2,854 の結果
宜蘭市-電話行銷人員 (執行中華電信業務):兼職、歡迎二度就業、中高齡就業 龍華數位媒體科技股份有限公司
時給 NT$ 183+
1.每周上班至少要能安排四天時間上班,每日四小時,能夠配合再投履歷。 2.知名電信公司執行電話行銷業務,屬辦公室內勤行銷、無需陌生開發,無須在外辛苦奔波。 3. 提供完整電銷技巧教育訓練,含商品解說專業建議、話術訓練及客戶關係維護。 4. 須具備國語及台語聽說能力,口齒清晰、談吐流利、具業務企圖心、高EQ,具相關電信業務/電銷經驗者特佳。 5. 公司提供勞健保、勞退金提撥、員工團險,正常出勤且依按照訓練所學則另有達標獎金、獎品。 6. 歡迎二度就業人士成為我們夥伴,只要您具備耐心、上進心,積極的工作態度,我們誠摰的歡迎您加入我們的行列。
9/20 更新
台北總部-客服行政人員 富多美股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 32,000~35,000
1. 客服電話接聽及客服訊息回覆,客服支票退款申請及郵寄 **線上協助顧客操作使用【快照機】** 2. 處理客訴案件,解決顧客問題和處理抱怨 3. 總部郵務收發登錄,發送。 4.一般行政文書,資料建檔作業。 4. 其他主管交辦事項或部門業務支援
英語 条件要件
9/20 更新
客服行政專員 禾荃國際有限公司
月給 NT$ 30,000~33,000
*具備以下經驗者佳* 1. 具備1年以上電商經營經驗(官網/蝦皮/通路) 2. 具有電商及蝦皮客服等相關經驗,及良好的溝通協調及換位思考的能力 3.具耐心及高抗壓的工作心態 工作內容 1.售前顧客問題諮詢回覆,包含且不限商品諮詢、訂購流程、門市位置等 2.售後顧客服務維護,包含且不限於訂單處理、物流查詢、商品使用教學、訂單異常等 3.通路提案及聯盟行銷規劃及執行 4.協助線上線下促銷檔期活動內容規劃執行 5.電商平台商品維護及庫存管理 6. 零用金及簡易進出帳對帳及維護 7.完成主管交辦事項 8.其他行政工作及門市行政工作協助 *請注意* 1. 投遞履歷前請先詳閱品牌網站資訊:www.my-bras.com
英語 条件要件
9/20 更新
內勤/客服人員-早班 旺位有限公司
月給 NT$ 40,000~42,000
法定項目: 勞保、健保、加班費、週休二日、特別休假 【工作內容】 ◆ 執行公司行政業務及文書工作 ◆ 客戶來電服務與接待 ◆ 位置上架及客戶聯繫 ◆ 與客戶之溝通協調 【所需能力】 ◆ 基本電腦操作 ◆ Word、Excel簡易公式使用 ◆ 需要細心及仔細 熱烈歡迎積極、樂於學習成長的工作夥伴 【工作時間】 早上7點~下午3點 上班8個小時 周休一日 【薪資待遇】 正職:40000元~42000元,依能力表現加薪 【工作地點】新北市蘆洲區中興街 【福利】 ◆公司提供晚餐 ◆三節獎金、年終獎金 ◆零食飲料水果供應、不定時禮品 ◆不定時員工旅遊、聚餐 ◆對於工作穩定,認真的員工,老闆會持續加薪 需要長期穩定者,兼職短期者請勿來面試 【聯絡方式】 陳小姐0966807730
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誠徵助理 底薪(4.5W) 含勞健保 歡迎零經驗者(台中市北區) 全拓不動產有限公司
月給 NT$ 45,000+
工作內容 1.協助房客房東簽約 2.房屋拍照 3.雜項 4.協助開發物件業務
9/20 更新
系統客服專員(英語/越南語) 綠易股份有限公司
1. 需具備[中文、英文、越南語] 客服溝通能力。 2. GPM綠色產品、GHG碳管理系統之客戶諮詢、報修、系統操作之線上教學服務。 3. 進行系統功能簡易測試、問題收集整理、問題進度追蹤及客戶狀況排除。 4. 需協助翻譯產品多國語系文件。 5. 跨部門溝通協調、處理主管交辦事項、客服例行工作協調管理。 6. 具備高度服務熱忱、耐心、情緒管理能力及正面積極態度。
9/20 更新
(無經驗可)customer relationship representive(客戶關係專員) 盛天國際有限公司
月給 NT$ 40,000~45,000
【公司簡介】 盛天國際為海外企業立足亞洲區域提供強大支持,我們向企業客戶提供專業高效的用戶支持、數據分析及人力資源管理等一站式解決方案。 【工作簡介】 1.熟悉公司規章及客服作業流程 2.傾聽並能迅速回覆顧客問題解決客戶疑問 3.定期與主管檢視顧客滿意度,並調整日後客服技巧改善及調整 4.負責接聽客戶服務專線,並協助客戶解決問題。 5.接聽客戶查詢、異動、申請電話、客戶諮詢服務、客戶訂單受理、處理客訴問題、客戶售後服務 6.電話詢問顧客意見,及客服人員自身意見提供,以供公司做改進 完成主管交辦事項 ◍提供完整入職培訓課程 ◍明確考核制度與升遷管道
9/20 更新
Online customer service representative (線上客服專員)(需輪班) 有獎金 盛天國際有限公司
月給 NT$ 32,000~35,000
1. 熟悉公司的規章及客服作業流程 2. 善於傾聽並能快速回應顧客問題,以及有效溝通解決客戶疑問,反應快速且溝通能力佳 3. 定期與主管檢視顧客滿意度,並根據反饋調整客服技巧,持續改善服務品質 4. 處理客戶的查詢、異動、申請電話、諮詢服務、訂單受理、售後服務等事務 5. 收集顧客意見,並提供個人建議以協助公司改進 6. 屬於純內勤工作,無業績壓力 7. 完成主管交辦的任務 另外,我們提供完整的入職培訓課程,並有明確的考核制度與升遷管道。
9/20 更新
電商事業部 - Amazon電商營運專員 ( 宜蘭科學園區) 立達國際電子股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 35,000~80,000
大夜班工作,每月夜班加給新台幣10000元。 1. 電商市場分析。 2. 定價及損益評估。 3. 行銷/銷售策略擬定與執行。 4. 日銷售量/周銷售量/月銷售量追蹤及評估檢討。 5. 庫存管理及電商平台操作。 6. 售後服務/客服。 7. 歡迎國外知名大學或在台國立大學以上學歷畢業投遞履歷表
