2,253 の結果
PCBA 焊接工程師 宸鼎精密有限公司
月給 NT$ 35,000~45,000
1.負責手工焊接各類電子元件到印刷電路板(PCB)上 2.根據產品技術要求進行高精度焊接 3.檢查並確保焊接點的質量與穩定性,避免漏焊、假焊等問題 4.按照IPC-A-610標準進行焊接與品質檢查 5.參與產品的返工與維修焊接,確保符合設計要求
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汽車檢驗員 一誠文教事業股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 35,000~45,000
汽車修護類證照 汽車檢驗員 乙級汽車修護技術士 汽油廢氣稽查檢驗證
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修護管制員 安捷航空股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 30,000+
■ 航空器維修調度管制 ■ 協助整合航空器機隊維修管理,及航空器調度作業 ■ 支援機隊例行與非例行維修項目安排與修護日期制訂 ■ 其他主管交辦事項
英語 条件要件
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【直昇機】 吊掛手 安捷航空股份有限公司
@ 跟隨直昇機出勤,進行空中吊掛作業 Go on duty with the helicopter and perform aerial hoisting operations @ 具英文閱讀、溝通能力尤佳 English reading and communication skills are a plus ※工作地點:台灣中部(中、彰一帶)※ 實際地點將依後續基地設置位置,於面試或是確認後告知。 Work location: Central Taiwan (Taichung, Changhua)
英語 条件要件
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【直昇機】 機械員/維修技師 安捷航空股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 36,000+
@ 具行航空器維修、檢驗經驗(直升機尤佳) Experience in aircraft maintenance and inspection (especially helicopters) @ 具英文閱讀、溝通能力尤佳 English reading and communication skills are a plus ※工作地點:台灣中部(中、彰一帶)※ Work location: Central Taiwan (Taichung, Changhua)
英語 条件要件
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【直昇機】維修工程師_需具CAA B1.3檢定執照 安捷航空股份有限公司
@ 直升機維修、檢驗經驗 Helicopter maintenance or inspection experience. @ 可獨立執行直升機維修、簽放 Independently perform helicopter maintenance and airworthiness release. @ 持有民航局『航空器維修工程師 B1.3執照』,有完整工作經歷及訓練記錄; CAA engineer license B1.3, with maintenance experience logbook and training records. @ 需具有一定航空英文程度(具TOEIC成績尤佳) A certain level of aviation English is required (TOEIC scores are preferred) ※工作地點:台灣中部(中、彰一帶)※ Work location: Central Taiwan (Taichung, Changhua)
英語 条件要件
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【長期招募】航空器維修工程師_需具CAA B1.2檢定執照_臺東 安捷航空股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 58,000+
@ 地面裝備維護 @ 地面勤務 @ 協助飛機各項修維護工作 @ 主管交辦事項 ※ 本職務將優先錄取臺東本地人or於臺東有房舍/住處者;若無公司將視狀況安排宿舍 ※
英語 条件要件
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【長期招募】助理機械員/航空器維修人員_臺東 安捷航空股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 35,000~45,000
@ 地面裝備維護 @ 地面勤務 @ 協助飛機各項修維護工作 @ 主管交辦事項 ※ 外縣市同仁,公司將視情況安排宿舍 ※
英語 条件要件
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安全系統維護工程師(新竹) 崇奕系統工程股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 35,050+
1.閉路監視設備、門禁刷卡設備、環控設備安裝檢修、巡檢、故障排除 2.支援門禁及安全系統建置、安裝及維護 3.安全門禁及監視安全系統等設備駐廠維護保養服務 4.硬體維修及軟體設定 5.晶圓廠駐廠工程師 6.肯學習無經驗可
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I want you 冷氣技師、空調職人 鴻昌空調設備有限公司
月給 NT$ 45,000+
*《全職月薪》 助理起薪41000-48000不等 工程師70000起 面議依能力給薪 考核通過可加薪 自己的薪水自己掌握 *《工作內容》 ·負責空調設備工程的規劃、施作、監工、維修及保養工作。 ·依藍圖、設計規格確實安裝空調系統 ·維修問題技術分析。 ·能與客戶進行有效溝通,並解決客戶需求。 ·配合主管其他工作相關交辦事項。 *《福利制度》 ·全勤獎金 ·考核調薪 ·餐費津貼 ·加班費 ·三節獎金 ·勞健保+團保 ·尾牙 ·年終 ·不定時聚餐 ·提供制服 用最專業的服務讓客人喜歡我們的服務,支持我們的專業 ·熱情不怕苦肯學 ·無經驗可 ·無條件傳授經驗技巧 我們是家有活力拼勁的公司,歡迎想要高收入跟愛動物的你加入
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Field Application Engineer 台灣杜邦股份有限公司
