
Company Introduction

15 Employees
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本公司跨境服務始於2018年,帶著完整的電商規模發展至東南亞,目前已經協助20間台灣品牌成功跨境至東南亞,提供線上/線下之電商代營運、全方位整合行銷與跨境倉儲物流等服務。跨境版圖從原先的泰國市場,開拓至越南市場,及馬來西亞、印尼市場。 我司提供給預跨境的台灣品牌一站式的服務,不只讓台灣品牌商減少前期搜尋成本,更可提供快速方便地做到量身訂做之跨境服務,包含:數位廣告投放、官網代營運、社群媒體經營等整合行銷。同時,我司在泰國自有第三方倉儲約3000坪,協助台灣廠商在地處理倉儲管理、訂單處理、客服服務。 合作品牌有POLYLULU、未來實驗室、D+AF、VEMAR、PIXY、天藍小舖、MIRAE、ALLYOUNG、IQUEEN...等。

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提供跨國整合的代營運服務,協助台灣品牌電商跨境至東南亞。 【品牌官網代營運】 - 品牌官網UI版型設計 - 文案翻譯,產品上架 - 官網活動企劃,會員經營 【線上線下行銷企劃】 - 社群媒體經營 - 在地活動企劃與創意素材製作 - 數位廣告投放 ,包含FACEBOOK GOOGLE 等 - 網紅行銷合作與直播 - 線下行銷 【跨境發展顧問】 - 跨境前置策略規劃 - 銷售成效追蹤 - 品牌受眾分析 【在地金物流服務】 - 與東南亞金流串接整合 - 在地倉儲出貨與訂單處理 - 多語言客服


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◆ 獎金/禮品類 1.年終獎金。 2.三節獎金/禮品。 ◆ 保險類 1.勞保。 2.健保。 ◆ 休閒類 1.每個星期五免費下午茶。 2.不定期公司聚餐。 3.聖誕節交換禮物聚餐。 ◆ 制度類 1.績效獎金。 2.公司雖小但升遷加薪管道順暢,人人都有機會。 3.因為跨國行銷公司,有不定時出差至東南亞機會。 ◆ 請 / 休假制度 1.週休二日。 2.特休/年假。