英語 条件要件
9/20 更新
愛烤愛對囉 台南店 晚班外場正職人員 愛烤愛對囉_仕也有限公司
月給 NT$ 33,500~34,000
我們的這項職務,負責的工作內容有: .負責為顧客帶位、介紹用餐方式、環境。 .將菜單遞給顧客、解決顧客提出之疑問,並給予餐點上的建議。 .後續將顧客點餐訊息通知廚房做餐,或可進行簡易餐飲之料理,如:燒烤示範或調配飲料等。 .於顧客用餐完畢後,負責收拾碗盤與清理環境。 .負責清理工作環境、設備和餐具。 .提供客戶服務工作及客戶關係之維護。 .按照規定的作業流程,提供客戶服務。
9/20 更新
電商事業部 - 英文/日文電商運營與客服專員 ( 宜科 ) 立達國際電子股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 30,000~80,000
1.負責上傳產品網路美編圖片。 2.負責客戶售後服務相關電子郵件的回覆。 3.客戶退貨換貨及檢修等RMA處理,電話回覆,安排寄送新品。 4.對消費性電子產品有熱誠。 5. 歡迎國內外一流大學畢業。
9/20 更新
Philippine Customer Service- Part-time 東聯互動股份有限公司
時給 NT$ 185~185
Mabuhay Kapamilya ! Gusto mo bang maging isa sa Team namin? Join our Team "Filipino" Students, Taiwan ID, ARC Taiwanese Spouse *must have valid Work permit *must speak Filipino & English, Chinese not require but a plus! *must have a laptop/ computer- Work from Home (WFH) -Job position: Customer Service Representative (Part time) *Replying to customers' inquiries via phone calls, Facebook, LINE *other duties assigned by Managers Working hours: Flexible *Hybrid Working Set up - mixed WFH and OFFICE (DIngpu, New Taipei) Applicants who can work LONG-TERM are given priority. Send your CV to: louie@eui.money
フィリピン語 条件要件
9/19 更新
Sr. Service Engineer_24734 Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
•Handle deployment, maintenance, and troubleshooting of servers, GPU systems, networking, and configurations in data centers. •Service replaceable components and diagnose issues with various GPU systems. •Ensure prompt resolution of escalations and assist with Linux support. •Work with managers to define service programs, share knowledge, and train new engineers on data center practices. •Travel to data centers to resolve customer issues and provide training. •Take ownership of customer base, demonstrate self-sufficiency, and effectively resolve technical issues in data centers. •Manage time effectively, work flexible hours, and drive to different data center locations as needed. •Generate meaningful reports and metrics related to data center operations.
英語 条件要件
9/19 更新
日本語対応テクニカルサポート Customer Support Specialist (Japanese Speaking) 美商浪橋科技股份有限公司_Splashtop Inc.
【Splashtopについて】 弊社はアメリカ・シリコンバレーのベンチャー企業によって開発され、世界中で急速にユーザーを獲得したリモートデスクトップアプリ「Splashtop」を提供するSaaS企業です。 当社の製品は複数のプラットフォーム(Windows、macOS、iOS、Android)に対応しており、ITおよび教育コミュニティで高く評価されています。 詳細はwww.splashtop.comおよびwww.mirroring360.comをご覧ください。App Store / Google PlayでSplashtopを検索することもできます。 全世界で3,000万人以上のユーザーがおり、日本でも5,000社以上が導入し、問い合わせも増えてまいりましたため、ユーザーの相談窓口となり、日本チームと台北にある開発チームとの間をつなぐテクニカルサポート担当を募集しています。 