1,469 の結果
Site Program Manager (Mandarin, English) Google_美商科高國際有限公司
Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of experience managing projects. • Ability to communicate in Mandarin and English fluently to support client relationship management in this region. Preferred qualifications: • Experience working closely with executive leadership. • Ability to influence, build consensus, and inspire followership across all levels of the organization. • Excellent cultural sensitivity and emotional intelligence skills. • Excellent attention to detail, and problem-solving skills, and an inclination towards continuous improvement. • Excellent verbal and written communications skills with good judgment, high tolerance for ambiguity in a rapidly changing environment. About the job A problem isn’t truly solved until it’s solved for all. That’s why Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. As a Program Manager at Google, you’ll lead complex, multi-disciplinary projects from start to finish — working with stakeholders to plan requirements, manage project schedules, identify risks, and communicate clearly with cross-functional partners across the company. Your projects will often span offices, time zones, and hemispheres. It's your job to coordinate the players and keep them up to date on progress and deadlines. Our goal is to build a Google that looks like the world around us — and we want Googlers to stay and grow when they join us. As part of our efforts to build a Google for everyone, we build diversity, equity, and inclusion into our work and we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging throughout the company. Responsibilities • Drive site strategy priorities forward tracking progress and make data-driven decisions to align with market plans and company-wide objectives. • Oversee the execution of strategic site programs by identifying opportunities that improve processes and the Googler experience. Move a program forward cohesively across verticals.  • Coordinate, collaborate and influence across functions and teams within sites, including Site leadership (Site Leads, Country Managers, Product Area Site Representatives), Market Human Resource (HR), Internal Communications, Real Estate and Workplace Services (REWS), Global Security and Resilience Services (GSRS), Country Operations, and more. • Develop solutions to problems that may be ambiguous or lacking clear precedent. Build the infrastructure and processes that can meet India’s scale of operations.
9/20 更新
Senior Manager, Pixel Software Testing Google_美商科高國際有限公司
Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. • 10 years of experience in management or technical leadership. • Experience in designing and leading test automation solutions, monitor systems, or testing effectiveness. • Experience coaching and leading software engineering teams. Preferred qualifications: • Experience in mobile testing. • Experience in managing a team, leading testing activities and engagement with cross-functional teams to shape design and project direction. • Experience in working with cross-functional teams defining the product excellence, root-cause defects, and influencing the quality Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). • Knowledge of machine learning and tools. • Knowledge of leading development in Android or G3. About the job In this role, you will play a key role in ensuring the overall quality and user experience of Google Pixel and related devices. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams across multiple sites. You will be responsible for infrastructure and tooling development, integration, field and carrier testing, pre-certification testing and quality analysis.Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our Devices & Services team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences for users. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make our user's interaction with computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. Whether finding new ways to capture and sense the world around us, advancing form factors, or improving interaction methods, the Devices & Services team is making people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Contribute and lead software testing efforts from planning, execution and delivery that solve our business objectives. • Lead and deliver scalable strategy for product excellence. • Identify defects, develop or adapt the infrastructure or tools for productivity. • Guide, analyze and decompose complex systems to surface root causes, identify patterns that lead to general solutions for broader applications. • Lead collaborations with partnership teams across Google, working with diverse cultures, job functions, and backgrounds.
