
Company Introduction

Contact Person
Tesla was founded in 2003 by a group of engineers who wanted to prove that people didn’t need to compromise to drive electric – that electric vehicles can be better, quicker and more fun to drive than gasoline cars. Today, Tesla builds not only all-electric vehicles but also infinitely scalable clean energy generation and storage products. Tesla believes the faster the world stops relying on fossil fuels and moves towards a zero-emission future, the better. Tesla vehicles are produced at its factory in Fremont, California, and Gigafactory Shanghai. To achieve our goal of having the safest factories in the world, Tesla is taking a proactive approach to safety, requiring production employees to participate in a multi-day training program before ever setting foot on the factory floor. From there, Tesla continues to provide on-the-job training and track performance daily so that improvements can be made quickly. The result is that Tesla’s safety rate continues to improve while production ramps. To create an entire sustainable energy ecosystem, Tesla also manufactures a unique set of energy solutions, Powerwall, Powerpack and Solar Roof, enabling homeowners, businesses, and utilities to manage renewable energy generation, storage, and consumption. And this is just the beginning. With Tesla building its most affordable car yet, Tesla continues to make products accessible and affordable to more and more people, ultimately accelerating the advent of clean transport and clean energy production. Electric cars, batteries, and renewable energy generation and storage already exist independently, but when combined, they become even more powerful – that’s the future we want.

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除電動車外,特斯拉也致力於發展太陽能與潔淨能源 Tesla vehicles are produced at its factory in Fremont, California, and Gigafactory Shanghai. To achieve our goal of having the safest factories in the world, Tesla is taking a proactive approach to safety, requiring production employees to participate in a multi-day training program before ever setting foot on the factory floor. To create an entire sustainable energy ecosystem, Tesla also manufactures a unique set of energy solutions, Powerwall, Powerpack and Solar Roof, enabling homeowners, businesses, and utilities to manage renewable energy generation, storage, and consumption.


