140 Results
(約聘全職!歡迎應屆畢業生!)消金_信用卡/信貸徵審專員 星展(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 38,000+
我們的工作: •執行收入計算與財力認定。 •執行電話照會與借款人身分背景核實。 •填寫徵信報告,完成案件綜合風險評估。 •授信案件年度覆審作業。 我們需要: •態度主動積極,具責任心及解決問題之能力。 •細心、耐心、擁有良好溝通協調能力。
Senior Level
English Required
9/19 Updated
【2024大量徵才銀行正職行員】40K起/無經驗可/歡迎應畢及非相關科系 BC 全球人事顧問股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000+
銀行正職招募 -行政人員、儲備理專、理專、辦事員、內勤專員、客服人員、分行業務 -錄取即為正職行員,免通過一般招考,進入金融業優良管道 有相關銀行金融經驗佳/有金融證照佳薪資可議 無經驗者也可以投遞,完整教育訓練,良好升遷機制 意者請先投遞履歷後歡迎加Line諮詢 :br11396an
9/19 Updated
(LINE Bank)數位金融AI客服專員(正職/約聘/休假優/無經驗可)_AI Customer Service Agent LINE Bank_連線商業銀行股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
★18天特休假 ★生日假 ★優渥輪班津貼 ★早餐津貼★現煮咖啡與免費零食飲料 【職務說明】在AI時代懂得駕馭AI,讓AI無法取代你 1.擔任純網銀面對消費者的唯一窗口,提供使用者專業而溫暖的業務協助與建議。 2.擔任客服中心的智能副駕駛,與AI協作,透過電話、文字或視訊協助解決客戶的各項疑難雜症、與客戶分享你的知識。 3.運用AI助理成為專業且有溫度的客戶服務專家,引導每位客戶完成LINE Bank的數位流程,陪伴LINE Bank使用者體驗友善金融服務,將金融產品帶到客戶生活中。 4.提供友善金融服務的同時,也協助訓練出更聰明的AI助理,成為全方位金融客服專家。 5.你所扮演的角色將會直接影響公司品牌、客戶滿意度、甚至造就極高的客戶忠誠度 【在這裡你可以得到】 1. 完善紮實的新人訓練(金融專業知識、聲音訓練、口語表達、AI工具操作技能、認識情緒…等多元化的豐富實用課程內容!) 2. 人性化的工作環境與管理方式(我們相信唯有快樂的員工,才能提供客戶愉快且幸福的服務體驗。) 3. 持續學習,包含產品更新員工訓、每季定期舉辦組內&跨部門討論會(客戶的小事就是我們的大事) 4. 改變你對客戶服務的傳統想像 5. 多元的職涯路徑與發展潛能 【關於客服團隊】 在開放的工作環境中,扮演接觸客戶的最重要唯一途徑,透過與團隊專業而友善的互動,為客戶創造最優質的使用體驗。在這裡,服務團隊將以自信而溫暖的態度承接每位客戶的提問或申訴。我們期望打造一個親切友善、零距離且備受信賴的金融服務諮詢團隊,同時成為實現普惠金融的最佳推手。 在LINE Bank客服團隊,你將會從每日的多元挑戰與自我成長中感受到身為LINE Bank前線人員的喜悅,進而重新定義「客戶服務」的價值。
9/19 Updated
◆限時正職獵才【全球知名百大幸福外商】<可選固定班別>銀行客戶關係維護專員/起薪45,000-70,000元+各式津貼/純服務免銷售、到職即享16天休假及各項超優福利/歡迎有客戶服務相關經驗、金融業職務轉換的您應徵|BIS_207 藝珂人事顧問股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 45,000~70,000
★前端由顧問服務,協助調整履歷,釐清職涯方向,將履歷交給金融業內部人資 不須輪值夜班、 不須協銷商品、不須上假日班(周休六日) 【工作內容】 -電話聯絡線上服務和客戶關係維護,說明銀行及信用卡產品、系統及其他查詢。 -客戶來電接聽並處理銀行、信用卡挽留。 -解決客戶於信用卡商品等相關問題和要求。 -公司各項專案外撥活動通知。 【具備條件】 - 專科或大學以上畢業 - 具備銀行產業或其他客戶服務專員經驗者尤佳,無經驗應屆畢業生亦可 - 口齒清晰、積極主動具備服務熱忱以及良好的溝通技巧 - 工作效率高及工作配合度高 【兩種班別可選擇】 • 一般24hr輪排班 (早/中/晚/夜班) • 固定夜班 (大夜/小夜),起薪50,000起 小夜班 17:30開始|大夜班 23:00-07:30、12:30-09:00 -計程車費實報實銷 ▲教育訓練、前半年都是日班為主▲ 【福利制度】 < 三大 > 理財優惠 1.外幣換匯優惠 2.投資理財手續費減/免不等 3.員工認股計畫 < 四大 > 彈性福利金 1.旅遊福利金 2.學習福利金 3.健康福利金 4.家庭福利金 < 五大 > 暖心考證培訓 1.新進人員訓練 2.完整員工職涯發展規劃 3.語言進修課程 4.