9/20 更新
Product Manager, ChromeOS Platform Enablement Google_美商科高國際有限公司
Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. • 3 years of experience in product management with consumer, enterprise hardware or related technical role. • 1 year of experience taking technical products from conception to launch. Preferred qualifications: • Experience in managing consumer electronics product planning and product management, across supply chain, product design, cost analysis, and go-to-market. • Experience working with the Android ecosystem, devices, or apps. • Experience navigating business situations and identifying short and long-term solutions that benefit the business and ecosystem, as well as external partners. • Experience working with external partners (e.g., manufacturers, suppliers, device brands, silicon vendors) to build hardware products. • Ability to drive hardware and software technology innovation working with internal engineering and external partners. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills. About the job The ChromeOS Platform Enablement team is responsible for the roadmap of reference and partner platforms on which Chrome devices are built, including a roadmap of key components including SoC and new and innovating hardware. The team is responsible for maintaining a diverse portfolio of platforms to serve all of Chrome OS's diverse market segments and users, and for driving hardware innovation. The Product Management team works with cross-functional teams to guide products from conception to launch. As part of the Product Management team, you will collaborate with a variety of teams and external partners from all levels. You will be responsible for leading the team in planning and executing innovative products that will have a positive impact on the ecosystem. Google aims to build products that organize the world's information and make it universally accessible to our users. As a Product Manager at Google, you could be working on new technologies, platforms, consumer facing products, and/or enterprise systems. The end goal will be to match you with the team that best aligns with your interests, experience, and where you will have the most impact. Responsibilities • Establish a roadmap with new features, user journeys, and technology collaborations. • Partner with Engineering teams, silicon vendors, external device manufacturers, device brands, hardware vendors, and technology Product Managers to build products. • Set quarterly and annual goals and priorities for the team to work towards. • Collaborate with Engineering teams and peer software and platform partners. • Work with Hardware and Software Engineering teams, Partner Management, Business Development, Marketing, other Product Managers, external device manufacturers, device brands, suppliers, and silicon partners to deliver positive business impacts to the OS ecosystem.
9/20 更新
總辦公室 / 營運部 專案人員 More Space_摩爾空間有限公司
月給 NT$ 35,000~40,000
※ 職務內容 - 營運SOP整合及維護 (包含:客服、銷售、行政等部門SOP) -協助營運報表建制及分析 (例:營運狀況分析、執行流程分析、人力成本分析、專案成果分析,產業競爭分析與市場調查分析等) - 內部專案管理 (例:搬遷規劃及執行等) - 跨部門專案管理 -(例:參與行銷優惠活動策劃,內部新舊系統轉換等專案) - 主管交辦或其他內部行政庶務等事項 ※ 上班地點 - 北市中山區天祥路123號13樓 [捷運民權西路站九號出口,步行至公司3分鐘] ※ 職能要求 - Google雲端表單建制及管理 - Microsoft office(Word、Excel、PPT) - 基本EXCEL函數及樞紐分析 - 高階中文資料編輯能力,SOP撰寫能力 - Power BI/Looker Studio (有則加分) - 專案管理及規劃經驗(有則加分) - 中高階英文能力(有則加分) ※ 上班時段 - 週一 ~ 週五 [週六日公休] - 10:00 ~ 19:00 ※ 摩爾福利 - 三節獎金、生日禮金、聚餐費
