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我們主要服務客戶群為台北美國學校、台北歐洲學校的學生及家長,提供全英文、多項科目的補習業務。 聘用相關專業人員,提供有關美國基礎入學考試,進階測驗等相關諮詢及顧問服務。 此外,科技部門還提供相關高科技手作科學與程式設計的課程。 我們主要服務客戶群為台北美國學校、台北歐洲學校的學生及家長,提供全英文、多項科目的補習業務。 聘用相關專業人員,提供有關美國基礎入學考試,進階測驗等相關諮詢及顧問服務。 此外,科技部門還提供相關高科技手作科學與程式設計的課程。 TeachME is a team of teachers that each specialize in a specific area and age group. Our mission is to provide educational services to meet the needs of students from Taipei American School, Taipei European School, or other international and local schools. We want to help students discover their fullest learning potential and talents. We are proud to provide our personalized tutoring services for numerous students and professionals throughout Taipei with over many years of excellence in education. Assessments are used to develop a customized report for each individual and are used to provide appropriate learning goals. Services are offered to individuals of all ages and levels. Please click on our services page for more information on the services offered.

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對於我們的學生及家長,我們給予最高的待遇,用心聆聽每位家長的想法,以及孩子們的心聲,再以最專業以及嚴謹的態度,去針對每一位學生,量身訂做打造專屬的課程,以達到教學的最高品質,並且讓孩子能熱愛學習,在學習中獲得成就感。 我們走在趨勢之前,全力提供最頂尖的資源給員工使用,我們非常看重每一位員工,樂意栽培想成長的同仁,並且注重工作品質,以及提供舒適的休息環境,我們樂於傾聽與討論,目標營造更好的未來。


我們的員工有來自不同國家的外國人,在大家的互動中,不但尊重每個文化的差異,並且能在不同文化之間學習。工作的團隊,非常重視協調與溝通,我們廣納不同的意見,促進公司的進步;我們不分你我,公司的同仁們就像家人,只要需要協助,就不吝嗇的伸出援手,互相幫忙,以達到工作的最高效率,也因此,能創造開心的工作環境。 更有以下多項福利: 獎金類 (1)合約工作期滿獎金 (2)績效獎金、(3)特殊節日禮金 保險類 (1)除基本勞健保外及勞退金提撥(本國人)外,額外幫同仁加保團體意外險 休假制度 (1)全職週休二日、兼職: 排班 (2)特休天數依據勞基法規定 公司制度 (1)提供在職教育訓練 (2)內外訓/講座/出國旅遊 (3)暢通的升遷管道 (4)替外國人申請工作證、居留證 We provide: 1. work permit 2. ARC 3. Health Insurance 4. Bonus 5. Air tickets ( Conditional )

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Science Teacher 教教我國際教育_臺北市私立教教我文理短期補習班
Salary negotiable
TeachME recruits year-round for qualified native English speaking candidates for lower, middle and upper school tutoring positions. All candidates should have a Bachelor’s degree and relevant teaching experience in an American or an international school system. Interested parties should visit TeachME website: www.teachme.center and complete and send a professional application form and a letter of interest directly. Candidates should indicate previous teaching experience, availability, and if they would prefer to teach in lower, middle or upper School. 1 TeachME offers ARC 1
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/26 Updated
Native English Speaker - English Teacher 教教我國際教育_臺北市私立教教我文理短期補習班
Salary negotiable
TeachME recruits year-round for qualified native English speaking candidates for lower, middle and upper school Tutoring positions. All candidates should have a Bachelor’s degree and relevant teaching experience in an American or an international school system. Interested parties please visit TeachME website- www.teachme.center and complete and send a professional application form and a letter of interest directly. Candidates should indicate previous teaching experience, availability, and if they would prefer to teach in lower, middle or upper School. TeachME offers ARC
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/26 Updated
全職英文行政秘書 教教我國際教育_臺北市私立教教我文理短期補習班
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~40,000
我們是一家位於台北市天母的補習班,正在尋找一名全職主任行政秘書。 我們正在尋找一位以中文為母語且英語水平良好的人士。 我們將提供培訓和材料。 工作時間和福利: 工作時間: 這是一個 5 天的全職職位 - 每週 40 小時。週間上班時間:12pm to 8:30 pm ( 包含30 分鐘休息) 週六工作是必須的。週六上班時間:10am to 6:30 pm( 包含30 分鐘休息) 休息日是周日 + 一個工作日。 福利: 健康和勞動保險,帶薪國定假日,帶薪病假。 友好的工作環境,員工來自多個國家。 工作地點:台北天母 薪資範圍:35,000 ~ 40,000 新台幣/月,視經驗而定。 契約完成獎金 語言:中文(母語)和英語。 工作職責包括: 辦公室助理: 協助員工申請工作證,勞健保加退選,薪資申報,回覆公文,招募員工 通過監督學生和員工的日程安排來幫助支持公司運營。 通過組織辦公室操作和程序、準備工資單、回答家長和學生的問題來幫助維護辦公室服務。 通過指導、諮詢和管教員工,以及規劃和監控他們的日程安排,幫助維護辦公室員工的工作成果。 始終對同事、家長和學生保持積極、善解人意和專業的態度。 及時回應家長和學生的詢問。 了解我們的服務和主題,以便您回答問題。 保留客戶互動、交易、評論和投訴的記錄。 幫助創建和處理發票和賬單。 追踪付款並確保已付款帳戶的準確性。 利用數據庫工具協助財務記錄保存和統計。 教育和經驗要求: 有辦公室工作經驗者優先。 ================================================== Join Our Team in Tianmu, Taipei! We are looking for a full-time Office Assistant to join our tutoring center! We have an international environment with staff from different backgrounds. Position Details: Location: Tianmu, Taipei Hours: Full-time, 40 hours a week (5 days, including Saturdays; off on Sundays + a weekday) Salary: NT$ 35,000 – 40,000/month, depending on experience Who We're Looking For: A native Chinese speaker who speaks English at an intermediate level or higher Friendly and supportive team player Office experience is a plus, but we provide training! What You’ll Do: Help manage student and staff schedules Assist parents and students Handle administrative paperwork, including work permit applications and health, labor, and income declarations What We Offer: Health and labor insurance Paid national holidays and sick leave A welcoming work environment with a diverse team
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/26 Updated