citizenM taipei northgate hotel_升柏投資有限公司

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35 Số nhân viên
Người liên hệ
Emma Kuang
Điện thoại
citizenM 成立於2008年,我們是一家全球性的企業,快速在世界各地的城市擴展。總部位於荷蘭,並在紐約和西雅圖設有辦公室,我們在美國、歐洲擁有酒店,在2017年我們第一家亞洲酒店落地台北。15年後,我們在全球擁有38家酒店,並計劃在世界上所有令人興奮的城市開設更多酒店。你可能從未在我們蓬鬆的枕頭上入眠,但這並不意味著我們不是一個安全的選擇。 我們正在尋找擁有積極態度的人才。我們理解每個人在不同的生活和職業階段都有不同的才能和需求。我們提供機會讓你在專業和個人層面上學習和成長。 citizenM was founded in 2008, we are global and rapidly expanding in cities across the world. Based in The Netherlands, with offices in New York and Seattle, we have hotels in the US, Europe and in 2017 first one in Asia located in Taipei. Fifteen years later, we had 38 hotels globally and are looking to open more in all the exciting cities of the world. You may have never slept on our fluffy pillows, but that doesn’t mean we’re not a secure choice.

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🙂 分享歡樂 🙂 提供所有被需要的協助 🙂 操作 citizenM 專用系統 🙂 提供特製沙拉或簡餐 🙂 製作特級咖啡及調製雞尾酒 🙂 Make sure everyone gets a warm welcome as soon as they walk in 🙂 Helping guests at the self-check-in kiosks (we have no reception desk) 🙂 Preparing and serving hot and cold local food 🙂 Brewing delicious coffee or mixing a signature cocktail 🙂 Being a secret concierge to the city, answering guests'' questions about the best places to visit, eat, shop or party 🙂 Maintaining the living room and the canteen clean, and arranging food displays for the following shift 🙂 Helping our guests with any requests or demands regarding our facilities (you may even get some new tech skills)

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
•優於市場的薪資待遇 •好玩有趣的工作 •完善的員工權益及保障 •優質員工餐飲 •績效獎金及各項獎勵 •特定培訓課程與個人發展計劃 •國外培訓學習機會 •透明順暢的升遷管道 •三節獎金 •全球免費員工住宿

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Cơ hội việc làm

【兼職】(晚班) 飯店服務大使 (part-time) hotel afternoon ambassador citizenM taipei northgate hotel_升柏投資有限公司
Lương theo giờ NT$ 185+
全新的工作方式,服務大使! 最好玩的一份工作:優於市場的待遇、好玩有趣的工作環境、更多出國體驗的機會。我們,是一間顛覆傳統的飯店! 你不需要具備相關經驗,只要有一顆善良的心、一雙溫暖的手,且能兼顧多重職務,歡迎成為 citizenM 獨特的飯店主人! 🙂 你的主要工作包括: 🙂 分享歡樂 🙂 提供所有被需要的協助 🙂 操作 citizenM 專用系統 🙂 提供特製沙拉或簡餐 🙂 製作特級咖啡及調製雞尾酒 Hello, fellow mobile citizens, We are opening our ambassador job posting now so that we can get in touch and stay in touch with YOU! We want to start the conversation so that we can connect you with the potential opportunities we have available as soon as the time is right. Your typical citizenM shift could include: 🙂 Make sure everyone gets a warm welcome as soon as they walk in 🙂 Helping guests at the self-check-in kiosks (we have no reception desk) 🙂 Preparing and serving hot and cold local food 🙂 Brewing delicious coffee or mixing a signature cocktail 🙂 Being a secret concierge to the city, answering guests' questions about the best places to visit, eat, shop or party 🙂 Maintaining the living room and the canteen clean, and arranging food displays for the following shift 🙂 Helping our guests with any requests or demands regarding our facilities (you may even get some new tech skills)
Bán thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/15 Cập nhật
飯店服務大使 citizenM Taipei hotel day ambassador citizenM taipei northgate hotel_升柏投資有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 35,000~40,000
全新的工作方式,服務大使! 最好玩的一份工作:優於市場的待遇、好玩有趣的工作環境、更多出國體驗的機會。我們,是一間顛覆傳統的飯店! 你不需要具備相關經驗,只要有一顆善良的心、一雙溫暖的手,且能兼顧多重職務,歡迎成為 citizenM 獨特的飯店主人! 🙂 你的主要工作包括: 🙂 分享歡樂 🙂 提供所有被需要的協助 🙂 操作 citizenM 專用系統 🙂 提供特製沙拉或簡餐 🙂 製作特級咖啡及調製雞尾酒 關於全職排班... 🙂 早班 06:45 – 15:15 🙂 晚班 14:45 – 23:15 🙂 大夜班 22:45 – 07:15 (視營運需求) Hello, fellow mobile citizens, We are opening our ambassador job posting now so that we can get in touch and stay in touch with YOU! We want to start the conversation so that we can connect you with the potential opportunities we have available as soon as the time is right. Your typical citizenM shift could include: 🙂 Make sure everyone gets a warm welcome as soon as they walk in 🙂 Helping guests at the self-check-in kiosks (we have no reception desk) 🙂 Preparing and serving hot and cold local food 🙂 Brewing delicious coffee or mixing a signature cocktail 🙂 Being a secret concierge to the city, answering guests' questions about the best places to visit, eat, shop or party 🙂 Maintaining the living room and the canteen clean, and arranging food displays for the following shift 🙂 Helping our guests with any requests or demands regarding our facilities (you may even get some new tech skills) Typical shift: rotating shifts citizenM loves diversity.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/15 Cập nhật
飯店大夜班服務大使 citizenM Taipei hotel overnight ambassador citizenM taipei northgate hotel_升柏投資有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 38,000~41,000
citizenM says: 發掘全新的工作方式,成為我們的服務大使 有可能是最好玩最享受的一份工作! 這裡,有優於市場的薪資待遇;這裡,有好玩有趣的工作環境;這裡,是非一般的飯店! 我們希望你能活出真我。你不需要具備相關行業經驗,但我們希望你能在citizenM貢獻你的獨家知識和技能! 服務大使 - 面向全球、喜歡微笑、可同時兼顧多重職務的飯店主人 🙂 作為我們的服務大使,你必須天生就是一個熱情且性格樂觀的人,並懂得尊重別人。你會與其他同伴一起工作,為客人提供超卓的服務! 你的主要工作包括: 🙂 歡迎客人蒞臨citizenM的快樂國度 🙂 於自助住房登記站(前台)為客人提供協助 🙂 操作酒店管理系統 🙂 為客人提供特製沙拉或簡餐 🙂 你將學會製作特級咖啡及調製雞尾酒 🙂 保持飯店大堂及canteenM整潔 🙂 為canteenM補充貨品 🙂 確保食物及飲品的質量 🙂 與客人交談及細心聆聽,提供有關酒店及當地資訊,介紹最佳的吃喝玩樂及購物的好去處 關於全職排班... 🙂 大夜班 22:45 – 07:15
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/15 Cập nhật