9/20 更新
產品經理 亞太智能機器股份有限公司
年収 NT$ 625,000~1,000,000
工作內容: 1. 領導CaiGunn平台的產品策略制定和執行,確保產品與市場需求和公司願景保持一致 2. 深入了解企業客戶的AI需求,特別是在隱私保護和地端部署方面的要求 3. 與工程團隊密切合作,規劃和優化CaiGunn的六大核心模組功能 4. 制定產品路線圖,平衡短期目標和長期願景 5. 收集和分析用戶反饋,持續改進產品體驗 6. 撰寫詳細的產品需求文檔(PRD),確保開發團隊清晰理解產品願景 7. 協調跨職能團隊,包括工程、設計、市場和銷售,推動產品從概念到發布的全過程 8. 監控產品性能指標,制定和執行增長策略 9. 研究競品和市場趨勢,確保CaiGunn在AI工具箱市場保持競爭優勢 10. 設計和優化產品的用戶界面和工作流程,確保即使非技術背景的用戶也能輕鬆使用 11. 參與客戶交流,深入了解不同行業對AI工具的獨特需求 12. 推動CaiGunn的國際化戰略,協助公司從台灣市場擴展到全球舞台 具備能力: - 計算機科學、人工智能、商業或相關領域的學士學位或以上學歷 - 2年以上科技產品管理經驗,尤其是在AI、機器學習或大數據領域 - 對AI技術有深入的理解,特別是在NLP、機器學習和數據處理方面 - 優秀的分析能力,能夠將複雜的技術概念轉化為易於理解的產品特性 - 出色的專案管理能力,能夠在快節奏的創業環境中有效推進多個項目 - 強大的溝通和協作能力,能夠與技術和非技術團隊成員有效合作 - 具有商業敏銳度,了解企業級軟體市場和銷售週期 - 熟悉敏捷開發方法論 - 具有數據分析能力,能夠利用數據驅動產品決策 - 良好的英語溝通能力,能夠參與國際市場拓展
英語 条件要件
9/20 更新
數位行銷專案副理 林可行銷有限公司
月給 NT$ 45,000~65,000
你將是專案進行的關鍵,掌握著從概念到實現的全程。 我們將提供完全的空間,透過你的策略規劃和執行能力,將創意轉化為實際行銷成果。在這個角色中,您的專業洞察和創意能量將直接,能夠有發揮的舞台。 你將會負責以下的工作內容: - 企劃提案:通過市場調查和數據分析,協助業務團隊進行社群策略與執行建議。 - 專案管理:根據專案需求,進行KOL與社群資源的溝通整合,確保專案順利實現。 - 團隊協作:積極參與團隊執行,靈活且敏捷地落實策略執行,激發團隊創意。 職務需求 - 具備出色的組織能力和溝通協調能力,能快速應對變化。 - 細心謹慎,具有強烈的學習意願和高度責任感。 - 對數位行銷有濃厚興趣,熱衷於追蹤KOL並理解其社群經營特色。 - 熟悉社群媒體工具,持續關注行銷趨勢和變化,包含Dcard/PTT等。 優先面試條件 - 1年以上行銷公司/代理商經驗 - 對數位行銷有實際操作經驗,尤其在 KOL 行銷方面。
9/20 更新
新媒體整合行銷 專案經理 龍華數位媒體科技股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 40,000+
公司簡介: 本集團擁有『博斯運動』『龍華電視』家族頻道,共計18個優質的體育及戲劇綜藝頻道。以提供豐富節目內容和創新的廣告服務聞名。現正專注於創新的數位廣告解決方案,致力於為客戶提供更多元的整合廣告方案。我們正在尋找優秀的新媒體廣告業務專案經理,加入我們的團隊,共同打造更新創、更具影響力的數位廣告整合方案。 職位描述: - 負責制定新媒體廣告項目的策略和計劃。 - 與客戶深入溝通,了解其需求和目標,提供個性化的廣告解決方案。 - 負責項目的執行和管理,監督廣告投放效果,及時調整優化廣告策略。 - 協調內部團隊資源,確保進度和品質,與客戶保持良好的溝通和合作關係。 - 定期分析和評估項目效果,不斷提升廣告效果和客戶滿意度。 薪資待遇: - 本職位為正式全職,提供具競爭力的薪資待遇和完善的福利制度。 - 根據個人業績和貢獻,提供晉升和獎勵機會。
9/20 更新
專案人員_T 勤學科技股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 35,000~40,000
工作內容涵蓋如下,依個人擅長技能派任: 1.樹種辨識。 2.協助樹木目視健康檢查相關作業及後續資料整理 3.專案相關報告暨文書資料處理。 4.樹木地理資訊圖資資料處理。 5.配合專案執行需出差。
9/20 更新
專案工程師(高雄) 立境環境科技股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 32,000~42,000
一、空氣品質管理相關計畫 1.空氣品質及氣象資料分析 2.排放量推估與減量規劃 3.策略規劃管理 4.空品不良應變 5.污染源稽查與減量輔導 6.室內空氣品質管理 二、淨零永續、氣候變遷相關計畫 1.碳盤查、碳管理與碳揭露 2.永續淨零路徑與策略規劃 3.因應氣候變遷及調適工作 4.ISO培訓課程 5.國際會議參與 三、節能治理及節電輔導相關計畫 1.推動住商部門節電治理工作 2.節能診斷輔導 3.能源消費分析、能源轉型 4.節能教育培力與公民參與 四、環境教育宣導相關計畫 1.環境教育相關活動規劃與辦理 2.推廣淨零綠生活 3.志工培訓 以上工作內容將依據您的學經歷及興趣安排適合的職缺,職缺可能包括專案經理或工程師,專案經理為專案的主要執行者,負責規劃、協調、掌控專案進度、報告撰寫及簡報製作,必要時也須與其他團隊成員合作,參與其他專案的執行,共謀公司未來發展願景。 工程師則依據公司指派工作及地點,協助專案經理共同推動專案的成功,確保計畫順利執行並達成目標。 歡迎有興趣的您加入我們的團隊,請提供完整履歷表及工作作品,期待您的加入。
英語 条件要件
9/20 更新
Market HR Partner (Mandarin, English) Google_美商科高國際有限公司
Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. • 7 years of experience as an HR Business Partner or HR Generalist in Taiwan. • Ability to speak Mandarin and English fluently to support and partner with local and regional teams. Preferred qualifications: • Experience with cross-functional collaboration and driving decisions with multiple stakeholder groups. • Experience handling compliance requirements, conducting risk assessments, reviewing other regulatory requirements, and supporting labor relations and union engagements. • Excellent project management skills and delivery, with ability to manage multiple simultaneous priorities. • Strong problem-solving, critical thinking, analysis, and change management skills. About the