
Company Introduction

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日本羊醫股份有限公司 是 日本來台設置的預防醫學科技業公司。目前全球約200多名員工。 於亞洲各國如印度、越南、泰國、中國、菲律賓、印尼、新加坡均有據點。 於2021年2月來到台灣設置公司,準備提供給台灣的人民一個日式精神的產品與服務。 We're a medical technology company promoting the digital transformation of orthodontics and preventative care. Our story began with the fastest aging, but healthiest population in the world – Japan. With our preventative care model, SheepMedical provides health services to extend global life expectancy. SheepMedical was founded in 2017. Our unique perspective on aging populations challenges the increasing global medical costs associated with preventable health issues. We continue to offer patients advanced health benefits and first-class care as we strive for longer life spans across the globe.

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Main Products

SheepMedical 主要產品是牙齒矯正的 綺麗雅隱形矯正。 www.kireilign.com.tw 與傳統的牙齒矯正相比,具有以下優點。 ○不顯眼(因為它薄,無色且透明,所以很少被其他人注意到) ○可拆卸(在飲食、刷牙時可拆卸,可以保持牙齒清潔) ○減少麻煩(由於不使用金屬或支架,因此傷害到口腔或設備斷開的風險較小) 此外,SheepMedical 為患者和牙醫提供智能手機關懷服務 KireiCare,以最大程度地滿足患者的矯正體驗。

Company & Workplace


Marketing Project Specialist 日本羊醫股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
SheepMedical Taiwan Company Site: www.sheepmedical.com SheepMedical - Kireilign, provides clear orthodontics aligner service to encourage easy start, willing to solve problems of people's teeth. Product Site: www.kireilign.com.tw Our strong point is the ability to create aligners that match each patient's tooth pattern by making full use of our original state-of-the-art computer modeling technology. Plus, we provide comprehensive support in line with clients, such as the development of information systems on smartphones and systems used in clinics. At our company, along with the introduction of parts, we provide a support system tailored to each dental clinic as a smartphone application. Job Description: About the Role of the Marketing Project Specialist The Project Specialist will be responsible for expanding market share and growing product recognition by ensuring clear brand positioning and marketing strategy which lead to the increased of customer. In this role, you will manage core providers and subcontractors to ensure strong brand equity and performance. If you're a fast learner and passionate about contributing to the fast growth business with strategic thinking, analytical and strong implementation skills, customer-orientation mindset, and collaborative approach, you are the person we want on our team! In this role, you'll get to: • Identify and understand local market trends, dental and orthodontic related practice initiatives, and patient needs • Work closely with operations team and sales team to identify focus areas and maximize customer reach and impact • Analyze practice digital marketing initiatives and make recommendations to optimize to drive patient engagement • Work cross-functionally to support the development of marketing programs and initiatives to evaluate customer online presence, optimize patient experiences and increase patient conversion rate • Create and execute marketing programs and initiatives, working closely with Sales and Customer Service, to drive case utilization • Use insights to create customer journeys, experiences, and touchpoints • Analyzes reports and other data sources that gauge the health and growth of the business • Develop and execute marketing programs that increase brand identity and brand awareness • Ability to think big, delivering strategic solutions driving knowledge and enablement • Develop and monitor marketing performance data analytics and trend of Taiwan market and recommendations for further adoption and growth • Provide workshops on social platforms, developing social and digital content, current editing and creative tools, coach on leveraging promotional opportunities, and cobranding materials • Ensure effective implementation of marketing guides, tools and resources in Taiwan market • Educate practices on how to leverage digital campaign assets and social media (both paid and organic content) to grow their target consumer audience and bring more qualified leads
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/16 Updated
產品專員 (隱型矯正牙體技術相關) 日本羊醫股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
日本羊醫 正招募 隱型矯正 產品專員 加入我們的團隊 公司網頁 www.sheepmedical.com 產品網頁 www.kireilign.com.tw 職務需求條件 • 可獨立聯繫排牙部門,審核矯正排牙之設計、規劃 • 可與內部團隊及醫師溝通 • 可與供應商溝通 • 協助與支援公司業務部門與行銷部門相關活動(不需做業務工作) • 協助部門內部相關作業指導書之制定、實施、檢查、監督和控制 • 有團隊精神,樂於團隊互助 • 擁有良好的溝通能力,喜歡與人接觸及互動 • 積極正面的面對工作上的任何挑戰 • 完成主管交辦事項
Senior Level
English Required
9/16 Updated
客服銷售員 Customer Service Sales【保障底薪4萬&銷售業績獎金】 日本羊醫股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
日本羊醫 正招募 綺麗雅 隱形矯正的 客服銷售員 (Customer Service Sales) 加入我們的團隊 工作內容 - 透過訊息或電話聯繫經由行銷活動所帶進來之潛在消費者 - 介紹並解說產品及其理念 - 協助消費者聯繫診所窗口約診及溝通 - 協助消費者了解並其治療計劃及療程關懷 提供具競爭力的薪資和獎金,保障底薪4萬 公司網頁 www.sheepmedical.com 產品網頁 www.kireilign.com.tw 職務需求條件 • 協助提升消費者對品牌好感度與認知 • 牙科口衛相關科系或擁有牙醫產業相關工作或牙助經驗尤佳 • 對於產品推展及銷售有熱忱,有同理心、善於溝通、喜歡與人互動交流 • 有團隊精神,樂於團隊互助 • 擁有良好的溝通能力,喜歡與人接觸及互動 • 積極正面的面對工作上的任何挑戰
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/16 Updated