【職務内容】 この役割では、主に日本語を話すカスタマーサービス代表として、お客様の使い方に関する簡単な質問に対応するだけでなく、専門性の高い疑問や不具合の相談など、より複雑なケースにも対応し、お客様の満足度向上に貢献していただきます。当社では研修プログラムを提供し、常に上司や先輩がサポートする体制を整えていますので、未経験の方でもご安心ください! また、開発チームとのコミュニケーションは英語や中国語で行われるため、日常会話レベルの英語スキルまたは中国語スキルが必要です。開発チームと円滑なコミュニケーションを図りながら、業務を遂行していただきます。 ご応募の際は、言語スキルについてもご記入ください。 以下の業務を担当していただきます: 1. お客様や代理店とのコミュニケーションを通じて、適切なSplashtopサービスを推奨する 2. お客様のフィードバックを収集し、追跡し、迅速な解決策を提供する 3. 技術的な問題を分析し、社内の開発チームと連携して問題を解決する 4. 内部のチケットシステムを使用してメールの質問に回答する 5. テキストチャットシステムや電話を通じてユーザーの質問に回答する 6. 製品の改善に関する提案を行う 7. 週末や祝日を含む柔軟な勤務スケジュールに適応できること 外国籍の方も歓迎します! ご応募をお待ちしております。 【 About Splashtop】 Splashtop is a SaaS company offering industry-leading remote access/support services, one-to-many video conferencing, and mobile mirroring apps. Our product range covers multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) and is highly regarded in the IT and education community (see: www.splashtop.com and www.mirroring360.com, or look for Splashtop in App Store / Google Play). We have over 30 million users worldwide, and in Japan alone, more than 5,000 companies have adopted our product. Due to the increasing number of inquiries, we are looking for a technical support representative who will serve as the user's point of contact and bridge the gap between our Japan team and the development team in Taipei. 【What will you do in this role?】 In this role, you will primarily serve as a Japanese-speaking customer service representative, providing assistance not only for simple usage questions but also for complex inquiries and troubleshooting to enhance customer satisfaction. We provide training programs and have a support system in place with supervisors and senior colleagues, so even inexperienced individuals can feel at ease. Additionally, since communication with the development team is conducted in English or Chinese, English or Chinese communication skills are required. You will be responsible for working with Splashtop Japan office to cover below job contents to Japanese customers: 1. Communicate with customers and Japan resellers and recommend them for the right Splashtop service. 2. Collect/track customer feedback and provide timely solutions. 3. Analyze reported technical issues, and co-work with internal developers to remedy problems. 4. Use internal ticket systems to answer email questions. 5. Use text chat system and phone calls to answer users' questions. 6. Provide suggestions for product improvement. 7. Be able to adapt to flexible work schedules, including weekends and national holidays. - Foreign residents are welcomed!