job Great just isn't good enough for our People Operations team (known elsewhere as "Human Resources"). We bring the world's most innovative people to Google and provide the programs that help them thrive. Whether recruiting the next Googler, refining our core programs, developing talent, or simply looking for ways to inject some more fun into the lives of our Googlers, we bring a data-driven approach that is reinventing the human resources field. You’ll play an essential role advancing a more diverse, accessible, equitable, and inclusive Google through our hiring, promotion, retention, and inclusion practices. Responsibilities • Work with the relevant teams to ensure complete delivery for our HR processes in country. • Solve for compliance matters and review local policies in the context of the market. • Work with the compliance team, process ownership team, user support team, and the relevant COE teams on prioritizing and mitigating market related risks. • Provide local context and advice on key HR related matters. • Support local labor management councils and engage with external labor bodies.
9/19 更新
Global Supply Chain Manager, ChromeOS Google_美商科高國際有限公司
Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Supply Chain, Engineering, or equivalent practical experience. • 8 years of experience in commodity management, agreement facilitation, supplier development, manufacturing, and supply chain processes. • 5 years of experience in PC industry component/system level supply management. Preferred qualifications: • Experience in delivering data-driven or fact-based analysis for business proposals, supply chain design, and supply risk mitigation. • Experience leading cross-functional process improvements. • Ability to collaborate and influence across multiple levels of the organization. • Ability to shift between detailed analysis and big-picture thinking and customize communications based on the audience. • Excellent problem-solving, communication/facilitation, sourcing, consulting and collaboration skills. • Excellent investigative and negotiation skills. About the job Chrome OS delivers quality computing at scale to provide universal and unfettered access to information, entertainment, and tools. Our mission is to empower anyone to create and access information freely through fast, secure, simple, and intelligent computing. Responsibilities • Manage relationship with ChromeOS ecosystem partners for supply assurance, escalation windows from ChromeOS to component vendors for risk mitigation. • Lead mitigation proposal communication to internal stakeholders and provide updates for any supply risk assessment. • Collaborate with internal stakeholders for critical component supply/demand mapping and capacity planning. Facilitates ecosystem partners' supply optimization and manages critical component End-of-life (EOL) transition. • Validate second source supply chain feasibility for business justification. Build and maintain the ChromeOS Supply Chain Intelligence database, ensuring data accuracy and accessibility. Conduct in-depth analysis on critical components costs, lead times, specifications, and availability. • Conduct technical roadshows to strengthen ecosystem collaboration, support engineering to explore new technologies availability on supply/cost and vendor engagement.