The FAE position should be easy to work with and with their broad knowledge they should be perceived as an extension of the customers design team [Engineering Intimacy]. The FAE must be able to pull in the necessary resources within the company to provide the customer with quick turnaround on all their engineering challenges. RESPONSIBILITIES • Utilize all product offerings, providing insightful and detailed design solution. • Present design solutions to customer team, utilizing solid model design techniques during presentation. • Manage and direct a product development design team consisting of multiple engineering disciplines. • Drive prototype, tool build, and initial production build to meet customer timelines. • Keep work skills current to insure Laird competitiveness in a dynamic global business environment. May require extensive travel to customer sites required providing design specific solutions. • Manage and coordinate activities between departments to meet product development requirements. REQUIREMENTS • Familiar with Thermal dynamic and EMI debug products, covering Thermal Interface Material, EMI gasket, Elastomer, Paste, Metal/Shielding, Absorber, Inductive Components. With understanding of RF related product design is a plus. • Experience in software such as HFSS, CST, ANSYS or Flotherm will be preferred. • Proficient with solid-modeling software, preferable Pro/Engineering. • Personal computer skills such as MICROSOFT OFFICE and relational database. • Excellent communication skills • Ability to work well in a Team environment and under direct supervision. • Effectively present information and respond to questions from groups. • Ability to work with clearly defined project steps. EDUCATION / EXPERIENCE • Bachelor's Degree in engineering or technical field, Major in Material Science or Radio will be preferred. • Knowledge in material development or Thermal/EMI/EMC products will be preferred. • Experience and knowledge in QA testing procedures will be preferred. • Engineer with at least 3-5 years of design experience. To engage in early participation in PCB board level design to help identify and prevent potential EMC and Thermal problems.
9/19 更新
Global Installation Engineer 全球裝機工程師 - 台南 (濕蝕刻 Clean、蝕刻 Etch、薄膜沉積 Thin Film) 美商_科林研發股份有限公司_Lam Research
1. High travel rate: 75% of the time, including international travel (could over 50%). 2. Comply with all safety procedures and demonstrate safety consistently as a value. 3. Complete the installation by consistent result with specified cycle times. Control the spending within budget. Train the local engineer to have same knowledge and skills. 4. Perform all standard installation activities from system move-in (Tier0), hardware setup (Tier1), process tuning (Tier2) independently. 5. Be able to run upon shift model as needed and perform routine preventative maintenance within established timeframes. Complete quality repairs. 6. Plan assimilation & Training: Train ramping operations (SOP, EHS), product knowledge assimilation, and conduct cross-product training during off-ramping. 7. Organize startup lesson learn with overall account team. 8. Work with site management to drive the MFG (manufacturing) quality improvement plan. 9. Diagnose and resolve technical problems. Use training and experience to identify process and software or hardware related system problems. 10. Assume responsibility to follow customer ground rules, regulations, and for complete customer satisfaction within work area. Assist in planning, communicating, and coordinating the installation plans with customer. 11. Respond to fab issues by communicating with other engineers and participating in escalation conference calls. Apply diagnostic techniques, using of documentation, and test equipment with assistance from senior engineer. May participate in projects to reduce costs and increase uptime.
