防治設備之專業改善服務的環保工程公司。 除台北總公司,我們亦於泰國曼谷、菲律賓甲米地及印尼泗水設有辦公室。 多數人對靜電集塵器(EP)應相當陌生,EP是一大型空氣污染防治設備,為高度在15-20米以上的氣密鋼構體,內部除極板與極線外,大部分空間為由含塵氣流通過的煙道,做動原理為當運轉時內部會導通高壓靜電,此使含塵氣流中的懸浮粒子產生吸附作用而停留在EP內部,如此從後段煙囪排放的氣流即可合乎環保法規要求。 【Tai& Chyun Advantage台耘競爭優勢】 ◆ Professional Knowledge: In addition to the years of experience in the industry, we are still pursuing more achievement. Since 2004, we have held Electrostatic Precipitator seminars in Taiwan, and since 2009, we have been hosting overseas seminars in Southeast Asia, sharing practical experiences with customers. Moreover, our collaboration with domestic universities on research for new technological applications sets us apart from our competitors and gives us a significant competitive edge. ◆ Complete Solutions for Customers: We provides complete solutions for both mechanical and electrical issues. This goes beyond what typical equipment trading companies or local mechanical contractors near customer plants can achieve in terms of technical expertise. ◆ Experienced Technical Team : Our engineering team includes engineers with masters and bachelor's degrees who have collectively serviced hundreds of EPs, with each senior engineer having over 27 years of practical experience in EPs. ◆ Close Relations with OEM: We have been cooperating with major overseas OEM for nearly 20 years, establishing good relationships that enable us to provide customers with the best services in terms of technology and price. ◆ 專業知識 本公司在業界累積的多年經驗,我們並不滿足於現狀,自2004年起在國內積極舉辦靜電集塵器研討會,更於2009年開始在東南亞舉辦海外靜電集塵器研討會,與客戶分享實務經驗,也藉此讓客戶更加熟悉靜電集塵設備操作原理,並協助提供現場教育訓練。此外,台耘亦與國內科技大學共同合作研究新的技術應用,此也是台耘和同業間最大的差異及競爭優勢。 ◆ 提供客戶完整解決方案 台耘工業專業診斷EP後找出問題點,進而提供客戶不論機械或電氣問題的完整解決方案,此非一般設備買賣的貿易公司所能做到,並超越客戶廠區附近一般機械承包商的技術層次。 ◆ 紮實的技術團隊與經驗 台耘工程團隊包含博碩士工程師,主要工程師合計共服務過數百台以上的EP,且有超過27年以上EP實務經驗年資。 ◆ 與OEM密切配合與支援 台耘與國外OEM都已合作將近20年,與其已建立良好關係,無論在技術或價格上均能提供客戶最佳服務。 【Project We Done近五年大型實績】 ◆ Taiwan台灣: |電廠 台中電廠:各部機組後爐灰改善 (2021~2023) |電廠 林口電廠:濾袋更新(2018、2020、2022~2023) |焚化廠 岡山焚化廠:廢氣處理更新(2022) ◆ Indonesia印尼: |煉廠 PT Smelting:極板更新(2022) |紙廠 PT Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper:ESP升級(2020) |電廠 PLTU Sebalang:輸灰系統更新、機械件更新(2019) |電廠 PT PLN Ombilin:ESP維修改善(2018) |電廠 PT PLN Suralaya:ESP機械件更新(2017、2018) ◆ Thailand泰國: |水泥廠 The Siam Cement (Thung Song):極板、極線更新(2023) |水泥廠- TPI Polene:機械更新(2022) |石化廠IRPC (PWP Plant):ESP更新(2019) |紙廠Phoenix Pulp & Paper:機械件升級(2019) ◆ Malaysia馬來西亞 |水泥廠 YTL Cement:ESP更新(2023) |電廠 Kapar Energy Ventures:極板更新(2019、2021) |紙廠 Asia Honour Paper Industries:ESP更新(2018) ◆ Philippines 菲律賓 |水泥廠Republic Cement and Building Materials Inc.:機械件更新(2021) |電廠San Miguel Corporation:極線更新(2020) |鋼鐵廠Philippine Sinter Corporation :極線更新(2019) |鋼鐵廠Philippine Sinter Corporation :極板與敲擊系統更新(2019) ◆ Vietnam越南 |紙廠Vienne Kraft Paper:ESP 機械件更新(2017) ◆ Hongkong香港 | 電廠CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd.:變壓器升級(2019)

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台耘工業提供靜電集塵設備售後服務與更新整建 1 電氣控制系統更新 Electrical control system updates 2 集塵設備設備維修設計 ESP maintenance and design 3 電控系統整合自動化 Electrical control system integration and automation 4 專屬零件備品銷售 Spare parts 5 靜電集塵器效率改善規劃 ESP upgrade


