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COOLER MASTER自1992年成立至今,不僅在專業代工提供符合客戶需求的散熱產品,同時也藉由創新設計、專業技術成為世界專業散熱領導廠商。 本公司是以顧客滿意為最終目標,透過鼓勵創新、提升研發實力和改善生產流程,提供最先進、快速的產品給客戶領先同業;最有利的商機給合作夥伴,達到競爭力。 公司能即時供應全球化市場需求,並提供顧客更好的服務品質。 歡迎各界人才加入Cooler Master,一同站上國際舞台。 ▲ ODM/研發/製造: ▲ 品牌/電競: ▲ Cooler Master facebook: ▲ 台北_內湖創客大樓介紹: 更多資訊請參考: Cooler Master always work toward to the best and contribute more to our customers and the communities. With more than two-decade dedication, Cooler Master managed to be a reliable and trustworthy partner for worldwide tier-1 leaders across industries. Cooler Master is to bring out enjoyment and satisfaction in people through INNOVATION, AGILITY, and PROFESSION. We are proud of the “Cooler Master Spirit” – by treating each other with compassion and care; we value teamwork with respect and appreciation. We improve system and process with focus and discipline; we resolve problems with creativity and Innovation, and we close deals with accountability and Integrity. Every Client is unique and exclusive, Cooler Master’s customized solutions and services that take into consideration all the needs of each client to ensure customer satisfaction and thus to develop long-term partnership through proactive engagement. Please refer to the link below for more information:

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Sản phẩm chính

Industry Applications: 1.Client Devices 2.Telecommunications 3.Cloud Data Center 4.Automotive 4.1 ADAS (Advanced driver assistance systems) 4.2 Automotvie headlight 4.3 Charging Stations 5.Renewable energy

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
●年節獎金 / 福利補助 1. 三節禮金 2. 生日禮金 3. 結婚禮金 4. 生育禮金 5. 住院慰問 ● 員工保險 1.法定保險:勞健保 2.團體保險 :壽險、意外險、意外醫療險、住院醫療險、癌症險、職業災害險 3.旅遊平安險 ● 制度 1. 能力及績效導向之薪酬管理 2. 客觀的績效評核制度 3. 透明化的小老闆選舉制度及升等管道 4. 營運獲利分享的小老闆奬金制度 ● 請 / 休假制度 1.週休二日 2.特休假 ● 休閒 / 照顧 1. 部門聚餐/活動 2. 國內外旅遊補助 3. 員工健康檢查 4. 免費舒壓按摩 《以上相關福利制度會依各廠區,項目內容皆有不同與調整》

