【N】Business Program Manager(Automotive)
9/23 Updated
English Required
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

•As a Business Program Manager, you will manage the life cycle of products, services, and/or processes that deliver value to customers while meeting overall business requirements. The Responsibility extends to driving and achieving business and financial result for the products/programs in which you are in charge of. Responsibilities include developing and executing system and solution-level program plans, working cross-functionally to deliver products and services to meet and exceed customers’ need. The Business Program Manager will focus on managing programs and/or products through coordination of various internal and/or external functional groups. This requires confidence in implementing complex project schedules and meeting tight deadlines and deliverables within a structured Time to Market process. Ultimately, you as the Business Program Manager will be the end-to-end owner of the business accounts you manage.
•Initial pricing and monthly quotation updates
•Strategies and solutions planning
•Business and marketing strategy formation
•Customer and partner relationship and/or sponsorship development
•Market trend analysis
•Understand manufacturing processes and requirements for cost analysis
•Communicate and resolve issues with factories and customers
•Exercise overall ownership of accounts managed
•Oversee production/delivery schedules to meet customer requirements
•Cost and pricing management
•Other duties as assigned
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Business or Channel Development
Product Introduction and Explanation Sales
業務或通路開發 產品介紹及解說銷售
Job Category
Product Manager
Other Project Managers
Project Sales Supervisor
「FIH富智康國際股份有限公司」於 2002 年 4 月成立,並於 2005 年在香港證交所上市(股票代號:2038.HK)。 作為鴻海科技集團旗下的一家子公司,富智康是全球移動設備產業的領導者廠商,提供手機、行動、無線通訊設備以及消費電子產品的垂直整合、端到端設計、開發和製造服務。在進入網路時代後,富智康利用其在硬體和軟體的核心能力,跨入 5G、人工智慧、物聯網和車聯網等領域,建立完整的網路和行動生態系統。富智康的營運據點遍佈世界各地,包括位於台灣和中國的研發中心、在中國、印度、越南和墨西哥的製造工廠,以及在美國設立的售後服務中心。此外,富智康已經取得了 1,476 個有效專利,其中包含 551個軟體專利,以及 925 個與通訊、行動設備和其它硬體相關的專利。 • 願景:為全球客戶打造全面的智能生活體驗。 • 使命: 1. 長期價值創造:富智康相信為員工和客戶創造長期價值,可推動長期可持續性的業務成長。 2. 業務之可持續性:富智康致力於為可持續性的業務成長奠定堅實穩定的基礎,然穩定並不意味著處於停滯狀態,富智康已準備好透過策略業務規劃和執行來迎接變革。 3. 持續追求進步:富智康及其員工持續追求成功及業務的改善,以在所屬產業中確保具備全球競爭力。 4. 創新:富智康致力於新興技術的研究與開發、新知識的獲取與應用、知識產權的保護以及追求技術與科學的突破。 5. 全球視野:富智康為全球行業領導者之一,透過其全球戰略網絡為客戶提供先進及整合的技術與製造能力。 • 核心價值: 1. 關懷:關懷及尊重他人,並將此價值觀應用到日常運營中。 2. 自信:懷抱著強烈的成功慾望行事,且相信能取得成功。 3. 決心:堅定不移地克服一切困難。 4. 誠信:誠實正直地按其所述行事。
11 ~ 30 applicants