9/19 更新
Program Manager, Product Data Management Google_美商科高國際有限公司
Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. • 2 years of experience in managing projects. • Experience in materials management (e.g., material disposition, materials requirements planning, inventory management). • Experience in Engineering Change Order (ECO) and Bill of Materials (BOM) processes in the tech industry. Preferred qualifications: • Experience with product life-cycle management, product data management, and supply chain operations support. • Experience working in New Product Introduction (NPI) or change management with manufacturing (e.g., Procurement, Planning, Engineering, and Contract Manufacturing), and Design Engineering teams. • Experience in all phases of product development from creation to launch. • Knowledge of cloud hardware products as it relates to product data management. • Excellent attention to detail, written and verbal communication, organization, problem-solving, and computer applications skills. About the job A problem isn’t truly solved until it’s solved for all. That’s why Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. As a Program Manager at Google, you’ll lead complex, multi-disciplinary projects from start to finish — working with stakeholders to plan requirements, manage project schedules, identify risks, and communicate clearly with cross-functional partners across the company. Your projects will often span offices, time zones, and hemispheres. It's your job to coordinate the players and keep them up to date on progress and deadlines. Our goal is to build a Google that looks like the world around us — and we want Googlers to stay and grow when they join us. As part of our efforts to build a Google for everyone, we build diversity, equity, and inclusion into our work and we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging throughout the company. The Product Data Management (PDM) team is critical to Google Technical Infrastructure success ensuring the achievement of on time New Product Introduction (NPI) builds, production ramps, and maintenance of supply continuity. In this role, you will create standards related to specification requirements, life-cycle phases, Bill of Materials (BOM) structures, and product documentation. Behind everything our users see online is the architecture built by the Technical Infrastructure team to keep it running. From developing and maintaining our data centers to building the next generation of Google platforms, we make Google's product portfolio possible. We're proud to be our engineers' engineers and love voiding warranties by taking things apart so we can rebuild them. We keep our networks up and running, ensuring our users have the best and fastest experience possible. Responsibilities • Create and structure data according to established processes and policies. • Manage workflow to make changes to data that are within the product development processes. • Review and resolve engineering change problems, escalate risk issues, support, and train product Data Management (PDM) teams. • Contribute to projects that improve operations relating to part creation, attribution accuracy, and system usage, and work with cross-functional teams. • Gather information from stakeholders to complete work.
9/19 更新
Engineering manager for wind farm operation 沃旭能源股份有限公司
Join us in this role where you'll be utilising technical expertise to increase reliability of the CHW0102a and CHW2204 windfarms. You'll use your skills to review and analyse corrective requirements and liaise possible solutions with the OEM. You'll be the point of contact for OEM and site to assist with technical queries. Welcome to Generation Support in APAC You'll be part of Technical Site Support team where you, together with your colleagues, will take part in identifying and solving technical problems experienced by the portfolio of assets under operation at the organisation. Your job will be to provide practical and efficient solutions to these problems using the tools available as well as liaise with the OEM and multiple functions across the business to maintain effective processes and communication across multiple sites and work regions. You'll play an important role in: • being the first point of contact for technical questions arising in the wind farm regarding the wind turbines • supporting in planning and carrying out maintenance work and technical projects on the wind turbines • carrying out error analyses and defining measures to optimise the yield of the turbines in the wind farms • following up on the services contractually agreed with the OEM for maintenance, troubleshooting, and optimisation of the turbines, while constantly coordinating with the OEM for permanent improvement • participating in technical forums to exchange knowledge with other technical site supervisors and specialist departments within the organisation. To succeed in the role, you: • have a completed degree or equivalent education in technical, electrical, engineering, or mechanical background with several years of experience • can maintain effective relationships with multiple stakeholders • have knowledge of electrical generation and converter technology, hydraulic system, electrical control system, SCADA, and fibre optics • are a competent user of Microsoft office and SAP, along with Computerised Maintenance Management Tools • have knowledge of statistical analysis and diagnostic techniques • are able to demonstrate experience of in-depth analysis and trouble shooting of complex technologies. Maybe you've read the above and can see you have some transferable skills, even though they don't quite match all the points. If you think you can bring something to the team, we still encourage you to apply. Join a global leader in renewable energy Ørsted is a growing green energy major and global leader in climate action. With us you'll play a part in driving change towards a green energy future. You'll grow your talent in a fast-paced and high-growth industry where you have plenty of opportunities to learn and develop through challenging assignments and industry-leading experts. Here, you can perform in a friendly work environment based on trust, respect, and collaboration. Shape the future with us Send your application to us as soon as possible. We'll be conducting interviews on a continuous basis and reserve the right to take down the advert when we've found the right candidate. As an applicant or employee, you may request reasonable work and position accommodation or adjustments via accomodation@orsted.com. Please note that for your application to be taken into consideration, you must submit your application via our online career pages and answer the screening questions relevant for your country.