Company & Workplace


[DEV]Supplements Research and Development Specialist (Thai) 保健食品研發專員 吉遞特有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.Research new knowledge and the latest technologies in the field of supplements in Thailand, and conduct the collection and analysis of raw materials for supplement products. 2.Perform demand analysis for supplements: study market trends, gather information on competitors, and analyze the current demand for supplement products in the Thai market. 3.Design new supplement products, and control the development progress; conduct feasibility assessments, formulate marketing project plans, and perform sample testing. 4.Manage and develop existing supplement products in Thailand, including adjusting ingredients. 5.Conduct product packaging and copywriting reviews to ensure compliance with food regulations. 6.Establish copy, plans, and promotional materials that meet marketing requirements in the Thai market.
English Required
9/11 Updated
[MK] Thai Marketing Specialist 泰國行銷專員 吉遞特有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 55,000+
1. 管理規劃各社群媒體原始創作、優質內容。 2. 熱愛使用 Facebook、Instagram、YouTube、LINE、Twitter 3. 熟悉泰國時下流行趨勢 4.KOL接洽與行銷規劃 1. Integrate every digital media, create synergy and enhance engagement of our clients. 2. Build up digital marketing plan and executing it with a variety of digital marketing channels, including SEO, display ads, blog, social network, Official Account and any effective and novel channels. 3. Worldwide FB, Tweeter, LinkedIn all social media content creation and management 4. PR content create, media, blogger relation management 5. Define the next era of social-network marketing for global 6. Formulate digital marketing plan driving awareness and engagement. 7. Plan and hold impactful online user engagement events.
9/11 Updated
[MK] Thai Marketing Intern / Part time 泰國行銷實習生 吉遞特有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 190~190
1. 管理規劃各社群媒體原始創作、優質內容。 2.熱愛使用 Facebook、Instagram、YouTube、LINE、Twitter 3. 熟悉泰國時下流行趨勢 4.KOL接洽與行銷規劃 1. Integrate every digital media, create synergy and enhance engagement of our clients. 2. Build up digital marketing plan and executing it with a variety of digital marketing channels, including SEO, display ads, blog, social network, Official Account and any effective and novel channels. 3. Worldwide FB, Tweeter, LinkedIn all social media content creation and management 4. PR content create, media, blogger relation management 5. Define the next era of social-network marketing for global 6. Formulate digital marketing plan driving awareness and engagement. 7. Plan and hold impactful online user engagement events.
9/11 Updated
[MK] Thai Marketing Project Manager 行銷專案經理 吉遞特有限公司
Salary negotiable
【行銷執行與專案管理能力】 - 具備良好的溝通協調能力,能夠帶領行銷部門內部及其他部門夥伴,共同完成專案。 - 能夠掌握專案進度並控制成本。 - 能夠與主管協同擬定客戶的行銷宣傳計畫,並確保宣傳執行的服務品質。 【提案與簡報製作能力】 - 具備清晰表達和溝通說明能力。 - 能夠獨立完成行銷提案的簡報製作。 【行銷策略與企劃能力】 - 具備獨立規劃單一專案的行銷策略和媒體宣傳波段的能力,並能與主管協同合作。 - 具備策略協作能力,能夠與主管共同擬定行銷策略企劃並加以執行。 【部門管理能力】 - 能夠與主管共同帶領部門內部,與客戶、廠商、合作單位、KOL進行溝通聯繫,並維護關係。 -能夠與主管一同協助部門內的成員成長,並幫助他們獨當一面。 【Marketing Execution and Project Management Skills】 - Possesses excellent communication and coordination skills, capable of leading the marketing department internally and collaborating with partners from other departments to complete projects together. - Able to grasp project progress and control costs. - Capable of collaborating with supervisors to devise marketing and promotional plans for clients, ensuring the quality execution of promotional activities. 【Proposal and Presentation Creation Skills】 - Demonstrates clear expression and communication skills. - Can independently create presentations for marketing proposals. 【Marketing Strategy and Planning Skills】 - Able to independently plan marketing strategies for individual projects and media promotion channels, and collaborate with supervisors. - Possesses collaborative strategy skills, able to work with supervisors to devise and execute marketing strategy plans. 【Department Management Skills】 - Capable of jointly leading the internal department with supervisors, and communicating with clients, vendors, partners, and KOLs to maintain relationships. - Able to assist department members' growth with supervisors and help them stand on their own.
Mid to Senior Level
Partially Remote
9/11 Updated
[MK] Marketing Project Manager 行銷專案經理 吉遞特有限公司
Salary negotiable
【行銷執行與專案管理能力】 - 具備良好的溝通協調能力,能夠帶領行銷部門內部及其他部門夥伴,共同完成專案。 - 能夠掌握專案進度並控制成本。 - 能夠與主管協同擬定客戶的行銷宣傳計畫,並確保宣傳執行的服務品質。 【提案與簡報製作能力】 - 具備清晰表達和溝通說明能力。 - 能夠獨立完成行銷提案的簡報製作。 【行銷策略與企劃能力】 - 具備獨立規劃單一專案的行銷策略和媒體宣傳波段的能力,並能與主管協同合作。 - 具備策略協作能力,能夠與主管共同擬定行銷策略企劃並加以執行。 【部門管理能力】 - 能夠與主管共同帶領部門內部,與客戶、廠商、合作單位、KOL進行溝通聯繫,並維護關係。 -能夠與主管一同協助部門內的成員成長,並幫助他們獨當一面。 【Marketing Execution and Project Management Skills】 - Possesses excellent communication and coordination skills, capable of leading the marketing department internally and collaborating with partners from other departments to complete projects together. - Able to grasp project progress and control costs. - Capable of collaborating with supervisors to devise marketing and promotional plans for clients, ensuring the quality execution of promotional activities. 【Proposal and Presentation Creation Skills】 - Demonstrates clear expression and communication skills. - Can independently create presentations for marketing proposals. 【Marketing Strategy and Planning Skills】 - Able to independently plan marketing strategies for individual projects and media promotion channels, and collaborate with supervisors. - Possesses collaborative strategy skills, able to work with supervisors to devise and execute marketing strategy plans. 【Department Management Skills】 - Capable of jointly leading the internal department with supervisors, and communicating with clients, vendors, partners, and KOLs to maintain relationships. - Able to assist department members' growth with supervisors and help them stand on their own.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
9/11 Updated
[MK] Japan Marketing Intern / Part time 日本行銷實習生 吉遞特有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 190~190
- 協助市場調查、用戶洞察分析 - 中日文書面與翻譯,與客戶廠商溝通 - 熟悉日本時下流行趨勢 - KOL接洽與行銷規劃
9/11 Updated
[MK] Digital Media Buyer 跨境數位廣告優化師 吉遞特有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 45,000+
【你需要做什麼?】 • Google Ads 、Facebook、Tiktok、Line 等廣告操作投放及優化分析 • Google Analytics 廣告成效追蹤與分析 • 監控並分析廣告數據,提供廣告投放建議與方案 • 媒體報表與結案製作 • GTM與廣告程式碼設定 • 其他主管交辦事項 【你需具備什麼?】 • 具備媒體代理商經驗 • 熟悉Excel及簡報技巧 • 具備電子商務廣告與App廣告投放經驗 • 積極主動、細心 • 責任感強、有良好團隊合作精神 *加分條件 • 持有廣告平台相關證照者,享優先面試機會 (Google Ads 搜尋廣告認證、Google Ads 影音廣告認證、Google Analytics個人認證、Facebook Blueprint等) Welcome to join our media buying team if you are interested to gain more experience in crossplatform media buying. We help clients buy ads across platform such as FB/Google/Line/Tiktok/Shopee/Lazada,JD,etc.
English Required
Partially Remote
9/11 Updated