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

Business Project Manager(Server) Cooler Master_訊凱國際股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.Develop and monitor project plans for thermal module of server to ensure timely completion. 2.Communicate with clients to understand and meet their requirements. 3.Coordinate with internal teams to ensure thermal module of server meet technical specifications and quality standards. 4.Manage project resources and budgets to ensure cost-effectiveness. 5.Oversee testing and quality inspection, identifying and resolving project risks. 6.Coordinate production management to ensure smooth processes and meet capacity targets.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
10/15 Cập nhật
FP&A Manager Cooler Master_訊凱國際股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
Responsibilities: 1、Provide leadership and strategic support to the Corporate Finance team, ensuring efficient operations and project execution. 2、Assist the corporation in Financial Reporting, Analysis & Planning: Leading complex financial modeling and analysis (e.g., consolidated reports, capital budgeting, investment analysis) 3、Produce monthly P&L reports providing financial commentary and variance analysis on the monthly results vs. forecast, highlighting risks and opportunities. 4、Local statutory/tax/regulatory compliance and filings. 5、Conduct in-depth research and analysis on financial trends, market conditions, and industry benchmarks to inform strategic decision-making. 6、Develop and present comprehensive reports and presentations for senior management and external stakeholders. 7、Manage and mentor junior team members, providing guidance and ensuring their professional development. 8、Develop and maintain strong relationships with other departments (e.g., Sales, Operations, Engineering) to ensure alignment and collaboration. 9、Assume full responsibility for the team and their activities, leading and overseeing all aspects of the department.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/15 Cập nhật
Mechanical Design Engineer Cooler Master_訊凱國際股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
What You Will Be Doing: Coolermaster Automotive’s Team is seeking a Mechanical Design Engineer or Senior Mechanical Design Engineer to join our team. As a member of the MDE team you will be a driving force of innovation and helping build the future of electric vehicle in thermal solution. The Mechanical Design Engineer or Senior Mechanical Design Engineer will play a direct role in the design and execution of automotive thermal cooling solutions’ products. We are seeking a confident and personable engineer who has exceptional manufacturing experience, including design for manufacturing, design for cost and assembly, supplier production tooling development with a proven track record of delivering world-class products in cross-functional teams. What You Will Bring to Coolermaster: Responsibilities: As a Mechanical Design Engineer or Senior Mechanical Design Engineer, your responsibilities will focus on the manufacturability, cost effectiveness, and design for quality of current production and new products •Interfacing directly with Asia suppliers to efficiently execute designs, tooling development and mass production •Identifying design opportunities for quality, cost, assembly, and manufacturing •Responsible for all mechanical and mechanism aspects from design (including calculation, drawing, tolerance stacking, etc), prototype, EVT (CP), DVT (VP), PVT (TT), until MP. •Responsible to the Root cause and failure analysis on current products from Design Failure mode and effects analysis (DFMEA) and Process failure mode and effects analysis (PMFEA) to confirm the reliability and conformity of each part of their functional usage. •Communicating Design for Manufacturability (DFM) W/T various vendors, work closely with Clients’ Product development team and updated for process evaluation and the changes with pertinent team members. •Responsible for the maintaining field issue from understanding issue; finding root cause; providing S/T, M/T and L/T Solution; testing solution; design review with pertinent team members, cross functions and cross departments; until providing accurate SOP with manufacturing department and Technical department (FAE engineering). Location: •Taipei-Taiwan •Huizhou-China
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
10/15 Cập nhật
品質可靠度(短期)約聘助理 Cooler Master_訊凱國際股份有限公司
Lương theo giờ NT$ 200+
職責內容: 1. 協助工程師進行產品樣品安排、追蹤進度。 2. 協助工程師進行資料&基本數據蒐集,支援資料的整理與統計。 3. 熟練操作 Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint),協助key in。 4. 處理辦公室日常行政事務 5. 配合團隊需求,協助部門內部跨部門溝通,確保專案進展順利。 6. 其他主管交辦事項。 註:初期約聘3個月,後續視表現予以轉正
Bán thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/15 Cập nhật
訊凱桃園龜山廠_水冷產品技術員 Cooler Master_訊凱國際股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 30,000~36,000
按產線生產工單調試對應治工具. 對產線治工具的使用狀況進行確認. 機器設備保養/點檢/調試. 對已到使用期限的治工具進行送校. 對產線使用中不良的治工具進行維修. 對部門所有固定資產進行保管/盤點. 輔料導熱膏,手套,酒精等物品的管理,發放,領用. 按時完成上級臨時安排的任務. 不合格品分類/維修/重工 參加內部教育訓練課程
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/15 Cập nhật
MFG (林口) 生產製造課長 Cooler Master_訊凱國際股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.協調各產線運作,持績提升生產部門績效 2.每周出貨量、每日達成進度管理,主導部門內部會議,各項生產KPI訂立與成效追蹤 3.未結工單追蹤結案、未結改善控管 4.產線異常管理、車間工作分配 6.監督施工狀況 7.控管組裝工時,無效工時統計分析、管控製造成本、人員工費率 8.執行業務、生管單位通知異常叫修,跨部門/跨單位的溝通協調 9.了解識圖、設備架構 10.現場製程改善,作業環境優化及5S管理 11.超領耗材原因分析並擬定對策進行成本管控 12.實施並制訂部門教育訓練計劃及管理規章制度 13.直通率管控與提升CIP 14.各項DOE、實驗規劃、專案管理 工作待遇:將依學經歷進行敘薪、職稱職等核算
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/15 Cập nhật
龜山廠_CDU機台操作員 Cooler Master_訊凱國際股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 30,000+
1. 測試/組裝/包裝 2. 機台操作
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/15 Cập nhật
訊凱桃園龜山廠_生產助理 Cooler Master_訊凱國際股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 32,000~35,000
1.生產數據統計/異常數據統計/OEE/表單彙整 2.產線治工具設備計劃管理/保養/維修/請購相關事務安排 3.生產設備、治工具相關耗材盤點/請購 4.生產相關治工具定期維護/送校. 5.環安相關事務表單/點檢 6.產線固資/標籤維護 7.日常會議記錄/追踪跟進 8.廠端相關數據表單建立/維護 9.廠端6S日常跟進
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/15 Cập nhật
(海外)稅務專員 Cooler Master_訊凱國際股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 30,000+
1、熟製造業成本、進出口作業會計相關經驗。 2、熟越南會計準則,具VAT、FCT、CIT申報實務。 3、公司內控與稽核事項之審核。 4、主管交辦事項。 5、具熱情、可接受求新求變者請立即加入我們。 6、熟悉越南稅務申報經驗者佳
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/15 Cập nhật
(海外)財務專員 Cooler Master_訊凱國際股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 30,000+
1、資金收、付款及換匯操作維護。 2、承接銀行授信作業。 3、財務內稽內控審核及傳票製作。 4、主管交辦事項。 5、熱情、可接受求新求變者請立即加入我們。
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/15 Cập nhật
訊凱桃園龜山廠_製造領班 Cooler Master_訊凱國際股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 32,000+
•部門內生產產品數量及當日出貨數量的確認. •部門內生產進度跟進. •部門內生產現狀的資料維護. •部門內生產安排、人力調配及加班狀況定義. •跨工段與跨部門的溝通協調 •部門內車間相關的規劃與實施5S環境維護 •部門內的改善計劃與實施 •人員的培訓及教育訓練 •完成上級臨時交辦之任務 •外籍同仁翻譯及紀律維持
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/15 Cập nhật