Technical Developer
9/5 Updated
Partially Remote
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

【About Edenred Taiwan】
Under the Payment & New Solution business line, Edenred Taiwan is the pioneer and leader of digital vouchers market in Taiwan, with a strong presence in both incentives & reward, and Employee Benefit segments.
In the last 3-5 years, Taiwan BU has experienced rapid growth. This growth has been marked by an increase in the number of verticals, diverse business models, increased business volumes & revenue, and a burgeoning workforce.
【About Our IT Team】
The IT team at Edenred Taiwan stands at the forefront of technical innovation, dedicated to pioneering advanced solutions to meet the dynamic needs of the market. With a collaborative culture that thrives on knowledge sharing and collective problem-solving, the team consistently pushes the boundaries of what's possible. The IT team at Edenred Taiwan are not just maintaining the status quo but are actively redefining it, ensuring that the company remains a leader in its field through cutting-edge technology and a continuous pursuit of innovation.
The main responsibilities are:
1. Design, build and optimize Edenred Taiwan products and services
2. Write clean, scalable code using .NET programming languages
3. Collaborate with internal teams to produce software design and architecture
4. Participate in requirements analysis
5. Test and deploy applications and systems
6. Develop documentation throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC)
7. Serve as an expert on applications and provide technical support
8. Conduct code reviews and unit tests to deliver high-quality code
【Profile requirements】
1 Minimum 5 years of experience in software design and development with C# .NET Core and MSSQL
2 Familiarity with design/architectural patterns (e.g. MVC)
3 Experience in event-driven software programming in large-scale data sets
4 Familiar with public cloud services (Microsoft Azure or AWS)
5 Knowledge of JavaScript/Jquery/AJAX and HTML5/CSS3
6 Familiarity with architecture styles/APIs (RESTful, GraphQL, gRPC)
7 Fluent in version control git & git-flow
8 Understanding of Agile methodologies
9 Excellent troubleshooting and communication skills
10 DevOps experience/understanding/interest a strong plus
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

System Architecture Planning
Software Engineering Development
Software Programming
Database Programming
系統架構規劃 軟體工程系統開發 軟體程式設計 資料庫程式設計
Job Category
Back-End Engineer
Full-Stack Engineer
Software Engineer
Edenred 宜睿智慧 是勞動工作者的日常好夥伴,其領導性的服務與支付平台連結了約百萬家企業客戶、6,000萬使用者、以及200萬家的合作商戶,遍佈全球45國。Edenred 提供多種特定用途支付解決方案,如伙食(餐券)、車隊與交通(加油卡,通勤券)、激勵計畫(禮券,員工獎勵平台)和企業支付(虛擬支付卡),以增加企業員工的幸福感和購買力,並提高企業的吸引力和效率,同時振興就業市場與在地經濟。 讓勞動工作環境成為一個更安全、高效且友善的互聯生態系統是 Edenred全球12,000名員工的使命。憑藉全球性的技術儲備,2019年Edenred 集團透過行動裝置APP、線上平台和支付卡所處理的交易金額達到了380億歐元。Edenred 是巴黎證券交易所上市公司,同時也是CAC 40、CAC 40 ESG、CAC Large 60、Euronext 100、Euronext Tech Leaders、FTSE4Good與 MSCI Europe指數的成分股。 Edenred台灣分公司於2010年起以「Ticket Xpress即享券」品牌,於台灣投資佈建行動電子票券數位網路。透過整合各大知名零售、餐飲連鎖品牌,以及眾多企業平台與行動APP銷售通路,已發行超過1.65億張電子票券。
0 ~ 5 applicants