海外派遣訓練 5.證照考試訓練與獎勵 < 六大 > 超水準健康保障 1.定期壽險 2.住院醫療 3.癌症 4.意外醫療 5.眷屬醫療險(全額公司負擔) 6免費定期健康檢查 < 七大 > 領先薪酬福利 1.具競爭力薪酬制度 2.底薪津貼 3.績效獎金 4.員工贊揚計畫 5.彈性工作時間安排 6.未成年子女保障計畫 7.職工福利(家庭日、小孩上班日、員工感恩日、電影欣賞日、節慶禮品、歌唱大賽、攝影比賽、婚喪生育補助等) < 八大 > 貼心放假日 1.第一年即享14天年假 2.16周產假+7天產檢假 3.10天陪產檢及陪產假 4.領養假 5.生日假 6.新生兒照顧假 7.志工假 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ▲【歡迎寄送履歷至信箱】: Sunny.Yeh@adecco.com ▲【Linkedin】: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sunny-hsin-yu-yeh-71638b125/
9/19 Updated
信用卡部-信用卡產品企劃及行銷企劃人員 陽信商業銀行股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 37,500~60,000
1.信用卡產品經營、專案活動規劃、執行及成效追蹤。 2.信用卡市場及競品分析。 3.具備公文撰寫及簡報提案能力。
Mid to Senior Level
9/19 Updated
01782024 Banking Operations Manager 營運部經理 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
【加入滙豐 成就職涯】 我們理想遠大,加入滙豐,您將成就更多! 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 Digital Business Services is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. Digital Business Services combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. · People responsibility: Y · Report to: VP, Account Services Operation · Job Content: 1. Manage the Banking Operations Business Services undertakes account opening, account servicing, and account closing activities for WPB customers. Account opening scope includes transaction, savings/checking, Term /time deposit accounts. Account Servicing which includes account closing, is undertaken for transaction and savings. 2. To supervise day to day operations, with support to WPB, Contact Center and middle office and vendor, to provide an excellent service to customer by ensuring compliance with Group procedure/policy, local regulatory governance. 3. To release/authorize process within approved credit limit, handle all customer queries, which are beyond the scope of his/her subordinates. 4. This role also includes to manage department service provides and provide necessary for local/ ASP project support. 5. The job holder is responsible for ensuring that processing is performed/in compliance with all internal and external regulation, Global Standard GSD SOP (AML & Sanctions), BICAR, BIMs and FIMs.