英語 条件要件
9/19 更新
Sr. Service Engineer_24734 Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
•Handle deployment, maintenance, and troubleshooting of servers, GPU systems, networking, and configurations in data centers. •Service replaceable components and diagnose issues with various GPU systems. •Ensure prompt resolution of escalations and assist with Linux support. •Work with managers to define service programs, share knowledge, and train new engineers on data center practices. •Travel to data centers to resolve customer issues and provide training. •Take ownership of customer base, demonstrate self-sufficiency, and effectively resolve technical issues in data centers. •Manage time effectively, work flexible hours, and drive to different data center locations as needed. •Generate meaningful reports and metrics related to data center operations.
英語 条件要件
9/19 更新
日本語対応テクニカルサポート Customer Support Specialist (Japanese Speaking) 美商浪橋科技股份有限公司_Splashtop Inc.
【Splashtopについて】 弊社はアメリカ・シリコンバレーのベンチャー企業によって開発され、世界中で急速にユーザーを獲得したリモートデスクトップアプリ「Splashtop」を提供するSaaS企業です。 当社の製品は複数のプラットフォーム(Windows、macOS、iOS、Android)に対応しており、ITおよび教育コミュニティで高く評価されています。 詳細はwww.splashtop.comおよびwww.mirroring360.comをご覧ください。App Store / Google PlayでSplashtopを検索することもできます。 全世界で3,000万人以上のユーザーがおり、日本でも5,000社以上が導入し、問い合わせも増えてまいりましたため、ユーザーの相談窓口となり、日本チームと台北にある開発チームとの間をつなぐテクニカルサポート担当を募集しています。 【職務内容】 この役割では、主に日本語を話すカスタマーサービス代表として、お客様の使い方に関する簡単な質問に対応するだけでなく、専門性の高い疑問や不具合の相談など、より複雑なケースにも対応し、お客様の満足度向上に貢献していただきます。当社では研修プログラムを提供し、常に上司や先輩がサポートする体制を整えていますので、未経験の方でもご安心ください! また、開発チームとのコミュニケーションは英語や中国語で行われるため、日常会話レベルの英語スキルまたは中国語スキルが必要です。開発チームと円滑なコミュニケーションを図りながら、業務を遂行していただきます。 ご応募の際は、言語スキルについてもご記入ください。 以下の業務を担当していただきます: 1. お客様や代理店とのコミュニケーションを通じて、適切なSplashtopサービスを推奨する 2. お客様のフィードバックを収集し、追跡し、迅速な解決策を提供する 3. 技術的な問題を分析し、社内の開発チームと連携して問題を解決する 4. 内部のチケットシステムを使用してメールの質問に回答する 5. テキストチャットシステムや電話を通じてユーザーの質問に回答する 6. 製品の改善に関する提案を行う 7. 週末や祝日を含む柔軟な勤務スケジュールに適応できること 外国籍の方も歓迎します! ご応募をお待ちしております。 【 About Splashtop】 Splashtop is a SaaS company offering industry-leading remote access/support services, one-to-many video conferencing, and mobile mirroring apps. Our product range covers multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) and is highly regarded in the IT and education community (see: www.splashtop.com and www.mirroring360.com, or look for Splashtop in App Store / Google Play). We have over 30 million users worldwide, and in Japan alone, more than 5,000 companies have adopted our product. Due to the increasing number of inquiries, we are looking for a technical support representative who will serve as the user's point of contact and bridge the gap between our Japan team and the development team in Taipei. 【What will you do in this role?】 In this role, you will primarily serve as a Japanese-speaking customer service representative, providing assistance not only for simple usage questions but also for complex inquiries and troubleshooting to enhance customer satisfaction. We provide training programs and have a support system in place with supervisors and senior colleagues, so even inexperienced individuals can feel at ease. Additionally, since communication with the development team is conducted in English or Chinese, English or Chinese communication skills are required. You will be responsible for working with Splashtop Japan office to cover below job contents to Japanese customers: 1. Communicate with customers and Japan resellers and recommend them for the right Splashtop service. 2. Collect/track customer feedback and provide timely solutions. 3. Analyze reported technical issues, and co-work with internal developers to remedy problems. 4. Use internal ticket systems to answer email questions. 5. Use text chat system and phone calls to answer users' questions. 6. Provide suggestions for product improvement. 7. Be able to adapt to flexible work schedules, including weekends and national holidays. - Foreign residents are welcomed!
