278334 New Product Launch Manager
9/16 更新
英語 条件要件
11 ~ 30 が応募中

給与 & 勤務地





Legal entity: Versum Materials Technology, LLC Taiwan Branch
Your role
The New Product Launch Manager is a critical role in the New Product Discovery process for the Thin Films business unit because it is closely aligned with R&D programs underway at many of our strategic innovation partners. The learnings from these requests enable deeper insights into the materials being investigated for adoption in future technology nodes. The New Product Launch Manager role has both significant strategic and tactical components. Strategically, the role is responsible to identify and predict the potential new materials that would be adopted by SEMI industry in future. Tactically, this is responsible for enabling the rapid flow of orders and quote requests through the process. This position is an exciting cross-functional influencing role that will need boundary-less collaboration and works closely with Marketing, Customer Applications Support, Technology, EH&S, Strategic Sourcing, Customer Service, Supply Chain and Integrated Supply Chain.
On the strategic front, the responsibilities include
Data mining of samples patterns from M4ward™ sampling databases as well SAFC high tech sample shipments
Predicting potential future M4ward™ new product molecules that could be adopted by customers and OEMS
Project management to help drive sample and container planning and fulfilment to drive first on tool performance
Modeling the pricing strategy for samples to support winning new projects
On the tactical front the detailed responsibilities include:
Effectively interfacing with Strategic OEM Partnerships and Customer Applications Specialists to support customer requests for quotes for new materials
Issuing quotes and managing the flow of quote requests through the process in a timely and responsive manner to meet customer expectations
Maintaining a competitive pricing model along with appropriate margins and accurate cost stack
Administering new orders and driving the order execution process to assure order cycle times are met
Maintaining and overseeing data integrity associated to quotations and orders
Reporting out monthly on performance vs. KPI metrics for the program
Facilitating monthly process deviation meetings to identify gaps and review metrics
Closely working with strategic sourcing to secure materials and develop strategic suppliers
Managing forecasting for non-SAP materials and containers with input from customer-facing team members and Market Managers
Employing continuous improvement methods to further streamline the quotation and order process and enable the efficiency of the program
Proposing recommendations to further improve and grow the program
Mapping supply chain set-ups for new products in SAP, including initiating and managing new part code set-ups
Who you Are:
Minimum Qualifications:
Bachelor’s or above degree in chemistry
5+ years sales, supply chain, customer applications support, or supply chain
2+ years of experience working with SAP and/or other ERP systems
High proficiency in English.
Preferred Qualifications:
MBA or advanced degree in chemistry
Strong communication (written and verbal) with a high level of attention to detail and accuracy
Strong data analysis and database organizational skills
Strong organization and project management skills
Advanced skills using the Microsoft suite, including some experience with SharePoint
Experiences in data analytics, reporting, programming is a plus


Project cost/quality/risk management
Project time/schedule management
Project planning execution/scope management
Project communication/integration management
Sales and Management Report Writing
Customer Information Collection
專案時間╱進度控管 專案溝通╱整合管理 專案成本╱品質╱風險管理 業績與管理報表撰寫 專案規劃執行╱範圍管理 客戶情報蒐集
Product Manager
Inside Sales
Channel Development Specialist
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11 ~ 30 が応募中