9/18 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

1. 影視及動漫商務洽談:負責與南亞地區影視及動漫產業的發行商進行商務談判,拓展合作機會。
2. 市場開發與資料蒐集:深入了解南亞影視及串流市場,進行市場調研並蒐集市場動態與趨勢。
3. 商機開發與關係維護:主動開發潛在商機,建立並維繫與客戶的長期合作關係。
4. 商務文件處理:準備、整理和管理影視相關的商務文件及合約,確保流程順暢。
5. 行銷活動協調與推廣:與跨部門團隊合作,策劃並推動影視和動漫相關的市場行銷活動,提升品牌知名度。
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Administrative Affairs Handling
Proposal and Presentation Skills
Market Research Planning and Execution
Market Research Data Analysis and Report Writing
Overseas Business Development
Business or Channel Development
Customer Information Collection
Product Introduction and Explanation Sales
行政事務處理 提案與簡報技巧 市場調查企劃與執行 市場調查資料分析與報告撰寫 國外業務開發 業務或通路開發 客戶情報蒐集 產品介紹及解說銷售
Job Category
International Sales
【亞洲最佳動畫發行】 木棉花國際深受客戶信賴,在全球動漫市場,有超過30多個知名動漫版權夥伴指名代理。跨足媒體、深耕動漫社群,擴大市場影響力,成為客戶行銷戰略夥伴,帶動授權衍生商機。授權、發行、開發、銷售、宣傳,為客戶提供多角化專業服務,滿足所有需求,達到效益。超過百家以上海內互聯網平台、電視台、大陸互聯網平台、亞洲TV/OTT平台。 「全方位滿足全需求 創造獲益最佳化」 木棉花具備30年專業動畫/長銷IP代理發行經驗,最完整團隊經驗,擁有全方位戰略思考與服務團隊,熟悉市場脈動,為版權創造最大價值。同時跨足媒體,深耕動漫社群,擴大市場影響力,成為客戶行銷戰略夥伴,帶動授權衍生商機。 「遍佈全亞授權範疇 您最佳戰略夥伴」 木棉花提供授權、發行、開發、銷售、宣傳,為客戶提供多角化專業服務,滿足所有需求,達到效益,授權區域遍佈全亞,可授權廠商於亞洲地區進行跨國授權活動,如影像、展覽、商品開發等。 「全球動漫市場 版權夥伴指名代理」 木棉花國際長期經營,取得廣大客戶信賴,客戶網絡遍佈全亞洲,泰國、菲律賓、香港、大陸、台灣、馬來西亞、越南、新加坡、印尼、印度、韓國等國家,請放心交由我們代理作品,讓我們為您打開亞洲市場大門。 【The best anime agent in the Asian market】 Muse Communication is trusted by our clients and has been named as the agent of more than 30 well-known anime and manga copyright partners in the global anime market. The company has expanded its influence in the anime and manga community by expanding its presence in the media, becoming a strategic marketing partner for its clients, and creating licensing opportunities. We provide our clients with a wide range of professional services in licensing, distribution, development, sales, and promotion to meet all their needs and achieve benefits. We strive to deliver the best experience and provide the finest services to achieve the greatest benefits for you Muse Communication – Bringing Anime & Entertainment to You 「Leading The Industry with the Most Longstanding Experience」 With 30 years of experience in distribution of anime, we have a strong team equipped with comprehensive strategies and extensive services 「First-Rate Comprehensive Licensing & Distribution Services」 Authorization, Distribution, Development, Sales, Marketing & Promotion – you name it, we have it! We provide clients with an all-rounded service to satisfy all your distribution needs 「Largest Distribution Network」 We work with over a hundred different entertainment platforms including internet services, TV stations, TV/OTT platforms across the whole of Asia 「Most Extensive Network of Servicing Points」 Muse has offices and service points throughout the Asian market – our Headquarters is rooted in Taiwan, and branch offices in Hong Kong, China (Shanghai), Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, and Indonesia. We’re also constantly growing up our extensive network with the goal of providing the best services to our clients in mind.
0 ~ 5 applicants