9/19 更新
空運OP操作專員 Air Logistics Operational Care Specialist (台北) KUEHNE+NAGEL_台灣德迅國際運輸股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 36,000~45,000
Jump start your career with this excellent opportunity to join the world's leading forwarding and logistics organisation and be part of our ongoing success story. You will be enabling transport activities by executing bookings, entering orders + generating all required export /import documentation while liaising with our Customer Care Teams (CCL) + Revenue Care (RCC) teams to ensure all requirements are met (in a timely and efficient manner). As always, these activities are in line with all relevant governance + regulatory requirements. • To create/complete shipment details in our internal transport management system, coordinate with all involved stakeholders + organize transport based on the customer promise, obtain DG approvals where required, escalating discrepancies as required. • To monitor + report on the operational performance of carriers + other vendors as well as ensuring strong data quality is available for timely + accurate customer reporting. • To create files for consolidation (Export) or de-consolidation (Import). • To review + ensure alignment of shipping instructions including clarifying any deviations or conflicts while taking country regulations, export/import compliance, rate + routing information into consideration. • To accurately submit/issue all required documentation within 24 hours of departure in a timely manner. • To ensure departure + arrival confirmations (or deviations v. scheduled) are shared with CCLs. • To ensure cost awareness + efficiency through timely, accurate cost/revenue updates including profit maximization by providing cost awareness to the CCLs + RCC. • To support + resolve claims + disputes.
英語 条件要件
9/19 更新
PTSGI, International Department Business Developer (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 統一數位翻譯股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 36,000~42,000
1. Develop potential clients in the Netherlands through communication software/telephone/other promotion channels, chiefly to develop new leads for achieving performance goals. 2. Assist with account management for old and new clients. 3. Assist with order negotiations and case processing. 4. Travel abroad for business (e.g. to the headquarters in Taiwan) every year. 5. Conduct market research, collect market intelligence. 6. Must be proficient in Dutch (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and have basic Chinese communication skills. 7. Base salary and bonuses. 8. Comprehensive education and training. 9. People of all nationalities are welcome.
9/19 更新
Customer Support Specialist (Night Shift) 美商浪橋科技股份有限公司_Splashtop Inc.
▲ About Splashtop: Splashtop is a SaaS company offering industry-leading remote access / support services, and mobile mirroring apps. Our product range covers multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) and is highly regarded in the IT and education community (see: www.splashtop.com and www.mirroring360.com, or look for Splashtop in App Store / Google Play). Currently, we would like to find a bi-lingual (English and others) customer service representative whose main task is to assist customers in solving a broad range of technical and market-related topics, and to improve customer satisfaction for their success. ▲ What will you do in this role? 1. Communicate with customers and recommend them for the right Splashtop service. 2. Collect/track customer feedback and provide timely solutions. 3. Analyze reported technical issues, and co-work with internal developers to remedy problems. 4. Use internal ticket systems to answer email questions. 5. Use text chat system and phone calls to answer users' questions. 6. Provide suggestions for product improvement. 7. Be able to adapt to flexible work schedules, including weekends and national holidays. ▲ Preferred experience: 1. Language proficiency for Japanese/German/French/Italian/Spanish/Russian is a strong plus. - Foreign residents are welcomed!
