Sr. Software Test Engineer
8/12 Updated
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

We seek an Senior Test Engineer who thrives on collaborative teamwork within our agile environment, actively contributing expertise to meet team commitments. You will work with Development Team to Identify, propose, prioritize and implement test plans.
Additionally, you will manage and maintain the releases of our products to ensure every release happens in a timely manner with a high level of quality.
1. You are responsible for monitoring the quality of the software of the wireless presentation and collaboration products.
2. You validate the features developed by the other scrum team members and make sure the Definition Of Done is applied.
3. You support continuous integration by automating test cases - all automated tests are written in Python and are running on multiple platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux).
4. You help propagate Test Driven Development principles.
5. You share tools and practices with your test development colleagues.
6. Be hands-on in planning and running necessary tests, identifying and tracing issues and driving issues to resolution, and communicating product QA status to everyone.
7.Create and support QA & release pipelines.
8. Comfortable working closely with product managers and developers in an agile environment.
9. Take care the quality of quarterly firmware release
10.Issue management specially that comes from our partners/customers.
11. Debug: Collect and analyze logs to help developer narrow down scope/step
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Functional Testing (function test)
Usability Testing (Usability test)
Firmware Integration Testing
Test Planning and Report Writing
功能測試(function test) 使用者測試(Usability test) 韌體整合測試 測試計劃及測試報告書撰寫
Job Category
Software/Firmware Testing Engineer
巴可公司是一家為專業市場設計並開發可視化解决方案的全球領先技術公司。負責針對各種不同的特定專業市場,設計並開發視覺化解決方案:醫療成像、媒體娛樂、基礎設施與公用事業、交通運輸、教育培訓及企業影音。 巴可針對以上市場,提供方便使用的成像產品,實現最優異的生產力和事業效率。巴可創新的軟硬體解決方案,從影像取得及處理乃至於影像顯示和管理,整合了成像鏈 (imaging chain) 的所有層面。 巴可活耀於全球,在歐洲、北美和亞太地區都擁有自己的市場銷售、客户服務機構和生產研發基地。巴可(紐約泛歐布魯塞爾交易所上市,股票代碼:BAR)在全球 90 多個國家和地區開展業務,擁有員工3,664名。巴可 2017 年銷售總額高達10.85億歐元。 我們正處於飛躍的重要階段,需要更多優秀人才的加入我們,我們提供優渥的薪資福利,舒適的工作環境,15天以上的年假, 多樣化的零食, 以及人性化管理與活潑的工作氣氛,如果你/妳具備有與全球一流企業公司相競爭的能力,我們誠摯邀請優秀且有抱負的您一起與我們共同奮鬥。
0 ~ 5 applicants