English Required
9/18 Updated
Credit Approval, RMG 星展(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Responsibilities: • The main responsibility of this staff is to review daily credit card, personal loan, mortgage loan or other secured products' non STP/deviation applications • Post approval quality review/quality check for approved applications including credit card, personal loan, mortgage loan or other secured products • Support business initiatives/process enhancement projects or ad-hoc project/program when necessary • Prepare user requirements (including user interface/process design) or testing cases as well as conduct system testing when system project/enhancement needs • Review team process effectiveness and provide solution for improvement Preferred: • 5+ years' experience in credit approval covering unsecured and/or secured products with process refinement mindset, preferred within Consumer Banking service sectors. • Excellent collaboration and communication skills • Strong execution capability and ability to multi-task and work across multiple products/projects • Familiar with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint • Fluent in English communication and experience with Python and/or other analysis tools will be a plus
English Required
9/18 Updated
GOS Integrated Facilities Management(綜合設施管理) - Assistant Project Manager(駐點中山區) 香港商戴德梁行不動產投資顧問有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
Monitor and manage the day-to-day operations of the project or program, including developing short and long-range targets, daily activities, safety, quality, financial controls and reporting and coordination of all stakeholders and subcontractors. • Liaise with consultants and sub-contractors engaged on the project and provide weekly reports on all safety, quality, time and cost issues associated with the works. Candidate will be responsible for all administration responsibilities on the project depending on size and complexity. • Plan the work schedules and efficiently organize the site facilities in order to meet an agreed program of deadlines. • Resolve technical difficulties and other issues that may arise. Candidate will need to be able to communicate to C&W senior management concisely and confidently and ensure solutions and contingencies are provided for each technical problem faced on projects. • Manage contractors to oversee the day-to-day delivery of projects within different delivery models and provide daily/weekly reporting. • Responsible for the EHS implementation and performance of the project. Ensure the EHS provisions and requirements are adhered to by all clients, consultants and contractors.
Senior Level
English Required
9/18 Updated
KYC/CDD定期審查作業主管_CDD Team Leader 星展(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Key Accountabilities ● Review existing clients’ AML risk and Industry sector, client information and other risk relevant factors. ● Be competent and familiar with all AML KYC/CDD policies and guidelines and manage CDD in compliance with the guidelines and policies as well as regulations. ● Perform Gap analysis on relevant AML KYC/CDD policies and regulations. ● Ensure customer Due Diligence on existing client’s Periodic Review/Trigger Review captured in bank system, analysis of accounts and review client information. ● Validate the information within KYC records to ensure completion and accuracy. ● Appropriately assess customer