英語 条件要件
9/19 更新
Vietnam Market Marketing Specialist 東聯互動股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 36,000~40,000
We are young and dynamic, looking forward to welcoming proactive and energetic colleagues who are willing to join us in shaping the future! Job Overview: You will be responsible for developing marketing strategies, promoting and maintaining good relationships with customers for the product line. In a highly competitive market environment, your role will be to drive the growth of the product line and provide excellent customer service experiences. Responsibilities and Duties: Marketing Strategy Development: Create and execute marketing plans for the product line, including target market positioning, competitive analysis, pricing strategies, product promotions, and brand management. Market Promotion Activities: Plan and implement online and offline activities such as advertising campaigns, physical events, etc., to enhance brand awareness, customer loyalty, and expand market share. Data Analysis: Collect and analyze market data and competitive intelligence to understand product demand trends, customer preferences, and market feedback, in order to support adjustments and optimization of marketing strategies. Customer Relationship Management: Establish long-term and stable relationships with existing customers, promptly respond to customer messages, address inquiries, and assist customers in completing transactions. Customer Feedback Management: Collect and analyze customer opinions and feedback, provide valuable information to internal teams for improving product features, quality, and service levels. Document Translation: Assist in translation to ensure clear understanding of the company's services and smooth operation of the app for customers. Job Requirements: 1.Minimum 2 years of work experience. 2.Education: Bachelor's degree or Master's degree. 3.Language Proficiency: English: Moderate level in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Chinese: Basic understanding in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vietnamese: Proficient level in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
9/19 更新
Customer Support Specialist (EU region) 美商浪橋科技股份有限公司_Splashtop Inc.
▲ About Splashtop: Splashtop is a SaaS company offering industry-leading remote access / support services, and mobile mirroring apps. Our product range covers multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) and is highly regarded in the IT and education community (see: www.splashtop.com and www.mirroring360.com, or look for Splashtop in App Store / Google Play). Currently, we would like to find an English-speaking customer service representative whose main task is to assist customers in solving a broad range of technical and market-related topics, and to improve customer satisfaction for their success. ▲ What will you do in this role? 1. Communicate with customers and recommend them for the right Splashtop service. 2. Collect/track customer feedback and provide timely solutions. 3. Analyze reported technical issues, and co-work with internal developers to remedy problems. 4. Use internal ticket systems to answer email questions. 5. Use text chat system and phone calls to answer users' questions. 6. Provide suggestions for product improvement. 7. Be able to adapt to flexible work schedules, including weekends, national holidays. ▲ Preferred experience: 1. Language proficiency for Japanese/German/French/Italian/Spanish/Russian is a strong plus. - Foreign residents are welcomed!
英語 条件要件
9/19 更新
Customer Support Specialist (German Speaking) 美商浪橋科技股份有限公司_Splashtop Inc.
▲ About Splashtop: Splashtop is a SaaS company offering industry-leading remote access / support services, one-to-many video conferencing, and mobile mirroring apps. Our product range covers multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) and is highly regarded in the IT and education community (see: www.splashtop.com and www.mirroring360.com, or look for Splashtop in App Store / Google Play). Currently, we would like to find a German-speaking customer service representative whose main task is to assist customers in solving a broad range of technical and market-related topics, and to improve customer satisfaction for their success. ▲ What will you do in this role? 1. Communicate with customers and recommend them for the right Splashtop service. 2. Collect/track customer feedback and provide timely solutions. 3. Analyze reported technical issues, and co-work with internal developers to remedy problems. 4. Use internal ticket systems to answer email questions. 5. Use text chat system and phone calls to answer users' questions. 6. Provide suggestions for product improvement. 7. Be able to adapt to flexible work schedules, including weekends and national holidays. - Foreign residents are welcomed!
9/19 更新