英語 条件要件
9/19 更新
IT Business Solutions Manager 傑太日煙國際股份有限公司
【WHAT THIS POSITION IS ABOUT - PURPOSE】 This person will be handling maintaining and supporting all or a proportion of the Geographically Distributed (Virtual) team portfolio of applications, working with colleagues to standardize and drive efficiency. The incumbent should broaden their technical and delivery skills using tools, including but not limited to Freedom within a Framework, Data management, ERP, and Sales solutions. The role ensures that 3rd-party solution providers & external resources fulfill agreed-upon commitments and contractual obligations within budgeted costs. 【WHAT WILL YOU DO - RESPONSIBILITIES】 .Capability Management identification and enhancement .Rollout of Central systems and Market Mile .Freedom within a Framework .​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Service Delivery Management & Business Continuity / Security .​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Innovation .Geographically Distributed teamwork, & Operations .D&IT Governance
9/19 更新
Vietnam Chemical factory tech team lead 越南廠底部技術主管 清祿鞋業股份有限公司
Roles & responsibilities 1. Optimize production material's replenish process 2. Track the reasons for replenish and analyze sources to improve 3. Assistance with mold transfer 4. Participate in projects with standardized operating procedures Tasks 1. Daily statistic defective weight by each model 2. Base on the actual situation of each model, give out improvement action, and work with production to implement plan 3. Weekly analysis model improvement then share to production 4. Monthly summary material's replenishment root cause, like DR weight, hairy edge weight 5. Follow VCTT standard process in mold trial, CFM consumption 6. Set the standard weight confirmation process for each model mold transfer and ensure the implementation status 7. Cooperate with IE to conduct evaluations and competitions on efficiency, defect rate reduction and other projects
英語 条件要件
9/19 更新
[外商] Head of Logistic 香港商唐尼爾森人力資源有限公司台灣分公司
Job Duties • Develop and implement robust and strategic logistics processes that support continuous volume growth by working in conjunction with sales, marketing and other teams in aligning regional and global directions and standards and drive continuous change and improvement processes by applying LEAN standards in the complete supply chain cycle through influencing a complete e2e order processes. • Entrepreneurial spirit as a strong business partner to support Hilti’s systematic account development in cultivating customer loyalty to develop strategic accounts (Top Customers) and offer outstanding services in the whole supply chain cycle. • Steer and coach the Logistics team to optimize the logistics network in materials management, customs, warehousing and transportation services for both core and project (Energy & Industry) businesses contributing to sustainable value creation through a further improved operational foundation and advance service offerings. • Continue to provide high quality service levels to strengthen our competitive position as quality service provider by increasing productivity and reducing inventory to support local growth and foster sustainability with our lean processes with a clear end-to-end supply chain visibility and an optimized network to strive for an advance integrated sales and operations planning. • Focus on time delivery while realizing commercial and cost saving benefits at P&L level. This include setting up and managing warehouses and transport providers to best serve the needs of the customers and manage deals, contracts & delivery to complete the procurement cycle. • Ensure continuous improvement to safety practices across all channel sales functions and supply chain processes by implementing relevant controls and/or measures to minimize risk. • Passionate about people development and support the team through coaching and offering clear direction driving for high performing and caring culture and fully engaged in team members’ career development and build a strong succession pipeline for Hilti logistics community through involve in global talent recruiting with deep understanding of D&I and employee engagement. • Contribute to global logistics community by guiding, sharing and implementing global best practices with continuous improvement and digital mindset and identify and initiate projects when necessary that help improve service levels and cost optimization as well as responsible for LEAN implementation. Requirements • Degree or above in logistics, supply chain, operation management or industrial operations or other discipline (MBA is an added advantage). • At least 8 years of experience gained in international company with focus on logistics and/or supply chain with strong understanding of company business and customers’ needs. • Excellent analytical, communication and presentation skills with the ability to communication and collaborate with stakeholders at all levels and gain their trust in implementing key operational decisions that is beneficial to Hilti and our customers. • Inspiring person that cascade the vision and strategy clearly to the team and work with them to move Hilti Taiwan channel sales and logistics to next level. • Strong project management and capable in managing multi-tasks whilst meeting the objectives and deadline. • Highly proficient in both written and spoken Mandarin and English as well as LEAN tools. • Aspiring to develop a long-term career with us and look for the opportunity to excel the exposure at regional or at global level.
