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艾沙技術iSSA Technology,意即Intelligent Systems, Sensors and Actuators,我們專注於高階的創新視覺系統,客戶範圍包含工業(Industrial)、醫療(Medical)、特用消費型(Prosumer)以及邊緣深度運算之3D方案 (3D + Edge AI)。我們的核心能力從鏡頭設計、光機封裝到影像調適(IQ tuning)與人工智能(Deep learning)演算法等都於團隊內一條龍式的垂直整合。 # 我們不做Me too的產品,我們追求差異化(differentiation)、而不是價格競爭力(cost leadership),我們著重在自己的核心技術,透過速度、彈性、服務、與品質提供客戶最佳的產品與方案。

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Sản phẩm chính

[Embedded 2D/3D Vision System and Software] 1) Custom 2D vision system for industrial, medical and prosumer applications. 2) Image Processing SoC for vision system. 3) 3D point cloud processing SDK. 4) Object detection SDK via 2D/3D image system on edge computing system; [2D camera solution] 1) Ultra small endoscope camera; 2) High resolution camera for ophthalmic/dental/semi-conductor /industrial applications; 3) Wide angle, miniature camera; [3D camera solution] 1) 3D stereo camera; 2) 3D structure light camera; 3) ToF camera;

Chế độ phúc lợi

1) 人性化管理,彈性的上班時間,依照自己的時間需求調整規劃 (WFH) 2) 每年固定公司放暑假,平日周休二日,優於勞基法之休假制度(新進同仁到職當年即享有年假10日並依年累加之) 3) 不定期員工聚餐或下午茶會,辦公室零食飲料提供。 4) 絕佳辦公環境,工作氛圍,有紀律的扁平化組織。

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

(Senior) Project Manager 艾沙技術股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
GENERAL PURPOSE of the Position:  Familiar with camera, image and handheld device related field in project planning, management and budget control.  Tracking and analyze campaign performance against marketing objectives.  Coordinate with cross-function teams and outside vendors.  Leading the team to resolve the technical or commercial under time pressure. REQUIREMENTS:  Strong and positive attitude taking the challenge in startup business is a MUST.  Bachelor degree or above.  More than 5 years of progressive leadership experiences in project manager position.  Min. 4 years' experience in project/product management.  Fluent in English written and oral communication.  Excellent communication, interpersonal, presentation skills and ability to influence and motivate others.  A confident self-starter with strong analytical mind and attention to detail.  Open minded for new technologies and applications.  Work flexible with uncertainty.  Previous experience in endoscopy, medical image/device, camera or consumer electronics industries are plus.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/21 Cập nhật
BSP 軟/韌體工程師 艾沙技術股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. 熟悉ARM-based Linux嵌入式系統開發 (如Raspberry Pi, Nvidia Jetson, Qualcomm, Ambarella等Linux系統) 2. 負責將開發之演算法移植至嵌入式系統並優化系統表現 3. 進行系統週邊模組(2D/3D camera, BLE and WiFi, touch panel) 驅動程式的開發與維護 4. 對影像串流與機器視覺、2D/3D影像處理與辨識有興趣者
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
10/21 Cập nhật
(Senior) Algorithm Engineer - 3D image 艾沙技術股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1) 影像處理、機器視覺與深度學習演算法開發; 2) 對3D 深度資訊處理與重建 (ToF與Stereo - Structure light架構)有經驗者佳; 3) 對物件辨識(Object detection Algorithm)演算法有經驗或興趣著佳; 4) 熟悉C++, Python, OpenCV, Matlab等影像處理開發軟體; 5) 略懂嵌入式系統或Linux系統佳。 Job Description and Required Competences: Overall This (Senior) Algorithm Engineer develops 3D image and camera related software, specifically the 3D image reconstruction and the application. The developed software (C++, Python, OpenCV or Matlab) will be used on crossed platforms, including Windows and Linux. Responsibilities:  Develop the image fusion algorithm for 2D/3D image;  Reconstruction based on 2D and 3D registration and provide the SDK for it.  Develop recognition (feature extraction) algorithm of face, people, vehicle or human skeleton.  Develop machine learning or deep learning inference model for embedded system as edge computing.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/18 Cập nhật
(資深) 光學工程師 (Sr.) Optical Engineer 艾沙技術股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. 進行成像光學、照明光學等系統模擬與分析 2. 定義產品之光學規格 3.驗證產品之光學表現 4.熟悉軟體工具如Zemax, TracePro, CodeV, AutoCAD, solidworks等
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/18 Cập nhật
(資深)影像處理工程師 艾沙技術股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
#. 進行演算法的設計、分析及模擬。 #. 利用演算法,解決各領域的問題。 1.Systematically establish the image quality measuring environments. 2.Defining and discussing with customer about the specification of image quality when each project is proposed; keep monitoring every key index during the fabrication to ensure the quality of products. 3.Coding & fine-tuning the image quality on the selected platforms. 4.Survey & study varies new image processing technologies needed in the target fields. 5.Establish the testing algorithm, software and methodology for production site. Responsibilities 1.Co-work with other dept. like BD, FAE, EE and Production cross function team to ensure the image quality level. 2.In charge of the image quality tuning jobs in firmware/software domain. 3.Execute the arranged projects.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
10/18 Cập nhật
電子硬體工程師/主管 艾沙技術股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
3D相機以及影像解決方案之硬體研發及測試技術: 1. 硬體線路設計(camera module, ARM system, power system or wireless commuinication)、驗證及除錯 2. 高速數位訊號量測及分析 (MIPI-CSI or DSI, Wi-Fi or BLE 4.0) 3. PCB Layout檢查及驗證 4. 其他主管交辦事項
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/18 Cập nhật
(資深)採購專員 艾沙技術股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 30,000~50,000
1.詢、比、議價採購項目相關作業(優化採購流程,能有效控制庫存及降低成本) 2.原物料交期掌握跟催 3.熟悉採購議價談判技巧及操作ERP系統作業 4.定期進行請款作業,並整理相關表單(如:請款單、驗收單、訂購單) 5.供應商評鑑及管理 6. 專案成本評估與計算
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/14 Cập nhật