risk rating when business decisions are made, demonstrating consideration for the firm's reputation and safeguarding DBS group ● Assist team in carrying out projects. ● Review negative media from client screening, and escalate where necessary. ● Assist Team head to manage the team on achieving the productivity Goals. ● Able to work effectively with other members of COO Office and ensure that all issues identified are appropriately escalated to management. Knowledge /Skills ● Strong English written and oral communication skills and problem-solving skills ● Relevant experience with similar responsibilities in a high volume, fast-paced environment and industry systems and platforms ● Relevant five years (above) work experience and understanding of AML KYC regulations ● Understanding of the inter-dependencies of roles within a CDD process and requirements for KYC Record successful completion across relevant client types ● Proficient Microsoft Office user (i.e. Excel, PowerPoint) and project skill, and ability to perform moderately complex queries. ● Be able to work under pressure. ● People management experience is preferred. ● Strong PC skill is required. Education / Preferred Qualifications ● Bachelor's degree/University degree or equivalent experience ● Proficiency Test for Bank Internal Control and Audit ● CPP,CPI,CFE or CAMS preferred Working experience ● 5 years and above experiences in Banking Financial Industry field. ● Basic knowledge of Banking, Credit Card, PL, ML, AL Products and Transactions ● Basic knowledge of Regulatory requirement for AML and Sanctions. 職缺: 資深客戶KYC/CDD定期審查人員 工作內容 ● 熟悉AML KYC/CDD相關法規及規範, 及執行差異性分析 ● 覆核高風險客戶的相關資料蒐集,並依據銀行內部作業準則覆核CDD表單( Customer Due Diligence Form)。 ● 覆核客戶最新職業及背景。 ● 依據分行回覆之客戶Customer Due Diligence,覆核其合理性及正確性,覆核姓名檢核,交易檢視等客戶風險等級評估 ● 在業務端做決策時,覆核客戶風險評級,有益於維護公司聲譽和保障DBS集團。 ● 規劃CDD MIS資料統整和分析報表,和相關專案支援 ● 配合銀行反洗錢監控中心,覆核客戶資金流向及CDD評估 ● 與銀行法規遵循單位合作,推行並落實台灣之反洗錢監控 ● 協助團隊管理及目標之執行 ● 團隊合作並適時向上呈報相關事項 學歷要求 大學以上 其他條件 1. 良好溝通能力與解決問題能力 2. 具管理經驗佳 3. 具備在快速案件壓力下的適應能力 4. 具有5年(含)以上相關AML/ CDD KYC工作經驗並了解洗錢防制相關法規 5. 良好的英文讀寫能力 6. PC skill: Excel Word Powerpoint 7. 證照: 1 .銀行內稽內控證照 2.洗錢防制與打擊資恐專業人員測驗
English Required
9/18 Updated
Firewall & Network Engineer|防火牆及網路工程師 星展(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Business Function Group Technology and Operations (T&O) enables and empowers the bank with an efficient, nimble and resilient infrastructure through a strategic focus on productivity, quality & control, technology, people capability and innovation. In Group T&O, we manage the majority of the Bank's operational processes and inspire to delight our business partners through our multiple banking delivery channels. Responsibilities • Network/Firewall related project delivery, regular upgrade, and daily operation, including change implementation and support application team. • Ensure the Network/Firewall infrastructure align with DBS policy and regulator requirement • Maintains network performance by performing network monitoring and analysis, and performance tuning; troubleshooting network/Firewall problems with RCA and fault diagnosis. • Ready to be on call for 24x7 support during shifts, assists Level 1 Support Engineers during problem determination and resolution whenever necessary. • Develops processes for improving operational efficiencies, as well as identifies/implements automation tools for existing manual processes. Requirement • Experience: Minimum 