英語 条件要件
9/19 更新
ITRI_ICL_Generative AI (Text) Project Manager (T3) 工研院 _財團法人工業技術研究院
Develop technologies related to Natural Language Processing(NLP), generative AI, Large Language Models (LLM), machine learning, and deep learning, for applications related to text generation, such as intelligent customer service, document generation, and other applications.
英語 条件要件
9/19 更新
Business Operation Excellence Senior Manager/Director (Location: Taipei) 香港商捷比達有限公司台灣分公司
1.Organizational Leadership: Serve as the Business Analytics Head, responsible for building the organization in line with the business strategy, including staff recruitment and team building. 2.Strategic Planning and Execution: Lead the team in planning and executing system integration and process improvements to support company growth and meet business needs. 3.Business Application Oversight: Oversee the collection, assessment, design, planning, development, implementation, and management of business application systems (e.g., ERP, BPM, HRM, etc.) from requirements gathering to post-go-live operations. 4.Process Improvement: Drive initiatives focused on long-term cost savings and efficiency improvements with a strong return on investment (ROI). 5.Process and Operations Management: Oversee the design, implementation, and management of business processes and operations. 6.Operational Strategy Development: Develop and implement strategic plans to enhance productivity, quality, and operational efficiency. 7.Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaborate with all levels of management to ensure processes and operations align with business objectives. 8.Growth Facilitation: Propose and implement forward-looking plans to facilitate smoother business development and drive company growth.
英語 条件要件
9/19 更新
Operation Excellence -Project management lead 現場改善部門- 專案管理師 清祿鞋業股份有限公司
Position description: OE Team is under the managing of Vietnam Manufacturing GM and is tasks with cross facilities and departments projects to improve the overall Vietnam manufacturing process. The success candidate is expected to work with respective HODs to complete the project in a most efficient way. Job Duties/Responsibilities: 1. Coordinate internal resources. 2. Developing project scopes and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders and ensuring technical feasibility. 3. Develop a detailed project plan to track progress. 4. Measure project performance using appropriate systems, tools and techniques. 5. Report and escalate to management as needed. Tasks: • Coordinating departments and internal resources. • Help define project scope, goals and deliverables. • Managing project progress and adapt work as required. • Create a project schedule and timeline. • Optimizing and improving processes and the overall approach where necessary. • Evaluate and assess the result of the project. • Present to stakeholders reports on progress as well as problems and solutions
英語 条件要件
9/19 更新
SAP Enterprise Applications(SAP ERP系統日文管理師-新竹)- 請附英文履歷 外商_台灣和冠資訊科技股份有限公司
【Job summary】 1. Enhancement and maintenance of ERP (SAP ECC6.0) and related systems - Mainly operation and maintenance for APAC region - Promoting each phase from issue/problem analysis, requirement definition to introduction - vendor control 2. Project participation and vendor control support - Participation in projects related to ERP and related systems 3. Investigation and project preparation for launching the next ERP implementation project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【職務概要】 1. ERP(SAP ECC6.0) 及び関連システムのエンハンス及び保守運用 - メインでAPAC地域の運用保守 - 課題/問題分析、要件定義〜導入の各フェーズの推進 - ベンダーコントロール 2. プロジェクトへの参加およびベンダーコントロールサポート - ERP及び関連システムに関係するプロジェクトへの参加 3. 次期ERP導入プロジェクト立上げに向けた調査とプロジェクト準備 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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