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Technical Support Engineer (Spanish, Portugese) ASUSTOR_華芸科技股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 30,000~70,000
1. Provide technical support and services through phone, email, support ticket system, live chat, forum. 2. Provide technical training to distributors and dealers. 3. Update Frequent Asked Questions and technical knowledgebase 4. Handle RMA/DOA requests 5. Gather users' feedback and suggestions for product manager, marketing and testing departments to further improve product features and quality
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Technical Support Engineer (German) ASUSTOR_華芸科技股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 30,000~70,000
1. Provide technical support and services through phone, email, support ticket system, live chat, forum. 2. Provide technical training to distributors and dealers. 3. Update Frequent Asked Questions and technical knowledgebase 4. Handle RMA/DOA requests 5. Gather users' feedback and suggestions for product manager, marketing and testing departments to further improve product features and quality
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Technical Support Engineer (カスタマーサポート) ASUSTOR_華芸科技股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 30,000~70,000
1. Provide technical support and services to customers: You will help the customers to troubleshoot and resolve technical requests via phone, email, support system, forum etc. 2. Provide technical training to distributors and/or dealers. 3. Update the FAQs & technical Knowledgebase from time to time based on the requests received from our customers. 4. Handle RMA/DOA requests. 5. Gather customers' feedbacks and suggestions for PM/MKT/QA to enhance our products.
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【電信技術解決方案部】Telecom Solution Architect 現觀科技股份有限公司
The candidate will be responsible for technical pre-sales activities, supporting account team and customers in establishing, developing and closing business opportunities. Responsibility • Technical support on mobile geo-location solution selling, including customer engagement, tender response, customer requirement clarification, technical solution proposal writing...etc. ‒ Presenting the mobile network analytics solution and demonstrating the product to prospective customers. ‒ Conducting pre-sale activities by composing technical proposal, helping solution design, supporting trials, preparing documents, and training customers. ‒ Responding RFI/RFP from prospective customers. ‒ Identifying requirements from mobile operators and communicating with product team to evaluate and include the requirements on the product roadmap. ‒ PoC activity handling for the solution system. • Project delivery support, including customer network topology data arrangement, miscellaneous technical consulting from customer, support on acceptance activities...etc • Product development support, including algorithm rule defining, customization effort evaluation, 3rd party solution integration discussion...etc
英語 条件要件
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Technical Support Engineer 技術支援工程師 ASUSTOR_華芸科技股份有限公司
月給 NT$ 30,000~70,000
1. Provide technical support and services through phone, email, support ticket system, live chat, forum. 2. Provide technical training to distributors and dealers. 3. Update Frequent Asked Questions and technical knowledgebase 4. Handle RMA/DOA requests 5. Gather users' feedback and suggestions for product manager, marketing and testing departments to further improve product features and quality
英語 条件要件
9/19 更新
Customer Support Specialist (Night Shift) 美商浪橋科技股份有限公司_Splashtop Inc.
▲ About Splashtop: Splashtop is a SaaS company offering industry-leading remote access / support services, and mobile mirroring apps. Our product range covers multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) and is highly regarded in the IT and education community (see: www.splashtop.com and www.mirroring360.com, or look for Splashtop in App Store / Google Play). Currently, we would like to find a bi-lingual (English and others) customer service representative whose main task is to assist customers in solving a broad range of technical and market-related topics, and to improve customer satisfaction for their success. ▲ What will you do in this role? 1. Communicate with customers and recommend them for the right Splashtop service. 2. Collect/track customer feedback and provide timely solutions. 3. Analyze reported technical issues, and co-work with internal developers to remedy problems. 4. Use internal ticket systems to answer email questions. 5. Use text chat system and phone calls to answer users' questions. 6. Provide suggestions for product improvement. 7. Be able to adapt to flexible work schedules, including weekends and national holidays. ▲ Preferred experience: 1. Language proficiency for Japanese/German/French/Italian/Spanish/Russian is a strong plus. - Foreign residents are welcomed!
英語 条件要件
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