
Company Introduction

35000 Employees
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EP Group / 榮誠集團 專業從事國際知名品牌運動鞋生產,集設計、研發、生產於一體,集團資金雄厚、設施配套、設備先進、技術一流、環境優美、生活舒適,是一個大型現代化跨國制鞋企業集團。 EP 集團整合來自四個生產基地國家的七家工廠,與 adidas 品牌建立了長期的戰略合作關係。 在集團高層的領導下,堅持以「以人為本」的企業文化,齊心協力以善念為先,以利他為念。 EP Unite! EP Perform! EP Succeed!

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【智能製鞋的領頭羊 , 運動鞋業中的人文工廠】 - EP 儲備幹部計劃 : 精英召集令 - 敬邀年輕精英加入 EP 大家庭,與我們一起共創美好的未來!


《薪酬福利》 - 固定薪資與獎金 (獎金依當年度公司營運績效及個人表現績效而定) - 完善的教育訓練與培訓課程,e-Learning 培訓平台 - 順暢透明的升遷管道 - 員工宿舍、員工餐廳、健身房 - 女性職工哺乳室 - 廠區多元休閒活動運動場 ※備註:上述薪酬福利事項,悉依聘僱約定與工作規範辦理,各廠區略有差異。如因公司政策進行調整,則依現行規定辦理。

Company & Workplace


【EP 全球策略佈局】Multilingual HR Specialist - Indian 香港商榮誠台灣有限公司
Salary negotiable
Job Description : • Develop and execute recruitment strategies to attract and retain top talents in India. • Collaborate with hiring managers to understand their translation needs and requirements. • Manage the end-to-end recruitment process, including job postings, scheduling interviews, and conducting reference checks. • Source, screen, and interview potential candidates to assess their knowledge, skills, and cultural understanding. • Analyze HR data and metrics to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. • Build and maintain relationships with translation schools, language institutes, and other relevant organizations to expand the candidate pool • Stay up-to-date with relevant laws, regulations, and industry best practices related to HR management and compliance. • Provide regular updates to the HR Manager on recruitment metrics and progress. • Translate documents accurately and efficiently between Chinese, English, and Hindi languages. • Provide interpretation between Chinese and Hindi during meetings, conferences, and other business interactions. • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment and integration of HR initiatives with overall business objectives. Qualifications: • Bachelor's degree or above in Human Resources Management, Business Administration, or related field. • Proficiency in Chinese (written and spoken), Hindi (native), and English. • Proven 3-5 year experience in HR management processes, document translation, and interpretation. • Good analytical skills with the ability to interpret data and generate meaningful insights. • Knowledge of relevant laws, regulations, and compliance requirements related to HR. • Experience working in manufacturing or exposure to Chinese work culture is preferred. • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills. • Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.
Senior Level
9/25 Updated
【EP Group HQ 】 自動化工程師/ Industrial Automation Engineer 香港商榮誠台灣有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 推行品牌自動化相關專案 2. 對應集團三區生產單位開發前段,測試新自動化機台 3. 升級/改造現有機台 4. 尋找業界先進的機台 1. help implement brand automation project 2. test new automation machines 3. upgrade/modify current machines 4. search for new automation machine on the market
Senior Level
English Required
9/25 Updated
【EP 全球策略佈局】品管-儲備主管 (應屆畢業可) 香港商榮誠台灣有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 維護產品品質與品質體系運作 2. 品質異常處理並執行相關改善專案 3. 跨部門溝通以確保產品品質符合期待 4. 量產物性測試,試做控管及追蹤
English Required
9/25 Updated