5 years firewall and network administrator • Certification : CCSA, CCSE, JNCIA-FWV, JNCIA-SEC, JNCIS-SEC (Preferred but not mandatory CISSP, CISM, ITIL Foundation), Python or Linux shell scripting skill is a plus. • Checkpoint Firewalls, PaloAlto, VPN Technologies, DNS, NTP, 2 Factor Authentication technologies. • Strong verbal, written, interpersonal communications in English skills. • Experience in highly complex data center network design and support, including Cisco, Arista products specially DCI technology, and software defined network. 請用以下聯結進入官網投遞履歷,並完成履歷填寫(請用Google瀏覽器開啟) 網址:請用以下聯結進入官網投遞履歷,並完成履歷填寫(請用Google瀏覽器開啟) 網址: Job Description - Associate, Infrastructure Senior Engineer, T&O (WD57243) (dbs.com)
English Required
9/18 Updated
*️⃣【信義區|外商銀行】Global Market Sales Dep_EQD Sales Support / 薪資依經驗可議 / 起薪約50-60K|BIS_233 藝珂人事顧問股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 50,000~60,000
【Key Responsibilities】 • Support the execution of sales strategies for EQD products, aiming to meet the division's business objectives and revenue targets. • Assist in Sales at documents including all master agreements, distribution agreement, termsheet with a diverse range of clients, including financial institutions, PB, EAM, Family office, and WM platform, providing them with market insights and economic trends. • Collaborate with product specialists and traders to gain a deep understanding of EQD markets, product offerings, and client needs. • Participate in the creation of client presentations and marketing materials, helping to communicate complex product features and market opportunities in a clear and effective manner. • Contribute to market research and analysis, supporting the team in identifying market trends, client needs, and potential sales opportunities. • Engage in ongoing professional development to build expertise in FX and rates products, market dynamics, and sales techniques. • Ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements and internal policies in all sales activities and client interactions. 【Job Requirement】 • Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Economics, Business, or a related field. • A strong interest in financial markets, particularly in EQD, with a keen desire to develop a career in global markets sales. • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to interact effectively with clients and team members. • Basic analytical skills, with the ability to understand and interpret market data and financial information. • Highly organized and detail-oriented, with the ability to manage multiple tasks and priorities in a fast-paced environment. • Fluent in English and Chinese, with additional language skills considered an advantage. • Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, with a willingness to learn and use financial market analysis tools and platforms. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ▲【歡迎寄送履歷至信箱】: Tim.chen@adecco.com ▲【歡迎私訊|Linkedin】: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-chen-682854144/
English Required
9/18 Updated
資訊處-專案管理師 永豐商業銀行股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 協助推動越南區之資訊專案統籌管理,檢視及追蹤各專案之執行進度 2. 協助跨單位之溝通協調及問題排除 3. 負責專案規劃、推動及管理 4. 協助相關簡報製作
9/18 Updated
(全職約聘,歡迎應屆畢業生)財富管理後勤作業人員 Wealth Management Operation 星展(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 38,000+
工作內容: •銀行投資交易處理(基金, 債券, 連動債, ETF) 申購,贖回. 轉換 •基金,債券, 股票等配息作業 •保管銀行交割對帳作業 •海外股票,境外基金等公司活動帳務處理 ( 股票分割/反分割) •後台集中作業處理 : 換匯, 定存, 留單交易, 雙元貨幣交易處理 •稅務申報, 主管機關申報作業處理 •帳務處理 •專案系統測試
