(IBM Consulting)Application Consultant: Mobile (SA)
9/18 Updated
Senior Level
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

Introduction :
IBM Application Consultants work directly with our clients on key initiatives. You will have the opportunity to build an in-depth understanding of their business issues and implement organizational strategies that drive adoption of change. We are looking for experts who can build credibility and trust with our clients and provide knowledge that addresses individual and unique business needs.
Your Role and Responsibilities :
-Gather and analyze business requirements by working with the business team, architects and product owners to understand the business needs and problems.
-Translate business needs and problems into user stories and technical specifications, review with the technical implementation teams, create acceptance criteria and the definition of “done,” test the changes and signoff.
-Analyze impact of business requirements to effectively develop epics, features and story details for squads.
-Provide operational analysis of business functions by analyzing performance metrics and business results.
-Communicate complex business and IT concepts effectively with the entire team – from the engineers to the executive stakeholder.
-Transition easily between technical terminology to “big picture” ideas with thoughtful analysis, understanding, and demonstrated mastery of written and verbal communication.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Systems Analyst
IBM 是全球領先的混合雲、人工智慧及企業服務的提供者,為全球超過 175 個國家的客戶服務,協助其從擁有的資料裡獲取商業洞察、簡化業務流程、降低成本,並取得產業競爭優勢。 屬於金融服務、電信和健康醫療等關鍵基礎設施領域、近 3,800 家政府和企業機構,採用 IBM 混合雲平台和紅帽 OpenShift 解決方案,快速、高效、安全地實現企業數位轉型。 IBM 在人工智慧、量子運算、產業導向的雲端運算解決方案和企業服務領域的突破性創新,為客戶提供開放和靈活的選擇。 IBM 對企業誠信、透明治理、企業社會責任、多元與包容文化和服務精神的承諾,歷久彌新,是 IBM 業務發展的基礎。 了解台灣IBM: 詳細職缺資訊,請至IBM Career Website查詢:
0 ~ 5 applicants