除基本週休二日、享勞保、健保,我們亦提供多項福利 ★ 優於勞基法特休 ★ 獎金福利 - 年終獎金 - 三節、開工獎金 - 久任獎金 - 招募介紹獎金 ★ 津貼福利 - 各項婚喪補助:結婚、生育、喪假、傷病住院 - 健康檢查補助 ★ 多項語言學習補助,如英文、印尼文、泰文、越南文、中文,提升軟實力。 ★ Work- Life Balance: 各項運動補助 - 壘球競賽、固定羽球及游泳場地、健行、腳踏車、馬拉松補助,工作之餘也要動一動 ★ 各式娛樂活動促進同仁情誼 - 尾牙 - 每年定期舉辦國內、國外員工旅遊。 - 中秋節烤肉、公司周年慶 - 部門聚餐 - 新進人員聚餐 - 因市場遍及東南亞地區,於東南亞特別節日時公司舉辦慶祝活動及提供特色餐點 (如:泰國 潑水節、印尼齋戒日等) ★ Training完整教育訓練 - 新人訓練 : 幫助新進員工快速融入公司 - 定期內訓,透過同仁與前輩互相學習成長的好機會 - 多項專業外部機構培訓課程

Company & Workplace


Mechanical design engineer (Indonesian/Malaysian) 台耘工業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 42,000~50,000
1. Provide the customer with reference drawings or specifications. 2. Submit and provide the customer’s approval drawing as well as customer feedback. 3. Drawing and evaluating for product design. 4. Generate manufacturing drawings, PR, BOM list, and budgeting. 5. Archive documents related to PR. 6. Generate activity report.
9/20 Updated
International Sales (Vietnamese) 台耘工業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 38,000~48,000
1. Direct visit and marketing of upgrade services and spare parts products for Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) to customers in Taiwan and Southeast Asia. 2. Conduct product presentation, clarify customer inquiries and follow up quotations and orders execution. 3. Business travelling (both local and other Southeast Asian countries) 4. Good English skills and attitude. 5. With good MS Office, Excel, Power Point skills.
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專案工程師 Project Engineer (Malaysian) 台耘工業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 42,000~50,000
1. Designing/ modifying drawing for customer order and applying purchase requesting designated timeline. 2. Conducting site measurement and ensuring product compatibility with existing system. 3. Controlling project and communicating the progress with stakeholders. 4. Writing/ modifying SOP/ISO documents and conducting technical documentation following ISO standard.
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專案工程師 Project Engineer (Indonesian) 台耘工業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 42,000~50,000
1. Designing/ modifying drawing for customer order and applying purchase requesting designated timeline. 2. Conducting site measurement and ensuring product compatibility with existing system. 3. Controlling project and communicating the progress with stakeholders. 4. Writing/ modifying SOP/ISO documents and conducting technical documentation following ISO standard.
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Quality Control Engineer(Indonesian/Thai) 品管工程師 (印尼籍/泰國籍) 台耘工業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000~46,000
1. Product inspection. 公司產品檢驗 2. Writing quality reports, including customer reports. 品質報告撰寫(含客戶報告) 3. Assisting with on-site delivery which including customer factory inspections. 協助現場交貨(含客戶廠驗) 4. On-site support and assistance. 現場協助支援 5. This position requires travel and would primarily within Taiwan. 此職位需出差(台灣為主) 6. Tasks assigned by the supervisor. 主管交辦事項
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資訊管理人員(MIS) 台耘工業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~33,000
1. 電腦、印表機及相關周邊設備操作與維護。 2. HelpDesk 服務: 員工電腦軟體故障排除。 3. 機房維護與定期檢查。 4. 新進人員電腦軟體設定、資訊設備請購及安裝設定。 5. 協助ERP資料輸入。 6. 其他主管交辦事項。 7. 需具備Windows 11 與Office 365相關安裝設定知識。
English Required
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Mechanical Field Engineer (Vietnamese) 台耘工業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.Mechanical Engineering related field 機械相關科系畢業 2.Good English skills (TOEIC requirement : above 600) 英文能力佳(多益600分左右) 3. Supervise, install, operate, and maintain customers’ ESP in accordance with purchase order’s requirements 靜電集塵器(ESP)現場檢查、檢驗、維修及安裝監工。 4. Business travelling (both local and other Southeast Asian countries which estimated half of annual number of working days. 可配合台灣及東南亞地區出差、年度出差占全年度達1/2工作天數。 5. Being able to work under confined space and on-site working condition 能接受粉塵、密閉空間及高架作業的工作環境 6.General notebook skills is needed 具備筆記型電腦操作能力 7.With good EQ management and Communication skills 具溝通協調能力及正面積極工作態度
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現場機械工程師 台耘工業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 空汙相關設備檢驗、維修及安裝監控。 2. 需負責管理工程專案進度。 3. 工作環境需處理粉塵、進入密閉空間和高架作業。 4. 工作地點在台灣,依訂單狀況安排前往東南亞國家出差,拓展國際視野和跨文化經驗。 5. 需熟練操作筆電,支持工作日常運作和數據管理。 6. 需良好的溝通協調和積極主動的能力 7. 若無經驗,公司會提供完整的教育訓練,幫助您更好地了解設備操作、檢驗方式以及專業領域的最新發展。
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