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/18 Updated
01792024 卓越理財客戶服務專員/副理 Premier Relationship Clerk/Officer (台中分行) 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Monthly Salary NT$ 34,000~65,000
【加入滙豐 成就職涯】 我們理想遠大,加入滙豐,您將成就更多! 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 財富管理暨個人金融事業處運用HSBC個人金融專業與財富管理的能力,提供全面性的世界級個人金融解決方案給上百萬的客戶。驅動全世界各主要市場的成長。此事業處包含個人金融、財富管理、保險與資產管理,透過以客戶為中心的定位,創新有效的通路,將我們客戶的經驗差異化,提供領先市場的個人金融暨財富管理解決方案。 工作內容: 在個人金融分行端提供高品質的專業服務,以達到並超越客戶所期望的服務標準: - 密切與CSM配合提供客戶優質服務 - 支援PRM服務Premier客戶,協助其達成各項績效指標 - 發掘並轉介潛在業務機會與客戶服務需求 - 處理分行行政作業(不含櫃員及現金服務),例如Premier客戶之開戶、交易及文件處理,並協助報表產出 To provide high level of professional services in retail banking branches to meet and exceed customer service standards. 1. To contribute by closely working with Sales Floor Manager and BCD to achieve KPIs helping to ensure seamless service to customers visiting branches delivering quality services to customers to ensure customer satisfaction and achievement of service standards 2. To contribute to the successful implementation of wealth management service strategy by acting as back-up to partnered PRM to ensure continuity of customer service managing Premier rooms resources and safety deposit box delivering quality services to Premier customer (transaction, documentation tasks, etc) to ensure customer satisfaction closely partnering with PRM to build and reinforce relationship with Premier customers providing quality service to help retain and acquire Premier customers delivering support to PRM tomaximise customers satisfaction through exceptional customer service 3. To contribute to acquisition of customers and enhancement of customer relationship by identifying service and business potentials and marking referrals to PRM accordingly identifying service and business potentials for making referrals to other business lines, so to deepen customer relationship with the Bank close liaison with colleagues from other lines of business, business segment, products and services 4. To perform branch operational tasks, excluding counter teller services, and ensure efficiency, timeliness, accuracy and professionalism by assisting SFM with admin and MI report consolidating tasks performing operational tasks for Premier customers, e.g. account opening, transaction and documentation performing mortgage loan processing tasks, by providing services to PVA customers performing any operations tasks, and non-cash transactions within the branch 5. To be equipped with multi-service skills and maintain flexibility in service task rotation and assignment by agreeing with supervisor the knowledge and service skill set development plan continuously improving oneself through the implementation of development plan and on the job training
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【作業板塊】海外營運作業專案規劃人員_I00008637 國泰世華商業銀行股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.研擬海外營運作業發展策略與行動計劃、作業專案規劃與推動,執行流程/系統調整設計、開發進度管理。 2.海外作業管理,追蹤營運表現與作業人員培育。
Senior Level
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【海外通路】國際消金數據維運工程師 (數數發_台中CDC)_I00016651 國泰世華商業銀行股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
