Project and Contractor Manager
9/18 更新
英語 条件要件
0 ~ 5 が応募中

給与 & 勤務地





Join us in this role where you'll work in our brand-new state-of-the-art operations and maintenance (O&M) facility in the Port of Taichung. You'll manage a variety of contractors and drive their performance in terms of availability and safety. You'll also work closely with the site execution team and QHSE to ensure operational readiness and compliance of external projects and campaigns.
Welcome to Regional Support
You'll be part of APAC Operations Regional Support where you, together with your colleagues, will integrate the APAC Operations team for our Greater Changhua offshore wind farms and work closely with the global support teams. Together, you'll ensure the safe, economical, and timely execution of all operational campaigns, projects, or activities performed by external contractors at the wind farms. As a team, we foster a collaborative work culture that embraces learning opportunities, shares talent, and supports development, enabling us to excel together.
You'll play an important role in:
• leading contractor meetings, such as performance dialogues, safety kick-off meetings, close-out meetings etc., and being responsible for improvement initiatives and escalations of concerns
• communicating time, quality, and cost, along with QHSE requirements to contractors to drive performance in terms of availability and safety
• defining, implementing, and ongoing monitoring contractors' KPI performance to ensure budget adherence and contract compliance
• being responsible for ensuring projects are adequately resourced on site, incl. vessel capacity, site technicians' availability, marine coordination, operational control, PPE, and IT equipment, etc.
• ensuring operational readiness and compliance of projects with varying degrees of complexity and be the point of contact into our global support function.
To succeed in the role, you:
• have transferable commercial knowledge and experience in dealing with contracts coupled with good supplier and contract and claims management
• have a solution-oriented approach to your work combined with an analytical approach to the tasks
• thrive in a dynamic environment where change is just around the corner
• have experience with project management or project delivery, preferably in the offshore wind or maritime sector
• have excellent communication skills verbal and written in Mandarin and English and can work in multicultural environment.
Maybe you've read the above and can see you have some transferable skills, even though they don't quite match all the points. If you think you can bring something to the team, we still encourage you to apply.
Join a global leader in renewable energy
Ørsted is a growing green energy major and global leader in climate action. With us you'll play a part in driving change towards a green energy future. You'll grow your talent in a fast-paced and high-growth industry where you have plenty of opportunities to learn and develop through challenging assignments and industry-leading experts. Here, you can perform in a friendly work environment based on trust, respect, and collaboration.
Shape the future with us
Send your application to us as soon as possible. We'll be conducting interviews on a continuous basis and reserve the right to take down the advert when we've found the right candidate.
As an applicant or employee, you may request reasonable work and position accommodation or adjustments via accomodation@orsted.com.
Please note that for your application to be taken into consideration, you must submit your application via our online career pages and answer the screening questions relevant for your country.
Project Manager
沃旭能源是全球最永續能源企業也是離岸風電領導者,我們是丹麥政府持股50.1%的能源公司,在哥本哈根那斯達克證交所掛牌上市,全球有超過7,292名員工攜手推動綠色能源供電的變革與創新。沃旭的前身為 DONG Energy (丹麥石油與天然氣公司),2009年起進行策略轉型為致力於發展綠色能源,2017年售出石油天然氣上游業務後改名為「沃旭」(Ørsted),以彰顯由黑到綠的策略轉型。 我們的願景是創造一個完全以綠能運作的世界,持續推動永續發展以及乾淨能源的努力,讓我們連續三年榮獲企業騎士(Corporate Knights Inc.)「全球百大永續企業」評比為全球最永續能源公司,並獲得美國時代雜誌(TIME Magazine)評選為2021時代雜誌全球百大影響力企業之一。 沃旭能源擁有超過30年離岸風電經驗,自1991年在丹麥興建全球第一座離岸風場以來,沃旭持續、開發、建造運維離岸風場,總裝置容量約占全球四分之一,至今已安裝超過1,600多架風機,負責27座離岸風場運維。沃旭預計在2030年達到30 GW離岸風電建置目標,專注推動聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) 之SDG7提供可負擔潔淨能源及SDG13氣候變遷對策,積極推動全球能源系統去碳化和永續發展。
0 ~ 5 が応募中