Legal Items
• 年假: 入職即享有15天年假 • 病假: 20天全薪病假 • 團體保險 • 員工認股計畫 (ESPP) • 彈性工時

Company & Workplace


10/3(四)、10/4(五) TESLA TAIWAN 自助預約招募日– Tesla Advisor 電動車銷售顧問(大台北/新竹/台中/台南) 台灣特斯拉汽車有限公司
Salary negotiable
2024年第四季招募活動熱烈進行中!我們正在尋找對 TESLA 品牌充滿熱情,具備銷售經驗和技能的人才加入我們的銷售團隊,上一輪招募活動成功讓許多新夥伴加入我們,期待您成為我們未來的夥伴! 作為TESLA的銷售顧問,您將有機會和喜愛品牌的車迷與未來的車主進行互動,並幫助車主了解自己的需求與 TESLA 的車款。銷售顧問不只是單純的銷售,而是代表品牌展示並推廣我們的理念,歡迎掃描QR code預約面試! -Tesla Advisor銷售顧問/實習生 (台北、新北、新竹、台中、台南) -面試地點: Tesla內湖服務體驗中心A棟(台北市內湖區舊宗路二段1號) -時間: 2024年10月3日、2024年10月4日 10:00-17:00 (請任選一日擇一時段報名) • 預約連結: • 條件需求: - 你對於客戶服務及銷售充滿熱誠,且有相關經驗門市或是業務工作/實習經驗 - 你嚮往能加入一個重視團隊合作,並同時關注個人發展的團隊 - 你樂於接受各種挑戰,擅長聆聽了解別人的需求,同時對電動車有滿滿的熱情 請依照以下步驟進行面試預約: 1.預約成功您將收到系統自動核發之確認信件。 2.立即將個人履歷(PDF檔)email 至 (信件主旨格式:Tesla 招募日-Tesla Advisor-工作地點-日期時間-中文全名) 3.請您於預約面試之時段,提早10分鐘抵達各區會場進行準備 *若履歷篩選未通過,您將收到預定取消通知。 *面談當日通過第一關面試者將直接安排第二關面試。 *報名成功未出席將保留紀錄,於一年內不可再應徵任何Tesla職缺。
English Required
10/01 Updated
Delivery Operation Advisor- FIN Service & Insurance (歡迎金融業相關領域人才應徵) 台灣特斯拉汽車有限公司
Salary negotiable
金融服務和保險營運職位將重點支持特斯拉在台灣的銷售和交付業務。 1. Financial Services Management: Responsible for managing and developing financial services solutions related to automotive sales, including loans, leasing, insurance, etc., and ensuring their highest competitiveness. 2. Insurance Management: Responsible for collaborating with insurance companies and brokerage firms to develop competitive customer products, including vehicle insurance, property insurance, etc. 3. Operations Management: Ensuring day-to-day operational tasks are completed with business partners to enable timely completion of customer documentation for vehicle delivery. 4. Customer Service: Provide high-quality customer service, address internal inquiries regarding financial services and insurance, as well as assisting in resolving customer issues. 5. Financial Analysis: Analyze payment methods categories for automotive sales, develop corresponding financial strategies and plans to improve sales performance and profitability. 6. Legal Compliance: Ensure compliance of financial services and insurance operations with relevant laws and regulations, and timely update of related policies and procedures. 7. Interdepartmental Collaboration: Lead and communicate with financial partners and internal teams to coordinate communication, guide them in completing respective tasks, and ensure effective team operations. 8. Business Development: Develop and implement outbound activities with business partners to increase exposure for Tesla, expand new customer base, and increase company's business scale and market share. 9. System Integration: Communicate, coordinate, resolve, and integrate systems with external financial partners or internal IT teams to provide a better service experience. 1. 金融服務管理:負責管理和開發與汽車銷售相關的金融服務解決方案,包括貸款、租賃、保險等,並確保其最高競爭力。 2. 保險管理:負責與保險公司、保險經紀人合作開發有競爭力的客戶產品,包括車險、財產險等。 3. 營運管理:確保與業務和交付夥伴共同完成日常營運任務,以便及時完成業務和車輛交付的客戶文件。 4. 客戶服務:提供高品質的客戶服務,解決有關金融服務和保險的內部查詢,並協助解決客戶問題。 5. 財務分析:分析汽車銷售的支付方式類別,制定相應的財務策略和計劃,以提高銷售業績和獲利能力。 6. 合法合規:確保金融服務和保險業務符合相關法律法規,並及時更新相關政策和程序。 7. 部門間協作:領導和溝通財務夥伴和內部團隊,協調溝通,指導其完成各自的任務,確保團隊有效運作。 8. 業務拓展:與業務夥伴一起發想並制定活動,以增加特斯拉的曝光度,擴大新客戶群,提高公司業務規模和市場份額。 9. 系統整合:與外部財務夥伴或內部IT團隊溝通、協調、解決、整合系統,提供更好的服務體驗。
English Required
9/25 Updated
Tesla Advisor (Part-time) 電動車銷售顧問 兼職 (台北)-歡迎學生兼職! 台灣特斯拉汽車有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 220~220
-迅速、親切且客製化地接待臨時來訪的客人,開啟對話並確保他們感受到服務熱忱。 -了解我們的客人是誰、他們為什麼來到Tesla、他們的購買意圖和時間表,從而建立一個詳細的客戶檔案。 -通過回答問題和根據客人的興趣和需求提供量身定制的體驗。 -掌握所有Tesla產品和服務的知識,以及當地電動車車主的優惠政策。 -通過收集客戶聯繫信息並為有購買意圖或潛力的個人安排試駕,幫助Tesla維持健康的銷售管道。 Responsibilities: • Engage walk in guests promptly, personally and with the goal of opening the conversation and ensuring they feel welcome • Understand who our guests are, what brought them to Tesla, their intent and timeline to purchase, thus creating a robust Customer Profile • Educate and excite guests by answering their questions and providing a tailored experience based upon their interests and agenda • Demonstrate a mastery of all Tesla products and services, as well as local incentives for EV owners • Help Tesla maintain a healthy sales pipeline by collecting customer contact information and scheduling Test Drives for individuals who exhibit purchase intent or potential
English Required
9/25 Updated
Customer Support Specialist 電話客服顧問 (台北) 台灣特斯拉汽車有限公司
Salary negotiable
Responsibilities • Deliver highest level of customer support by answering inbound calls and emails, on technical support and roadside assistance related inquiry in a 7*24*365 environment • Educate our owners so they have optimal confidence in the operation of their vehicle • Provide workable technical solutions in a professional manner, exceed customer expectation, ensure every aspect of ownership is a true pleasure • Communicate or escalate owner's concern to relevant parties for further follow up whenever necessary • Accurately record issues and data into CRM/ Vehicle Support Systems •通過接聽來電和郵件,提供最高水平的客戶支援,處理技術支援和道路援助相關的查詢 • 教育車主,使他們對其車輛操作充滿信心 • 以專業的方式提供可行的技術解決方案,超出客戶期望,確保車主在所有擁有過程中享受真正的愉悅 • 在必要時將車主的關切進行溝通或升級,並將其轉交給相關方進行進一步跟進 • 將問題和數據準確記錄到CRM/車輛支援系統中
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/25 Updated