【公司部門簡介 About Us】 「國泰金控」為臺灣服務客戶數最多的領先金融服務業者,並致力於成為亞洲最佳金融機構。「國泰世華銀行」為全臺灣數位服務用戶數的領先銀行,其中「國際消金發展部」致力於海外消金市場的發展,透過國內累積的豐富數位金融服務經驗,持續在東南亞市場打造高品質、創新的數位金融服務體驗。 「國際消金發展部」集結了金融及非金融領域的多元菁英,包括商業開發、網路科技、數據分析、數位行銷等專業人才。我們重視團隊合作文化,以實現東南亞金融生態圈為目標,深入了解世界各國金融服務文化與特色,期待透過多元團隊創造金融服務更多前所未有的可能。 我們是台灣數位金融的領導品牌,為了進一步拓展東南亞市場,現正積極尋找對愛好自我學習探索的維運內部與雲端的數據分析人才加入我們的團隊! 這個職位將會扮演重要角色,致力於數據分析環境佈建與數據分析相關應用。 【發展與培訓 Development & Training】 我們提供多元的集團培訓資源,包含產品知識、數位行銷、資料分析、使用者體驗等相關專業講座與實戰工作坊,同時也有申請外部進修的補助管道。此外,藉由橫跨業務部門與不同市場的工作環境,助您深化專業領域。 國泰正積極拓展海外市場,我們相信廣納多元背景人才是銀行業在這波潮流邁向頂尖的關鍵,我們誠摯邀請您加入我們,一同踏上這個充滿發展機會的旅程,成為台灣金融業發展海外數位消金平台的引領者! 期待您在這個嶄新且具有挑戰性的環境下,實現個人專業成長、累積市場能見度,一起跟上東南亞數位金融市場的快速成長! 【 職務需求 Job Requirements 】 1.維運內部與雲端的數據分析相關應用與數據中台/平台系統服務 2.數據分析環境佈建與資料處理自動化 3.數據營運環境效能測試、監控與分析調校 4.安全與權限管控設計 5.建立數據服務管理中心化 擅長工具 : 1.熟悉 Linux 的程式開發環境與 Shell Script 的使用、 Linux 作業系統與網路工具 2.熟悉監控指標設定及預警機制系統佈署,如 Prometheus 3.具備系統、網路、資料庫與應用程式服務的效能調教能力 4.熟悉 Python 程式語言、SQL 與 NoSQL 資料庫軟體 (TeraData、Oracle、MongoDB)
Senior Level
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【知名銀行】報送信用卡行政人員 怡東人事顧問股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 28,500~28,500
※此為派遣職,有意願者請投遞履歷。 ●日常文書處理 ●一般行政作業 ●主管指派其他事項 年終奬金:月薪1個月(按到職比例發放)
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★月薪6萬起!!名額有限【外商銀行正職-客戶關係專員】免金融相關證照 / 歡迎應屆畢業生 / 外商高底薪及高津貼 / 入職即享14天特休|BIS_205 藝珂人事顧問股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 60,000+
⭕台灣前三大外商銀行 ⭕只要可以接受輪班、表達流利、有服務業經驗者皆可嘗試 ⭕無客服經驗可 ⭕可接受應屆畢業生!! ⭕月薪 $60,000起 【工作內容】 • 信用卡使用狀況處裡 • 一般信用卡產品之帳款查詢 • 及時處理客戶問題並回覆處理結果 • 處理客戶線上訴願電話 【需求條件】 • 對加入金融業有興趣者 • 口語表達能力佳 • 台語口說能力中上 • 發揮團隊精神 • 積極有熱忱 【工作資訊】 • 工作地點:台北市內湖區瑞光路(近港墘站) • 工作薪資:底薪50,000起,另含夜班津貼 • 小夜班 17:30開始 • 大夜班 23:00-07:30、12:30-09:00 • 另享夜班津貼每日600 • 提供交通津貼,計程車車資可報銷 【各項福利】 • 知名外商銀行,制度完善、環境優美整潔 • 內部超多員工優惠 : 外幣換匯優惠、投資理財手續費減/免、員工認股計畫... • 彈性福利金 : 旅遊福利金、學習福利金、健康福利金、家庭福利金 • 專業培訓與進修 : 新進人員訓練、語言進修課程、海外派遣訓練、證照考試訓練與獎勵 • 提供多項健康保障 : 定期壽險、住院醫療、癌症、意外醫療、眷屬醫療險(全額公司負擔)、免費定期健康檢查 • 優於法定年假 : 第一年即享14天年假、16周產假+7天產檢假、10天陪產檢及陪產假、領養假、生日假、新生兒照顧假、志工假... 其他福利歡迎再來詢問~ ----------------------------------------------------------- ▲歡迎聯絡將履歷寄到以下信箱,會再去電跟你聊聊工作內容囉! Email:grace.wang@adecco.com
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【資訊板塊】專案管理師_I00007012 國泰世華商業銀行股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.參與銀行各項系統升級、跨部門系統流程優化改造或系統升級專案。 2.對焦策略目標,規劃與定義專案範疇、組建團隊,確立跨部門整合溝通模式並確實執行,識別風險與議題,並提出應對之方案供主管決策。落實待辦事項之進度控管且定期向利害關係人更新進度。 3.工作事項之時程規劃與管理,監控各項工作完成時間及品質並確認符合程序及規範。 4.專案範圍、時程、預算等異動時,召開主管決策會議並擬定因應計劃,專案相關主題或進度之簡報製作與呈報、會議摘要撰寫及主管交辦事項。 5.執行整合管理、問題追蹤、範疇管理、變更管理、時程管理、成本管理、品質與文件管理、人力資源管理、風險與議題管理、採購與廠商管理、跨部門溝通協調及利害關係人管理。
Mid to Senior Level
Chinese Required
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★外商銀行實習生招募【HR Intern★信義區】歡迎在學生!!!|BIS_205 藝珂人事顧問股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 183~183
【Job description】 1. Branch training affairs assistance. (e.g. Training resources survey, course registrations, monthly training report preparation) 2. Administration work assistance for HR dept. (e.g. interview arrangement, documents filing, meeting arrangement, related expense application, data input and HR related news update/collection) 3. HR projects assistance and other assignments. 【Payment】$183/hr 【Requirements】 1. Commit at least 3-5 days per week 2. Computer skills (word, excel, powerpoint) 3. Proactive, cautious and able to manage pressure and prioritize multiple tasks. 4. HR or Business Major would be a plus. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ▲歡迎加入臉書∣ Adecco · 金融產業資訊共享平台 ∣: https://www.facebook.com/groups/adecco.bis/?ref=bookmarks 社群將提供更多就業機會/產業知識/重要資訊給您! ▲【Linkedin】: https://www.linkedin.com/in/grace-w-366464193/
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